The Black Foal:

STAR—solid-black colt with black feathers, white star on forehead


THUNDERWING—dark-bay stallion with vibrant crimson feathers, black mane and tail, wide white blaze, two hind white socks

Lead Mare:

SILVERCLOUD—light-gray mare with silver feathers, white mane and tail, four white socks


OAKFIRE—sable-gray stallion with copper feathers, black mane and tail

JETFIRE—cream-colored stallion with turquoise feathers, flaxen mane and tail, snip on nose

TWISTFIRE—red dun stallion with olive-green feathers, dark-red mane and tail

ASHFIRE—gray dapple stallion with midnight-blue feathers, dark-gray mane and tail, white blaze

Medicine Mare:

SWEETROOT—old chestnut pinto mare with dark-pink feathers, chestnut mane and tail, white star

Leader of the Walkers:

GRASSWING—crippled palomino stallion with pale-green feathers, flaxen mane and tail, blaze, one white front sock


HAZELWIND—buckskin stallion with jade feathers, black mane and tail, big white blaze, two hind white socks

Mated Mares:

CRYSTALFEATHER—small chestnut mare with bright-blue feathers, two front white socks, white strip on face

VIOLETSUN—gray pinto mare with violet feathers, dark-gray mane and tail

ROWANWOOD—blue roan mare with dark yellow and blue feathers, white mane and tail, two hind white socks

Single/Widowed Mares:

LIGHTFEATHER—small white mare with white feathers, white ringlet tail, white mane. Star’s dam. Born to Snow Herd, adopted by Sun Herd. Deceased

DAWNFIR—bay Appaloosa mare with dark blue and white feathers, black mane and tail

MAPLECLOUD—ambitious blond buckskin mare with dirt-colored feathers, black mane and tail

MOSSBERRY—elderly light-bay mare with dark-magenta feathers, black mane and tail, crescent moon on forehead and white snip on nose, two white hind anklets


RIPPLEBREEZE—white yearling colt with dandelion-yellow feathers, white mane and tail


MORNINGLEAF—elegant chestnut filly with bright-aqua feathers, flaxen mane and tail, four white socks, amber eyes, wide blaze

ECHOFROST—sleek silver filly with a mix of dark and light purple feathers, white mane and tail, one white sock

BUMBLEWIND—friendly bay pinto colt with gold feathers tipped in brown, black mane and tail, thin blaze on face

BRACKENTAIL—big brown colt with orange feathers, brown mane and tail, two hind white socks

STRIPESTORM—liver-chestnut colt with bright-yellow feathers, red mane and tail, thin white blaze

FLAMESKY—red roan filly with dark emerald and gold feathers

GRAYTHORN—palomino colt with violet-tipped gray feathers, thin white blaze, two white hind socks. Deceased colt of Grasswing, murdered by Rockwing


ROCKWING—over-stallion. Magnificent silver Appaloosa with dark blue and gray feathers, black mane and tail highlighted with white, one white front anklet

FROSTFIRE—captain. White with violet-tipped light-blue feathers, dark-gray mane and tail, and one blue eye. Born to Snow Herd, adopted by Mountain Herd


ICEWING—over-stallion. Older dark-silver stallion with powder-blue feathers, white mane, white ringlet tail, blue eyes, white star on forehead. Sire of Lightfeather

PETALCLOUD—lead mare. Power-seeking gray mare with violet feathers, silver mane and tail, one white sock, wide blaze on face


SNAKEWING—over-stallion. Bay with forest-green feathers, black mane and tail, one white sock

SMOKEWING—successor over-stallion. Bay Appaloosa with brown-and-white-spotted feathers, black mane and tail, snip on nose


SANDWING—over-stallion. Proud palomino stallion with dark-yellow feathers, wide white blaze, one white sock