Appendix A

The Principles of Manifestation

l. Each of us is a cocreator in the universe. The tools that we possess—action, word, thought—give us the abundant ability of creation.

2. We say, “I am.” Not “I want” or “I need” or “I wish.” The universe itself replies and grants us the waiting, needing, or wishing. Say out loud: “I am creating …” or “I am manifesting …” and feel the universe respond.

3. The words you speak are powerful. If you state what you are creating or manifesting as an absolute truth, your words are more than idle wishes. For example, “I am creating a life of joy” or “I am manifesting peace and kindness.” Envision these truths over and over; they must be possible and true to you. Fill the words with passion; channel every emotion into these state-ments. Accept this construction without reserve. Speak it aloud. Then let it go. You will be surprised. Say, “For the highest good of all involved, this or better. If it harms none, so be it!”

4. Act as though it has already come to be. See it in your mind’s eye having already happened—you are enjoying the fruits of your labor. Your joy provides the fuel for what you are creating. Continuously envision yourself in your mind’s eye, successfully manifesting that which you desired to create.

5. Maintain your original intention. Each time you change your mind, even momentarily or based upon your mood, the universe has to adjust its flow to accommodate the change. Practice holding your intention, just as you would practice meditating. If you lose focus, gently nudge yourself back to your original intention.

6. Firm resolve in what you give your energy to is key. If fear or doubts show up, gently and kindly put them to bed. Tell your-self that you cannot fail. This won’t be easy; it takes discipline and practice to change a negative thought, word, or action into a positive one. When you change your vibration, you also change what you attract into your life. It’s that simple.

7. The universe is happiest to offer its support if your goal also has a higher purpose that heals or benefits others, or that works for the good of all.

8. Remember the old Buddhist saying: “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” Don’t be discouraged. Keep moving toward your goals.

9. Take a practical, step-by-step approach to manifesting your goals and desires. Rather than focusing on what we wish for or long to be, build the foundation that supports transformation. It’s much easier to create a new life, a new job, a new relationship if we are practical and do one step at a time.

10. If what you’re doing isn’t working, try the opposite. If you’re going crazy working hard to make something happen and it’s not working, do nothing instead. If you aren’t doing anything to promote manifestation, do at least one thing. If you’re only thinking, start writing the thoughts down—then share them, say them aloud, and act on them.

11. Find someone to share with. Finding an encouraging partnership can be very beneficial. Set timelines. Have someone there to hear you speak your intention of what you desire to manifest, and then work on a set of steps together.

12. What you desire to desist persists. Rather than obsessing over the things you do not want, focus on the things you do want to manifest. Feed what you want to grow and stop feeding what you don’t.

13. Maintain clear thoughts and visualizations. Stay focused on your feelings and clearly picture yourself being successful in your goal. Revel in the feelings of victory and the mental images of your positive outcome. This is key to manifestation.
