Chapter 6

Nubia was peacefully sleeping beside him. A ray of sunlight filtering between the two window curtains illuminated Marcos´ face; the boy woke up and tried to remember what had happened. He stroked her cheek and smiled pleased by the memory of the agitated night. All the horrors that had preceded the arrival at Charley's house were not erased from his memory but it was as if they had been moved to a distant compartment within it, and its importance relativized. The young man was not only sexually satisfied but inside him certain battles were being waged among feelings he had never experienced before. Marcos was a sensitive boy, within whom introspection frequently welled and he finally realized that he was falling in love with Nubia. He carefully lifted the sheet that covered them both and admired the young woman´s body, thin, flexible but with very feminine shapes.

A smell of hot coffee reached his nostrils and only then he recalled that they were at Charley´s home and that the elder man was in the next room. Delicately Marcos covered the body of the sleeping woman, searched his clothes scattered on the bedroom floor and opened the door. He then saw his friend´s back standing in the kitchen and towards that place he silently walked after closing the bedroom door. His surreptitious action startled Charley when he noticed his presence.

“Oh, Charley! Forgive me, I did not mean to alarm you.”

“No problem. I'm a little nervous after all we went through yesterday.” The old man turned and looked at him with a smile. “Or did Nubia make you forget everything that happened before returning home?”

Marcos blushed deeply and attempted a not very coherent explanation.

“I am sorry ... we should not have used your home for ... anyway.”

The old man burst out laughing.

“I imagine it must be very difficult to refuse an insinuation of a woman as Nubia, wherever you are. Do not worry about that; when yesterday I asked you to stay in my house some of this was predictable. I'm happy for you, from the beginning I realized you were dazzled by her and that you have been fortunate enough to have not an indifferent result. She's a real black Venus, you will not find on Earth another woman so attractive.”

At that moment the bedroom door opened and Nubia appeared fully clothed; the woman looked resplendent.

Charley had served coffee for the three and had toasted slices of bread purchased a couple of days before, the only breakfast that the man could offer at that time. The talk had been scarce and relaxed, but there was an issue that Charley had the intention to treat as soon as he had a chance.

“You remember what happened last night?” He asked Nubia.

“How could I forget it?”

“Yesterday you killed a man who actually was already dying. Are you aware of that?”

“Of course.”

“Had you killed someone before?” Charley was perfectly aware that he was asking a tough question but had thought it over well, and wanted to do it in front of Marcos.

“I stabbed a man in the neck that night when Sanwarit was murdered. I had never injured anybody before.” The response was blunt.

“And what are your feelings about it?”

“The man was part of a group that kidnapped, enslaved, tortured and murdered helpless women and was trying to kill me. I just fought for my life, besides... I have no doubt that he deserved to die atrociously.”

A moment of silence spread across the room.

“I've never killed before.” Reiterated the woman. “But my father was a warrior and so was his father before him.”

“Please girl, do not misunderstand me” Said calmly Charley.”Unfortunately as you know I have been at war and I have killed men and done things I'm not proud of. Just wanted to know your feelings on this matter.”

“In my country, and indeed throughout Africa there often are kill or be killed situations. We are prepared for these circumstances that may occur at any time, on any night of horror. We grow up with a survivor mentality.”

“I understand, girl. Just forgive this old man.”

Leroy was waiting at Frank & Johnny the arrival of his comrades; meanwhile he parsimoniously drank his beer, knowing that he would not take another before leaving. The first one to appear was Walter Kolski. The men greeted each other with slaps on the back and began to chat about the day's news in the precinct. After a while also Vince Caruso arrived.

“Walter was telling me that there is suspicion in the sense that the two bodies that appeared in the alley a couple of days ago are connected to a network that traffics heroin from the Far East and also human beings from various sites, including East Africa.” Leroy explained to put in issue his just arrived friend. Saying that approached his nose to Vince´s jacket and said.

“Man! You stink of cheap perfume. No wonder you're late.”

Walter also made derisive expressions filled with an unmistakable sexual sign.

“It's not your damn business.” Vince replied with false anger. “Well, what's that traffickers ´story that you are telling me about?”

Since he was the one who brought the news Walter spoke first.

“The clues relate those two bodies with the shooting last week where other seven dead bodies were left in the abandoned warehouse. Sure you remember it.” After the affirmative nod of the other two Walter continued, obviously emboldened by having a level of information that his friends had not accessed yet.

“All dead were Eritreans and Sudanese and were supposed to be part of a band that started smuggling drugs to Europe and then expanded its activities to human trafficking, especially of young women from the Horn of Africa, a business apparently as lucrative as heroin and with not so many harsh competitors.”

“The shooting and the seven dead prove otherwise.” Argued Vince.

“That's why I spoke in the past tense, they had less competition”.

Walter was closer to the precinct kidney where decisions were made and liked to brag a little with friends of his knowledge. Vince knew his comrade had little resistance to alcohol and nudged Walter to accompany him on his drinks, while Leroy stuck to his unique beer. Vince took the two newly served whiskeys in his hands and took them from the bar where they were to a table that had just become free. The drinking day would be long.

The noises coming from the table where the three friends sat increased as alcohol ran, which forced the bartender, an old acquaintance, to whistle in order to induce them to tone down. At one point Walter turned suddenly from screams to whispering.

“ ... What strikes me is that the last two dead men appeared after O'Halloran asked me to follow that black bitch. I do not know if she was one of the women who managed to run away from that band.”

“What? What are you talking about?” Questioned emphatically Leroy.

“Of something that´s neither your business nor mine.” Cynically answered Vince.

“No, no, keep on talking.” Insisted Leroy addressing Walter.

“ ... Well, I do not know if I'm fantasizing, but I cannot stop relating all this to the African girl who appeared slaughtered in the same area. That you'll surely remember.” The last sentence was a statement rather than a question.

The meeting lasted for an hour yet until Walter, visibly drunk, awkwardly got up to go to the bathroom. Upon his return he said goodbye to his friends.

“Rebecca may be wondering why I have not returned yet. Surely she will throw some dishes on my head as I show up.”

“Walt, you are not in good condition to drive. Leave the car and I'll take you home.”Offered Leroy, the only one sober.

“No way, I'm not drunk ... and look at the bright side, at least this time surely I will find little traffic to go home.”

There were no arguments that would convince the colleague so they had to let him go. Leroy and Vince still remained a while in the bar.

“What do you think of all this?” Asked the black man.

“I do not think anything.” Replied his colleague, looking suddenly sober after Kolski´s departure.  “Nor should you think if you know what suits you.”

Leroy shook his head. He did not accept the cynicism of his companion´s words and as he knew Vince well enough he also knew that a battle within his friend was also being raged as a result of Kolski´s revelations.

“I cannot stop tying the threads, and I do not like where they lead. I'm sure the same happens to you behind your mask.” Leroy said looking at the other in the eyes. As an answer Vince looked down.

“Come on! Finish that beer once and let´s get out, you will also have Loretta snarling if you arrive so late.” Answered Vince avoiding the question.

“At least I will not get home drunk.”

Chapter 7


“What does Vince think about your ideas?” Asked Loretta to her husband. From the time the three were high school students Loretta, Leroy and Vince were inseparable friends and the woman always took in consideration the views of her former classmate.

“He does not want to get involved in an issue that goes beyond our capabilities and in an environment that is unknown to us.” Had to admit the husband, taking his wife´s dark hand and planting a kiss on her knuckles. Leroy adored his wife and showed it at every step, but not in a spectacular way.

“Why didn´t he accept it?” Insisted the young woman. “Vince has always been a focused person.”

“And you married the wrong man.” Replied Leroy pretending jealousy. Actually he was aware of the feelings that Loretta and Vince had had in their youth.

“All I want is security for my family, and that includes you in the first place.” Now the woman's tone was a catlike purr.

“You can be sure that you will not be exposed to any danger. You are what I love most in the world.”Said the cop.

“Then, with whom are you going to share your suspicions?”

“I haven´t decided it yet, but that´s what Internal Affairs is for...” He reflected for a second. “I should not have told you anything.”

The man picked the service weapon, grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, Loretta went his way and kissed him affectionately.

“I'll support you in whatever you do, but please be careful.”

Uncle Charley pulled his old Toyota out of the garage and his two young companions got immediately on the vehicle; it was essential to prevent Nubia from being seen by eyes that could be potentially hostile.

Despite the threatening aspect of the sky they had just got up early that Saturday morning, , in order to go far enough from the city of New York to feel safe.

Charley had chosen the Bear Mountain State Park, located on the Hudson River upstream. He knew wild places of great beauty located away from the bustle and tourists routes, and the park was associated with indelible memories of the times of his arrival to New York from his native Mississippi. Charley hoped that there they could walk at ease without having to permanently hide.

At a gas station Marcos replaced him on the wheel, as Charley began to feel pain in his wounded shoulder and the young man held a valid driver's license. After a ride on flat surface they entered the area of mountain roads with many curves but very well designed. Marcos felt hot with his sport coat and stopped momentarily to get off the vehicle and remove the garment. In a moment a police motorcycle showed up and stopped next to the Toyota.

“Do you have you any problem Sir?”

“No ... I was just taking off ... “Barely managed to stammer Marcos.

“Well, go half mile and you can stop safely at a site beside the road.” Said the patrolman sympathetically, ripping away his motorcycle without giving more importance to the event.

“But ... where did this cop come from? We haven´t crossed anybody in the last half an hour.” Protested the boy while Charley burst into laughter and Nubia watched with a grin.

They finally reached the site chosen by Uncle Charley. It was a spot covered by a grove and therefore visually insulated where the trees whispered with the soft autumn breeze from the Hudson River.

While Charley was bringing the food they had prepared from the car and extended a cloth on the grass for a picnic, Nubia took Marcos´ hand and then the couple walked some three hundred steps downward until they reached a narrow stream; the murmur of running water added to the birdsong that took advantage of the daylight hours to get food and take it to their young and nests.

Nubia sat in the tall grass so that her wide skirt slid up exposing her shapely dark legs. There was nothing casual in her movements, which immediately generated the expected reaction. Marcos kissed her on the lips, then descended through her neck, down all the way until he reached her thighs and then his lips made contact with the jet black skin. Nubia knew that her legs were an irresistible magnet for the young man and administered the attraction gradually to achieve maximum pleasure in their cuddles. Marcos sat on the grass, pulled her shoes and kissed her feet and then began to rise again to his starting point in the thighs.

Charley had prepared everything in order to get lunch at noon, and decided to stretch and loosen up his legs that were numbed after the long car ride. Chance led him to the same downward path that the young had taken and as he approached the stream  the old man realized that behind some tall grass some bodies moved in a rhythmic way that was not completely forgotten to him. He smiled and changed course while pondering what was obviously unfolding before his eyes. Charley had a strong sympathy for Marcos, whom he had adopted as his disciple and generated in him warm feelings that the elder associated with his own family, now distant in space and time. For some reason he could not explain very well he was happy with the evidence that the boy was courting a young black woman with whom, in Charley´s eyes, he was in love.

Despite some unexpected attitudes of her, the old man had a great feeling of tenderness towards Nubia and explained those attitudes by the great suffering that she had undergone in her young life from the moment of her abduction by traffickers of human beings and all the pain she had witnessed, including the horrible murder of her close friend Sanwarit right before her eyes; in addition Nubia blamed herself for having pushed the girl to a desperate escape attempt.

Still deeply immersed in his thoughts Charley made his way back to the picnic site. He knew in advance that his relationship with the young couple was going to bring him over time a mixture of sorrows and joys, but felt deeply grateful to have someone who worry about rather than the automatic and empty life he had had before.

Nubia lay on the grass and fixed her clothes in anticipation that someone could come and see them. Marcos lay beside her apparently asleep after the strenuous sexual intercourse. The woman placed her head on her arms and looked at the arched sky bordered by a frame of tree branches blowing in the breeze. Clouds circulated fast on the patches of blue sky and flocks of birds crossed the space. The girl was living idyllic moments as she could not recall earlier in her life. Africa also had a beautiful natural setting, but it was not comparable with this scenario similar to a huge garden.

The woman then shifted her gaze to Marcos and watched his long, thin extended silhouette on the wild grass. From the first time Nubia had seen Marcos she had marked the boy as the object of her desire. His green eyes, light hair, regular profile and rather introverted and shy character turned him something like the man who met all her preferences. Nubia thought he was the one with whom she would like to start a family and have children. When pondering her sad present situation, in which only anguish and danger had followed her departure from her homeland in Africa, she concluded how distant the fulfillment of her dreams was. But she, Nubia, a descendant of warriors for as many generations as could be remembered would not give up. She stood up and shook Marcos's arm, pulling him out of his sleep.

They had made their way back to New York and Marcos  was driving the car, while Charley was humming an old southern tune that the day spent in the field had brought to his memory. Neither of the two men had noticed the gesture had contracted Nubia's face until she began to gasp and shake while ostensibly issued incomprehensible words, perhaps in her native language.

As the boy was concentrated in handling Charley was the first to notice the situation the woman was undergoing and alerted his friend who immediately stopped the car at the roadside, out of the way this time.

“What's wrong?” Asked Marcos alarmed at the expression in Nubia´s face. She uttered a loud cry after which seemed to regain control of her actions. The girl´s huge gazelle eyes filled with tears.

“I do not know. Something terrible is happening!”

“ To whom?” Asked immediately Charley, who had learned to take the  woman´s omens seriously.

“I do not know him.”

“But you feel it is something that concerns us?”

“Oh, yes!” Nubia heaved that in a sigh. “ It's a horrible feeling to be anxious without knowing why or for whom.”

Charley, who was sitting in the back row of seats put his hand on her shoulder. The old man had understood that Nubia had an indefinable magical connection with reality and felt respect for her hunches. In his native Mississippi he had met black women endowed with such powers. The events prove the wisdom of not disdaining those unknown and remote connections.