THE FIRST PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO APPRECIATE FOR making this book possible are also the youngest people. From my agent’s son, Zach, who gave Starfire a thumbs-up from the slush pile; to my daughter, who challenged me to write scenes that made her cry; to you, the reader! This story belongs to the children who care about it.

And now for the adults!

I’m forever thankful to my agent, Jacqueline Flynn, who read my manuscript and understood Star immediately. Describing him as a cross between Luke Skywalker and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Jacquie remains Star’s passionate first advocate (and mine too!).

I’m grateful to editorial director Rosemary Brosnan at HarperCollins Children’s Books, who acquired Starfire and then infused the series with her enthusiasm and vision! It’s an honor to work with Rosemary and her talented team of book lovers.

It’s been equally thrilling to partner with Karen Chaplin, Starfire’s primary editor. Her suggested edits trimmed away all the unnecessary scenes and revealed the beating heart of the story beneath. She helped me bridle my wild manuscript and turn it into a well-behaved book, and for that I am grateful! I call her “the book whisperer.”

A special thank-you goes to the artist who created the cover, the map, and the interior sketches—David McClellan. David captured the soul of Starfire in one epic book cover! (It took me an entire novel to convey the same thing, but I’m not jealous. Not at all.)

I’m also grateful for the outpouring of support from HarperCollins Children’s Books, including: Marketing: Kimberly VandeWater. Publicity: Olivia DeLeon. Jacket and interior design: Sarah Nichole Kaufman. Sales: Andrea Pappenheimer and the whole sales team. And Library Outreach: Patti Rosati, Molly Match, and Preeti Chhibber. I can’t thank you enough for giving the Guardian Herd book series the wings it needed to fly.

Personally, I’d like to thank my friends, church, and community for supporting my writing dreams long before this book was written—especially: Karen Perez, Mary Fletcher, Tracy Goodman, Angie Moberly, Julie and Traci Takasugi, Yvette Chester, Kathi Dalton, Bonnie and Salina Shelton, Kat Braunstein, Jennifer and Eva and Jay Ratcliffe, Jeannie Acuna, Rebekah Rocha, Jennifer Berndt, Shannyn Vehmeyer, Pat Hodgkin, Mariah Mullins, Desiree Rodriguez, Tamah Hulett, Jennifer Anderson, Shaylene King, and Angela Turpin.

And to everyone who knows me—thank you for understanding when I plunged into the land of Anok and disappeared for a while. I wish I could bring back souvenirs from my travels, but this book is all I have to offer. Maybe someday, somehow, I can take you with me.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to my favorite librarian on earth (next to my mother!). Gail Bland showed me that being an author is a state of mind, not a state of publication.

I’m blessed to have a fantastic family!

My husband thought I was crazy to try any career besides writing, but it took me awhile to believe that for myself. Thank you, Ramon, for encouraging me, believing in me, and dreaming for me. When I came to my senses, you made it easy for me—giving me the space and time I needed to write. I love you.

My family has cheered me on the whole way: my three kids—Nick, Crystal, and David; my parents—Charles and Sheila; my stepdad—Jeff; and my siblings—Daniel and Yuri, Angela and Jerry, Christian and Sarah, and Joel. You are in the book because you are in my heart.

Thanks to every horse I ever rode, even the ones that bucked me off!

Special love goes to Comet, the opinionated and loyal chestnut pony that is the inspiration for Morningleaf, and to my protective, motherly mare, Maddie, the inspiration behind Silvercloud.

Finally, I must give a special shout-out to my daughter. She woke up each morning while I was writing Starfire and read my chapters, never hesitating to tell me what I did wrong and what I did right. Her passion for the Guardian Herd series helped shape it into what it is today. I am forever grateful for the input, but more important, for the partnership. Someday, my dear filly, you will grow into those powerful wings, and I can’t wait to see how far and how high you fly.