Of the many methods of holding and supporting tomatoes, the classic cylinder is a top choice. It’s easy to train the vines with this support. And you’ll find that picking your ripened tomatoes is a breeze, particularly if you’ve had to cope with sprawling, earthbound vines before.
CYLINDRICAL TOMATO CAGE. A series of openings cut into the side of this quick-to-assemble cage make it easy to reach in and harvest ripe tomatoes.
Two tomato stakes (4' long)
70"×42" piece of wire fencing (with 2"×3" mesh)
Light-gauge wire or twine
Wire cutters
Tape measure
Wood saw
Constructing the cage. Shape the wire fencing into a circular cage, overlapping the edges and binding them together with wire or twine. Use wire cutters to cut a number of 6"-square openings in the grid that will allow you to gain access to the plant as it grows.
Installing the cage. Place the cage around the plant. Drive the tomato stakes into the ground on opposite sides of the cage, and fasten the cage to them with wire or twine.
FIG. 1