I saw Clive today. He asked something big of me. (Bigamy. Yeah, I see it. Not funny.) I told him no, but I felt so sorry for him that I could see myself caving. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m an angel or a doormat.

—Maggie Walther’s Diary

I woke the next morning in a pleasant haze. Happiness. I hardly recognized it. It had been too long since I’d felt that way. My blissful state was interrupted by the phone.

“Did I wake you?” Carina asked.

“No, I was up. How was the party last night?” I’m sure the question surprised her. It was the first time I’d asked about work in weeks.

“It was crazy. They had double the number of guests than had RSVPed.”

“They should know that no one in Utah RSVPs. What did you do?”

“Fortunately, we had three sheets of lemon bars and two sheets of éclairs for tonight’s event. So we used them. The girls are at the house baking right now.”

“I’m sorry I’ve just dropped this on you.”

“Baptism by fire,” she said. “It reminds me of how my dad taught me to swim by throwing me into the deep end of the pool.”

“Sorry,” I said again. “That wasn’t my intent.”

“I know,” she said. She changed the subject. “I came by last night.”

“Why didn’t you come in?”

“Because there was a truck in the driveway.”

“What time did you come by?”

“Around one thirty.”

“Why were you driving by my house at one thirty?”

“Because I’m worried about you. I hate that you’re all alone. But then I guess you’re not.”

“I had someone over.”


“A guy I just met a few days ago.”

“Does he have a name?”


“You met him after we had coffee?”


“Where did you meet him?”

“Why do I feel like you’re interrogating me?”

“Because I am.”

“Fair enough. I met him while I was buying a Christmas tree—which, by the way, was your idea.”

“Don’t blame me . . .”

“I’m not blaming you, I’m giving you credit.”

“When I said to change your environment, I meant get a tree, not the guy selling it.”

“I thought you’d be happy I wasn’t alone. Isn’t that what you just said? You hated that I was alone?”

“I do,” she said. “It’s just that you’ve only been divorced a few months. You’re vulnerable. Just three days ago you were swearing off men, and just like that you have a love interest?”

“I didn’t say he was a love interest.”

“He was at your house at one thirty.”

“Actually, he was there until two,” I said.

“Exactly. You’re vulnerable. I don’t want to see you taken advantage of. How well do you know this guy?”

“I know that he’s kind. He’s funny, in a subtle way, and he’s a great conversationalist.”

“How long has he been unemployed?”

“He’s not unemployed.”

“For the moment. He works at a Christmas tree lot. Seasonal work. How long was he unemployed before that?”

“He owns the Christmas tree lot,” I said. “He’s an entrepreneur.”

“That’s a French word for slacker.”

“I’m an entrepreneur,” I said. “He’s not a slacker.”

“Then why is he single?”

“I’m single, you’re single; why would you ask that?”

“Because you and I are nuptial victims.”

“So is he. He’s divorced.”

“How long?”

“I don’t know. A few years.”

“Where is he from?”

“Colorado. He’s been in Utah just a few months. He used to be a financial adviser in Denver. And he’s gorgeous.”


“Like, beautiful.”

“Now we get to the core of the problem,” she said. “Blinded by the hunk.”

“I’m done with this conversation,” I said.

“Just remember, honey. The nicer the package, the cheaper the gift.”

“I am definitely done with this conversation.”

“Love you, sweetie.”

“Love you too. Have a good day.”

In spite of my conversation with Carina, I felt happy all day in anticipation of seeing Andrew again. I didn’t disagree with Carina that things were moving fast, warp speed, but after wandering through a desert, when you find water, you don’t sip it.

I put on my favorite outfit, something I hadn’t worn since before D-Day (Divorce Day). I also spent extra time on my makeup, even plucking my eyebrows, which shows I was motivated.

The clock moved slowly. At a quarter to five my doorbell rang, and my heart jumped a little. I was glad he was early. I quickly opened the door. Clive stood in the doorway.

“Sorry, I left my house key at the police station,” he said. “You would think they’d make it a point to return your property.”

“Otherwise you would have just walked in?” I asked. Clive didn’t respond. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk with you.”

“About what?”

“It’s important.”

Important? Like our marriage wasn’t?”

“Maggie, don’t do this.”

I shook my head as I stepped back from the door. “You have ten minutes. I need to be someplace.”


“That’s not any of your business. And the clock is ticking.”

“I don’t believe you’re timing me.” He walked past me to the kitchen. I followed him in as he opened the refrigerator. “Do you have anything to eat?”

“You have nine minutes. What do you want, Clive?”

He grabbed a pear out of the refrigerator, then sat down at the table, gesturing to a seat next to him. I leaned against the counter. “What is it, Clive?”

“I have a court date.” He took a bite of the pear. “December fourteenth.”

“Congratulations,” I said sardonically. “And this has what to do with me?”

“I want you there. By my side.”

“You want me to come to court with you?”

He took another bite. “Yes. To show support.”

“Why would I do that?”

“To show the jury that I’m not such a bad guy.”

“But you are.”

“Am I? Wasn’t I good to you? Weren’t we happy?”

“I thought we were.”

“If you think you’re happy, you are.” He looked at me. “Come on, Maggie. Just this one thing. It’s important.”

“Why don’t you get your other wife to do it? I’m sure she’d be happy to take my place.”

“For the record, Jennifer didn’t know about you either,” he said. “Look, I know I made a mistake.”

“A mistake? Taking the wrong exit is a mistake. Taking a second wife is a bit more deliberate.”

“Yes, I’m a broken man. I’m a sinner. Is that what you want to hear?”

“I want to hear you leaving my house.”

He shook his head. “You mean, the house I bought?”

“The house we bought,” I said.

He just looked at me. “You know, you used to be nice. You’ve changed.”

“I wonder why.”

He was quiet a moment, then said, “Maggie, I really need your help. I could end up in prison. Do this, and I’ll make it up to you somehow.”


“I don’t know. What do you want?”

“I want you to leave me out of this.”

He sighed. “Mag, how does my going to jail serve the greater good? I know you’re angry, but you still have a good heart. You don’t want to be responsible for me going to jail.”

“Now I’m responsible?” I groaned. “This is just like you, Clive. You’re a master at turning things around. That’s why you were such a good lawyer.”

“Is that a compliment?”

I shook my head. Just then the doorbell rang.

“Expecting someone?” he asked.

“I have a date.”

“A date?” He stood, taking his pear. “That didn’t take long.”

“You need to go.”

He just looked at me, then said, “Think about it.”

“I don’t need to.”

“Since when did you become so heartless?”

“If I were heartless, Clive, my heart wouldn’t hurt so much.”

“I never meant to hurt you.”

“Well, you sure didn’t mean not to.”

He threw his hands up in mock surrender. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I never deserved you.” He walked to the door, then turned back. “Just because I loved someone else doesn’t mean that I ever stopped loving you. I didn’t. I still love you. I never wanted the divorce. You know that.”

“You had to divorce one of us.”

“I don’t know why I needed something more. It’s something broken in me. I’m getting therapy.”

There was a knock on the door.

“You need to leave, Clive.”

He breathed out deeply. “Okay. I’ll go.”

I opened the door. Andrew stood in the doorway. The two men looked at each other.

“Be good to her,” Clive said.

“I intend to,” Andrew replied.

Clive turned back to me. “Think about it, Mag.” He furtively glanced at Andrew, then walked past him to his car. He was driving a new Audi with the paper dealer plates still in the window.

I turned to Andrew. “I’m sorry. Come in.”

Andrew stepped inside. “Clive?”

“In the flesh.”

Andrew shut the door behind himself. “Are you okay?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer. It had been such a shock seeing him. “I’m fine.”

He just looked at me. “Are you sure?”

I began to tear up. I quickly brushed a tear from my cheek. “I don’t know if I’m okay.” The tears began to fall.

Andrew took my hand. “Come here.” He led me over to the couch. We sat down next to each other, our knees touching. He looked into my face. “What did he want?”

“He . . .” I couldn’t speak. I just started crying harder. Andrew put his arm around me and pulled me into him. I laid my face on his shoulder and sobbed. For nearly five minutes he just held me, gently running his hand over my back, saying softly, “You’re going to be okay.”

When I had gained some composure, I looked up into his face. “He wants me to be with him at his trial.”

“Why would he ask that?”

“He thinks it will help with the jury.”

“I’m sure it will. But why would he think he could ask that of you?”

“Because he knows I will. I always give in to him.”

“You don’t need to.” He looked into my face. “Do you still love him?”

I swallowed. “I don’t know. We were married nine years. Is it wrong if part of me still does?”

Andrew slowly shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re loyal, even if he wasn’t. Just don’t let him use that against you.”

Why is he so kind to me? “Thank you.”

He said tenderly, “I worry about you.”

“I’m glad you worry about me.”

He touched my face softly, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. “You’ll get through this. I promise. I’ll help you.”

I looked deeply into his eyes. “Will you?”

He nodded. “Yes.” His face moved closer to mine, his eyes both wild and soft. I moved forward to meet him, our lips pressing together.

It was bliss, his soft lips and hard, whiskered face against my face. His love felt so sweet. I just wanted to bury all my pain in him. I wanted to escape in him. For the next several hours, I did just that. I couldn’t believe what I’d done. I’d fallen in love.