Abbas, Mahmoud, 118
abortions, 147
Abrams, Elliot, 98
Acheson, Dean, 82
acopio, 132
Adams, John Quincy, 4
Afghanistan, 95, 121–22, 188, 233
Africa, 108–9, 114–17, 120, 191–92
African National Congress, 115
afrocubanismo, 31
and Cuban art, 256
eugenics, 32
Ku Klux Klan Kubano (KKKK), 34
Mariel boatlift, 97
Partido Independiente de Color (PIC), 31
racism and the Cuban Revolution, 30–33, 54
suffrage, 30
agriculture. See also land reform acopio, 132
Clinton farm bill, 175
deregulation of, 213
economic reforms, 134
emergence of in Cuba, 2
foreign investment in Cuba, 217–18
National Institution for Agrarian Reform, 40
U.S.-Cuba sales, 181
Aguila, Gorki, 220
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 252
AIPAC (American-Israel Political Action Committee), 101
ajiaco, 34
Alarcón, Ricardo, 156, 173, 213, 230
ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas), 247–48
Albright, Madeline, 235
Allen, Richard, 101
Allende, Salvador, 90, 164, 196, 202
Almeida, Juan, 21
American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), 101
Angola, 55, 91–92, 94, 110, 114, 191
annexationists, 5
anticommunism, 27
Antilles, 32
Aponte, José Manuel, 5
Arafat, Yasser, 118
arms embargo, 75
assassination attempts, 20, 28, 186–87, 208
Aznar, José María, 194
Babalawos, 64
Bachelet, Michelle, 196, 226, 244
Baker, James, 127
Baptists, 63
baseball, 34
Basilica of El Cobre, 155
Basque separatists, 183
Batista, Fulgencio antiracism, 31
Cold War, 27
and the Communist Party, 70
Conjunto de Instituciones Cívicas, 63
Cuban exiles, 47
exiled, 27
and Grau, 17
as Populist, 18
Sergeants’ Revolt, 16
and Trujillo, 108
and the United States, 17
Bay of Pigs invasion and Castro, 42
and CDRs, 46
and Cuban exiles, 59
Eisenhower authorization, 79–80
and Fernández, 117
and Latin America, 90
and Mas Canosa, 100
political prisoners, 65
Belafonte, Henry, 175
Berlin Wall, 119
Bertone, Tarcisio, 246
Biotechnology Institute, 182
Biscet, Oscar, 233
Bissell, Richard, 79
black market, 132, 135, 137, 159, 216–17, 224
Black Panthers, 183
black spring. See human rights
Bolaños, Jorge, 231
Bolivar, Simón, 3
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), 247–48
Bolton, John, 182
Borge, Tomas, 124
Bosch, Orlando, 60–62, 83–84, 93, 184, 186
Brazil, 196, 217–18, 225, 233, 244–45, 249, 261, 270. See also Lula da Silva, Luiz Inacio
Brothers to the Rescue (BTTR), 169–71, 185
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 95
Buena Vista Social Club effect, 141, 175
Bush, George H. W., 161–62, 186
Bush, George W. and Chávez, 201
Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba (CAFC), 189–90, 205
and the Cuban Revolution, 235
Development Aid Summit, 197–98
and Fox, 181
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 183
people-to-people exchange, 188
post-Fidel Cuba, 229, 233, 237
preemptive attacks doctrine, 205
and Raul Castro, 216
regime change policy, 189, 271
social justice agenda in Latin America, 199
and Spain, 194
U.S.-Cuba Immigration Agreements, 166
Bush, Jeb, 181
Business Administration Group (GAESA), 136
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo, 57
CAFC (Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba), 189–90, 205
CANF (Cuban American National Foundation), 101–2, 157–58, 177–80, 186, 240. See also Cuban exiles
capitalist ideas, 71–73, 131–34, 195–98, 199
Cardone, Kathleen, 276
Caribbean Legion, 20
Caritas Cubana, 236
Carlist Wars, 4
Carpentier, Alejo, 57
Carter, Jimmy, 65, 93–96, 150–51, 167, 182, 188, 265
casa particulares, 132–33, 138
Casals, Pablo, 25
Castañeda, Jorge, 197
Castro, Fidel. See also Guevara, Ernesto “Che”; 26th of July Movement
Africa visit, 115
Angolan independence, 114
assassination attempts, 186–87, 208
balseros refugee crisis, 142
Bay of Pigs invasion, 42, 81–82
birthday celebration, 210
as “brand name,” xv
Brothers to the Rescue (BTTR), 170–71
and Canada, 193
and CANF, 102
CDRs (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution), 46
and Chávez, 187, 200–202, 207, 210, 226
and Chibás, 20
and the Clinton administration, 168–69
Cuban Missile Crisis, 84–86, 127
Development Aid Summit, 198
Five Points demands, 86
foreign policy, 244
and Fox, 247
human rights, 152
Hurricane Katrina, 191
and the IPP, 118
Isle of Pines, 42
and Khomeini, 118
leadership of, 130
and Mandela, 115
and Mas Canosa, 100
MERCOSUR summit, 207
and Morales, 248
National Assembly and, 45
National unity, 26
Non-Aligned Movement, 95
ORI (Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas), 42–43
and País, 23
Partido Ortodoxo, 42
peace process in Central America, 195–96
show trials, 39
Tehran visit, 251
Tri-Continental Congress, 110
and Trujillo, 20
and the United States, 230
Words to the Intellectuals speech, 57
Castro Espín, Mariela, 221, 264, 269
Castro, Raul
Afghanistan detainees, 188
and Bolaños, 231
Cairo visit, 117
and Calderón, 247
censorship, 220
Cuban military base, 136
and the European Union, 245
foreign policy, 244–46, 261, 267
and George W. Bush, 216
Helms-Burton, 172
Ministry of Interior, 74
Obama administration, 240, 242
political prisoners, 262, 265–67
and the PSP, 38
regime reforms, 212–13, 232–33, 254, 257–58
Second Front, 29
Union of Cuban Writers and Arists (UNEAC) meeting, 220
Universal Declaration of Human Rights signing, 245
and the Vatican, 246
and Vilma Espín, 56
Catholic Church, 48, 62–64, 124, 154–55, 158, 178, 236, 261–63, 266
CDRs (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution), 46, 87–88
CENESEX (National Center for Sex Education), 221, 264
censorship, 25, 44, 46, 57–58, 140, 160–61, 220
Central America, xv, 84, 121–26, 162, 195–96, 247
Central Bank, 46
Céspedes, Carlos Manuel de, 5
Charanga Habanera, 255
Chávez, Hugo. See also Venezuela
and Castro, 187, 200–202, 207, 210, 226
and Clinton, 201
elections, 249
Leftist governments, 198
reelection for life, 225
Chomorro, Violeta, 124
Christ, Charlie, 239
Christian Democrat International, 151
Christian Liberation Movement, 150
Christopher, Warren, 168
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Afghanistan invasion, 121
Angolan independence, 114
Bolivian revolution, 111
covert operations against Cuba, 83
and Cuban exiles, 59
and the Cuban Revolution, 48–50, 75
and Sturgis, 25
Cienfuegos, 250
Cienfuegos, Camilo, 37
CIMEX, 136
Cleveland, Grover, 9
Clinton, Bill, 98, 141, 156–58, 162, 165–69, 171–73, 174–77, 201
Cold War
Angolan independence, 114
Batista, Fulgencio, 27
and the Catholic Church, 154–55
and Cuba, 77–78, 116–17, 119, 127–29, 195–98
Cuban Missile Crisis, 86
foreign investment after, 129, 134–38, 203–4
Latin American politics, 41–42
Reagan administration, 98
Colombia, 20, 90, 108, 113, 183, 188, 241, 269, 275–76
COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), 70, 127
Commando L, 186
Commandos F4, 185
Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba (CAFC), 189–90, 205
committees for the defense of the revolution (CDRs), 46, 87–88
common position, 254
Communist Party
and atheism, 63
Bolivian revolution, 111
and the Cuban revolution, 37–39
El Salvador, 123
Guatemala, 80
in Latin America, 108
and Mella, 16
and PRI, 113
PSP (Popular Socialist Party), 17
before the revolution, 70
Conjunto de Instituciones Cívicas, 63
Consenso Cubano, 180
Constitutional Convention, 11–12
consumer culture, xvi, 33, 215
Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU), 83–84
Cuban economic reform, 137, 259
health care system, 144
Juventud Rebelde investigations, 213
Partido Auténtico, 42
politiquería, 40
state enterprises, 215
University of Havana, 19
Cortés, Hernán, 2
Costner, Kevin, 175
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON), 70, 127
Council of Government, 8
Council of Ministers, 214
Council of State, 45, 209, 214
counterintelligence agents, 184–86
counterrevolutionaries, 46–47, 49–50, 67, 87, 221, 253–54
covert operations, 82–84, 87, 164
Cristiani, Alfredo, 125
Cuba. See also Cuban Revolution
African independence movements, 115–17
after the Cold War, 211
aging population, 225
and apartheid, 55
and Brazil, 225
CARICOM member, 244
and the Carter administration, 93–96
Central Bank, 137
China as trading partner, 251
and COMECON, 70
Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba (CAFC), 205
constitution, 128, 150, 213–14
Constitutional Convention, 11–12
consumer culture, xvi
corruption, 13–14, 71–72, 208, 259
Cuban Democracy Act, 162–65, 168–69, 175, 178
Cubana Airlines bombing, 60, 84
détente, U.S. and Soviets, 92–93
Family Code, 56
foreign policy, 111–12, 191–92
GDP, 203
GNP, 71
Helms-Burton, 171–74, 268, 271, 274
José Martí and, 7
and Latin America, 112–13, 192, 195–98, 246–51
Middle East foreign policy, 117–19, 121
Non-Aligned Movement, 117–18, 121, 206, 209
OAS suspension of, 90–91, 112–13
Obama administration, 241–43, 267–76
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 183
peace process, 248
political organization, 44–45, 213–14
political prisoners, 65–66, 206, 262, 265–67
popular culture, xvi
post-Fidel era, 227–30, 232–35, 251–52
remittances, 190
savage capitalism critique, 199
Soviet military advisers, 94
as Soviet proxy, 105, 116, 121–22
and the Soviet Union, 89, 94, 110–11, 119–22, 127, 192
state-sponsored terrorism, 182–84, 243
sugar industry, 76
Teller Amendment, 10
Tri-Continental Congress, 110
U.S. economic embargo of Cuba, 52, 70, 88–89, 118–19, 129–30, 144, 260, 267–68
U.S.-Cuba Immigration Agreements, 165–67
and Venezuela, 198, 200–204, 225, 233
Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), 101–2, 157–58, 177–78, 178–80. See also Cuban exiles
Cuban Americans, 60–62, 129, 142, 148–49, 178–80, 190, 235–38, 240–41
Cuban Communist Party Communist Youth, 38, 53, 158
female membership, 56
founded, 13
gay rights, 264
health care system, 145
intelligentsia, 153
membership in, 53
next generation of leaders in, 261
Politburo, 214
and Raul Castro, 208–9, 222, 257, 261
sixty congress, 213
Cuban exiles. See also CANF (Cuban American National Foundation)
Bay of Pigs invasion, 82
Brothers to the Rescue (BTTR), 169–71
Bush policy in post-Fidel Cuba, 229–30
Catholic Church, 263
Consenso Cubano, 180
covert operations against Cuba, 83
Cuban Adjustment Act, 89
Cuban Democracy Act, 178
Cuban Five (Cinco Heroes), 184–86, 243, 269, 275
Cubana Airlines bombing, 84, 276
and Jeb Bush, 181
Mariel boatlift, 96
Obama administration and, 267–69
Radio Martí, 103
Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC), 57
Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act. See Helms-Burton
Cuban Liberty Council, 180
Cuban Missile Crisis, 47, 84–87, 119–20, 127
Cuban National Fencing Team, 84
Cuban Revolution. See also Castro, Fidel; Guevara, Ernesto “Che”; Special Period in Times of Peace; 26th of July Movement
and the Catholic Church, 62–63
and civil rights, 44
and the Communist Party, 37–39
Cuban Missile Crisis, 87
Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC), 7, 18–19, 29–30
Cuban Workers Federation, 46
domestic legitimacy of, 68
and George W. Bush, 235
grey period, 58
independence movements around the world, 107–12
and Mexico, 113
Nueva Trova Movement, 161
radicalization of, 38–39, 87–88
social justice agenda, 45–47, 50–53, 195
Socialism, 87
Soviet withdrawal from, 161–62
and the sugar industry, 69
and the United States, 42, 74–76
Cubana Airlines bombing, 84, 93–94, 102, 186, 187, 276
Cubanacan, 136
CUCs (convertible pesos), 137, 217
Cugat, Xavier, 35
culture, 56–58, 139–41, 160–61, 169, 219–20, 255–56
CUPET, 252
Czech Republic, 254
Czechoslovakia, 120
Dance of the Millions, 13
de la Guardia, Tony/Patricio, 73
de-Baathification, 205
defections, 65
democracy in Brazil, 249
Cuban Democracy Act, 162–65, 168–69, 175, 178
Helms-Burton, 172
Inter-American Democratic Charter, 201
Latin America, 196
Mexican foreign policy, 197
Obama campaign policy, 240
President’s Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, 227–28
promotion of in Cuba, 231, 272
USAID programs, 220, 234, 236, 272
desegregation, 54
Development Aid Summit, 197–98
Development Alternatives International (DAI), 271
diplomacy, 91–92, 192, 194–95, 197, 239, 247
Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, 22–23, 36, 39, 42, 49
discrimination, 45
and the European Union, 254
Gay Pride Parade, 221
harassment of, 266
Interests Sections funding, 231
Internet, 272
liberalization, 224
post-Fidel era, 254
and Raul Castro, 220
doble jornada, 56
dollar stores, 132
domestic policy, 105–6, 159–60
Dominican Republic, 20, 108, 147, 203
Donovan, James, 82
Dorticós, Oswaldo, 105
drug trafficking, 73–74, 176, 188, 248
dual-use biotechnology, 182
Dubcek, Alexander, 120
Dulles, Allen, 79
Eastern Europe, 192
Echeverría, José Antonio, 22
economic reforms after the Cold War, 152–53, 168
and the Cuban Revolution, 131–34
fifth columnists, 211
globalization, 137
Special Period in Times of Peace, 133
tourism industry, 132–33, 137–39
Ecuador, 197
Eisenhower administration, 36, 48, 69, 75–76, 79–80
El Salvador, 99, 122–23, 197, 247
Chile, 196
National Assembly of People’s Power, 213–14
and Raul Castro, 213
as regime change policy, 233
Venezuela, 249
embargo. See also United States arms embargo, 75
Brothers to the Rescue (BTTR), 171
Bush administration, 180–81, 187–88
and Cuban foreign policy, 193
Cuban multilateral diplomacy, 195
fatigue, 230
hurricane relief efforts, 234, 236
Obama administration, 260, 267–68
Obama campaign policy, 240
in a post-Fidel state, 231
Escambray Mountains, 36, 49–50
escoria, 59
Espacio Laical, 261
Estrada Palma, Tomás, 9, 12, 15
ETA, 275
ethanol, 249
eugenics, 32
European Union, 193–94, 216, 233, 245, 253–55, 265
Family Code, 56
family travel to Cuba, 190, 234, 236, 239–40
Fatah, 117
Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), 46, 56
Fernández de Kirchner, Cristina, 226, 244
Fernández Valle, Anna, 65, 117
fifth columnists, 211
financial crisis, 241
Fiorini, Frank (Garcia). See Sturgis, Frank
Five Points demands, 86
FLN (National Liberation Front), 108
Florida Straits, 252
foreign aid, 247
Foreign Assistance Act, 88
foreign investment
Canadian, 193
Cuba after the Cold War, 129, 134–38, 203–4
Cuban culture, 140
foreign policy
Bush administration, 187–91, 271, 275
Clinton administration, 168–69
Cuba’s after the Cold War, 192–98
Obama administration, 241–43, 267–76
post-Fidel era, 230, 231–32, 244–46, 251–52
foreign relations, xviii
Fort Chaffee, 167
Fox, Vicente, 181, 197–98, 247
free trade, 248
Freedom House, 168
FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front), 122–24
Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer, 20
Gallup polls, 230
García, Alan, 248
García Barcena, Rafael, 28
García Márquez, Gabriel, 227, 248
Gaviota, 136
gay rights, 263–65. See also homosexuals
General Accountability Office (GAO), 236
Gillespie, Dizzy, 35
globalization, 137, 140–41, 203
Glover, Danny, 175
golden era, 153
Gómez, José Miguel, 13
Gómez, Juan Gualberto, 30
González, Felipe, 183
González affair, 156–60, 178–80, 187, 230
Good Neighbor Policy, 17
Granma, 22
Great Britain, 2
Green Berets, 111
Grito de Yara, 5
Guantánamo Bay, 15–16, 143, 165–67, 176, 188, 190–91, 206, 241–43
Guevara, Ernesto “Che.” See also Castro, Fidel
as African emissary, 109
birthplace of, 207
Cairo visit, 117
Central Bank, 46
Cuban Revolution, 37
Goodwin meeting, 112
independence movements, 107
industrialization efforts, 69
meets Fidel, 107
National Institute for Agrarian Reform, 40, 46
new Cuban man, 24
People’s Guerrilla Army, 108
and the PSP, 38
social justice agenda, 107
and the Soviet Union, 120
Guillén, Nicolás, 31
Guinea-Bissau, 110
gusanos, 59
Gutiérrez Menoyo, Eloy, 49
Havana balseros refugee crisis, 142
British occupation, 2
Chinese embassy, 251
colonialism, 2
Freedom Flights, 48
maleconazo riot, 130
Posada hotel bombings, 186, 276–77
public works, 14
tourism industry, 19
U.S. newspaper bureaus, 169
health care system, 45, 51, 143–47, 163–64, 200, 252, 258
Hearst, William Randolph, 9–10
Helms, Jesse, 168, 171–73, 180
Helms-Burton, 171–73, 174–75, 189, 242, 268, 271, 274
Heredia, José María, 5
Hernández, Francisco “Pepe,” 102
Hidalgo, Miguel, 3
Hispaniola, 2
Ho Chi Minh, 105
homosexuals, 46–47, 66, 147, 221, 263–65. See also gay rights
Hu Jintao, 244
human rights
black spring, 149, 151, 189, 194, 266
Carter administration, 93, 150–51
Cuban Democracy Act, 164
Cuban multilateral diplomacy, 195
Cuban Revolution, 65–68, 147–49
death squads, 250
Freedom House, 168
Human Rights Council, 245, 265
Mexican foreign policy, 197
Obama campaign policy, 240
under Raul Castro, 216, 245–46
Reagan administration, 98
repatriation of Cuban refugees, 177
UN Commission on Human Rights, 197
Universal Declaration of Human Rights signing, 245
human smuggling, 166, 190, 247
Hurricane Katrina, 191
hurricanes, 191, 218–19, 223–26, 234, 236, 251
Ibero-American Summits, 186, 206
ICAIC (Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industry), 57, 140
Ifa priests, 64
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 78, 194
independence movements. See also Cuban Revolution and abolition, 4–6
Africa, 108–9, 114–17, 120, 191–92
Algeria, 105
Eastern Europe, 192
Latin America, 3, 104, 108, 121
Nicaragua, 108
Pact of Zanjón, 6
Puerto Rico, 92
race relations and, 30
and the sugar industry, 69
Treaty of Paris, 86
Independent Party of Color, 13
Indonesia, 145
industrialization efforts, 69, 71
infant mortality rate, 145
Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC), 57, 140
insurgency, 100
Inter-American Democratic Charter, 201
Interests Sections, 94–95, 176, 229, 231, 234
International Republican Institute, 201
Internet, 141, 215, 226, 244, 254, 271–72
IPP (Iranian People’s Party), 118
Irakere, 255
Iran-Iraq war, 118
Iraq, 118, 162, 182, 188–89, 194, 204–5
Isle of Pines, 42
job creation, 217
John Paul II, 155–56, 176, 178, 179, 230, 246, 265
Johns Hopkins University, 94
Jordan, 118
Juanes, 269
Juventud Rebelde investigations, 213
Kennedy, John F., 49, 78–82, 84–87, 112, 120, 127
Kennedy, Robert, 83
Kenton, Stan, 35
Khatami, Mohammad, 251
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 118
King Sugar. See sugar industry
Ku Klux Klan Kubano (KKKK), 34
Kuwait, 205
La Colmenita, 269
Ladder Conspiracy, 5
Lam, Wilfredo, 57
land reform, 20, 45–46, 77, 79, 124, 201
Las Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White), 266
Latin America. See also individual countries Algeria as revolutionary training ground, 109
Bay of Pigs invasion, 90
Caribbean Legion, 20
and Cuba, 112–13, 192, 195–98, 246–51
independence movements, 3, 104, 108, 121
José Martí and, 7
nationalist movements, 13
and Obama, 240–41, 267, 269–70
Rio Group, 244
social justice agenda, 199
Summit of the Americas, 181, 269–70
Summit of the Latin American and the Caribbean on Integration and Development, 245
and the United States, 248, 250–51, 267, 269–70
Venezuelan coup attempt, 201
Liberal Party. See Autonomist Party
liberation movements, 117
literacy programs, 45, 51–52, 159
Little Havana, 235
Llama, José Antonio, 102
llano, 23
López, Narcisco, 5
Los Van Van, 255
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 3
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inacio, 196, 225, 244–45, 248–49
Machado, Gerardo, 14
Machado Ventura, Jose Ramon, 219
Maine, 10
maleconazo riot, 130
Mandela, Nelson, 115
Mariel, renovation of the port in, 261
Mariel boatlift, 96–98, 142, 167
Martí, Farabundo, 124
Martí, José, 6–7, 29–30, 43, 50, 128
Mas Canosa, Jorge, 100–104, 162, 177–78, 179, 186
Mas Santos, Jorge, 178
Masó, Bartolomé, 12
Matos, Huber, 49
Matthews, Herbert, 75
McKinley administration, 10–11
Medvedev, Dmitry, 244
Mella, Julio Antonio, 16
Mendieta, Carlos, 17
Menendez, Bob, 239
Menges, Constantine, 98
Mengistu Haile Miriam, 116
Menocal, Mario García, 13
MERCOSUR summit, 207
Castro haven, 22
Cortés conquest of, 2
and Cuban foreign policy, 192, 197–98
and the Cuban Revolution, 113
FARC peace talks, 183
Guevara meets Castro, 107
OAS suspension of Cuba, 90, 112–13, 194
Obama administration, 241
post-Fidel era, 247
Miami, 48, 59, 97–98, 157–58, 179, 270
The Miami Relatives, 158
Miguel, Juan, 158
Mikoyan, Anastas, 79
Milanés, Pablo, 58, 161, 220, 255
Military Units to Assist Production, 47
Miller, Arthur, 176
Ministry of Foreign Trade, 204
Ministry of Interior, 73–74, 211
Moa nickel mine, 26
Montes, Ana Belén, 185
Moore, Michael, 144
Morales, Evo, 248
Moré, Benny, 31
Morocco, 117
Mozambique, 115
mulas, 260
music, 31, 34–35, 56–58, 141, 158, 160–61, 255–56
Napoleonic Wars, 3
Nasser, Gamel Abdel, 117
National Assembly of People’s Power, 44–45, 56, 128, 150, 155–58, 213–14
National Bank of Cuba, 40
National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX), 221, 264
National Institute for Agrarian Reform, 40, 46
national referendum, 150
nationalist movements, 13
nationalization, 45, 47, 51, 76–77, 88, 172, 243
new Cuban man, 24
New Deal, 21
New York Times, 75
Caritas Cubana, 236
Cuban censorship of, 220
Cuban Democracy Act, 164
dissidents in Cuba, 253
golden era, 153
Helms-Burton, 172
human rights in Cuba, 148, 168–69
people-to-people exchange, 175
Special Period in Times of Peace, 129
USAID programs, 236
Contras, 118
and Cuba, 197
independence movements, 108
land reform, 124
post-Fidel era, 247
revolutionary movements, 122–25
Sandinistas, 95, 99, 108, 121–24, 195
nickel industry, 26, 76, 203, 225, 251
Non-Aligned Movement, 95, 117–18, 121, 206, 209, 252
Nuccio, Richard, 170
nuestro caudillo, 37
Nueva Trova Movement, 58, 161, 255–56
OAS (Organization of American States), 90–91, 112–13, 194, 201
Obama, Barack, 226–27, 239–43, 260, 267–72, 274–75, 277
Ochoa, Arnaldo, 73–74, 191–92, 211
Odebrecht, 270
Olympics, 65
Operation Carlota, 114
Operation Condor, 84
Operation Mongoose, 59, 83, 87
Operation Peter Pan, 48
Organización Auténtica (OA), 22
Organization of American States (OAS), 90–91, 112–13, 194, 201
ORI (Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas), 42–43
Ortega y Gasset prize, 222
Pact of Zanjón, 6
Padilla, Heberto, 58
Padura, Leonardo, 220
Palabra Nueva, 261
Partido Auténtico, 42
Partido Independiente de Color (PIC), 31
Partido Ortodoxo, 42
Partido Revolucionario Institutional (PRI), 113, 197
Partido Socialista Popular (PSP), 17–18, 37–39, 42
Pastor, Robert, 95
Patriot Act, 187
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 183
Paul, Ron, 239
peace process, 126, 162, 195–96, 248
peninsular, 3
People’s Guerrilla Army, 108
people-to-people exchange, 164–65, 175, 180, 188, 242, 268
Pérez, Faustino, 23
Pérez, Fernando, 255
Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 108
Philippines, 10
PIC (Partido Independiente de Color), 31
Pinar del Río, 24
Pinochet, Augusto, 99, 196, 202
Playa Los Colorados, 22
Poland, 254
political prisoners
after the Cold War, 147
Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba (CAFC), 189
Guantánamo Bay, 206
Helms-Burton, 172
Human Rights Council and, 245
post-Fidel era, 233, 246, 262, 265–67
and Raul Castro, 262, 265, 267
release of, 94–95, 262, 265–67
Varela Project, 150
politiquería, 40
Porno Para Ricardo, 220
Portugal, 114
Posada Carriles, Luis, 60–62, 83–84, 93, 100, 102, 184, 186–87, 243, 247, 276–77
Prado, Pérez, 35
PRC (Cuban Revolutionary Party), 7, 18–19, 29–30
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 233
President’s Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, 227–28
press freedom, xvii, 7, 44, 213, 260
PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institutional), 113, 197
Prieto, Abel, 220
Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 19–20, 22, 29
private property, 216
prostitution, 135
PSP (Popular Socialist Party), 17–18, 37–39, 42
PT (Brazilian Workers Party), 248–49
public works, 14
PURSC (United Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution), 43
Putin, Vladimir, 251
Radio Martí, 99, 102–4, 232, 239, 263
Reagan, Ronald, 98–102, 106, 118, 123, 148, 180, 183
red brigades, 160
regime change policy, xx, 232–33
religious affairs, 62–64, 128, 153–56, 246. See also Catholic Church
remittances, 166, 190, 203, 217, 234, 236, 240, 242, 260, 268–69, 274
Revolution Square, 50, 111, 156
Revolutionary Armed Forces, 73–74
revolutionary movements, 121–25, 192
Revolutionary National Action, 23
Rice, Condoleezza, 227–29, 233
Richardson, Bill, 170
Roa, Raul, 105
Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael, 38, 58, 71, 161, 255
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 14–15, 21
Roque, Felipe Pérez, xvii, 230, 244
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 170, 239
Russia, 251
San Cristobal de la Habana, 1
San Martín, José de, 3
Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), 122–24
Sandinistas. See Nicaragua Sandino, Augusto Cesar, 13, 122
Santamaría, Haydée (Yeyé), 23, 28
Saudi Arabia, 118
Scowcroft, Brent, 235
Second Front, 29
Selassie, Haile, 115
Shultz, George, 235
social justice agenda, 45–47, 50–53, 64, 107, 137, 195, 199, 250
Socialism, 42, 87, 131–34, 153
Soviet Union
Afghanistan invasion, 95, 121–22
Angolan independence, 114
collapse of, 124, 126–27, 152, 191, 208
and Cuba, 89, 94, 110–11, 119–22, 127, 161–62, 192
Cuban Missile Crisis, 84–87, 119–20
détente, 92
Mikoyan visit, 79
perestroika, 72
and Reagan administration, 98
and Somalia, 116
Spain, 1–5, 8–11, 193–94, 222, 225–26, 265–66, 275
Special Period in Times of Peace balseros refugee crisis, 141–43
and Cuban culture, 255
and the Cuban Revolution, xvi, 129–30
economic reforms, 133
emergence from, 225
racism, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 175
Stevenson, Adlai, 84
Stevenson, Teofilo, 65
Styron, William, 175
sugar industry
after independence, 11
after WW II, 18
Chinese laborers, 251
Dance of the Millions, 13
and independence movements, 69
mechanization of, 6
nationalization of, 45
post-Fidel era, 249
United States and, 2–3, 19, 68–69, 76–77, 79
Summit of the Americas, 181, 269–70
Syria, 117
system of enterprise perfection, 72
taxation policies, 138, 218, 225
Tehran, 251
terrorism, 100, 182–84, 186–87, 194, 243, 275–77. See also Cubana Airlines bombing
Texas, 252
third force options, 76
torture, 66
tourism industry
and AIDS, 146
American influence on Cuba, 33
Canadian tourists, 193
China and Cuba, 251
economic reforms, 132–33, 137–39
European Union and Cuba, 254
foreign investment, 134–36, 203
in Havana, 19
health care tourism to Cuba, 144–45
prostitution and, 135
trade embargo. See embargo
travel ban, 94, 99, 216, 226, 242
Treaty of Paris, 86
Tri-Continental Congress, 110
Trudeau, Pierre, 93
26th of July Movement, 21–22, 24–27, 33, 39, 49, 59, 207
Union of Cuban Writers and Arists (UNEAC), 219–20
UNITA, 114
United Fruit Company, 79
United Nations, 171, 176, 183, 191, 194–98, 204, 264–65
United States
Afghanistan war, 233
annexationists, 5
balseros refugee crisis, 143
and Central American revolutionary movements, 122–24
covert operations against Cuba, 82–84
Cuba policy, impact, xix
Cuban Democracy Act, 162–65, 168–69, 175, 178
Cuban economic reform, 136–37, 139
Cuban independence movements, 8–11
and the Cuban Revolution, 42, 74–76
and the Cuban sugar industry, 19, 68–69, 76–77, 79
democracy and human rights record, 250
détente, 92
dissident financing, 67–68, 253
economic embargo of Cuba, 52, 70, 88–89, 118–19, 129–30, 144, 260, 267–68
elections and Cuba policy, 238–41, 267–68, 270
expansionism, 4
exports of food to Cuba, 204
Foreign Assistance Act, 88
free trade agreements, 248
Good Neighbor Policy, 17
Helms-Burton, 172–73, 268, 271, 274
Human Rights Council, 245
independence of, 2
Inter-American Democratic Charter, 201
and Mengistu, 116
and Mexico, 113
Nicaraguan revolution, 125
nickel industry, 76
Patriot Act, 187
people-to-people exchange, 175, 268
post-Fidel Cuba, 227–30, 232–37
President’s Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, 227–28
and Selassie, 115
Sierra Maestra, 24
UN Commission on Human Rights, 197
UN condemnation of Cuban embargo, 195
U.S.-Cuba Immigration Agreements, 165–67
velvet revolution, 192
World War II, 18
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 245
University of Havana, 19, 22, 28, 94
Uribe, Alvaro, 248
Uruguay, 112
USAID, 168, 172, 220, 234, 236, 263, 271–73
Varela, Felix, 4
Vatican, 154–55, 246. See also Catholic Church
Veciana, Antonio, 49
Velazquez, Diego, 1
velvet revolution, 192
Venezuela. See also Chávez, Hugo
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), 248
and Cuba, 137, 145, 198, 277–78, 200–204, 225, 233, 261
elections in, 249
independence movements, 108
land reform, 201
OAS suspension of Cuba, 90
oil-for-doctors, 200
and the United States, 200–201
Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties, 15
Vietnam, 192
Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (patron saint of Cuba), 261
Washington Consensus, 137
Wasserman Shultz, Debbie, 267
Watergate burglary, 25
Welles, Sumner, 14
Wenders, Wim, 141
work camps, 66
World War II, 18
WTO (World Trade Organization), 195
Yom Kippur War, 117