chapter six
ye gads, i'm feeling!


Wonder, preciousness, appreciation, gratitude, excitement, reverence, awe. Can you pull up those different feelings any time you want? Can you turn on “wonder” at the drop of a hat, or “excitement” (and I don't mean sex)? Or how about “reverence?” Can you look at anything—even a rock—and instantly make yourself feel a warm sensation of respect toward that inanimate object?

“Turning on” has usually meant getting ready to jump somebody's bones, but that's not what we're talking about here. Our new kind of turning on is a conscious, intentional flipping of our inner switch to a higher frequency to get us vibrating at a faster speed, like right now! … any time we remember to do it … every time we remember to do it … all the time … as often as possible … every hour on the hour … or every time you pass a red car, stray dog, or mom and baby. Whenever!

I'm not kidding. If we don't learn how to get our frequencies up there and outta here, we don't stand a bloody chance in hell of becoming deliberate creators. Which means, unhappily, that we will forever remain creators by default. Which means … victims.

Since “Changing Frequencies 101” was never an offered course in school, it becomes a skill we have to learn on our own. But with a few more tricks of the trade under our belts, it can happen easily.


I first started fiddling around with energy flow about a year before finding the teachings on the Law of Attraction. I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was doing, but it was fun and passed the time as I was driving.

The home refinance market was in full swing, and as a mortgage broker I was right in the middle of it with my own one-person business which I ran from my home. So as requests came in from folks to refinance their houses, I'd go to them rather than the usual routine of having them come to me. It was fun that way. I got out of the house, did errands at the same time, and saw parts of my town I never knew existed.

To pass the time as I was driving around to appointments, I started playing with my energy. I already knew how to switch rapidly into an intense Feel Good mode, a kicky little thing to do I called “running my energy.” I'd just inflate a vigorous feeling of “up,” and in almost no time my body was buzzing in response to the altered frequency. I also knew if I folded a desire into those high feelings (think about it while I was up), it would stand a good chance of coming about. But that's all I knew! Frequencies, vibrations, negative/positive energy flow, the Law of Attraction—I had only a casual understanding of these things.

The more I fooled around with running my energy, the more I was beginning to see this rather intriguing phenomenon that would occur just as I started to feel high, or buzz, as I called it. Right in the pit of my stomach, that place where you lose your breath when you're socked, there was this WHOOSH! feeling as if I were zooming down a roller coaster at breakneck speed. Sometimes it lasted for only a split second, but other times, if I concentrated with extreme care, I could prolong it for several minutes.

Then I realized this WHOOSH! was the same kind of YIPES! feeling you get if you have to swerve abruptly to avoid hitting another car. Or the kind I felt many years ago at the precise moment my boss told me I was fired. WHOOSH! right in the pit of my stomach.

At first I didn't know what to make of it or how to link it all together. Here were vastly different situations eliciting a broad spectrum of equally powerful reactions, yet they all seemed to end up physically in the same place: my gut. Then it dawned on me. Our emotions register first in our adrenal glands which is why, when we're startled or frightened, we experience that rush in the pit of our stomach, or solar plexus, where the adrenals are located.

When fear hits us, the adrenals are socked with a sudden burst of electromagnetic energy causing the immediate release of adrenal secretion which we experience as WHOOSH! So why wouldn't the adrenals respond in the same manner to an intense energy manufactured from joy? Energy is energy, after all, no matter what has moved it around. Whether we feel a rush of extreme panic, or a rush of sublime joy, the energy floods through the solar plexus, stimulating our adrenals and registering as a highly noticeable, physical sensation: WHOOSH!

I was thoroughly intrigued and started to experiment even more. Sure enough, I found I could control how intense my Feel Good vibrations were by how much WHOOSH! I had in the pit of my stomach, and vice versa. I could control the intensity and duration of WHOOSH! by however much Feel Good vibration I could generate.

It was fantastic! Not much WHOOSH! meant not much Feel Good, and not much intensity, so not much change vibrationally from where I had been.

But a big WHOOSH! or rush in my solar plexus meant I was really turned on vibrationally to some kind of elevated feeling: excitement, delight, deep appreciation, or whatever. It meant I was flying high without chemicals, and it proved itself every time. The rush never came without my turning on some form of joy. And I never, ever had the rush, or buzz, as long as I was just flat-lining, which is feeling neither good nor bad, but just plotzing along.

I was so excited with all of this, I thought I had discovered the secret of life! Perhaps I had, but only in part. I still didn't know about directing the energy, or about focusing on Wants or Don't Wants. All I knew then was that the more I pushed a Feel Good into a bodily buzz, the more I was attracting my desires. It was a great start, but oh, brother, how I wish I'd known “the rest of the story” (as commentator Paul Harvey would say).

In the beginning, I was like Mickey Mouse in the Disney movie Fantasia, playing with his boss's magic hat without knowing its powers. I was getting so good at manufacturing up-feelings into a WHOOSH!, I could turn it on in a wink, even while listening to tasteless newscasts about somebody's sweet grandmother being raped. WHOOSH! would come that feeling in my stomach as I turned on the joy, followed in moments by a sort of soft bubbly feeling, or buzzing, all over my body.

The more I buzzed, the more business I'd get, so I'd buzz even more. It was magic. The money was flowing in so fast, I actually stopped counting. Running my energy became such a routine pastime, I could almost forecast how much business would come in by the intensity and frequency of my buzzing.

While I was correct in my understanding that the high frequencies I was originating were magnetizing my desires, I mistakenly thought that was all there was to it. “No problem, just get my frequencies up there, run my energy, and the world is my oyster.”

Not quite! What I didn't know then was that even the slightest shift of my focus to anything that was unpleasant would not only pull in the undesired consequences of that negative focus, but would instantly cast a barrier between me and incoming goodies, including money! That little lesson was soon to come.

For several months, though, there was not a negative condition anywhere for me to observe. “What was” was terrific! Everywhere I turned, it was as if it were my time. There was a ripe and ready market which I knew I could tap with ease. The little flyers I inserted into the newspaper were so effective, my phone would ring with loan appointments for weeks afterward. No matter where I looked, things were extraordinarily positive, and of course, so were my vibrations. My energy level was off the charts, my social life was thriving, and my ancient wardrobe sprouted anew from carefree shopping sprees, all while my business boomed. And before the year was out, I had even launched a new enterprise totally separate from the mortgage business. I just kept unconsciously observing the good stuff all around me, running my energy and pulling in more. How good could it get!?

Then things started to go haywire. The market changed and so did my focus along with it. As interest rates began to rise, business began to dry up. Now all my attention was going to, “No, no, don't let the rates go up. Don't let the market dry up. Don't let this gravy train crash.” If someone had said to me then that “what is” is only the platform from which you launch your next creation, I would have punched their lights out. I was really, really worried, so of course the problem kept getting worse.

Because I had been so preoccupied with the bad turn of events, I had long since stopped buzzing. Instead, I had shifted my focus completely to what I didn't want (the market to get any worse) rather than to what I could have so easily created (lots of business in spite of the market). But I didn't know that. The worse the market got, the worse I felt. And the worse I felt, the worse my business got. Instead of writing a new script and finding the happy-feeling place of the way I wanted it to be, my fear was pulling in more fear. Trouble was glaring me in the face in major proportions.

I had spent all my funds on the new enterprise, the market was in the pits, there were no new loans coming in, I still had debts to pay from launching the new corporation, and … need I say more? The conditions I was focusing on were a long, long way from my liking, and the growing fear behind that focus was making matters meaner than all get out.

I borrowed money to live on. I flew into every kind of Frantic Action I could think of, hired a salesperson who was into more lack than I was (naturally; that was all I could attract), sent flyers farther out into neighboring towns, and generally thrashed about anxiously for new business. It didn't come. I had plunged headlong into creation by negative focus, centering 100 percent of my attention on everything I did not want. I had so entrenched those Don't Wants into my vibrations and made them such a dominant part of me, I was pulling in more and more nasty stuff by the truckload. It was not a good time.

Thinking I still had the secret, I tried to start buzzing again. Good luck! With such impassioned negative focus on all the gloomy stuff around me, I couldn't have turned on if my life depended on it (which at that point, it damn near did). My poor Expanded Self was probably saying, “Forget it,” while taking off for an extended vacation in another universe until I came to my senses. Negative was my dominant vibration, and negative was all I was getting. In spades!

It was somewhere right around that emotional low when a bunch of my all-too-enthusiastic friends began insisting I look into this material they had gotten hold of about the Law of Attraction. I was so down in the dumps, I really didn't care if they had discovered a shipload of authentic Aladdin's lamps, but to get them off my back so I could be alone in my misery, I gave in.

Five minutes is all it took for me to see why they were so excited. At last, here was “the rest of the story,” all the pieces that for so many years I never even knew were missing. I couldn't have been more elated if someone had given me fifty million dollars. Within one day I designed—and dove into—my thirty-day program described in the last chapter.

No, things didn't turn around over night; I was too addicted to looking at all the uglies. The financial turnaround was slow but absolutely steady, and a torrent of ideas was beginning to wash over me about fabulous ways to increase business with ease and fun. What excited me the most, though, was the leg up I knew I had in knowing about energy flow, or running my energy. I already knew how to turn on, how to manufacture the up feelings and hold them for quite a while. I even knew how to con myself into thinking I was feeling good until I truly did.

What I most assuredly had not known was the single most important item in the Law of Attraction, which says, “What you focus on, chum, is what you get!” All I had to do was get my focus off the down market, off my lack of money in the bank, off the fact there were still no loans coming in, off my debts, take precise aim with my focusing, and sail away into the sunset. Oh, sure!

It took more than a little while, but it finally worked. I became one of the few brokers locally who did not go out of business and continued to make good money in a rotten market. What a joy! And eventually, through persistent attention to my focus, I was able to turn my one-person business into a large and highly successful tri-state enterprise.

Buzzing on Command

The art of feeling good is not exactly something at which we are highly accomplished, so the goal is to learn how to do it on the spot.

Sometimes that switching will take a little (or a lot of) prodding; other times you'll find you can switch over in the blink of an eye. But no matter what it takes, the point is to do it, to switch from down to any notch up from there. How? Let's go back into our special bag of tricks.

There are three basic ways to start feeling good, and we've already talked about two of them. One is to look for, or think about, anything that gives you pleasure. The second is to talk to yourself until you bring about a change of vibration. The third, which we'll explore now, is called “buzzing,” which gives you a RIGHT NOW change in vibration.

Buzzing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to raise your vibrations. Naturally, different occasions call for different techniques. Sometimes one approach will do the trick, sometimes two or three methods are required to drag us out of our addiction to negative emotion. Buzzing is just one way, but it's a technique I've found to be such pure dynamite, I use it almost every day of my life, if only for a moment or two.

One of the reasons learning to buzz is so easy is that there's a jump-start you can use to get it going. What you're reaching for here is a feeling that emanates from the very depths of your being. Once that's activated—a sensation you can achieve in less than a second—your whole body has switched gears to vibrate on a much higher frequency. Your valve is wide open, the Creative Life Force you were attached to by only a thread— just to keep you functioning—is now flooding through you. You are in absolute alignment with your Inner Being/Expanded Self … and … you can feel the sensation right smack in the pit of your stomach!

That's what makes buzzing so much fun. Through emotion, you're creating an undeniable physical sensation to use as an indicator of the vibrational change in your body. The whole process is nothing more than a quick one-two, and BINGO! You have turned on.


Since we're sort of dead batteries until we get charged, I found the best way to get a buzz started was by doing something physical that would jump-start me into a nice feeling. So, lacking cables, I used a smile!

That's right, a meaningful little smile, the kind that feels like butter melting on a hot roll; the kind of smile you couldn't help but break into at the sight of newborn kittens tumbling all over each other, or a baby giggling just for the sake of giggling. Not a phony grin, but a loving, tender smile as if a youngster had just brought you their most cherished treasure. It's a smile on the outside, yes, but it originates from a rich, caring feeling on the inside.

As you take that feeling and pull it up from the inside, you'll feel yourself smiling from the deepest point of your being. Now you're at what I call the Gentle Inner Smile, a warm, lovely sensation that feels like a soft buzz or a delicate whirling. Maybe even a little tingling here or there.

Now please! Don't go looking for exploding missiles here. The feeling is going to be very, very subtle at first. You're not waiting for a tornado to slam you around, just a delicate—but noticeable—shift in your energy. That shift will always feel like it's coming from inside you, sometimes from behind your ears, sometimes from your heart, sometimes from your solar plexus, sometimes from the top of your head, sometimes from all over you. If you don't feel it right off the bat, stay loose and don't worry. Just state your desire to the universe (to feel the buzz) as a Want or Intent, and I promise it will come.

So, in something like one or two seconds, you've gotten a buzz going with the Gentle Inner Smile (believe me, you'll know it when you have it) and radically changed your energy. It's an instant Feel Good, and an instant raise in frequency jump-started with a warm smile on the outside to that smooth Gentle Inner Smile on the inside.

Next, the Replacement Feeling

The high-frequency feeling of the Gentle Inner Smile is fine but hard to hold on to or intensify unless there's some other more familiar feeling to replace it. So you pick some pleasant feeling like appreciation, gratitude, wonder, etc., and hold on to that as your predominant vibration, like so:

1) You jump-start with a facial smile as warm and tender as possible.

2) Right away, and with your physical smile still going, you reach down inside and pump up the tender feeling coming from that smile until it becomes the melted butter, the warm fuzzy of your Gentle Inner Smile, and you can feel a soft little buzz somewhere, no matter how slight.

3) Once you have got the Gentle Inner Smile going, you replace that warm fuzzy with a special flavor of your own choice such as affection, or enthusiasm, or just plain old being tickled pink (one of my favorites). Pick whatever up feeling is easiest for you to manufacture at will, and hold it there for as long as you can.

4) (Optional!) If you want to, this is a good time in this high energy to fold in a specific Want/Intent, but don't do that until you've gotten used to experiencing the overlay emotion (#3) for a period of time.

That's all there is to it; you're off and running. You've jump-started with a Gentle Inner Smile to get your motor running. Then you've given it the necessary gas to keep it going by overlaying, or replacing, the jump-start with your choice of an elevated emotion.

Let's say you picked Tenderness as your replacement feeling. All right, once you've got your Gentle Inner Smile going, you simply conjure up whatever it takes to get the feeling of Tenderness running. Maybe that's how it feels to rub a glorious rose up against your cheek, or gently caress a loved one, or painstakingly tend to a wounded animal. You want to intensify that feeling as much as you can until you can feel the physical shift of energy in your body, no matter how subtle. What you're experiencing is simply energy in motion made more conspicuous by your switch in frequencies.

At first you may notice the energy WHOOSHING in your solar plexus, like that sinking feeling you get in a dive on the roller coaster. The feeling may radiate from your solar plexus up the back of your neck to your head, and you may feel little tingling sensations all over your skull. After a while you may feel it running simultaneously to your head and down to your groin. In fact, you might even feel a slight sexual arousal. Not to worry, it only lasts a moment, but it is proof positive that your energy has finally cut loose and is starting to flux and move around.

The more you practice this, the sooner you'll be able to turn on at will and cause the energies to increase, decrease, or simply remain steady for a length time. I've pumped it up in the car, or the shower, or even the supermarket to such a lengthy time that I've felt not quite of this world (not too smart for the car). But the point is, you absolutely can learn to manipulate your own energy, and that's when the fun really starts.

If you ever want verification that you are opening your valve and initiating high-frequency energy flow about you, just get out the Woo-Woo wands described in the appendix and go for the Gentle Inner Smile. That's all you'll need to do, then watch your wands go bananas in response to your change of energy.

Positive (Yuck) Aspects

What all this is about is feeling good, since nothing is more important. Nothing! Nothing is more important than feeling good, and it doesn't matter beans how you do it. If standing on your head in Times Square will do it, terrific. If smelling newly cut wood will do it, grand. Anything it takes to get you to that place of feeling better than when you started. You know when you're there; you can't miss it. Whether it's just a decision to feel good in the moment (or even to feel just a little better), or you're orchestrating a new kind of Feel Good around a particular Want, you can usually find dozens of different oddball ways to turn on … if you really want to.

But there's one way I reserve for “when all else fails,” because I seem to always resent having to get into it. That last resort for me is finding something positive about whatever irksome thing it was that closed my valve in the first place.

Let's say, for instance, you're stuck in traffic because of an accident, and you allow yourself to get really ticked off. We'll take it as a given that under the circumstances of your closed valve, not only is the traffic not going to improve in a hurry, but all that negative energy is, at that very moment, affecting every other aspect of your life.

Your job is to get that valve open any way you can. But let's say you've “tried” (a word to take out of your vocabulary) and nothing has worked—not music, not buzzing, not talking to yourself. Well, when all else fails, there's only one alternative left. Look for anything within the situation, or in your immediate surroundings, to appreciate or feel good about.

Maybe just the fact that your car is operational, or you don't have to go to the john, or the empathy you're feeling for the other poor slobs on the road who are just as teed off as you are, or your appreciation for the medical response team. Find something … anything! Start talking to yourself about it, fake it, con yourself, and pretty soon you'll feel that subtle little click into Feel Good energy (or at least into a Feel Better), and your valve will slowly open. (Because a hundred other drivers are flowing irate energy all around you, the traffic jam might not change for a while, but at least you won't be screwing up other areas of your life by flowing such garbage out.)

Now frankly, when I'm in a crappy mood, there's nothing I enjoy more than staying there. I still love to bitch and stew because it feels so good. The sad part is, though, I also know every time I do that, my whole world is being negatively affected, not to mention I'm attracting more of whatever it is I'm bitching about. I'm just not willing to let that happen—much—anymore.

So, begrudgingly, I'll find some stupid, dumb, meaningless, insignificant thing about whatever it is I'm mad at that I might—possibly—begin to consider as a positive aspect of this situation or individual; something I might—just possibly—be able to appreciate. Then, looking very much like a defiant brat who has just been scolded, I'll think of some way to begin talking to myself (almost always with a pout) to pump up whatever positive aspect I was able to muster.

The thing that fries me so when I'm in that kind of mood is that it always works. I find something to compliment, or appreciate, or admire about the jerk or situation, and before I know what's hit me I've got a head of steam going. I can actually feel the moment the pivot happens. Valve opened; mission accomplished. Now I can let go and allow the universe to do its thing.

Porch Light Fury

For a number of years, I rented out a little cottage out back on my property. The deal was that the renters paid for their propane heating, and I paid for electricity.

Well, I had this young couple who insisted on keeping the front porch light on day and night. I talked to them and talked to them about it. No matter, they'd leave that thing on until I was seeing stars.

It finally hit me that I was dealing with an utterly pointless valve closer. Every time I looked at that cursed light, my valve would slam shut, my dinner would burn, my dogs would start fighting, I'd cut my finger, a loan appointment would cancel, fireplace sparks would singe my rug, and on and on. All while writing this book, no less! Talk about practice what you preach.

So one day—reluctantly—I said, “Okay, I'll find some blasted thing that pleases me about those two and get this valve of mine open.” I couldn't. Or more properly, I wouldn't. And the light stayed on night after night while I fumed. By now I knew this was serious and had to be spreading like a nasty virus, so with a sulk I decided to look for any blessed thing I could think of that was good about having them there.

“Well … uh … oh, all right, they help me with the yard, and that's a first. They're nice people to have around, so quiet … blah, blah, blah.” It seemed like searching for a black needle in a wet haystack at midnight, but pretty soon I could feel the resistance softening, and I jumped on it. Bit by grouchy bit I expanded the feeling, and before long I could feel the movement of Feel Better (no, not Feel Good) energy flowing through me. THEIR LIGHT WENT OUT THAT NIGHT, and forever after came on only briefly for visitors or groceries! I was flabbergasted. Writing a book about it, sure, yet still amazed and thrilled at the continuing evidence that this stuff really works, even on porch lights.

Was I justified in my annoyed reaction? Of course, but so what?! It was hardly worth screwing up the rest of my world any more than I already had.

Just remember, when you've got negative feelings of any kind flowing out (even about porch lights), they're doing a lot more than amplifying that situation. They're acting like the frontline defense of the Dallas Cowboys, blocking all of your Wants from breaking through your massive line of negativity. At the same time, those negative feelings are attracting all sorts of other unpleasant events in the process. Worst of all, if it's a negative person you're getting all riled up about, you're being sucked right into their disconnectedness. How can it possibly be worth it?

Any way you stretch it, no matter what the reason for the negative thought may be, the important thing is that your valve is closed. So get it open!

The Treasure of Touchstones

There will be times when a particular Want/Intent is so foreign to us that we don't know how it would feel, particularly if it's something of an emotional nature or related to spiritual matters such as a closer contact with our concept of God. How do we find the feeling place of something we've so rarely—or perhaps never—experienced?

Or there might be times when all we want is to get out of, or away from, whatever it is we have now, yet we're not sure what it is we want to get to, except to feel better than we feel now. How do we find the feeling place of those nebulous kind of things?

There are a couple of ways, and the first one you already know. You fake the feelings of what it might be like to have your desire, talking about it with imagined emotions until your mouth waters, and CLICK! That's the direct way.

The other is indirect, and one I approach with much reverence, for usually the feelings I am calling forth are from deeply cherished and very private memories. We've all had them, those special moments in life we can never forget nor describe, moments we might call an epiphany. They are touchstones, locked away forever in our own secret treasure chest of life's most precious and significant encounters.

On a quiet night, perhaps when the stars are bursting and the air is filled with nightly fragrances, find yourself a comfy spot, relax into the beauty of the moment, and take yourself back in memory to that special time. Or as you sit musing by the window early one morn, watching the sun begin her trek across the skies, go to that touchstone in memory. Go to that never-to-be-forgotten moment in your life and allow yourself to experience its robe of loving remembrance fold about you.

What was the flavor of that touchstone to you? Was it awe, or unspeakable love, or spiritual revelation? Perhaps supreme contentment, or wild joy, or nonsensical frivolity. The feelings need not be labeled, only acknowledged as a treasure of your being.

Then, when you can find no other way to call forth the feelings of your desire, or in moments of despair when you can find no thing to quiet your pain, when you can find no means to feel other than that which you are feeling, go to your touchstone, for there you will find the comfort of unconditional love from your Inner Being/Expanded Self. When your knowledge and your awareness are on that feeling place, you and your Expanded Self are one, and you will no longer be able to focus on your emotional block nor on your pain.

Bring your heart's desire as an offering to this feeling, and immerse that desire reverently into the healing energies of that remembered feeling. Or do nothing except bask in the feelings of that cherished moment. Rest with it, and know that all is well.

The Magic of Appreciation

There are only three states of being we run around in all day long. If we could be even a little more aware of which one we're wearing during each moment of the day, we'd have a big leg up to changing our vibrations.

Victim Mode

This is the oh-dear-they're-doing-it-to-me-again-and-there'snothing-I-can-do-about-it frame of mind where we go nowhere but around in negative circles, forever magnetizing the same old same old.

Flat-Lining Mode

In the Flat-Lining Mode, we're neither down nor up, just bumping along on second-rate gas. We're not flowing our energy to anything, and surely not attracting anything. In Flat-Lining we're not only living the results of our own erratic flowing of energy, but that of everybody else's. (Like attracts like, remember?) Very unpleasant! And what most of us do most of the time.

Turned On Mode

Now you're up! You're on! Your high frequencies are no longer attracting the negative vibes of others. You're fueled with the pure positive energy of well-being, vibrating in harmony with your Expanded Self, flowing positive energy out and pulling positive events in while being wrapped in unsurpassed safety and security.

Victim Mode, Flat-Lining, or Turned On, we will always find ourselves in one of the three. Our goal, of course, is to make it the Turned On Mode as often and as long as we can, which is why we look to the high, high energy of appreciation.

The vibration of appreciation is the most profoundly important frequency we can hold, for it is the closest thing to cosmic love that exists. When we're appreciating, we're in perfect vibrational harmony with our Source energy, or God energy—call it what you will.

You can jump-start it, or you can jam straight to the feeling, it makes no difference. What's important to know is that one minute of flowing the intense energy of appreciation overrides thousands of hours spent in Victim or Flat-Lining Modes.

But take care! No fair just thinking appreciation. That won't wash. Thinking is out, feeling is in. You can't just make a decision that you're going to appreciate something and let it go at that. There has to be that surge of significant emotion flowing up from the depths of your being for this to work.

But neither does that mean you have to have just been saved from a life-threatening incident by 911 rescue workers to feel deep appreciation. In fact, flowing appreciation is really no big deal. You can flow it intensely to a street sign if you want. Don't laugh, I do that all the time to stay in shape. Like any skill, flowing energy requires constant practice, and there's something so absurdly satisfying about flowing buckets of love, adoration, and appreciation to “SLOW: MEN AT WORK.” I flow it to stoplights, billboards, birds overhead, a tree stump, a dead animal, a winter storm, and of course, to people.

Sometimes in the supermarket I'll pick the meanest looking lowlife I can find and just open up and douse the unsuspecting soul with the highest vibration I can muster. Maybe it's appreciation, maybe it's honest-to-God love. One time I did that to a scroungy old biddy who looked like she'd rather eat me than let me pass. I blasted her, and in that very moment she wheeled around, searching angrily for whatever she felt hit her, while I smiled back in pure innocence.

That's my “Hug-A-Bum” game where I envision me and a perfect stranger on the street (or wherever) rushing into each other's arms like we were old best friends who hadn't seen each other for ages. You start with acceptable “targets,” like someone you wouldn't mind sitting next to at a lunch counter if you had to. Then you move up, bit by bit, to targets that are increasingly difficult for you socially, until finally it doesn't make any difference what kind of slobs they are.

You just see—and deeply feel—the two of you joyfully recognizing each other and flying together in this gigantic bear hug as profound love surges between you. I don't know how many people I've done that with while walking down a street, and watched them turn around to look for whatever it was they felt.

The vibration of appreciation is also the highest, fastest vibration we can use for attraction. If we would shoot appreciation at anything and everything … all day long … we'd be guaranteed to have heaven on earth in no time, living happily ever after with more friends, more money, more beautiful relationships, in total safety, and closer to the God of our Being than it's possible to fathom.

Be in Love

Ah, “The One” has finally come into your life. You're walking on air with your head in the clouds, consumed with such a euphoric feeling, it defies description. You're in love!

Nothing bothers you. The world is sweet, the day is glorious, it's spring in the middle of winter. Strangers are beautiful. You're floating. You're in love!

Did you know that you can turn that feeling on at will? I don't mean the heightened sexual sensations, but the emotional intoxication, the heady elation. You can walk right out your front door and be in love, and I'm here to tell you that nothing, but nothing feels as good or will raise your vibrations as fast as that.

From there, you can either float on that vibration all day, knowing you are pulling in your Wants, or you can put a specific Want right in the middle of that head-in-the-clouds feeling, flowing your newly spiked energy right out to your oncoming desires.

Remember your first love, how everything seemed to fall into place for you? Problems seemed trivial in a world overflowing with newness, like God just polished the sky.

Be there again. Be in love, and you'll feel yourself come intensely alive. The only thing missing will be the sexual turn on; other than that, everything else will replicate the real thing, because it is the real thing. It's what you are; all you're doing is plugging back in. Besides that, it's a barrel of fun to pretend. And while you're at it, notice the buzz it brings to your body, and that quiet stirring in pit of your tummy.

Always the Sweetness

When all else fails, when you've tried to pull up even a tiny bit of Feel Better with no success, then here's something to remember.

Whether male or female, there is within you a softness, a gentleness, a sweetness so beautiful you might weep from the feeling, were you to touch it. Aggressive or tender, beggar or billionaire, we all have it, for it is what we are. This sweetness has nothing to do with personality. It's not about being weak rather than strong, a doormat rather than a mighty general. It has to do with you, for it is what you are.

To awaken this presence (usually well-hidden), you need only put in the request. Make it a Want, or an Intent, then wait, listen, perceive, and allow yourself the experience. Once you have felt this sweetness, this preciousness within yourself, you'll be able to call up the sensation in a moment, anytime you wish. However, it takes extraordinary grit to permit yourself to live it, for in this gentle place is the highest vibration of all that you are. Once you have found this naturalness, you have come Home to yourself. Your world will never be the same, for you will never be the same. And neither will your vibrations.

On Downest Days

As long as we live in these bodies, down days are going to happen. On those days when nothing is going right (and you could care less anyhow), just remember that a rotten day is nothing more than a closed valve. You're having a negative energy orgy. It's not a big deal, go on and have it. Give yourself permission to experience the whole bloody downer, so that no negative feelings get stuffed.

But if you really do want out of the vibrational gloomies, then one way to do it is to let your eyes fall on the smallest, most insignificant thing you can find, jump-start with your physical smile, reach down to your Gentle Inner Smile and love that little no-thing in any way you can.

Maybe it's just a speck of dust, or a magazine, or a wire cord. Flood appreciation to it for just being, wrap it in love as if it were the most revered treasure of your life which had been long lost and now is found. You'll be amazed at how easily your vibrations will change.

That fairly unstrenuous approach usually works for me, but if it doesn't, I resort to my never-fail technique where I start dancing around the house, singing some silly up song like “Happy Days Are Here Again” (when I'd rather be screaming at my poor dogs), or “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” (when I'd rather be collapsed on the chair in tears), or some goofy little ditty I make up as I force myself to move around.

I use this ploy when I'm completely down in the pits but no longer willing to stay there. However, when I'm this down, it generally takes a few hours for much of anything to work, so that wild dancing becomes a real starter. It literally cracks open the stuck energy to where I can eventually click back into Feel Much Better. Then, within hours, the phone starts ringing, business picks up, friends invite me over, and ideas start to gurgle again. It's always worked. The point is, do anything you can think of to help you feeeeel better.

Also, when you're clearly down, tender-talking to yourself reassuringly by name works wonders; “It's going to be okay, Corky, I promise; everything's going to be all right. You're going to be fine.” Just talk … about anything that's soothing … until you feel better.

One small gentle step at a time when you're really down; a little here, a little there. It may take a couple of hours or a couple of days, but eventually you'll feel your resistance lessening, and that wonderful click back into open-valve connectedness.

Turn On, Turn On, Turn On!

No matter where you are, you can always turn on with some kind of warm feeling if you really want to.

Turn on as you look out the kitchen window. Turn on as you walk out the door in the morning. Turn on as you slide into your wheelchair. Turn on as you board the subway. Turn on as you sweep the porch. Turn on as you make copies. Turn on as you walk down the fairway. Turn on as you feed the stock.

Until you can find that buzz of joy, or buzz of appreciation, or being in love, or gratitude, even when common sense says you haven't a thing to be grateful for, you're not flowing your energy to anywhere you want to go. But if your desire is to blast out into a new life for yourself, then learn to turn on any way you can, no matter what's happening around you. NO MATTER WHAT!

If you want to change something, if you want to improve where you are, if you want that magnificent feeling of fulfillment, or to feel a depth of happiness not normally known to you, if you want to have whatever it is you don't have now, then learn to get your motor running, and turn on!