Improve Your Basic Speed: Striders

All runners should do striders. Yes, all. By “striders” I mean runs of 100 meters or so, done on flat, level ground after an easy run, at the pace you feel you could hold for a half mile or so. A typical session entails 8 to 12 striders, with as much recovery as you want in between so that you can run the remaining striders with good, relaxed form.

That “relaxed” part is key. Striders are about learning to run fast but free of strain. They’re about moving quickly but lightly. Because they’re so short, you shouldn’t find yourself tying up during them, and your breathing should return to normal soon after.

Striders build your running-specific leg strength and take you through a much greater range of motion than an average easy or moderate run. They’ll also help you maintain a light, quick cadence. Striders build a smoother running form, which is then yours to benefit from on all your runs.

: 101West


Striders should leave you feeling good, like a kid dashing down the street. American 10K record-holder Chris Solinsky once told me he often does impromptu striders because they’re so enjoyable—once you’re used to doing them, it’s simply fun to run fast.

Do a session of striders once or twice a week, and I guarantee that within a month you’ll feel better on most of your runs.