The “Heavenly Man” — please mark again the word — is “the LOGOS” or the “Son” esoterically. Therefore, once that the title was applied to Christ (declared God and the very God himself) Christian theology had no choice. In order to support its dogma of the personal Trinity it had to proclaim, as it does, that the Christian Logos is the only true one, and that all the Logoi of other religions were false, and only the masquerading Evil Principles, SATAN. Now see where this led Western theology to.
* “For the Mind , a deity abounding in both sexes, being Life and Life, brought forth by its Word another Mind or Workman; which, being God of the Fire and the Spirit, fashioned and formed seven other Governors, which in their circles contain the Phenomenal World , and whose disposition is called Fate or Destiny.” (Section 9, ch . I, ed. of 1579).
Here it is evident that “Mind” (the primeval universal Divine Thought) is neither the Unknown unmanifested One, since it abounds in both sexes (is male and female), nor yet the Christian Father, as the latter is a male and not an androgyne. The fact is that the Father, Son, and Man are hopelessly mixed up in the translations of Pymander.
“Both Saint Michael and Saint George are types. They are sainted personages, or dignified heroes, or powers apotheosized. They are each represented with their appropriate faculties and attributes. These are reproduced and stand multiplied — distinguished by different names in all the mythologies... (including the Christian)...
The idea regarding each is a general one. This idea and representative notion is that of the all-powerful champion — child-like in his ‘Virgin innocence’ — so powerful that this god-filled innocence (the Seraphim ‘Know most,’ the Cherubim ‘love most’) can shatter the world (articulated, so to use the word — in the magic of Lucifer, but condemned) in opposition to the artful constructions (this ‘side-life’) of the magnificent apostate, the mighty rebel, but yet at the same time the ‘Light-bringer,’ the Lucifer, the ‘Morning Star,’ the ‘Son of the morning’ — the very highest title ‘out of heaven, ‘for in heaven it cannot be, but out of heaven it is everything. In an apparently incredible side of his character — qualities are of no sex — this archangel, St. Michael, is the invincible, sexless, celestial ‘Energy’ — to dignify him by his grand characteristics — the invisible ‘Virgin Combatant,’ clothed... and at the same time armed, in the denying mail of the Gnostic ‘refusal to create.’ This is another... ‘myth within myths’... a stupendous ‘mystery of mysteries,’ because it is so impossible and contradictory. Unexplainable as the Apocalypse. Unrevealable as the ‘Revelation’ “(p . 213).
Nevertheless, this unexplainable and unrevealable mystery will now be explained and revealed by the doctrines of the East. But as the very erudite, but still more puzzling author of “Phallicism” gives it, of course, no uninitiated mortal would ever understand the real drift of his remarks.
This “mysterious being” is the mythical Dragon, i.e ., the symbol of the historical , actual Adept, the master and professor of occult sciences of old. It is stated already elsewhere, that the great “magicians” of the Fourth and Fifth Races were generally called the “Serpents” and the “Dragons” after their progenitors. All these belonged to the hierarchy of the so- called “Fiery Dragons of Wisdom,” the Dhyan Chohans, answering to the Agnishwatta Pitris, the Maruts and Rudras generally, as the issue of Rudra their father, identified with the god of fire. More is said in the text. Now Clement, an initiated Neo-Platonist, knew, of course, the origin of the word “Dragon,” and why the initiated Adepts were so-called, as he knew the secret of Agathodæmon , the Christ, the seven-vowelled Serpent of the Gnostics. He knew that the dogma of his new faith required the transformation of all the rivals of Jehovah, the angels supposed to have rebelled against that Elohim as the Titan-Prometheus rebelled against Zeus, the usurper of his father’s kingdom; and that “Dragon” was the mystic appellation of the “Sons of Wisdom”; from this knowledge came his definition, as cruel as it was arbitrary, “Serpents and Giants signify Demons ,” i.e ., not “Spirits,” but Devils , in Church parlance.
* “What would you say to our affirmation that the Chinese — I speak of the inland, the true Chinaman, not of the hybrid mixture between the Fourth and Fifth Races now occupying the throne, the aborigines who belong in their unallied nationality wholly to the highest and last branch of the Fourth Race — reached their highest civilization when the Fifth had hardly appeared in Asia” (Esoteric Buddhism , p. 67). And this handful of the inland Chinese are all of a very high stature. Could the most ancient MSS. in the Lolo language (that of the aborigines of China) be got at and translated correctly, many a priceless piece of evidence would be found. But they are as rare as their language is unintelligible. So far, one or two European archæologists only have been able to procure such priceless works.
Remember the same statement in the Book of Enoch, as also the ladder seen by Jacob in his dream. The “two worlds” mean of course the “two planes of Consciousness and Being.” A seer can commune with beings of a higher plane than the earth, without quitting his arm-chair.
* For suggestiveness, we would recommend a short article in the Theosophist of August, 1887, “Esoteric Studies.” Its author expounds therein quite an occult theory, though to the world a new idea: “the progress of the Monad concurring with the retrogression of Form” (666), i.e ., “with decrease of the vis formativa .” He says, “Who knows what shape vehicled the Ego in remote rings (Rounds, or races?)...? May not man’s type have been that of the Simiadæ in its variety? Might not the monkey- kingdom of Ramayana fame rest on some far-off tradition relating to a period when that was the common lot, or rather aspect, of man?”... and winds up a very clever, though too short, exposition of his theory by saying that which every true occultist will endorse: “With physico- ethereal man there must be involution of sex. As physico-astral man depended on entities of the sub-human class (evolved from animal prototypes) for rebirth, so will physico-ethereal man find among the graceful, shapely orders issuing from the air -plane, one or more which will be developed for his successive embodiments when procreated forms are given — a process which will include all mankind only very gradually. The (pre ?) Adamic and post-Adamic races were giants; their ethereal counterparts may possibly be liliputians — beauteous, luminous, diaphanous — but will assuredly be giants in mind” (p. 671, art. by Visconde de Figaniere, F.T.S. ).
But see the superb definitions of Parabrahmam and the Logos in Mr. Subba Row’s Lectures on the Bhagavat Gitâ in the early numbers of the Theosophist of 1887, Feb., March, April, and May.