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Harry and CJ were professionally polite to each other during the meeting. For the first time since Sady started working for them, CJ kept a low profile and let Harry take the lead. Harry started by welcoming Amanda. Amanda stood and took a bow, ignoring Matt's snort and comment about the company already having enough trouble.
“There goes my chance at fifty yard line seats for the U of M games,” he complained. “I don't know how we're supposed to tolerate you since you no longer have that to offer.”
Amanda sniffed and said, “That works both ways. Now quit interrupting the meeting.”
With a reluctant sigh, Harry moved on to the matter at hand- the deceitful event planner. "This one is personal, and I'll be paying for it," he told them.
"I hope you're selling your mother to cover the costs," CJ mumbled, making everyone but Harry smile.
"I'm selling something else," Harry said quietly.
CJ slammed her hand on the table. "Like hell you are! This is a company job, and you're not selling your Harley!" Matt and Sady exchanged a glance. They didn't even know he owned one.
CJ had made up her mind, and she moved to the front, next to Harry. "If we can't sell your mother, then we'll treat this like any other job. I like Ashley, and she deserves better than she got." She snorted and continued, "I'm the least girly woman I know, but even I knew that wedding was a lemon. Poor Ashley!"
Harry reached over and put his arm around CJ. Sady smiled at Harry with a wink. Then CJ took over the meeting. She opened the folder she'd brought with her and passed out papers she'd printed. CJ was looking into the shady planner as well.
"D'A-Z's Special Events," she said with an eye roll, pronouncing it 'Daisies.' She got side-tracked and said to Harry, "Remind me to have a talk with Ashley. Who hires a company with a name like that?" She got lost in Harry's smile for a few seconds, and Matt cleared his throat impatiently.
"I checked her reviews and references. Ashley obviously did not. Daisy is slick, and she's good. Her specialty seems to be young brides who don't have someone to look out for them. That makes it easier to take advantage of them."
"Daisy puts together enough legitimate events to keep an 'average' reputation and stay in business. Reading the reviews shows nothing normal about it though. It's all or nothing, love or hate. But when averaged out, she gets a medium range rating."
"At times she operates barely inside the law, and I'm sure a careful, observant couple could catch her outside the lines. And if we need to get a little creative... well, what can I say?"
"So what's the final goal of this job?" Sady asked.
"We're hoping to convince her to offer partial refunds to the clients she cheated. If we can beat her at her own game, she might do so to avoid prosecution," Harry answered. "And, if she will keep things above board from this point... that's a bonus. She's capable of putting together a nice event, when she wants."
CJ gave a wicked smile and said, "I've made an appointment with Daisy, on behalf of our newly engaged young couple." She looked pointedly at Matt and Sady.
"Sorry, CJ," Matt said, turning pale. "Bad timing." Sady sat with her mouth open, too stunned to speak.
"Maid of honor," Amanda yelled. She nudged Matt and said, "That's like calling 'shotgun' in case you didn't know."
CJ ignored Amanda and looked at Matt with suspicion. "Since when has doing your job become 'bad timing'?" she asked. He didn't answer but fidgeted in his chair. "Do you have a girlfriend, Matt?" More fidgeting. CJ's brows rose. "It's Emily, isn't it?" Matt flushed.
Without waiting for a response she continued, "Haven't you learned your lesson? What's wrong with you, inviting her to Michigan? She's poison! Maybe I should put her and Harry's mother on an island and let them fight it out!"
Matt glared. "I didn't invite her! She showed up last night, with no warning. What was I supposed to do?" Now everyone's brows rose.
"Listen, it was late, and she just appeared at my door. She'd been traveling for hours and was tired. Nothing happened!" he defended himself.
"Now might be a good time to find that extra set of Mustang keys," Harry warned him.
"She doesn't by any chance have a yappy little dog, does she?" Sady asked. "Because I swear I heard a dog barking this morning."
"Uh, I'd appreciate it if you didn't let that get around," Matt said. They allowed no animals in the apartment building where he, Sady, and Amanda lived. He realized everyone in the room was glaring or staring at him. He sighed. "So, when's D-Day?"
Amanda nearly knocked him from his chair with her elbow jab, and CJ said, "Thank you, Amanda!"
CJ turned to Matt and said, "Emily is NOT invited to be a part of anything that goes on here, is that clear?" If CJ were any hotter smoke would blow from her ears. Matt just nodded, and CJ handed out papers detailing the job. "Memorize this stuff. It's for your big day!"
After the meeting Sady turned to Matt and rumbled, "You can go to hell now."
Matt sat in his office and wondered how things had turned from Harry being in the hot seat, to him being on the flaming throne. There was no doubt the women were all mad, and even Harry had given him a look of disappointment. He doubted anyone would believe he slept on the couch. Or tried to sleep with that hairy little dog hopping up and down all night.
He focused on the sheet CJ had given him. It was background information on his "engagement" to Sady. Everything was basically all true, except he and Sady weren't really engaged and didn't have a fast track wedding planned.
He was still reading the page when CJ opened his door and slipped into the office. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't make me kill you and dispose of your body. I can, you know. And no one will ever know what happened."
"That won't be necessary, CJ," he assured her.
"Make sure of that," she warned before she left.
Matt headed down to the small office Sady now occupied and knocked even though the door stood open. She just pointed to an empty chair, and he sat down, feeling nervous.
"It's not what it looks like, Sady," he began.
"You mean your ex didn't spend last night at your place? Because that's what it looks like, Matt."
"Well, if you put it that way..." his voice trailed off.
"Is there any other way to put it?"
He rubbed his head, not sure how he got in this position, let alone worry about how he would get out of it. He changed the subject. "Did you go over the information?"
She nodded. "There's not much to go over or remember, other than the date you proposed and the date of the wedding."
"Uhm, am I supposed to get you a ring or something?" he asked.
Sady smiled and said, "Stop sweating, Meadows. This isn't real, you know. I'm sure I have an engagement ring at home."
Matt frowned. "I didn't know you'd been engaged, Sady."
"Yes, it was a tragic story of love and loss," she said with a sigh. Then, "It's called costume jewelry, Matt, and I have tons from my pageant days. I'll find something suitable, so you're off the hook... so to speak. We meet with the planner tomorrow. I wonder how CJ got us in so fast."
"I told her it was a rush job," CJ said from the doorway. "And I might have suggested you were in a hurry because you wanted to wear an expensive fitted dress... while it still fit." Sady and Matt both glared at her, and she shrugged. "It was the only way I could get you moved to the top of her list," she said.
"What, I couldn't have a dying grandmother with only a month to live?" Sady asked, her brown eyes blazing.
"I could have gone with that, but this was more fun. Besides, there's no telling how long granny could hold on. A baby, on the other hand, can only wait so long," CJ said with a grin. "Of course, that was before I knew Romeo was bringing his girlfriend along for the honeymoon."
"She's not my girlfriend, CJ," Matt replied tersely.
"That's good," Harry said from behind CJ. "Because Sady might have to shoot you, otherwise. I'm sure it would be a justifiable homicide."
Sady and Matt now glared at Harry. "Shoot?" Sady asked. "As in gun, weapon, firearm, pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle?"
"Any of the above, although I wouldn't suggest using a shotgun or rifle," Harry replied. "Sady, if you are going to work in the field, you will have to learn how to handle a gun safely. Not to mention, you need a permit for that Tazer I know you carry in your purse. I don't expect you to carry a gun, or use one. You have to know how to handle one though."
"And you, Romeo, get to take her to the range... today," CJ said. "You're still a certified instructor aren't you?"
"You know I am, CJ. It's only Monday morning, so how can this week already be so bad?" Matt complained.
"Why are you griping?" Sady asked. "I'm the one who's doing all the work."
"Work? I wish it was that easy! This will be an episode of torture- for me."
"I can make that happen," Sady threatened.
"You didn't even need to say that. It's a guarantee, and you won't even have to try."
"Wait until you see me put some effort into it," she glared.
"You're already fighting like an engaged couple," CJ said. "Keep up the good work!"
"Your have a reservation at one," Harry told Matt. "Don't be late."
Harry and CJ left. Matt turned to Sady and saw she had her forehead resting on her desk. Her tugged her long ponytail, and she turned her head. She was trying not to smile. "What's so funny?" he asked.
"How did this happen?" she asked. "I think the world just turned while we stood still... or this is cosmic revenge for the time I slipped that chocolate laxative into MaryBeth Parker's secret stash of candy. She wouldn't share her candy with anyone. Plus, I didn't like MaryBeth, and no one wanted her to win that crown."
Matt smiled. "Did you win that crown?"
Sady shook her head. "We were both out-gunned by a perky redhead from Idaho. Go figure... no one saw that coming."
"You had to mention guns, didn't you?" he asked.
"Don't blame this on me," she said defensively. "I'm perfectly happy to sit back with my lack of gun knowledge and my trusty illegal Tazer in my bag."
"That's the problem. Come on, let's go. Lunch is on them," Matt said. "If we have to go through this torture, it's the least they can do to ease the pain."