Much of what is written in this book will test one's intellect and logic to the fullest extent. “Magnetize events? Nonsense!” “Prevent good times and create bad times? Get real!” For those who find themselves challenged in that regard, as I once was, you may find this fun energy-proving do-it-yourself kit a help.
Get two wire coat hangers and cut an “L” out of each one, about 12″ long for the main part, and about 5″ for the handle. Cut a plastic straw to go around the handle so that they'll swing easily, then once you have the straw in place, bend the bottom of the handle up to hold the straw in place. They'll swing without the straw, but not as freely.
Now you have a pair of what I call Woo-Woo Wands. Hold the wands loosely out in front of you as if you were pointing a gun. Keep them about chest high and about 10″ from your body. They flap all over the place at first, in response to your energy, so give them a few moments to settle down and stop wobbling. Once they've settled down, you're ready to play.
With your eyes straight ahead, recall with feeling some very unpleasant event from your past. Depending on the intensity of your emotion surrounding that event, the wands will either stay straight ahead (weak intensity), or will point inward, tip to tip. The wands are following the electromagnetic bands around your body which have contracted as a result of the negative frequency generated by your unpleasant thought and emotions.
Now make your frequencies turn positive by thinking about something incredibly wonderful, or loving, or joyous. Or focus on one of your children, or a pet, and literally flood them with love. The wands will now expand outward quite rapidly as your energy field expands in answer to your positive energy flow.
To demonstrate how energy follows thought, focus your attention on an object to your far left or right, and watch the wands follow your thought. Or begin focusing on your Expanded Self, your Guidance, and watch them spread apart in reaction to the enormous increase in energy such emotional thought creates.
The more you play with this, the more adept you'll become at feeling the vibrational shift that takes place within you as you change from one frequency to another.