How’s Your Turnover?

The number of times your feet hit the ground per minute is partly fixed by genetics and the standard operation of your central nervous system. There’s no perfect cadence for distance running, but you’ll run faster with more efficiency and less strain if you get your turnover up to at least 170 foot strikes per minute. (Determine this by counting the number of times one foot hits the ground in a minute, and doubling.)

If your turnover is less than 170, make a conscious effort on some runs to cover the ground with a quicker cadence. Striders at least once a week are crucial to bumping up your natural stride rate. You can also do a fast feet shuffle after some runs to train your central nervous system to work more rapidly. Without really lifting your feet, shuffle along as quickly as you can for 10 seconds. Walk around for a minute, and repeat twice.

: Alison Wade
