


Cici was right, when she said the first day would be horrible. It was. I cried and stayed alone in my room and let the sorrow take me. Even through that day, however, there were moments when I just knew I had done the right thing. Moments when I saw her, held in Meredith’s arms, and knew she was going to have a wonderful childhood. The kiss that Meredith had dropped on my forehead was a gift, because in that one moment, I knew without a doubt that Little Miss, that Emily Ann, would grow up knowing love. In that one small kiss, I felt the love my daughter would know. She will have her hand held and she will have her toes tickled and her belly rubbed when she doesn’t feel good. She will have puppies to play with and cousins. She will have. She will have enough of everything, and she will do good things in the world because of it.