
1. Panorama of the Obersalzberg before the destruction.

This fabulous image shows the entire Nazi complex located on the Obersalzberg at the height of its development and following the completion of all building works. As the caption states, this is how the region appeared prior to the air-raid on the morning of 25 April 1945 which resulted in the destruction of many of the buildings seen here.

The identification of the buildings relates to the numbers as they appear on the original image; 1. Post Office in the prohibited area. 2. Nursery. 3. Chauffeur’s living quarters. 4. Large garage. 5. Gatehouse to prohibited area. 6. Barracks/Economics building. 7. Barracks/Drill hall of bodyguard. 8. Parade ground/Underground shooting range. 9. Barracks/Living quarters. 10. Hotel Platterhof. 11. Hotel Platterhof staff living quarters. 12. Obersalzberg administration. 13. Model house for architectural planning. 14. Kindergarten. 15. Berghof. 16. Reich’s security service and Gestapo.