Acrylic glazing, advantages & disadvantages, 33
A-frame greenhouses, ease of building, 24
All-season water supply systems, 34
Alpine house greenhouses, about, 22
Aluminum frames, advantages and disadvantages, 32
Anchors, extra firm, 124
Anchor stakes, 29
Automatic watering systems, 36–37
Bamboo/copper borders, building about, 198
step-by-step, 199–201
Bamboo trellises, building about, 160
step-by-step, 161–163
Benches building built-in potting about, 134–135
step-by-step, 136–137 building cedar garden about, 206–207
step-by-step, 208–209 building tiled garden about, 210–211
step-by-step, 212–213
Benches for greenhouses, ideas, sizes and storage use, 48–49
Bins for composting, building about, 142–144
step-by-step, 145–147
Birdbaths building hypertufa about, 194–195
step-by-step, 195–197 building sand casted, 223
Birds, attracting, 197
Borders building copper/bamboo about, 198
step-by-step, 199–201
casting concrete landscape & garden about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
making poured-in-place concrete, 232–233
Boxes as planters, building about, 186–187
step-by-step, 188–189
Brick paver floors, 31
Browns & greens in compost, 142
Building codes, 28
Built-in potting benches, building about, 134–135
step-by-step, 136–137
Capillary mats for watering, 36–37
Cast concrete ornaments birdbath project, 223
deck bowl project, 223
garden columns, making, 224–225
introduction to, 223
Casting concrete landscape & garden borders, building about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
Cedar garden benches, building about, 206–207
step-by-step, 208–209
Cementboard, working with, 214
Century Farm, Minnesota, 14
Cold frame boxes, building about, 112–113
step-by-step, 114–115
Cold frames, 26
Coloring concrete, 228
Columns, making cast concrete garden about, 224
step-by-step, 225
Compact greenhouses, idea, 15
Compost bins, building about, 142–144
step-by-step, 145–147
Compost corrals, building easy about, 148–149
step-by-step, 150–151
Concrete borders, making poured-in-place step-by-step, 232–233
Concrete, coloring, 228
Concrete floors, 31
Concrete footings, 30
Concrete landscape & garden borders, casting about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
Concrete ornaments, casting birdbath project, 223
deck bowl project, 223
garden columns, making, 224–225
introduction to, 223
Concrete paver floors, 31
Concrete slabs, 30
Concrete stepping stones, making about, 224
step-by-step, 227
Conservation greenhouses, about, 23
Cooling greenhouses, 46–47
Copper/bamboo borders, building about, 198
step-by-step, 199–201
Copper lanterns, building about, 202, 203
Copper shepherd’s hooks, building, 205
Corrugated panels, protecting, 65
Cost examples, 10
factors, 14
Cove molding, making for concrete landscape & garden borders, 231
Crown molding, making for concrete landscape & garden borders, 231
Custom Victorian Greenhouses, building about, 52–53
door, 56
framing, 54
materials, 57
roof, 55
step-by-step, 58–71
windows, 56
Deck bowl project, casting, 223
Diamond trellises, building about, 178–179
step-by-step, 180–181
DIY Gabled Greenhouses, building about, 72–73
step-by-step, 74–77
Dome greenhouses, about, 21
Drip-irrigation systems, 36
Dry wells, 35
Dutch light greenhouses, about, 19
Earth anchors, 29
Easy compost corrals, building about, 148–149
step-by-step, 150–151
Easy to build greenhouses, 24
Edging building copper/bamboo about, 198
step-by-step, 199–201
casting concrete landscape & garden about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
making poured-in-place step-by-step concrete, 232–233
Evaporative coolers, 47
Fiber-cement siding, working with, 214
Fiberglass glazing, advantages & disadvantages, 33
Fiberglass hypertufa recipe, 193
Flagstone floors, 31
Fluorescent lighting, 38–39
Footing, types, 30
Foundations, for greenhouses, 29–30
Framing materials, 32–33
Free design software for greenhouses, 23
Freestanding greenhouses, advantages and disadvantages, 13
Freestanding kit greenhouses, building about, 78–79
step-by-step, 80–85
Frieze molding with decorative relief, making for concrete landscape & garden borders, 231
Gabled greenhouses, building DIY about, 72–73
step-by-step, 74–77
Galvanized steel frames, advantages and disadvantages, 32
Garden beds, building raised about, 116
with kit, 118
plant compatibility, 119
step-by-step with timbers, 117
Garden beds & covers, building raised about, 120–121
step-by-step, 122–125
Garden benches building cedar about, 206–207
step-by-step, 208–209
building tiled about, 210–211
step-by-step, 212–213
Garden borders & concrete
landscape, casting about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
Garden columns, making cast concrete, 224–225
about, 224
step-by-step, 225
Garden edging, building copper/ bamboo about, 198
step-by-step, 199–201
Garden sheds, building mini about, 214–217
step-by-step, 218–221
Glass glazing, advantages & disadvantages, 33
Glazing & covers, 33
Greenhouse elements benches & storage, 48–49
building codes, 28
cooling, 46–47
floors, 31
foundations, 29–30
framing materials, 32–33
glazing & covers, 33
lighting, 38–39
ventilation, 44–45
water supply systems, 34–37
Greenhouses factors in choosing, 10, 13, 14
free design software, 23
kits, 25
siting, 16–17
styles gallery, 18–23
Greenhouses, building freestanding kit about, 78–79
step-by-step, 80–85
Greenhouse tables, building about, 138–139
bench top and shelf surface options, 141
step-by-step, 140
Greens & browns in compost, 142
Hanging trellises, building planters with about, 172–173
step-by-step, 174–177
Heated greenhouses temperature categories, 13
uses, 10
Heating calculating needs, 41
conserving, 42–43
incandescent lights, 39
Heat sinks, 42
High-intensity discharge (HD) lighting, 39
High-low potting benches, building about, 130–131
step-by-step, 132–133
Hoophouses about, 22
ease of building, 24
Hoophouses, building PVC about, 86–88
step-by-step, 89–91
Hoop-style greenhouses. See Hoophouses
Hotbeds, 26
Hydroponics, 51
Hypertufa birdbaths, building about, 194–195
step-by-step, 195–197
Hypertufa planters, building about, 190–191
step-by-step, 191–192
Hypertufa, working with, 193
Inlaid tiles, casting concrete landscape landscape & garden borders with, 231
Irrigation all-season water supply systems, 34
capillary mats, 36–37
drip-irrigation, 36 misting systems, 37, 108
overhead-sprinklers, 36
rain barrels, 152–153
seasonal water supply systems, 35
simple solutions, 34
Kit greenhouses, building freestanding about, 78–79
step-by-step, 80–85
Kits about, 25
cost examples, 10
plastic door, 77
for raised planting beds, 118
Kneewalls, 29
Landscape & garden borders, casting concrete about, 228
coloring, 228
adding custom details, 231
building, 229
step-by-step, 229–230
Lanterns, building copper about, 202, 203 step-by-step, 202, 204–205
Lean-to greenhouses about, 18
advantages and disadvantages, 13
idea, 12
Lighting systems misting and, 108
types, 38–39
Liquid shading, 47
Location of greenhouses, 10, 16–17
Mansard greenhouses, about, 20
Microclimates, 43
Mini garden sheds, building about, 214–217
step-by-step, 218–221
Mini-greenhouses, about, 20
Misting about, 37
GFCI-protected receptacles and, 108
lighting and, 108
Molding detail, adding to concrete landscape & garden borders, 231
Ornaments, casting concrete birdbath, 223
deck bowl, 223
garden columns, 224–225
introduction to, 223
Overhead-sprinkler systems, 36
Pathway gravel floors, 31
Pathway stones, making about, 224
step-by-step, 225
Paver floors, 31
Pier footings, 30
Planter boxes, building about, 186–187
step-by-step, 188–189
Planters building hypertufa about, 190–191
step-by-step, 191–192
building trellis about, 168–169
step-by-step, 170–171
Planters with hanging trellis, building about, 172–173
step-by-step, 174–177
Plants compatible for raised planting beds, 119
Polycarbonate glazing, advantages & disadvantages, 33
Polygonal greenhouses, about, 21
Potting benches building built-in about, 134–135
step-by-step, 136–137
building high-low about, 130–131
step-by-step, 132–133
building simple about, 126–127
step-by-step, 128–129
Potting materials storing, 49
types, 50–51
Poured-in-place concrete borders, making step-by-step, 232–233
Produce dryers building solar, 156–158
using trays, 159
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) frames, advantages and disadvantages, 33
PVC Hoophouses, building about, 86–88
step-by-step, 89–91
Quonset house greenhouses. See Hoophouses
Racks for starting seeds, building about, 108–109
step-by-step, 110–111
Rain barrels, making, 152–153
Raised planting beds, building about, 116
with kit, 118
plant compatibility, 119
step-by-step with timbers, 117
Raised planting beds & covers, building about, 120–121
step-by-step, 122–125
Sand casting, 223
Sandwich board trellises, building about, 164–165
step-by-step, 166–167
Seasonal water supply systems, 35
Seed starter racks, building about, 108–109
step-by-step, 110–111
7/8" cove molding, making for concrete landscape landscape & garden borders, 231
Shades, 46–47
Shading compound, 46
Sheds building mini garden about, 214–217
step-by-step, 218–221
modifying into greenhouses, 92
Shed-style Greenhouses, building about, 92–94
building section diagram, 95
elevations, 98
framing plans, 96–97
front & side door construction plans, 99
header, window and table details, 100
rafter templates, 100
rake board detail, 100
soffit detail, 98
step-by-step, 101–105
Shepherd’s hooks, building copper, 205
Simple potting benches, building about, 126–127
step-by-step, 128–129
Size of greenhouses factors for choosing, 14
use and, 10
Solar produce dryers building about, 156–157
step-by-step, 158 using trays, 159
Starter racks for seeds, building about, 108–109
step-by-step, 110–111
Stepping stones, making about, 226
step-by-step, 227
Storage building Versailles Planters for about, 182–183
step-by-step, 184–185
in greenhouses, 49
Strawberry barrels, building, 154–155
Sunlight, siting and, 16–17
Sunrooms about, 27
idea, 27
Tables for greenhouses, building about, 138–139
bench top and shelf surface options, 141
step-by-step, 140
Thermostats, 43
Three-quarter span greenhouses, about, 19
Three-season greenhouses, 10
Tiled garden benches, building about, 210–211
step-by-step, 212–213
Timber foundations, 30
Traditional span greenhouses, about, 18
Trellises building bamboo about, 160
step-by-step, 161–163
building diamond about, 178–179
step-by-step, 180–181
building planters with hanging about, 172–173
step-by-step, 174–177
building sandwich board about, 164–165
step-by-step, 166–167
Trellis planters, building about, 168–169
step-by-step, 170–171
Unheated greenhouses, uses, 10
Ventilation, 44–45
Versailles Planters, building about, 182–183
step-by-step, 184–185
Victorian Greenhouses, building custom about, 52–53
door, 56
framing, 54
materials, 57
roof, 55
step-by-step, 58–71
windows, 56
Virtual Grower (free design software), 23
Water supply systems all-season, 34
capillary mats, 36–37
drip-irrigation, 36
easy, 34
misting, 37
overhead-sprinkler, 36
rain barrels, making, 152–153
seasonal, 35
Water temperature, 37
Wet saws, using, 210
Winterizing seasonal water supply systems, 35
Wood-frame Gabled Greenhouses, building about, 72–73
step-by-step, 74–77
Wood frames, advantages and disadvantages, 32