
On the beach six weeks later, Caroline scanned the ocean waves off the lighthouse point. With the cottage lights darkened, she, Izzie and Weston waited for Turtle Mama to emerge.

She glanced over to Weston stretched out beside her on the beach towel. Legs extended, he leaned back on his elbows, his face upturned to the moonlight.

“Wake me when Turtle Mama gets here, Turtle Lady.”

“Hush, Daddy,” Izzie hissed, sitting cross-legged between them.

Caroline stifled a laugh. “Yeah, Daddy...”

His eyes opened and he sat up. Wrapping his arm around Caroline’s waist, he tugged her closer. “I’m not your daddy.”

“No.” She kissed his chin. “You’re not. You are my heart’s desire.”

“Shhh...” Izzie rounded her eyes at them both.

His smile fluttered Caroline’s insides.

“Better enjoy the silence,” he whispered in her ear. “Egg laying is about the only time we can get your new daughter to stop talking.” His mouth brushed across Caroline’s earlobe.

Caroline giggled, which earned another glare from Izzie. Her brand-new, beloved daughter. As for her brand-new husband? Life with Weston was more wonderful than she could’ve imagined.

She’d surprised and pleased Weston by not wanting to wait more than a few weeks to get married. Which, Honey mock-complained, put her and Amelia in a bind if they were going to throw together the wedding of Caroline’s dreams.

But her dreams were simple. Her dream had already come true in this man now at her side. Still, she thought her heart would burst from joy when her father walked her down the clamshell path to where Reverend Parks and Weston awaited. Another dream realized, the restoration of a relationship with her father.

In a white sheath dress that trailed in the sand, she and Weston pledged their love for each other forever on the lawn beneath the towering lighthouse amid the sounds of the surf crashing on the rocks below.

Her sisters acted as her bridesmaids. Her brothers-in-law stood as Weston’s groomsmen. Izzie had her big moment in a frilly sundress as she scattered flower petals to the wind. Max served as ring bearer—when he wasn’t chipping seashells into the ocean.

Caroline had been nervous meeting Weston’s parents for the first time. But his mother had taken Caroline aside at the rehearsal dinner.

“Thank you for loving my son,” his mother whispered with tears in her eyes. “And for loving Izzie, too. I was so afraid he’d never allow himself to love anyone ever again. That he’d always be alone.”

But it was Caroline who was grateful. Grateful for Weston loving her. Grateful most of all to God for the second chance He’d given them to love each other and Him.

She’d come full circle. Back to the most enduring of family legacies—her heritage of faith. Back somehow where she’d begun. Home on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Reconnected with her family and, of all things, a mom. A title she’d never imagined could be hers.

As for the future? She faced each new dawn hand in hand with God. Praise God, from whom every blessing flows.

It was quite a party afterward with their Kiptohanock friends, church family and Roland, her new boss at the Kiptohanock Marine Rescue Center.

A smile tugged at her lips as she thought of that splendid day only a month ago. Sweet tea, hush puppies and beach music. Nothing better. A real Eastern Shore–style celebration.

Something glimmered on an incoming wave.

“Look, Izzie.” She gestured toward the sea creature slowly rising from beneath the foaming surf. “Turtle Mama has returned to lay her final eggs for the season. We probably won’t see her again for a few years. But when it’s time, she’ll come home.”

Izzie wormed her way into somehow being in both Caroline’s and Weston’s laps. “Like us.” She let out a sigh of contentment that Caroline could feel all the way to her own toes.

She kissed the top of Izzie’s red head. “Yes, Ladybug.”

Weston hugged both his ladies. “Home just like us.”

* * * * *

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