
Special Thanks


I would be remiss if I did not say thanks to all the many people who helped me with the publication of this book. Even after doing it all once before, I am still learning and figuring out the whole publication process.

Thank You, God, for being my vision, wisdom, and Savior. You are the only reason I exist in this world for such a time as this.

Thank you to all my beta-readers: Mom, Naomi, Garry, Joanna, Molly, Travis, Andrew, and Valerie. All of your comments—whether spelling, grammar, history, theology, or storyline—were extremely helpful.

Many thanks to Perry for, yet again, doing an awesome job with the book cover and for working with me to find the perfect image. The cover is gorgeous! She also did a wonderful job with the formatting.

Extra special thanks go to Naomi who helped me learn and describe many of the signs for James so I could describe them. Also, thank you Mom, Lydia, and Naomi for spending hours proofreading (including reading parts out loud to Seth) for me! You gals did an awesome job!

If he reads this part of the book, he will probably be surprised to see his name here, but I would like to thank Pastor George. Thank you for being a courageous pastor who stands up for what is right no matter what. While Miles Jenkins isn’t really modeled after you, your willingness to talk about the tough issues reminds me of Miles and was an inspiration for him. Thank you!