All right, let's get down to it … MONEY!!! Money, money, money. Sounds good, doesn't it? Or does it? No, I'm not retarded. Let's put it another way: How does the word—or topic—make you feel? Honestly!
Every word we utter carries its own brand of vibration peculiar to the one doing the speaking. Depending on how we were raised and what our own distinctive outlook on life may be, we charge the words we speak with a personally exclusive vibration. The word “God,” for instance, can evoke either a highly positive or powerfully negative vibrational response, depending on who's doing the speaking—or listening—and what their background and association have been with that word.
We have a truckload of these juiced-up words in our language, but there's only one which can lay claim to consistently winning the “Top Negative Word Vibration” award. That word is “money,” the most highly charged word in any language that uses the stuff.
With most of us, the beliefs associated with this word are so incredibly intense, the moment we speak, think, or hear it, we send out walloping negative vibrations all over the place. Of course, all that does is create an impenetrable wall around us that guarantees blockage of this most sought-after commodity coming into our lives. Just by speaking that dumb little grouping of sounds, we're stalling the very thing we most desire.
But how come? This is, after all, pretty neat stuff, is it not? Gold, silver, coins, paper notes, all that jazz?
More like “all that misery.” From the time we were tiny tots, at least for the majority of us, we learned that the word money equates to struggle, shoulds, musts, have-to's, gotta's.
We learned how the subject felt to Mom and Dad, to uncles and aunts, to grown-up family friends.
We learned the anxiety that surrounds the word, and the anguish.
We learned, for the most part, that it is the be-all and end-all of what we believe to be life, so we had better make damn sure we have it, or else!
Actually, that learning curve began well before toddler days, back in the womb where we absorbed all the many vibrations of our parents' struggles and fears. So we came bouncing into the world like Don Quixote with this cockeyed inborn programming that says the greatest adversary we shall ever confront in life will be this thing we call money, the dragon against which we must war unto death. And most of us do!
Because we never learned about flowing energy and getting out of negative vibrations, we spend our lives with thoroughly closed valves over this subject, fighting a battle we can't possibly win until we become so tired, so discouraged, so downtrodden, our body finally responds to the perpetual negativity, and we die. Swell life!
Ever since legal tender was first created, no one has had enough. So as we think money, we immediately think “not enough,” and now can you start to see the picture? Money equates to not enough … which equates to lack … which equates to Feel Bad vibrations … which faithfully supplies us more of precisely what we don't want any more of: lack!
The good news is we don't have to get in there and dig up all our moldy old beliefs about money to allow the abundance to flow; we only have to override them. And thank heavens for that; we'd be on the couch for decades trying to overcome the plethora of well-ensconced doctrines about money that society has so unjustly created, like:
“You have to work hard to get it.”
“Money must be earned.”
“You don't get something for nothing.”
“Money is hard to come by.”
“Money is hard to save.”
“I never have enough.”
“It goes out faster than it comes in.”
“Money is the root of all evil.”
“We need to save for retirement.”
“I'll be happy when I get it” (meaning “I can't be happy now”).
“One must strive hard for the real rewards.”
“Money doesn't grow on trees.”
Repeat any one of those phrases out loud and see how you feel. Not good! Yet that's the stuff we were raised on, all so vibrationally ingrained in us that we think money is our only key to freedom. And hey, I'm not arguing that. What trips us up is we think it has to be earned, fought for, worked hard for, struggled for. Yet money, like anything else, is nothing but energy. And attracting it, like anything else, is nothing more than an energy-flowing process.
Now is when you write a new script.
Let's say you wanted to build a new patio onto your house that would cost around $25,000. And let's say you thought about that $25,000 cost over and over, without the slightest idea how to get it. Finally, depressed and frustrated, out comes, “Oh hell, forget it!”
You're acting like all the rest of us, bumping up against so many limiting old beliefs that have been lifelong valve closers, you finally shut down. Your desire for the money to build your patio feels so lousy, you stop thinking about it.
Needless to say, that was before you knew about flowing energy. So let's say you think about that new patio now. Sure, you still get some of the same negative feelings, only you can spot them now because you're paying attention to how your thoughts make you feel. This time, instead of staying in those old “forget it” feelings, you create a new script to paste a fresh, high vibration over the old one.
Creating a new script is nothing more than making up a grand little daydream and stepping into it emotionally. That's the important part: you've gotta get into your daydream emotionally or you're just blowing hot air.
You're concocting a present-time whimsical narration about your want, spoken out loud (writing is second choice) as if chatting with a friend. It must never, never, be about what is going to happen … only about what has or is happening now. And you make the telling of this real enough you can taste the satisfaction, enjoyment, fulfillment, and joy in every nuance, every increment as you muse along.
Just remember, you must feeeeel the passion behind every word. You no feel, you no get—because without the new feelings, you'll have no vibrational change. It's those juicy, intoxicating emotions behind your words that cause the positive vibrations necessary to bring this about. Make-believe or not, you're creating a new magnetic vortex with your virgin images and impassioned feelings. Just don't make your story so outlandish that you can't get into the feelings, or you've defeated your purpose.
As the vortex begins to grow from the first sixteen seconds of happy relating, and the next sixteen seconds and the next, the high vibrations flowing out from you begin to cancel out the lower vibrations of the ones you're living now, completely overriding your current “what is.” When that switch-over to higher frequency kicks in, everything you need to bring your made-up little story into reality—including you—is being drawn into that new vortex.
Now, granted, you may feel a little silly at first, chatting out loud with a pretend person—or yourself—about the fantasy you're living, but that's a small price to pay for the walloping dividends.
Just start talking, describing with relish all the joys that $25,000 has brought you. Take it slow, allowing yourself plenty of time to feeeeel the words and pictures as you move along, and time to allow more ideas for your use of the money to pop in. While this is “pretend-as-if” right now, if you'll make your narration so real that you can merrily taste/smell/feel/touch and live it, pretty soon you will.
Okay. There are two ways to talk about your imagined fantasy. The first is like chatting with a friend, and the second is just a sort of musing out loud with yourself. So, one type of conversation about the $25,000 might go something like this (out loud), as if chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee:
“You know, Jack and I are so thrilled with that patio we just finished. We've wanted one for years but never felt we should spend the money. But, by golly, we just decided it was time to treat ourselves, and as soon as we decided that, the money came as if by magic.
“It's all built now, and oh, we do so love it. Our favorite time is just after dinner. We sit out there, just the two of us (you're … feeeeeling … every … phrase … savoring … every … detail … as … you … go … along …) under the stars. And do you know, this whole thing has brought us closer together? Oh sure, it was a big mess at first, but even the kids are using it now, after school. We got them their own table and chairs, so they sit out there now to do their homework. I tell you, that patio is the best thing we've done in years.”
… and on … and on, sloooowly feeling each new awareness of the same topic, reveling in each delicious moment of your descriptions.
If you want to change the approach, pretend-as-if out loud to yourself. “I can't wait until Jack comes home tonight. I've got his favorite dinner all ready for us to have on our new patio. Oh, I am soooo happy with what we've done out there. I especially love the magnificent stone we found for the flooring. And tomorrow, at long last, I go to look for the new plants. I think I'll go to …” (Yes, you're describing something there that you're going to do, but it's all within and a part of your completed fantasy— the finished patio—that you're living in this Now, this moment.)
You've got to give that money someplace to flow to, so tomorrow when you do this, talk about how it feels to soak in your new hot tub; and the next day, at length about the new plants you just bought, etc., etc., relishing and delighting in each little thing as you talk and feeeeel, talk and feeeeel.
You've taken the $25,000 required for your patio out of the old Feel Bad scripting and created a shiny new dream script to paste over it, one that is genuinely overflowing with all sorts of easy to believe, Feel Good energy, though still only a make-believe creation.
Yes, you can play this game with a loving partner provided you're both on the same wavelength, wanting the same types of things. Two of you doing this will actually magnify the energies tenfold and spark all manner of new ideas to chat about back and forth to get your juices to spill over.
Of course, scripting is not just about material things. You can script for anything from a new or improved relationship to getting rid of moles in your yard.
My dog, Lucy, was driving me bonkers, running up and down the long front fence, barking at anything that moved. It was tiresome to me, annoying to the walkers, and infuriating to my neighbors. I tried every maneuver in the dog books but nothing seemed to work. Finally, worn down and really a bit concerned (which only caused more barking), I ventured into talking a new script.
“How I love to watch the free spirit in that dog run wild as the wind, up and down the front fences. And I can hardly believe it when she puts the brakes on to simply sit at the fence line, quietly watching the walkers go by, so attentive, so well-behaved. Frankly, it's mind-boggling to me after the way she used to act. But what's so neat is I can see that Lucy is still in charge of guarding the property; she just does it now by sitting hushed and alert, watching. Man alive, I love it!”
I went through that routine every day, seeing and feeeeeling myself praise Lucy for racing up on our side of the fence to whatever was moving on the street, coming to a screeching halt and then just sitting in silent watch.
Five weeks dragged by before I saw the first sign. Lucy didn't even run! She just sat in the driveway and watched this guy jog past. She just sat there! All in all, the whole process took about three months, which goes to show how strong my old beliefs were about not being able to re-teach a stubborn dog. But I stuck with it, and as of this moment at least, we are two very happy beings.
But when it came to money, my first attempts at rescripting weren't anywhere near that successful. I was trying so hard to get into surrealistic pictures of projects that were causing dollars to pour in that I was burying myself under a mountain of totally unbelievable stories. I could feel my old belief systems raising their doubting heads with stuff like, “How on earth are you going to do that? Where will you get the time? In your dreams, girl!” Doubt, doubt, doubt.
Gradually it sank in that I didn't need to create a multimillion dollar Steven Spielberg production number, just a moderately believable little story I could tell myself or a “friend” about. So I started over again with a greatly toned-down tale that was much more credible to me. Instead of talking about money pouring in, I gave it someplace to flow to. I talked about how easy it was to be able to pay my bills, how nicely all my projects were falling into place, how my mortgage programs were being so well received in the market. That felt good.
I told myself a new twist on the same stories every day for weeks, creating new characters and new circumstances to keep the stories alive. When nothing seemed to be happening, I'd get discouraged … wonder what I'd been suckered into … realize I was right back into negative … give out a big sigh … and start scripting all over again.
Then it broke open. I got some astounding—in fact, revolutionary—new ideas to bring in four times the business with half the usual effort. New people popped in to help out, and in about six months I was back on track making a comfortable living. In a year and a half, my income went from comfortable to breathtaking, increasing a stunning 830 percent. Old feeling habits may die hard, but oh happy day, die they did!
So if you have a hankering to travel, never mind how you're going to get the dollars, just start chatting (or writing) your fantasy script and flowing Feel Good energy to where you want to go, as if you were there now. Feel the breezes, taste the food, wear the tan. If you always wanted to own a racehorse, never mind how you're going to get the dollars. Start talking about your script and flowing Feel Good energy to the kind of horse you want … as if you had him now, along with the trainer, the facilities, the applause. Feel the mane, smell the horse smells, wear the roses.
If you and your spouse have always wanted to live a more simple life running a bed and breakfast in the country, then fantasize about the perfect place and walk the gentle country roads, marvel at the fresh air, chat with the contractors who are helping you remodel the home, choose the darling wallpaper, find the antiques, enjoy your happy guests, and cook up a splendiferous brunch for all.
That's all there is to it. You replace the old negative script-vibration of “I can't, I don't know how, I'm deranged,” with a positive new one that jams you smack into the enjoyment of having it now.
You speak it and feeeeel it the way you'd want it to be if you were living your fantasy this very moment, unfolding an ever-broadening variety of savory descriptions until you feel the whole thing click in and become real. You've become so caught up in the daydream, it's like you're living it this very moment. You are no longer a reactor to conditions, you have become a creator of conditions.
A good friend of mine owns a sizable independent real estate firm in Washington state. He's always been a hard worker, fair to his employees and supportive to his agents, but he was having some financial problems and couldn't seem to find a way out.
Over lunch one day, Chuck started talking. The whole area was in a prolonged slump, and everybody's sales were down. Even his best agents were talking about leaving to go into other fields of business. Everyone knew the market would turn around eventually, but in the meantime there were mouths to feed.
My friend wasn't looking for answers, because it seemed to him that there were none. To his way of thinking, he had become a victim of economic circumstance. He and his crew had exhausted all the usual promotional gimmicks and pounded all the proverbial pavements only to watch sales continue their avalanche downward. Although I had never talked with Chuck about the Law of Attraction, I figured this was as good a time as any, since I knew him well enough to know he'd at least be polite and listen.
It seemed the biggest problem was not so much that sales weren't happening, but that his salespeople weren't happening either. They were down in the sewer someplace with very closed valves feeling grossly sorry for themselves, blaming the economy, creating an enormous group vortex of lack, and absolutely guaranteeing the company's continued slide into oblivion. So I suggested that Chuck have one more meeting with his people to point out that since they had tried everything else, there was little for them to lose in trying this one last project on for size.
Only touching lightly on the physics of the Law of Attraction, I looked him right in the eye and spoke from my soul, hoping my uncharacteristic seriousness might get his attention. “Chuck, if you can get your people to do this, your business will turn around.”
It worked! I had to admit feeling a bit smug as I watched him so earnestly reply, “Go on.”
I suggested he have each of his people pick a dollar number of what they'd like to make in the next three months, and then triple it. (Chuck groaned an “Oh, God, here we go again,” but I ignored it.) Then I suggested that once they all had that figure in mind, Chuck should ask each one why they wanted the money, staying with one person at a time and working it through with him, because once that first guy got the routine, the rest would know how to dive right in. (His pained look mellowed into “hummm, interesting!”)
Without going into detail, I explained that their first responses would probably be Don't Want's coming from a place of lack, and that statements like “I want the money so I can pay my bills” would only get them more of the same—no money and more bills.
Chuck wasn't getting it, so I got him talking while I asked the Whys. “All right, my friend, tell me what you want right now.”
“I want to pay my bills.”
“So I can feel better.”
“Because I hate being uptight.”
“Because it makes me feel bad?” (Getting close.)
“So how would you rather feel?”
“Free! I want to feel free!” EUREKA! We had it!
“Okay, make it a statement.”
“I want to have $60,000 so I can feel free.”
“Great! Now how does that feel?”
“Oh, it feels fine for a minute, but good grief! How would I ever get that kind of money in this market?”
“Forget the money. It's only a grubby pile of paper. Talk to me about what you'll do with the money after the bills are paid.”
Bit by bit, a long-hidden collection of dreams unfurled. He and his wife, Sara, would go to Bermuda where they had always wanted to explore the possibility of retirement. They'd take the grandkids on a cruise somewhere. They'd turn the basement into a full-blown stereophonic music room. And on and on.
But the one I could tell he really perked on was Bermuda, so I wanted him to dive into that one. I put on my most earnest face and leaned across table as far as I could stretch. “Tell me in detail, Chuck. Every little detail you can think of about the dreams you and Sara have of retirement in Bermuda.”
It was awesome. The whole room lit up as Chuck's energy soared to the heavens. It was as if he had never dared open his heart to this subject, so the more the words and feelings poured out, the wider his valve opened. Chuck wasn't flowing energy to his Want, he was blitzing it.
Right in the middle of his reverie, I said, “Hold it! That feeling place where you are right now is where I want you to bring each of your salespeople. Tell them to forget the actual paper dollars they've specified and start focusing instead on what things the dollars could bring them. Then start flowing energy towards those things until they reach the same passion you just experienced. This way you've got them sneaking in the Feel Good back door. By avoiding any of the negative connotations usually associated with dollars—especially when they're out of them—they'll unconsciously allow the cash to magnetize in.
“Your people want what we all want, Chuck: not the stupid pieces of paper, but the experiences that come with having them. Make them promise they'll do this for thirty days, at least once every day for ten or fifteen minutes.”
To my total delight, Chuck called about six weeks later with the first good news. His people had been so down, he had had no trouble in cajoling them into his little experiment.
But that wasn't too surprising, since I had coached Chuck into doing some “prepaving.” I told him how to create that initial meeting in his mind just the way he wanted it to happen— including that his people be open and willing—and to flow that kind of “up” energy to it. He did, and by the time everyone gathered together, they were nowhere as resistant as they might have been had Chuck not helped them along vibrationally.
Everybody except one upheld their promise and was faithfully flowing Feel Good energy every day to their Wants as they wrote new scripts. They had genuinely gotten into the swing of this thing and started feeling a lot more enthusiastic about life without a clue as to why. They felt better, so who cared what the reason was.
About ten weeks into the venture, sales started to develop, but from off-the-wall sources. One gal had an aunt in Illinois who wanted to move to Washington. Another had an army son and his friends who had just been transferred to the local base at Fort Lewis and wanted Mom to find houses for all of them. Another fellow had two referrals come in from a person he thought would never speak to him again. And still another had big success with a marketing idea to contact a very select group of buyers.
Everybody had some kind of movement going, enough for them to see there was no way all these happenings could be called coincidence. In the face of one of the worst real estate markets in the area's history, these folks had found they could circumvent conditions and be responsible for their own destiny.
Every day this gang was connecting to their Inner Beings/ Expanded Selves, feeling inspired for the first time in months. They were sending out highly charged waves of positive energy to the universe with their individual Requisition Lists, and the universe was responding with circumstances, incidents, ideas, and motivation in accordance with their levels of intensity. Best of all, it became infectious, and apparently still is.
(The guy who didn't care to participate in the experiment ended up quitting the business. The last we heard, he was living off his wife's retirement income.)
An old belief—or any belief—is a nothing but a vibrational habit that we respond to like trained seals.
Put another way, we have pretty strong attachments (beliefs) to what we've been taught, and even stronger attachments to what we've lived. Yet those old beliefs we hang on to, and respond to, are nothing more than the way we used to think life worked, like having to struggle.
For instance, something comes up in our world, hits an old belief, and we start vibrating negatively over this thing out of sheer habit. Just out of habit!
So our goal here is to find anything at all to break those old vibrational habit patterns of thought. Well here's a pip. It falls under that same category of needing to provide ample outlets for money to flow to, meaning, we've got to give the energy of money oodles of outlets to flow through and to before it can start flowing all around us. Judging from my own, as well as my friends' experiences, this one's a sure winner.
Get a hundred dollar bill—or the biggest bill you can possibly afford (don't skimp!)—and stick it in your wallet. Now, go shopping.
If you can manage a full day, great. If not, go for a lunchtime in the mall, or someplace where there are lots of shops. You're looking for everything you'd like to buy with that $100. Maybe it's a Walkman, or a pair of slacks, or a football, or a new dress, or some tools, or a bed cover; anything at all that turns you on that you'd like to own.
You still have that $100 in your pocket, so you say to yourself (while you feeeeel your delight), “Wow, I could buy that with my $100; no problem!”
“Oooo, terrific, I could buy that!”
“Man, that's just what I've always wanted, and I have the money to buy it!”
You're not adding up the items to come to $100; you're looking for all the individual $100 items you could actually buy right now with that $100 if you wanted to.
By the time you're up to somewhere around a thousand items, look what's happened. You've just emotionally spent $100,000, which is going to go a long way toward helping you feeeeel prosperous, overriding a flock of those old vibrational thought patterns about lack.
My friend Jocelyn was dangerously close to some serious financial problems, going through one of those frustrating periods of “it's not happening fast enough.” Although she knew full well that that sort of attitude was contributing to “it” staying away, she couldn't seem to break the vibrational habit pattern. Then one day she remembered the $100 trick. Almost the instant she thought about it she hopped in her car, left her cows and chickens to their own meanderings, and headed straight out of town for the biggest mall in the state, quite a distance from her home.
Jocelyn spent almost the whole day getting more and more jazzed with this silly little game, forcing herself to let go, relax, have fun with it, and emotionally “spend, spend, spend.”
Finally, exhausted but filled with the vibrations of a very open valve from the thrill of the hunt, she came home to find (I swear … this is a true story!!) a message from her brother offering to help out financially; a message from a friend offering to help out financially; and a message that the loan on her house—which had been turned down twice because of the very unusual home in which she lived—was now approved and ready to fund within a few days. Plus, she had gotten the idea for a whole new sales approach to her business on the way home. Not bad for a few hours of play.
If you truly desire a less bumpy walk in your daily life, you gotta give that energy of yours more outlets, more things to flow to in order to keep it moving. One terrific way to do that is by “prepaving.”
Prepaving isn't for cruises and castles and custom cars. Prepaving is used more for intangibles, for creating a desired environment or atmosphere in order that a particular event or happening can come about. It's more “this is the way I want it to happen” energy you flow to a stream of daily happenings and decisions like:
“I intend to roll into a close-in parking place at the show tonight.”
“I intend to get my report finished with ease, and on time.”
“I intend to enjoy the day.”
“I intend for my lunch meeting to be successful for both sides. And enjoyable!”
“I intend that the animosity between us be resolved, and soon.”
This is prepaving, sending out your vibrational intents ahead of you—with feeling—to arrange your day and circumstances as you desire them to be.
Prepaving is much like writing a new script, only not so involved. It's a quick shot. When you've gotten used to prepaving with little things on a daily basis, start in with the larger business snags—maybe a client you're having trouble with or a sale that's been on hold. Spend some time seeing and feeeeeling the way you want the meeting to go or the contract to be signed: seeing and feeeeeling, seeing and feeeeeling in a series of quick shots throughout the day.
A friend of mine did some prepaving with a court case he was facing where he knew he was sure to lose. Instead of seeing himself winning, which he couldn't imagine (with good reason), he saw and felt everybody coming up winners, shaking hands, patting each other on the back, etc. Sure enough, the case was settled to everybody's satisfaction a few days before going to court.
Another friend—a young one—had a boss who was bugging her about her attire. Apparently, the boss didn't like short skirts, and my friend had the misfortune of being the first to show up in one. Really put off by his attitude, she finally did some prepaving, with a totally humorous outcome. Instead of the boss ignoring her attire completely, as my young friend was visioning and feeling, he switched gears into open flattery as three other girls donned similar outfits. Hey, whatever it takes.
Got a desk piled high with work? On overload with details? Prepave the day to go with ease before you get there. See yourself breezing through the work. Speak your Intent and tell the universe why you want it. Then don't you dare pick up one piece of paper until you flow buckets of positive energy to get that valve of yours open, or you'll be right back in the overload soup.
Prepaving is simply sending your energy ahead of you, programmed with the frequency of your desire. Sometimes you send it to a specific place, sometimes you spray it around, other times you send it to a person. Granted, you can't change somebody's mind, force them to act against their will, or do anything that's against their nature. But in tense situations, you can prepave to create an atmosphere of trust and openness which will spawn congeniality. The groundwork is done; the rest is up to you—and your Guidance—when you get there.
Tell the universe what you want, flow a batch of pure positive buzzing to it, feeeeel what it would be like to have it come about, then know it's going to happen. That's prepaving.
Business is slow, and you want to generate more profits. Maybe you're thinking you should add more sales staff, or merge, or go for a bigger ad budget; all the same old alternatives to the same old question, how to generate more black ink.
Here's a suggestion. Get some group energy going to square itself. Unlike Chuck's crowd, which focused on individual outcomes, your people script their desire for the company (which will ultimately be for themselves).
What you're going for is group magnetics. The focused energy of any group squares itself in strength, whether positive or negative energy, so you could be talking some incredible dynamics here. If you have only two people with their energy focused on one goal, that energy squares itself by two, so it becomes the equivalent of four. However, if you have a bunch of people blasting away at one goal, now you're talking serious magnetics, and a tremendous potential for change, providing most don't revert back to “can't be done” kind of thinking.
Contrary to the widespread belief held since the industrial revolution, generating more dollars above the line is not about hiring more sales staff to whack out the sales; it's about getting the staff you have into the habit of expectation by mentally and emotionally writing new corporate scripts. Every successful company has done precisely that, no matter what they've called it in-house: brilliant contract, terrific ad campaign, good pricing, dazzling product, motivated sales staff. If the majority of employees don't expect it to happen, it won't.
However, if you can get everyone in your group feeling the excitement of a contract being awarded, feeling pride for the guy who got it signed, seeing/feeling a considerable new crowd of customers in the store, seeing success happening while feeling the value of their own contributions to that success, the exponential force of this type of magnetics is colossal. It will change forever the way you do business.
How fast? You have only to start flowing differently on a fairly regular basis, and a new world will follow as surely as night follows day. It must. It is cosmic law, the physics of the universe.