THIS IS NOT THE FIRST book I thought I’d write. It’s not even the second or third that was on the list. The more I wrote, the more I released anger, anxiety, sadness, and overwhelm from my heart and body, and let in more light in the form of forgiveness, peace, joy, and ease. Writing was therapeutic. Almost two years after my hysterectomy, I was still seeking balance. So were other women. I continued to write and publish about my recovery while connecting with women from all over the world who were struggling just like me. My writing took a turn toward awareness, education, and empowerment for women everywhere. Writing became about doing service.
I’m not a doctor or a hormone specialist. I’m simply a woman who was having an ovarian cyst removed and woke up having had a hysterectomy and in full-onset surgical menopause.
This book explains what I wish I knew ahead of time and what I have since learned. I have heard other women say that they were “never the same” after hysterectomy. While I believe that’s true, menopause can enhance who we are. It intensifies things that are out of balance. If a woman is struggling with her weight, finances, career, purpose, another illness, passion, focus, or drive, surgical menopause will make each of these issues more obvious and extreme. Surgical menopause will rush the symptoms to you all at once.
The foundation of this book is my personal experience and what I did to help myself. I had to recover from more than the removal of an organ and the tiny incisions the surgeon made in my abdomen. As I moved through this transitional time in my life, my body and mind transformed. My hormones changed and it felt like every aspect of my life was out of balance. I sought to heal old wounds and rediscover passions from childhood. It was a time of personal discovery and creative expression. I questioned who I was and who I wanted to be in the future. I found myself putting all areas of my life, from relationships to career, hobbies, and interests, under a microscope for examination.
The quality of my life improved with this surgery. I no longer fear unbearable pain, heavy periods, or endometriosis. There is relief in knowing that I am not at risk for diseases like ovarian cancer. This life event forced me to develop tools that could change my thoughts, words, and feelings so that I could live on purpose and with passion and clarity. Overall, I had a lot to learn. I still do.
How to Use This Book
If you are reading this, then you may be in one of several places in your life. Possibly:
~ You’re facing surgery, illness, or treatment that could push you into surgical menopause.
~ You know a woman who is going through surgical menopause and want to learn the best way to help and support her.
~ You are already in surgical menopause.
~ You are going through natural menopause and looking for ways to improve your health and wellness and regain your balance.
~ You have an interest in learning more about balancing yourself after medical trauma.
Regardless of where you are, within these pages are tools that can strengthen your mind, body, and emotions and assist you to live a more balanced life. Use them all or use a few. Above all, don’t take my word on anything. Try things out for yourself.
If you are facing the possibility of surgical menopause, you’ll want to read Chapter 2, “Preparing for Surgery and Initial Recovery.”
If you already have a healthy diet and exercise routine or if you are struggling with anxiety and depression, focus on Chapter 6, “Thoughts, Words, and Feelings,” specifically the section “Tools to Change Your Emotions.”
If surgical menopause has shined a light on the fact that you lack passion and purpose in your life, then jump right to Chapter 7, “Come Back Strong.”
I wrote this book for women who are preparing for surgery, as well as women who are facing what comes after it: surgical menopause. Despite the pain or struggle you are in right now, if any, this book was written to offer you hope that you can feel amazing despite surgical menopause. I’m living proof that it is possible, and if I can come back strong, you can.