Washington is a state with a lot of trees, to put it mildly. There have to be more evergreens in that state than insects. While I am more a lover of deciduous trees and their seasonal change of clothes than I am evergreens, I had come to feel a strong attachment to the magnificent beings which graced my five acres.
When folks came over who had never been to my place, without fail their first comments were always about how wonderful place felt and how exceptional the trees were. I had giants on my property that were unlike anything for miles around, with fascinating clumps of mixed species growing out of the same trunk. Even the few deciduous trees that blessed the place were awesome in their height and design.
But my special, special friends were a bunch of little guys just outside my fence, next to the road. All along Washington roadways are endless clusters of new little fellas doing their damndest to catch on and grow, and I had a fabulous long row of them. They grew fast, and by the time I had been there for three years or so, they were up far enough to create a sizable screen against traffic noises.
I loved them. I don't know why, really. Maybe it was their spunk, their steadfast determination to grow almost sideways out of the raised earth or to survive in the poorest of soil conditions. I don't know why, but I surely did adore them.
While I may have been following somewhat of a spiritual path in those early years in Washington, I was a long way from having my valve open. I blamed the weather for most of my moodiness. I was concerned about the remote location of my property. I missed my friends in California. And, though I was enjoying writing my first book, I was constantly focused on my lack of money, tipping the scales considerably more to negative vibrations than positive, and creating an open invitation to some form of disaster.
Then one day, one memorable summer's day I shall never forget, I heard the sounds of heavy equipment outside. I looked out my window to see a huge city weed cutter hacking down my street trees. I came unglued and dashed screaming to the street, but it was too late. The last of the beautiful trees I had watched grow from babies to six feet or more had just fallen. I don't ever remember howling in such anguish. They had just taken my beloved family, and I was devastated.
Over the next couple of summers, more yearlings caught on and grew. Try as I would not to become attached to them, I did. I was so proud of their guts, and just as amazed by their stubbornness. They weren't tall enough for the city to worry about yet, so I felt we were safe for a few years.
When the trees grew to be five- and six-footers, I knew we were getting close to chop-down time again. But now I was into the Law of Attraction and keeping an open valve to the best of my ability. There was very little fear in my world, no apprehension over safety, and a newfound love and appreciation for the wet and gooey-cold Washington weather. My vibrational scales had tipped well into the positive. I was happy, my valve was more open than closed, and I knew—I just knew—that my hardy young friends would be safe for as long as I lived there.
Sure enough, one summer's day I heard the heavy equipment truck again and went outside. There was no panic in me; I just went outside. The cutters had just finished slashing down a long row of my neighbor's roadside trees. Then they swerved out around mine to pass them by and started swacking at the property next door. I flagged down the driver and asked why he had skipped over my trees. “Oh, I dunno know, Lady, they just seemed so pretty there, I thought you might want to keep 'em. You want me to take 'em down?”
Our Expanded Self vibrates in a frequency we would call—if we could feel it—pure, unadulterated ecstasy (must be nice!). It would stand to reason, then, that the greater part of our being is operating in a frequency, or rate of vibration, a tad unknown to us at this time; what we would call reeeeeeeeeally happy. Since happiness and well-being are synonymous, that means there's a part of us—the biggest part—that knows nothing but unconditional, timeless well-being, for if you have one (high-frequency joy), by the laws of physics you must have the other (well-being).
So here it is: When we're vibrating positively and feeling good, or buzzing, or appreciating; when we're plugged in, focused only on the joys of our Wants rather than the frustrations of our Don't Wants; when we're in a state of being that ranges anywhere from contentment to euphoria; when our valve is open and we are allowing our primary energy to flood through us … there is not one blessed thing in this whole wide world that can harm us. Nothing! Not in business, not in the home, not on the freeway, not in the body, and not to cherished trees on our grounds. Not one bad thing can happen, for when we are in that energy, we are living—and flowing—the energy of our own omnipotent Selves, which knows only pure, untainted well-being and doesn't know from diddley-squat about negative vibrations.
The only thing that greater part of us knows is inexplicable joy, power, chutzpah, frivolity, and infinite security, because infinite wellbeing is what It is! And … AND … that is what we, as its physical extension, really are. Pure, unending, well-being. All we have to do is give ourselves a chance to let it be so!
If I seem to be laboring the point, you're right, because we're talking “the good life” here. When we're plugged into that high-frequency energy, when we're out of fear-based and into happy-based, when we're not spewing out negative emotions of worry, bitterness, doubt, or guilt, we've automatically plugged into the good life of well-being where nothing can ever harm us physically. That's right! Nothing can ever harm us!!! Not the local mugger, not our old car, not the drunken dork on the freeway, not even Mother Nature.
Earthquake? Sure, you might sustain damage to your home if there's been only a slight tilting of your scales toward the positive. But you'll be safe. If you're not, best check your valve (when you recover). You can always judge the degree of your connection to Source energy, and the openness of your valve, by the degree of destruction to your home, or body, or car, or job … what ever. Big robbery in the home? Big sickness? Big tornado destruction? Big closed valve!
And please, “closed valve” does not mean nasty or mean. Just because someone was killed in a hurricane or bomb blast in no way implies they were anything but warm, lovely people. It simply means they had unconsciously enveloped themselves in all the negative vibrations of mass consciousness that cause one's life to be so tough.
But when our valve is open, and our vibrational scales are tilted even a hair more to the positive than the negative, we literally place on ourselves a suit of divine armor. So when we're plugged in, turned on, and the high-frequency juices are flowing freely, we can't even worry about being worried about whatever it was we were in the habit of worrying about, which, of course, just served to attract more of what we were worried about in the first place.
When your valve is open, when you make a decision to be in joy with life no matter what, you automatically step into a suit of absolutely impregnable well-being in which nothing bad can ever happen to you. It is simply a vibrational impossibility for “bad” to happen to you in that high frequency.
But aside from the big awful things we ward off by living in our higher energies, there are all the neat little things that start to happen, like the bypassing of my precious trees.
For instance, if you have moles underground, they'll only come up where no one can see them, or not at all, but never in your front yard.
Squirrels will go after someone else's bird food, not yours.
Your house may have termites, but they'll soon move on.
Trees may fall on your neighbor's home from an overabundance of rain, but yours will stand firm.
Loose dogs may poop in your neighbor's yard, but not yours.
Your friends may be caught in the snowstorm, but you'll get home safely.
Your area may be targeted for mail theft, but your box won't be touched.
If you're low on gas a million miles from nowhere, someone will come to the rescue.
If the flu bug is walloping everybody, it won't touch you. And you'll always miss the plane that crashes.
All this—and ever so much more—from being wrapped in your own Feel Good energy, the frequency that guarantees our well-being.
Every time I speak to a group about flowing energy, questions about world affairs and all the awful stuff that's going on, or has gone on, always seem to surface. “How come so many starving people?” “What about Hitler?” “What about the Indians,” etc., etc., etc.
I don't want to spend a lot of time dwelling on these things, because in a sense we've already talked about them. But let's take a quick look at some of the most common questions to see if we can reach a once-and-for-all understanding that, from the beginning of time, every experience in every life has been attracted through individual and/or group energy flow.
And hey, I'm no coldblooded sadist, suggesting in these next few paragraphs that it's possible to watch someone beating up on somebody and feel swell about it, any more than I'm saying a detached “Tut tut, too bad” to the atrocities happening around the world today.
All I'm saying here is this is how it comes about. Because whatever is happening always comes back to that same bottom line: when we feel good (or happy, or pleased, or enthusiastic, or loving) as an individual or as a group, we're inviting good experiences. When we feel bad (or bitter, or guilty, or resentful, or distressed) as an individual or as a group, we're inviting bad experiences. That's the way of it everywhere, with all of us.
One person is thinking fearfully about what they don't want. Somewhere else, another person is vibrating on the same negative frequency, but with hostility rather than fear. The second person thinks about what he believes will appease his rage and fill his emptiness. One person is vibrating fear; the other is vibrating inner fury. By their own matching frequencies, they become cocreators to an ugly event.
If you don't give your attention to the things you do not want, they cannot become a part of your experience, because they will not be included in your vibrations. You can only attract the rapist, murderer, or robber by thinking emotionally about being that victim, or—or—by vibrating with other negative emotions that just happen to match the attacker's frequency. Your every emotion creates the experiences of your life.
Needless to say, there are all kinds of prejudice: race, religion, color, sex, body weight, education, etc. Yet the one who is feeling prejudiced against is the most powerful in this cocreation, flowing out strong negative vibrations of persecution, of being disliked, wronged, or victimized.
Please note: I am not arguing the rightness or wrongness of any group's grievances. This is simply to say that it is the persistent attention to injustices which attract more of the same. Creation comes from feelings.
What about young kids being raped, or being born unwhole, or starving in Africa, or being killed in regional wars?
Sad to say, they have usually picked up the negative vibrations from their folks well before being born. Those vibrations stay with them and grow in direct relation to the vibrations of the adults who are raising them until the youngsters are old enough to decide they no longer want unpleasant experiences in their lives. These children have become victims by default.
How do you help a little one starving halfway around the world, or a little one at home who understands no words as yet? Hold them—either physically or in your thoughts—with soothing vibrations such as “Everything is really all right, it's going to pass, you are so loved,” etc., taking care not to assign blame to any one or any group, which only contributes more energy to the abuser (or the situation), as well as the abused.
The biggest problem comes to those who make it to adulthood and continue to vibrationally relive their snarly angers of growing up, e.g., the abuse of their parents, their environment, etc. Only by overriding those old patterned responses of hate and mistrust can a person have any hope of not repeating in adult years what was lived as a child. We get what we focus on. Focus on an ugly past, and that past is magnetized into the present and future.
Suicides, car accidents, pregnancies, drugs, guns. When teenagers are raised in negative energy (which rarely shows on the surface) and are taught only guardedness from birth, they operate primarily in a state of fearful vulnerability. Feeling out of control, they live by negative wanting as they search for ways to reconnect with the positive energy of Life. Drugs, sex, and other taboos are what they choose to fill the void they feel, born of a life lived with little or no connection to their Source energy.
The apparently blameless auto deaths which seem so prevalent today may or may not come from that disconnected vulnerability, but their cause is never accidental. The bubbly young homecoming queen, the popular star quarterback, the kids just along for the ride in the back seat. A life of hidden fears, pressures, and anxieties of some kind finally manifests to attract these cocreations of immeasurable grief.
In bad times, people talk about it everywhere you go, and it's all bad, bad, bad. Yet even in good times we seem compelled to attack something: Prices are too high, corporations too greedy, jobs too specialized, the president's not playing with a full deck, the government is out to lunch and corrupt to the core.
Pointing to anything—anything—with that negative vibration of blame or “Ain't it awful, tsk, tsk” flows that very same energy to the subject of attention, making it bigger, stronger, and more dangerous than it was before you started bad-mouthing it.
If you're waiting for the economy, the government, or anything else to change before you can be happy, you might have a long wait. But neither do you have to join in the griping which not only adds to the already sizable problem, but shuts your valve down tight.
When you get involved in this kind of gloomy, negative party-talk, either take your conversation and focus off what is and change the subject, or walk away. Then, when you're by yourself and you want to really make a difference, flow some Feel Good energy to the government the way you would like it to be, to the presidency the way you would like it to run, to the industrial giants the way you would like them to function.
We cannot separate ourselves from consciousness flow. We cannot say, “Well, it wasn't MY fault this happened.” Oh yes it was! It was—and is—the fault of each and every one of us. We are a part of that consciousness flow, and our energy affects the whole as strongly as adding drops of red ink to a small glass of water; the change is clearly evident. We are not separate from the whole! Everything we think and feel has monumental impact on the overall vibration of mass consciousness.
So see and then feel things to be the way you'd like them to be. It would take only a few of us doing this on a regular basis to initiate desired changes. A noble goal, perhaps, but it beats making things any worse than they are by “ain't it awfuling” the situations you want to change.
Whenever you see a group of any kind expressing hate or outrage, you're seeing a group very cut off from their flow of well-being and completely out of harmony with their Expanded Selves. Living in bitterness and anger is living with one whale of a lot of negative emotion and a valve that's closed tight.
When valves are open, no gang law, no government ultimatums can ever be strong enough to set anyone against his brother, even within the context of the age-old bitterness in the near East.
Abortion, the butchery of dolphins, the rain forests, the ozone layer, animal rights, evangelistic thievery, mercy killings, endangered species, etc., etc. If you are giving your attention to it, seeing only the horror, feeling the transgressions, experiencing the alarm, and joining everyone else in the “ain't it awful” syndrome, you are adding to it, making it bigger.
If you want to change something, you've got to change the way you're thinking about it. That's all there is to it. The reason all these things are getting so out of hand is that the media focuses on them with a gargantuan hunger, and therefore, so do we.
“Oh, dear!” “Oh, my God, no!” “I don't believe it!” “How terrible!” “What will we do?” “How could they!?” “Frightful!” “Appalling!” And the more we get all riled up about it, the bigger it gets.
Being against something isn't going to make it better. In fact it's going to make it worse, because now you're including it in your vibration, flowing more “ain't it awful” out there to join with other thoughtforms vibrating at the same frequency.
If you still think that in order to be for something, you have to be against something else, change your thinking. Instead, see and feel whatever it is you're crusading for the way you want it to be. Talk about it in that way, write about it, role-play it, take your destructive focus with its powerfully destructive energy off what you perceive as a negative condition, and find ways to open your valve when you think about it. In other words, quit with the Don't Wants and focus on your Wants. The moment you do that, the moment you refuse to wallow with the rest of the world in their endless discontent, you will become one who will make a momentous difference by flowing the magnitude of your higher vibrations.
All right, let's get down to it. Genocides, bloodbaths, holocausts, massacres: Call them what you will, humans have been clobbering humans since the beginning of time. Will it ever stop? No, not until we let go of our intrinsic feelings of persecution that we hang on to as if they were some noble family tradition.
If we truly want to stop these heinous events, we would be wise to remove our focus from the sordid happenings of the past and turn our attention to matters which open us to wellbeing rather than hate. It is that very energy, that loathing and bitter anger over bygone injustices, which helps to perpetuate the grim mass slaughters going on this day all over our planet. We get what we focus on.
The Law of Attraction doesn't pick and choose. What applies to an individual applies to a group, no matter the culture, the religion, the race, or the sect. Negative focus attracts negative events, to ourselves and to the planet. Like attracts like, and we attract as we vibrate, not as we decide.
It's not right versus wrong or good versus evil. It's closed valve versus open valve, connected versus disconnected, happy versus unhappy.
The meanest and greediest people in the world are those who really want to feel good, but don't know how. They're in a living hell with no idea how to get out, or even the awareness that they have that option. One thing is for sure; our hate against them—no matter what they may have done or are doing—is only going to make matters worse. For everybody.
But how can we go off and live happily ever after knowing that so many abhorrent activities are going on all over the world? How can we allow injustices to continue? How can we be happy when there is so much suffering? How can we turn our backs as if we didn't care?
This may smart a bit, but the answer is that we're all here to have the experiences necessary to learn our various lessons, whether we're playing the role of good guy or bad guy. An injustice of any kind is always—always—a lesson for both sides.
Somehow, some way, no matter what the devastation or loss may be to our brothers and sisters around the world, it's imperative we come to accept that ugly cocreations are happening everywhere for individuals to learn whatever is necessary for them to learn, all having to do with how they're flowing energy. As appalling as their circumstances may seem to us, if we join in their pain we are reinforcing that pain along with the circumstances that caused it, not to mention that we're setting ourselves up for some highly unpleasant stuff of our own.
You can be feeling how lousy it is that we allow people to starve, and just that closing of your valve could be setting you up for a car accident, while adding to their starvation.
You can be feeling how awful it is that we still have atomic testing in the world, and just that closing of your valve could be setting your body up for the flu.
You can be feeling horrified at one country's heartless treatment of another, and just that closing of your valve could be setting you up for a flat tire.
Instead, you could be seeing and feeeeeling those starving people as the healthy, happy people you know they have the wherewithal to be, and just that opening of your valve might help your new job come quicker, while offering those you are wrapping in high frequencies some much needed paints and brushes. (We can never paint their canvas for them; we can only offer our energetic assistance.)
You could be seeing and feeeeeling the planet as fully restored against atom bomb testings, and just that opening of your valve might help your crops flourish while helping to nourish the planet.
You could be seeing and feeeeeling those two countries enjoying a grand new rapport, and just that opening of your valve could improve your marriage while helping to create new international relations.
But of course it's fashionable to talk about what's wrong with everything instead of what's right, so we're more easily drawn into negative vibrations than positive, sliding unwittingly into the “ain't it awful” conversations or starting them ourselves out of habit for lack of anything else better to say. Those vibrations, joined with countless others from all of humankind, eventually show themselves in worldly devastation and chaos. Yes, it's the amalgamation of all the little “ain't it awful” vibrations that causes wars, and riots, and terrorism, and anarchy. Those vibrations have come from you, and they have come from me.
We cannot hold ourselves above responsibility for what is happening around the world today, for the planet mirrors the predominant vibration in which it is encompassed. We cannot say the awfulness is simply the result of others' evil, or wrongdoing, or even ignorance. What is happening to our planet and to the peoples upon it has been caused by only one thing: the vibrations from our own thoughts and feelings. Everybody's! Not just the Hitlers, or the Custers, or the Husseins, or the Kahns (all of whom have been aberrations created by mass energy). Everybody's!
So rather than the “ain't it awfuls,” when we finally start saying to ourselves, “Nothing is more important than my feeling good,” we can begin to break those destructive negative talk patterns. Then, by God, we truly start to make a difference with what is happening around the world.
Take the rain forests, for example. Instead of agreeing with everybody about how dreadful the destruction is, and flowing more animosity towards those who are doing the chopping, which only brings about more chopping, love the beauty of the forests that remain. Flow your appreciation for the life they continue to nourish, for the oxygen they are still contributing to the planet, and stay out of the “ain't it awful” energy that will eat up our oxygen supply faster than thousands of tree-choppers ever could. If only a few of us will do this, the chopping will soon cease!
And then there's our growing lack of energy resources that everyone's so concerned about, and our dwindling water supplies, and lumber, and clean air, and heaven knows what else. Darn right we should be concerned, for we approach those things in the same way we do money. “Oh gosh, we're running out.” “Oh gosh, there's not enough to go around.” “Oh gosh, how will we get more when it's gone?”
So guess who's creating the shortages!? We are! It's that very concern we all have over not having enough that's diminishing our supplies. Each and every one of us is responsible for manufacturing those shortages, when in fact there's no lack of anything: jobs, forests, water, gold, or lovers. There can't be, for the universe does not operate on the principle of lack; lack is strictly a manmade phenomenon. When we start flowing appreciation to what's there, and feeling the enormous abundance of this perfectly balanced planet instead of focusing on her dwindling resources or the greed of plunderers, abundance of everything will return to create the heavenly playground we came here to experience.
If it's people you're concerned about, open your valve to the greatest love you can muster, and flow it out to those beings of your concern. See them in their states of perfection, rather than lack. See them happy and contented, no longer suffering from war, or pestilence, or famine. This will do more—more quickly—to assist those in need than all the planeloads of goods that always seem to go astray, for it will help these people out of the victim mode (if that is their deeper intent) toward their own first steps to attracting well-being. It will offer them paints and brushes. Once that vibrational invitation is offered, if a change is sincerely desired by all who are participating, it will happen. Then walls come down, countries make up, gangs diminish, terrorists evaporate, and wastelands prosper with food for all.
If it's the ailments of the planet that are your worry, see her in health, not disease. She's been drenched for so many eons in negative energy, this is hardly a time to add to it by talking about all the terrible things we're doing to her to make her worse. Talk about what's right with her, not what's wrong. Quit with the “ain't it awful” energy. Then dolphins multiply, forests grow, ozone layers mend, waters clear, oceans heal.
See your world and all who live upon her as abundant and well, and you will help her to get there.
See her in peace, and you will help to bring it about.
The only thing preventing our global desires from flourishing on this planet is the phenomenal mass force of perpetual negative vibrations which cut us all off from the primal Life force of well-being. That force of energy is so consummate, so absolute, if only a few of us will maintain this vision, backed with the vibrational joy of it being a reality, that supremely positive force will override the depressed vibrations of billions, and this planet will do an about-face … fast!
Actually, the majority of the world is quite well off. Just take a look at your coworkers, your neighbors, your school friends, your club associates. Most haven't been mugged on the streets recently. Most have acceptable jobs and homes. Most are sufficiently healthy, and if you look closely enough, you'll probably even find some who could be classified as moderately happy. It's the same in nearly every country in the world.
We have a glut of statistics to tell us otherwise, fearful figures of doom fed to us daily by our media to keep us nervously focused on—and tuned into—how horrible conditions are around the world:
“X-percent of world economies are collapsing.”
“X-percent of the world population already has God-knows-what, and it's growing by X-percent monthly.”
“X-percent of teens are having abortions and committing suicide.”
“X-percent of kids have guns in school.”
“X-percent of new diseases can't be cured.”
“X-percent of purple-eyed males will lose their tans before marriage.”
“Awful! Dreadful!”
Forget the damn statistics! They're simply a result of a bunch of us flowing fearful energy to what we're seeing and hearing. If you don't want to be another statistic, forget about them!!! As long as you're into Feel Good energy, no economy, nor bug, nor gun, nor flood, nor plane is going to down you. Not unless you send out the vibrational invitation.
There's just no getting away from it; the overwhelming balance of power on this planet is on the side of well-being because that is the natural, omnipotent state of All That Is, including you and me!
As ugly as it is, the suffering we see and hear about is an infinitesimal part of the whole of well-being, simply the magnetic results of some one or some group vibrationally disallowing the wellness that could be theirs if they only knew how to switch to the well-being channel.
The message is clear: Close our valve to anything, and we close it across the board. Close that valve of well-being to anything, from starving kids to vanishing species, and we shut out consummate well-being in every aspect of our lives.
Or close it off because you're tired of standing in line. Close it off because they delivered the wrong pizza. Or close it off because your ancestors lost their lives in the Holocaust. It doesn't matter! Closing it off is closing it off, automatically shutting out everything that comes with that higher energy, from abundance, to health, to uncommon happiness. Truly, is one stupid annoyance or some ancient lifelong resentment really worth such gargantuan privation?
In the midst of a divorce, or losing a loved one, or some tragedy to you or to others, you're going to feel bad, of course. But make a decision to feel bad for only a short time. Then say to yourself that's enough. It's time to flood you and anyone else affected by the events with love and appreciation. It's time to find things to feel good about and go on.
The moment you make that decision to change your energy, whether it be sadness from a divorce or anger over polluted lakes, the entire universe coalesces in that instant to cascade well-being into every crevice of your physical existence. It dumps it all over you, and around you, and through you. The only thing you have to do is say YYYEEESSS!!! to it all, and to Life, and wake up to how it good it feels to feel good.
Then you know from the very depths of your being that everything really is all right. No matter how it may look, no matter how it may seem, no matter what the media may report to the contrary, you and this precious planet, and most who are on it, will always be all right.