Abecassis, Joël
Accum, Friedrich Christian
acetic acid
acidity: acidification and aging of meat, effect on proteins, of wines for fondue
actin (myofibrillary protein)
Adenier, Hervé
adenosine 5-triphosphate (atp)
adenosine monophosphate
Adrià, Ferran
alcohol: in bread, cartagènes (mistelles) apéritifs, considerations of temperature, cooking egg whites, mistelles, molecular transfer between water and oil, in sausage, whiskey and scotch whiskey, see also champagne; ethanol; wine; wine making; wine tasting
aldehydes: in bread, molecular transfer of, between water and oil, in sausage, in Strecker degradations of amino acids
algal fibers
alkanes: in sausage, in Spanish hams
allergies to foods
Alsatian wine
amino acids: cysteine, importance to flavor, Maillard reactions and Strecker degradations
animals: diet of, affecting flavor of flesh, distinguishing between bitter stimuli, frogs’ exposure to capsaicin, gene immunization for nonallergic reaction, primates’ recognition of sweetness, rats’ reaction to glutamate, see also plants
anthocyanins in wine
antibodies and cross-reactions
antioxidant agents: aromatic plants as, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), phenols, plant phenol acids
Anton, Marc
apple juice, darkening of
aromas: improving for hard sausage, measurement of, promise of synthetic, see also odorant molecules; olfaction
aromatic compounds: action of ketoglutarate, hydrophobic and hydrophillic, in lactic bacteria, preparations by laboratory chemists, see also odorant molecules; olfaction
art of cooking
artificial noses
Asakura, S
ascorbic acid: addition to bread dough, as antioxidant agent, in lemons
Auclan, Marcelle
Audot, L.-E
Autran, Jean-Claude
Axelos, Monique
Axel, Richard
Babinski, Henri
bacteria: Eubacterium limosum, in hard sausage, lactic, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactococcus lactis, Listeria, strengthening flavors of cheese, Streptococcus thermophilus
Baelle, Jean-Louis
Balas, Laurence
barrels or vats for wine aging
basting meat
Baumé, Antoine
Bavarian cream
Bayonove, Claude
beans, softening
béarnaise sauce: as emulsion, improving with glucose
Becarri, Jacopo
beef: allowing to rest after roasting, searing steak, tenderizing by aging, tenderizing by marinating
beef extract, see also stock
Beeton, Isabella
Békésy, G. von
Berdagué, Jean-Louis
beverages. See champagne; coffee; milk; tea; wine
bicarbonate of soda
Bihan, Denis Le
bitterness: altered by salt, animals’ aversion to, discovery of several types
Blake, Anthony
Blanc, Raymond
blended whiskey
Bocquet, Félix
Boggio, Vincent
boiling water: air bubbles in, cooking échaudés, gnocchi, or dumplings in, egg white hardening in, hard-boiling eggs in, heating slowly for broth, time required for, with or without salt
Bonnefons, Nicolas de
botrytis fungus (noble rot)
Bouchilloux, Patricia
bouillon. See stock
Boulet, Jean-Claude
Bourriot, Sophie
brain, processing of information from taste receptors
brandy, for braising meat
bread: behavior of wheat flour, flavor from fermentation of yeast, freezing, French bread’s flavor and crustiness, for putting out fire of hot peppers, retaining freshness
Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme
Briones, G. Lopez
broth. See stock
browning of meat
brown pigment (fruits or vegetables turning brown)
Brussels sprouts
bubbles. See foam of champagne; foams
Buck, Linda
Burkitt, Denis
butter: absorption of odorant molecules, making spreadable
cadaveric rigidity
caffeine, bitterness lessened by salt
Caicedo, Alejandro
calcium carbonate
Capsicum family of hot peppers
caramel: structure of, varying flavor of
carbon dioxide: bubbles from yeast, in champagne, for preserving mushrooms
carboxylic acid
Carême, Marie-Antoine (Antonin)
cartagènes of Languedoc (mistelles apéritifs)
casein proteins: as emulsifying agent, in foams, in milk
Castelain, Chantal
cauliflower, floating or sinking in boiling water
Caulliez, Roland
Cerf, Barbara
champagne: chilling, demi (small bottle) versus magnum, foam of, lipstick’s effect on fizz, preserving fizz, source of fizz, see also wine
champagne flutes
Chantilly cheese
Chantilly chocolate
charcoal, activated, as enzyme inhibitor
Charles, Marielle
Chaudhari, Nirupa
Chaveron, Henri
Chavignol Chantilly
cheese “béarnaise”
cheese fondue, question of “doctoring,”
cheesemaking: action of rennet, aging, diet of cows affecting flavor, from raw milk, research supporting commercial protection, strengthening flavors with bacteria
cheese mousse
cheeses: absorption of odorant molecules by, Camembert, goat, Gruyère, as milk “preserves”, texture of
cheese soufflés
chelation (sequestration), calcium ions
chemistry, as part of culinary art
Chevreul, Michel-Eugène
chewing. See mastication
chicken, seasoning meat before cooking
children, eating habits of
Chinese truffles
chinois (or China cap)
chocolate: Chantilly cream, introduced in pastry, preventing white film on
chocolate bavarois (Bavarian cream)
“chocolate dispersion” dessert
chromatography, gaseous phase. See gas chromatography
citric acid: adding to wine for fondue, in very dry wines
Clément, Didier
climate for winegrowing
Clostridium botulinum
cocktail crackers
cocoa butter
coffee: cooling before sipping, salting to remove bitterness of caffeine
coffee grounds, for experiment with particulates in suspension
cold chains
cold storage, of: bread (freezing), champagne, chocolate, goose livers, meat, mushrooms, smoked fish, Spanish hams
collagen in fish
collagen in meat: as baseline for measuring toughness, contraction of, dissolving by immersion in acid solutions, dityrosine bonds in, osmotic transfer, as sheath for muscle fiber
Collignan, Antoine
Colombié, Auguste
color: browning of meat, of pasta, potatoes turning brown after cutting, of trout
compartmentalization of foods
consommé, tomato
Conticini, Christian
cooking, as application of heat
cooking times, for meat
copper, blocking aromatic action of thiols
copper utensils: for cooling jam, for preserving fruit, for whipping egg whites, see also kitchen equipment
corks in champagne bottles, in wine bottles
Coulon, Jean-Baptiste
Courthaudon, Jean-Louis
crackers: “extruded”, retaining freshness
cream, as emulsion
crème anglaise: made with chocolate, preventing curdling
crème patissière
crust, penetration of, by oil and vapors
Cruz, Ernesto
Culioli, Joseph
cups, for coffee, considerations for cooling
curdling, preventing in crème anglais
Curnonsky (Maurice Edmond Sailland)
custards. See crème anglaise; quiche
Daoud, Mohamed
Darriet, Philippe
Davidou, Sylvie
Defaye, Jacques
degrees (temperature), possible confusion of
dehydrogenase glutamate
denatonium benzoate
desserts: Chantilly chocolate, “chocolate dispersion”, chocolate pastry, puff pastries, sabayons (zabaglione), see also meringues; mousse
detergent, effect on champagne fizz
diet: of cows, affecting flavor of cheeses, of fish, effect on flavor of flesh, of Iberian pigs, effect on flavor of flesh
digestion, and taste receptors
discoloration of fruits and vegetables
disulfide bridges
DNA, receptor of capsaicin (VRI)
dormancy period of vegetable species
double-cooking methods
Doublier, Jean-Louis
dough made with chocolate
Douillard, Roger
Dransfield, Eric
Dubois, Pierre
Dubourdieu, Denis
duck (salmis de canard)
dulse seaweed
Duteurtre, Bruno
eating, reasons for and pleasures in
échaudés, when finished cooking
efficiency, eliminating old wives’ tales
eggs: differing densities of yolk and white, dissolving shell in vinegar, preserving, property of expansion, see also soufflés
eggs, hard-boiled: centering yolks in, cooking time, piercing shell to prevent cracking, in salted water
egg white: albumen in, avoiding yolk when beating into foam, beaten stiff for soufflés, cepe mushroom-scented, for clarifying stocks, coagulation by vinegar, differing densities of yolk and white, for foam, subsitituting gelatin and water, hardening in boiling water, meringues, as protein and water, yolkless mayonnaise, see also foams
egg yolk: in center of hard-boiled egg, coagulation of, in successful crème anglais, differing densities of yolk and white, having complex structure, mayonnaise from, in sabayon (zabaglione), structure of
emulsions: aioli as, cream as, creating foam from, as dispersed systems, fat essential in, fondue as, layers of tensioactive molecules, mayonnaise as, milk as, odorant molecules’ release, sauces as
Engel, Erwan
Engels, W
environment, for food production. See terroirs
enzymes: dehydrogenase glutamate, inhibitors to prevent darkening of fruits or vegetables, for intensifying grape flavor, present or added for cheesemaking, see also polyphenols
Escoffier, August
Escudier, Jean-Louis
esters: in bread dough, molecular transfer of, between water and oil, in wines, red and white
ethanol: as alcohol found in liquor, considerations of temperature, as marinade, tests of odorant molecules, see also alcohol
Étiévant, Patrick
Eubacterium limosum
Even, Patrick
expansion: of bread dough through yeast, eggs’ property of, osmotic, of quiche, of soufflés
extrusion cooking: compression technology, recovering pectin from fruit pulp
Farmer, Linda
fats. See lipids
fatty acids, preventing oxidation of
Fauconneau, Benoît
Faurion, Annick
fava beans
Feillet, Pierre
fermentation of yeast
Fermigier, Marc
fibers: algal, recovering from commercial production operations
films: clear, on surface of tea, protein, see also plastic film
fines herbes
firmness in quenelles
Fischer, Emil
Fischer, Ulrich
fish: collagen in, lipids in, smoking salmon
flavor: as all-encompassing and difficult to describe, as integrated experience, means of incorporating into food, “natural” versus “laboratory-engineered”, odorants as components of, physiology of, see also aromas; aromatic compounds; odorant molecules; olfaction; taste receptors; tasting
flour: as amylose and amylopectin starch granules, in crème anglaise, in fondue, preventing release of aromas from odorant molecules, starch granules in, for thickening sauces, see also starch
foam, of champagne
foams: as dispersed systems, from emulsions, examples of, of gelatin and water, lipstick’s antifoaming effect, release by chewing, sabayons (zabaglione), stability of, stiff egg whites, see also mousse
foie gras: cooking livers for, whisked into creamy texture
fondue, preparation and cooking
Fontanet, Isabelle
food allergies
food science
free radicals
freezing bread, see also cold storage
French bread’s flavor and crustiness, see also bread
French fries
freshness of ingredients: preventing discoloration of fruits and vegetables, for country versus city dwellers
fruits: preserves, pans for preparing, preventing discoloration in
frying: Brillat-Savarin on theory of, souffléed potatoes
funnel, separating
Gabrielle, E. H
gamma-45 gliadin protein
Gandemer, Gilles
Gannon, Kimberley
Garcia Fernandez, José Manuel
Garnier, Catherine
gas chromatography: aromatic molecules of hard sausage, molecular extracts, molecules of wine
gastronomy, definition of
gelatin: as enzyme inhibitor, as substitute for egg in mayonnaise, usefulness in sauces, and water as foam
gelatinization process: avoiding strings and lumps, microscopic view of, parameters for, pectin in
Gélis, M. A
gels: flan as, gellification process and lemon juice, as lattice, of myosin, release by odorant molecules by chewing
genetically modified organisms, concerns of allergens
Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de
Gerhardt, Charles
glasses for wine
Glories, Yves
goat cheese
goose livers, for foie gras
Gouffé, Jules
Goutefongea, René
Graneboeuf, Delphine
granularity of texture
gravimetric method
Green, Barry
Guégen, Jacques
Guichard, Élisabeth
Guy, Gérard
Hamine eggs
ham, Spanish
handedness, relationship to perception of taste
hard-boiled eggs. See eggs, hard-boiled
hard-grain wheat
hard sausage
hard water
Hawking, Stephen
health effects, adverse, from: allergies to foods, bacteria on mushrooms, failure to sterilize preserves of fruit, insufficient dietary fiber, listeriosis, low-temperature cooking of meat, pathogens in hard sausage, sulfited wines
Himalayan truffles
Hladik, Claude Marcel
hollandaise sauce
Holley, André
hundred-year-old eggs
hybrid vegetables
ice cubes, for clarifying stock
Ikeda, Kikunae
iron, ferrous and ferric
Issanchou, Sylvie
Jackson, Michael
Jaganyl, Deogratius
jam. See preserves and jam
Janex-Favre, Marie-Claude
juiciness, juices in meat
Julius, David
jumbles (pains à l’anise)
Keller, Gérard
Kellogg, John Harvey
keto acid
ketones: in bread dough, methyl, in sausage, molecular transfer of, between water and oil
kitchen equipment: chinois (or China cap), copper utensils, filtration and vacuum/waterjet pump devices, glass containers for cooling jam, glasses for wine and champagne, pots and pans for preparing preserves, separating funnel, syringe, thermometers, tin pans, wooden shelves for glassware storage
Knockaert, Camille
knots (pains à l’anise)
Kurti, Nicholas
lactic acid
lactic bacteria
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactococcus lactis
lactones in bread dough
Lahaye, Marc
Laminaria digitata algae
land and landscape, for food production. See terroirs
Lapointe, François-Joseph
Laroche, Michel
latex, allergies to
Lavigne-Cruege, Valérie
Lavigne, Frédéric
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent
Lebon, Éric
l’Écluse, Charles de
Lecq, Guy
Lefebvre, Jacques
Lef èvre, Florence
Legendre, Pierre
Lehuédé, Patrick
Le Meste, Martine
lemon juice: added to pasta cooking water, added to tea, protective effect against discoloration
lentils, softening of
Leseigneur, Anne
lettuce, effect of salt on
Liebig, Justus von
Linforth, Rob
lipids: in flesh of fish, importance of for flavor of meat, as indispensable, perfume makers’s use of fat, starch substituted for, in liver mousse
lipstick, effect on champagne fizz
liver mousse
Loewe-Stanienda, Britta
Loiseau, Bernard
Loisel, Christophe
Lorient, Denis
low-temperature cooking
Lucas, Peter
Maillard, Louis-Camille
Maillard reactions: enhanced with vinegar or bicarbonate of soda, fat essential to, problem of controlled tests of, products as aromatic components of heated foods, of sugars with amino acids or proteins
malic acid
Malvy, Joël
Margolskee, Robert
marinating, of beef
Marin, François
Martin, Bruno
mashed potatoes
mass spectrometry
mastication: Brillat-Savarin on, effect on release of aromas, for enjoyment, and meat’s tenderness and juiciness, process of
Mathiot, Ginette
Mathonière, Christèle
Maujean, Alain
mayonnaise: acidity and beating, aioli as relative of, “broken” (separated), cooking and replacing oil with chocolate, as emulsion, quantities from one egg yolk, stabilization of, yolkless and eggless varieties
meat: “aioli” from, basting, collagen and boiling versus roasting, cooking times for, effect of cold storage on, juices in, liquid, absorption of, liquid, reintroducing with syringe, recipe possibilities using double-cooking methods, restructuring with textural additive, roasted, flavor and fat content, searing, fallacy of, transformations caused by cooking
meat stock. See stock
medical considerations. See health effects, adverse
medicine: analgesic effect of capsaicin, food as
meltability, as aspect of texture
membrane channel proteins
Menon, M
meringues: quantities from one egg white, rising, vacuum storage versus heating
metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR4)
metallic salts, effect on red fruits
micelles, of casein
Mielle, Patrick
milk: added to tea, allergic reactions to, casein proteins in, for cooling coffee, as emulsion, gelatinizing without destabilizing, mashing potatoes with
milk products: butter, yogurt, see also cheeses
mineral salts, in goat cheese
Mioche, Laurence
molecular gastronomy
monosodium glutamate, see also glutamate
Montel, Marie-Christine
moon, influence on sugar in grapes
Morlat, René
Mottram, Donald
Mouly, Anne-Marie
mousse: Chantilly cream varieties, cheese, chocolate, as foam, liver
Moutounet, Michel
Mulder, Gerardus Johannes
muscle fibers of meat
mushrooms: aroma of, making cepe mushroom-scented oil, packaging for retention of freshness, truffles
myofibrillar proteins
myosin (myofibrillary protein)
myosin gels
neurotransmitters, glutamate
Nicklaus, Sophie
Nicolaïdis, Stylianos
Nicolas, Jacques
noses: artificial, human
Oates, John
odorant molecules: attempts to trap for better flavor, as components of aroma, as components of flavor, human nose for detection of, in lactic bacteria, loss with water evaporation from sausage, micro- and macrocompartmentalization of, release and migration of, retention in solution, slowing evaporation of, see also aromas; aromatic compounds; olfaction
oenology. See wine making
Offant, Pierre
oil: considerations of temperature, droplet size in vinegar-based salad dressings, French fried potatoes in, preventing pasta from sticking, souffléed potatoes in
Okuda, Kazudo
olfaction: measurement of aromas, role of nasal cells, salt in relation to, theory of aromatization of foods, via teleolfaction and telegustation, see also aromas; aromatic compounds; odorant molecules
olive oil: Brillat-Savarin’s opinion of
Ollitrault, Rolande
Ollivon, Michel
onions, “aioli” from
Oozawa, F
osmosis: assumption of, as poor predicter, and osmotic expansion, role in aging of meat
Ouali, Ahmed
ovens, temperature control and calibration
oxidant compounds
oxygen: in champagne, effect of polyphenol oxidase
pains à l’anise (jumbles or knots)
Palmaria palmata algae
Panoïotis, Frédéric
Papin, Denis
Paquet, Denis
Pardo, Marie-Paule
Pardon, Patrick
parietal tissue, as pectin and cellulose
Parmentier, Antoine-Augustin
particles in broth, segregation of
pasta: chewing, cooking, making, role of starch granules and egg and flour proteins in
pastries, making with chocolate
pathogens: Listeria, prevention in cheeses by lactic acid
peanuts, allergic reactions to
pectin: in cell walls of plants, as detergent for cleansing polluted water, for firming preserves, recovering by extrusion cooking
Péligot, Étienne
peptidases (enzymes)
perfume makers’s use of fat
Péron, Jean-Yves
pH (measure of acidity): effect on stability of emulsions, and role of copper in preserves, of water for cooking pasta
plants: as antioxidants, fibers of, membranes of cells, see also animals; mushrooms; vegetables
plastic champagne flutes
plastic film (plastic wrap): for packaging fresh mushrooms, as wrapping for sausage during curing process
plastic stoppers for champagne bottles
Platina (Bartholemeo Sacchi)
polyphenols: oxidases, rate of oxidation, reaction with proteins, in soil eaten by Colobus satanas monkeys, in tartaric salt-saturated wines, in tea
polyvinyl pyrrolidone
Pomiane, Édouard de
potassium bromate
potatoes: French fries, mashed, quatrième gamme fries, souffléed, starch granules in, turning brown after cutting
pots and pans. See kitchen equipment
preserves and jam: optimizing sugar concentrations, pots and pans for preparing, problem of failure to set
primates: monkeys eating soil, recognition of sweetness
Prinz, Jons
protected designation of origin (appellation d’origine contrôée): cartagénes (mistelles) apéritifs, cheeses, relationship between land and its products, scotch whiskey’s terroirs, Spanish hams
protein films
proteins: acidity of solution, casein, champagne’s foam, coagulation of during cooking, dissociation into amino acids, as electrically charged polymers, gamma-45 gliadin, globular and nonglobular, gluten as, gustducin, ionization and electrical charges, lipids and, membrane channel, in membrane of nasal cells, micelles, myofibrillar, odorant molecules and, pasta and, plasma and granular, polyphenols with, prolamins, resilin, solubility, Spanish hams, curing and, taste of, detection of, as tensioactive molecules, transducins, VRI, ;as water-trapping gel, wheat, gluten and sulfur atoms, yogurt and
proteolytic enzymes
puffed-up (souffléed) potatoes
puff pastries: expansion of, making with chocolate
quality of ingredients
quenelles: kneading of, preparing and cooking, reasons for puffing up
quiche, expansion of
Ralet, Marie-Christine
raw milk cheeses
Raymond, Michel
recipes: Chantilly cheese, Chantilly chocolate, cheese béarnaise, chocolate in pastries, doubtful, foamy foie gras, improving, possibilities using double-cooking methods, turkey with flavor variations
refrigeration. See cold storage; temperature considerations
Renard, Catherine
resilin proteins
Richard, Hubert
Robillard, Bertrand
Roper, Stephen
Roquefort Chantilly
Rousselot-Paillet, Dominique
Rousset-Akrim, Sylvie
roux, avoiding lumps in
Rumford, Count (Benjamin Thompson)
sabayons (zabaglione)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer’s yeast)
Sacchi, Bartholemeo (Platina)
Saguy, Sam
Sailland, Maurice Edmond (Curnonsky)
Saint-Pierre, Bernard
salad dressings, migration of odorant molecules
salad greens: effect of salt on lettuce, packaged and ready-to-eat
salicylhydroxamic acid
saliva and salivation: action of enzymes on Sauvignon Blanc grape, conveying molecules to taste receptors, function in mastication, tannins’ effect on, see also taste receptors
Salles, Christian
salmis de canard
salmon, smoking
salt: altering bitter and sweet flavors, curing of Spanish hams, deficiency of, effect on vegetables, enhancing sour note in goat cheese, metallic, effect on red fruits, in process of smoking fish, seasoning meat before cooking, and time for water to boil, varieties of
satiation, sensation of
sauces: avoiding lumps in, Chavi-gnol Chantilly, Roquefort Chantilly, etc., as emulsions, flour for thickening, keeping hot, thickening caused by starch
Schaeffer, Alex
science of food
scotch whiskey
Scoville, Wilbur
sea hair
sea lettuce
searing meat
second messengers
sedimentation of particles
Seguin, Gérard
Semur, Jean-Paul
separating funnel
shallots, “aioli” from
single malt scotch
skills in cooking
smoking salmon
sodium bicarbonate, for softening lentils
sodium, causing metabolic changes
sodium metabisulfite
sotolon in vin jaune (yellow wine)
soufféed potatoes
souffés: broiling top before baking, cooking in vacuum-expanded state, heating from below, question of expansion
sous vide cooking. See low-temperature cooking
soy sauce, in marinades
Spanish hams
sparkling wine. See champagne
spiciness (hot): acclimatization to, reasons for enjoyment of
Spiro, Michael
spoilage, preventing, starch: as amylose and amylopectin, density of, fava bean paste, gelling to paste or purée, in liver mousse, in pasta, preventing aromas, retrogradation, for stabilizing emulsions, swelling in water, see also flour
steak, searing of, ii, see also beef
steaming of meats
steam, in soufféed potatoes
stock: aromatic compounds introduced, clarifying, filtering, early experiments with, making, question of salting before cooking, question of starting in cold water, reabsorption by cooked meat
Strecker degradations of amino acids
Streptococcus thermophilus
sucrose octaacetate
sugar: caramel, for cooling coffee, as glass, optimizing concentration for syrups, in smoking fish, see also sweetness
sulfites: prevent darkening of fruits or vegetables, in wines
sulfur dioxide
surface energy, of champagne glass
suspensions: as dispersed systems, as emulsions
sweetness: altered by salt, species-specific sensitivity to, see also sugar
Swift, Jonathan
syringe, for injection of juice into meat
syrups, optimizing sugar concentrations
Taillevent (Guillaume Tirel)
Talon, Régine
tannic acid as marinade
tannins: diminishing astringency of wines, effect on saliva, in soil eaten by monkeys, in wine
tartaric acid
tartrate deposits in wine
taste receptors: activation by calcium ions, advantage of weak bonds, brain’s processing of information from, and digestion, elusiveness, excitement of neurons in, four classically recognized tastes, innervation by cranial nerves, lateralization of taste perception, molecules changed by saliva, pairing with G-proteins, receptor proteins in, saliva, salt stimulating, similarity to receptor cells in eye, teleolfaction and tele-gustation, and tongue’s thermal variations, VRI channel, see also aromas; aromatic compounds; odorant molecules; olfaction; saliva and salivation
tasting: Curnonsky’s aphorism on, liver mousse, as subjective activity, tests of goat cheese, tests of single-malt scotches
Taylor, Andrew
tea: cooling before drinking, plaques on surface of
teaspoons: for cooling coffee, “teaspoon effect” and pressure in champagne bottles
technology of cooking: distinguished from science, thermometers
teleolfaction and telegustation
temperature considerations: behavior of polymers, of boiled eggs, boiling points of liquids, bread and cracker storage, heat capacity, low-temperature cooking, tempering of chocolate, thermometers, for whipping Chantilly cream, wines and champagnes, see also cold storage
tempering of chocolate
tenderizing meat: by marinating, by proper aging
tenderness of beef: effects of aging, cold storage, and cooking temperature, perceived as juiciness
tenderness of cooked eggs
tensioactive molecules
terpenic glycosides
terroirs: affecting flavor of cheeses, of scotch whiskey, uniqueness and protected designation of origin, of winegrowing regions of Alsace
Tessié, Justin
texture: attempts to classify, of cheeses, of foie gras, granularity, relationship to flavor and aroma, relationship to mastication, of stored mushrooms, studies of beef
thermal tastes
Thibault, Jean-François
This, Hervé
Thompson, Benjamin (Count Rumford)
Tilley, Katherine
tin pans
Tirel, Guillaume (Taillevent)
Tomas, Anne
tomato consommé
Tominaga, Takatoshi
tongue: effect of thermal variations, parts non-specific to particular tastes, parts specific to particular temperatures, receptor proteins in papillary cells of, see also taste receptors
Tribaut-Sohier, Isabelle
Trochon, Éric
trout: Brillat-Savarin on frying in olive oil, optimization of gel formation, proteins in muscle tissue, studies of causes of variable quality
Tuber melanosporum (black truffles)
tuberous chervil
Ueda, Ryuzo
umami: identification of receptor for, from onions and tomatoes, so-called fifth taste
utensils. See kitchen equipment
vacuum packing: of fruits and vegetables, and low-temperature cooking
vacuum pumps
Valade, Michel
Vallet, Jean-Luc
Varoquaux, Françoise
Varoquaux, Patrick
vats or barrels for wine aging
vegetables: algae, Brussels sprouts, cooked in salted water, hybrids, introduction of novel varieties, preferred by children, preventing discoloration in, sea hair, sea lettuce, wakame, see also potatoes
Ventanas, Jesus
Vercauteren, Joseph
Viallon, Christine
Viard, A
Viarouge, Claire
vin de fleur or vin de voile
vin de paille
vinegar: adding to pasta cooking water, drinkability with addition of sugar, as ingredient of marinades for meat, preserving eggs in
vin jaune (yellow wine)
violets, aroma of
Visser, S
vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
vitamin E
volatile compounds. See odorant molecules
VRI protein
Wack, Anne-Lucie
Wal, Jean-Michel
water: boiling point of, distilled, for filmless tea, in emulsions, evaporation during cooking, hardness of, needed for foaming of sabayon (zabaglione), polluted, pectins as detergent for cleansing, quantity “gelatinized” by one egg, reabsorption by cooked meat left in, with sodium bicarbonate for softening lentils, vaporization during baking of souffés
waterjet/vacuum pumps
Weisfred, Eduardo
Westermann, Antoine
wheat flour: hard-grain, understanding behavior of
wine: as aid to mastication, Alsatian, chilling or bringing up to room temperature, effects of sulfur in, in fondue, in marinade, in reductions, soto-lon in vin jaune (yellow wine), storing bottles lying down, sulfited, tannins diminishing astringency of, see also champagne
wine glasses
wine making: filtration, improving with glucose, intensifying grape flavor with enzymes, noble rot, stabilizing and preventing tartrate deposits, terroirs of Alsace, vats versus barrels
wine tasting: intervals of sips and sniffs, length of time in mouth, role of enzymes in saliva, Sauvignon Blanc
Wong, Gwendolyn
yeast: fermentation of, keto acid, producing carbon dioxide bubbles, and sulfur compounds, in winemaking
yellow wine (vin jaune)
Yvon, Mireille
zabaglione (sabayons)
zucchini, “aioli” from