[Board: Military][OP: XI8], April 2, 2011, 14:38:49 [Page:1]
Sender: XI8 (XI8 Nickname), Board: Military
Now foreigners don’t want them [Falun Gong practitioners], so they are crying and yelling to go back [to China]. The [Chinese] embassy refuses to issue passports because their identities cannot be verified. So each of them is crying and yelling, shamelessly hanging around outside the embassy, and [I] saw quite a few thrown out by security guards.
Sender: LBK (LBK Nickname), Board: Military
You haven’t found a job. You may practice FLG [Falun Gong] one day.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: Now foreigners don’t want them, so they are crying and yelling to go back.
Sender: XI8 (XI8 Nickname), Board: Military
I guess you don’t even know what a 401K is. NED [National Endowment for Democracy] will never provide social welfare for you, right?
>>Sender: XI8 (XI8 Nickname), Board: Working
>>[You’re] truly an inexperienced, unenlightened guy.
>>Our company deposits 3 percent without our contributing a single penny.
Quoted from LBK (LBK Nickname)’s Post:
: You haven’t found a job. You may practice FLG one day.
Sender: XWR (XWR Nickname), Board: Military
Joining the older generals [Laojiang] when you are at a dead end? So you Laojiang have many such precedents [that became Laojiang because they were at a dead end]?
Quoted from LBK (LBK Nickname)’s Post:
: You haven’t found a job. You may practice FLG one day.
Sender: XWF (XWF Nickname), Board: Military
Then what do they do? Without passports and their identities unable to be verified? Stay underground here in the U.S. for their entire lives?
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: Now foreigners don’t want them, so they are crying and yelling to go back.
Sender: LBK (LBK Nickname), Board: Military
The [Chinese] embassy has been nice to you then, even provided this [401K] for you.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: I guess you don’t even know what a 401K is. NED will never provide social welfare for you, right?
Sender: LBK (LBK Nickname), Board: Military
There are many such precedents among young generals [Xiaojiang].
Quoted from XWR (XWR Nickname)’s Post:
: Join the older generals [Laojiang] when you are at a dead end?
Sender: XWR (XWR Nickname), Board: Military
The U.S. government respects human rights, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Quoted from XWF (XWF Nickname)’s Post:
: Then what do they do? Without passports and their identities unable to be verified?
Sender: XWR (XWR Nickname), Board: Military
Unpromising young generals turn into old generals. No wonder old generals are of low quality.
Quoted from LBK (LBK Nickname)’s Post:
: There are many such precedents among young generals [Xiaojiang].
Sender: XI8 (XI8 Nickname), Board: Military
If that doesn’t happen, they can be shipped to India and herded [like animals] with Dalai Lama and his supporters. Though they may suffer in terms of their material life, they should enjoy a spiritual life under the sunshine of democracy.
Quoted from XWF (XWF Nickname)’s Post:
: Then what do they do? Without passports and their identities unable to be verified?
Sender: XWF (XWF Nickname), Board: Military
Aren’t illegal immigrants thrown in jail?
Quoted from XWR (XWR Nickname)’s Post:
: The U.S. government respects human rights, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Sender: XMD (XMD Nickname), Board: Military
If the U.S. is smart, they should take measures to prevent these people from becoming anti-U.S. terrorists.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: Now foreigners don’t want them, so they are crying and yelling to go back.
Sender: XWR (XWR Nickname), Board: Military
[Verified] illegal immigrants [are sent to] jail and provided with food and accommodation. This is human rights.
Quoted from XWF (XWF Nickname)’s Post:
: Aren’t illegal immigrants thrown in jail?
Sender: XWR (XWR Nickname), Board: Military
Chinese people won’t. One American guy in my company who visits Asia frequently told me frankly [that] Chinese people are either good or bad. Easy to tell that. The good guys have a diverse attitude toward the U.S., and the bad guys all love the U.S.
Quoted from XMD (XMD Nickname)’s Post:
: If the U.S. is smart, they should take measures to prevent these people from becoming anti-U.S. terrorists.
Sender: XJS (XJS Nickname), Board: Military
Not many wheels would tear up their passports. Those who do are mostly illegal immigrants.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: Now foreigners don’t want them, so they are crying and yelling to go back.
Sender: XI8 (XI8 Nickname), Board: Military
These wheels are as cheap as boneless pugs, and they don’t even have the balls to become terrorists.
Quoted from XMD (XMD Nickname)’s Post:
: If the U.S. is smart, they should take measures to prevent these people from becoming anti-U.S. terrorists.
Sender: XMD (XMD Nickname), Board: Military
[The] Laojiang hate the CCP. So they can hate the U.S. as well when the U.S. abandons them. That’s very normal.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: These wheels are as cheap as boneless pugs, and they don’t even have the balls to become terrorists.
Sender: XTL (XTL Nickname), Board: Military
You practiced?
Quoted from LBK (LBK Nickname)’s Post:
: You haven’t found a job. You may practice FLG one day.
Sender: XCI (XCI Nickname), Board: Military
I glanced at NTDTV [a Falun Gong media outlet] yesterday, and they were stirring this up. Through this, we further see wheels are the trash among the trash.
Quoted from XI8 (XI8 Nickname)’s Post:
: Now foreigners don’t want them, so they are crying and yelling to go back.
Note: The users’ names have been anonymized to protect their privacy.
Source: “Wheels Tore Their Passports Up for Political Asylum,” Mitbbs, April 2, 2011,