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Accel Partners
advertising: and algorithms; and Bomis; and Craigslist; and Facebook; and Google; and John McCarthy’s vision for domestic computing; and Netscape browser; and search engines; and Wikipedia
AdWords Select
algorithms: and advertising; and analysis of financial markets; and artificial intelligence; and Facebook; and Google; and hiring and promotion policies; and Palantir; and PayPal; and search engines; and Mark Zuckerberg’s philanthropy
Allen, Paul
Altair computers
Amazon: and book-selling business; and claims of service to mankind; growth of; Kleiner Perkins investment in; as monopoly; and network effect; origins of; and Web 2.0; and Wikipedia; and workplace pressure; and the World Wide Web
America Online
Andreessen, Marc; adolescent behavior of; on anti-colonialism; and Tim Berners-Lee; and claims of service to mankind; commercial instincts of; on disruption of traditional businesses; as hacker-entrepreneur; influence of; and Internet censorship; libertarian ideals of; and Mosaic browser; and Mosaic Communications; and Netscape browser; and Star Wars; and Time cover photograph; and Twitter; as venture capitalist; youth and education of; and Mark Zuckerberg
anti-authoritarianism: of hackers; and Silicon Valley values. See also libertarianism
artificial intelligence (AI): as creation of new life; early research on; ELIZA project; and Google; John McCarthy’s research on; and PayPal; and search engines; and Synapse; and tech companies’ understanding of users; and Peter Thiel; and Alan Turing; Joseph Weizenbaum and ethical concerns about; and Mark Zuckerberg
Associated Students of Stanford University
Barlow, John Perry
BASIC computer language
Bechtolsheim, Andy
Being and Nothingness (Sartre)
Benchmark Capital
Berners-Lee, Tim: and Marc Andreessen; and ethical concerns about AI; and Mosaic browser; and Web 2.0; and World Wide Web’s origins
Bezos, Jeff; and Amazon’s growth; and Amazon’s origins; and Google; libertarian ideals of; and measurement of intelligence; and space exploration; and workplace pressure on employees
The Big Bang Theory
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Bina, Eric
Binet, Alfred
Bolea, Terry (Hulk Hogan)
Boring, Edwin G.
Bosworth, Andrew
Bowman, Douglas
Brady, Diane
Brady, Tim
Bridges, Harry
Brin, Sergey; and advertising on Google; and clickable links; and development of Google; and hiring/promotion of Google employees; and human-maintained Web indexing; and investment funding for Google; libertarian ideals of; and need for Web search capability; and secrecy at Google; and Stanford’s entrepreneurism
Brown, William Augustus, Jr.
Buckmaster, Jim
Bush, Vannevar
Carnochan, W.B.
CERN laboratory
Chan, Priscilla
Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative
Chen, Steve
Cheriton, David
Clark, Jim
Clinton, Hillary
College Facebook
common sense, AI’s difficulty replicating
compassion, personal freedom vs.
computers: and chess; and early AI research; evolution of term; and programs mimicking human thought; similarities to human brain; and start-up costs; and Joseph Weizenbaum
computer science, as academic discipline at Stanford
consumer fraud, and PayPal
copyright law, and Web 2.0
Cutler, Robert W.P.
D’Amato, Cus
D’Angelo, Adam
Dartmouth College
“A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” (Barlow)
Demon Seed (film)
D. E. Shaw & Co
Digital Equipment Corporation
Disney, Walt
disruption of status quo
The Diversity Myth (Thiel and Sacks)
Doerr, John
dot-com bubble
Dunbar, Robin
eBay: and claims of service to mankind; and network effect; origins of; and PayPal; and profits from online commerce; and start-up costs
Edison, Thomas
Edwards, Paul N.
Ehrlich, Paul
elections of 2016, and Internet’s disruption of societal institutions
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Eliot, Charles William
ELIZA project
Enterprise Integration Technologies
entrepreneurs: and development of Silicon Valley culture; and ethical concerns about AI; and Stanford
Enyedy, Edgar
Ex Machina (film)
Facebook: advertising on; and claims of service to mankind; compared to Google; and cookies; and enhancement of life experiences; and fake news; Free Basics program of; and government regulation; growth of; hiring employees for; lack of workforce diversity at; and Microsoft as example of software ecosystems; as monopoly; and network effect; and PayPal mafia; purchase of Instagram by; scalability of; and Peter Thiel; and 2016 elections; university origins of; and users’ shared personal information; and Web 2.0; and the World Wide Web; Yahoo’s efforts to buy; Mark Zuckerberg’s development of
fair use doctrine
fake news
Fein, Louis
Filo, David
Firefox browser
forking, and Wikipedia
Forsythe, William
Free Basics project
freedom of speech, and Internet censorship
game theory
Garcia-Molina, Hector
Gates, Bill; and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; and cost of computer time; and hackers’ software sharing; and Harvard; at Lakeside school; and Microsoft; as prototypical hacker-entrepreneur; and Mark Zuckerberg
Gawker Media
gender bias: America’s history of; and Marc Andreessen; and hackers; and intelligence testing; and Internet censorship; and PayPal; and Silicon Valley culture; and Silicon Valley employment; and Stanford enrollment; and Stanford Review; and Peter Thiel; and Donald Trump’s election; and Mark Zuckerberg
General Electric
genius, and intelligence tests
Gibbons, Jim
Google: acquisition of Slide; acquisition of YouTube; and advertising; algorithms used by; and artificial intelligence; and claims of service to mankind; compared to Facebook; development of; and DoubleClick; and fake news; growth of; hiring of employees for; investment funding for; lack of workforce diversity at; as monopoly; and PageRank; and personalized search results; secrecy at; and selection of color for links; and Stanford’s entrepreneurism; transition from research project to start-up; and users’ personal revelations; and Wikipedia; and the World Wide Web
Goucher College
government funding: and development of the Internet; and Microsoft’s origin; for MIT; for Stanford
government regulation: and Facebook; and PayPal; and Silicon Valley’s libertarian ideals
Graham, Paul
Hacker Ethic
hackers: anti-authoritarian values of; and development of Silicon Valley culture; and ethical concerns about AI; and gender bias; Homebrew Computer Club; and Microsoft; and MIT AI lab; and origins of World Wide Web; public image of; and SAIL; software sharing by
Hamilton, Margaret
Hansen, Hazel
Hardin, Larry
The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Horowitz)
Harrison, Robert Pogue
Harvard University: and Facebook; and Bill Gates; and Stanford; and Mark Zuckerberg
Hennessy, John
Her (film)
Hewlett, William
The Hixon Symposium on Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior
Hoffman, Reid; as investor; libertarian ideals of; and LinkedIn; and PayPal mafia; and The Start-up of You; and Peter Thiel; and YouTube
Hofstadter, Douglas
Hofstadter, Richard
Holden, Jeff
Homebrew Computer Club
Hoover, Herbert
Horowitz, Ben
Huang, Jen-Hsun
humanness: Facebook’s tests for; and Turing test
Humphris, Francis Howard
Hurley, Chad
identity politics
Indigo computers
Institute for Advanced Study
intelligence: employment decisions based on measurements of; IQ tests; Lewis Terman’s research on
interactive television
Internet: censorship of; development of; speed of connection. See also World Wide Web
Internet Explorer
In the Plex (Levy)
Jackson, Eric
Jobs, Steve
Jordan, David Starr
Kaphan, Shel
Karim, Jawed
Karp, Alex
Kemeny, John
Khosla, Vinod
Kleiner Perkins
Laboratory, Radio Research
Lawrence, Abbott
Levchin, Max
Levy, Steven
libertarianism: and Marc Andreessen; and Jeff Bezos; and Larry Page; and Silicon Valley; and Peter Thiel. See also anti-authoritarianism
Life of Brian
Lippmann, Walter
Lisp computer language
The Lord of the Rings
Losse, Katherine
Lowen, Rebecca
Lyman, Richard W.
Lynx browser
McCarthy, Ida Glatt
McCarthy, Jack
McCarthy, John; and AI research; and computer time-sharing; and Dartmouth summer workshop; and Paul Ehrlich; and ethical concerns about AI; and Louis Fein; and Google; and hackers’ software sharing; and Internet censorship; leftist politics of; and Lisp computer language; and Marvin Minsky; and MIT AI lab; and SAIL; vision for future of domestic computing; and Joseph Weizenbaum; youth and education of
McCarthy, Joseph
MacSwiney, Terence
Markoff, John
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): computer lab of; and hackers; and John McCarthy; and Joseph Weizenbaum
Metzger, Walter P.
Microsoft: acquisition of Yammer; and cookies; economic success of; and Bill Gates; and Internet Explorer; and Netscape browser; and network effect; and Mark Zuckerberg
Minsky, Marvin
Montulli, Lou
Morgan Stanley
Moritz, Mike
Mosaic browser: and Marc Andreessen; development of; and Internet censorship
Mosaic Communications (MCom)
Mosaic Netscape browser. See Netscape browser
Moskovitz, Dustin
Musk, Elon
Myers, George
Narendra, Divya
Nash, John Forbes
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
National Information Infrastructure Act
National Science Foundation
National Security Agency
Navigator browser
Netscape browser: and Amazon’s origins; and Marc Andreessen; and cookies; development of; Kleiner Perkins investment in; and Microsoft; and network effect; and search engines; value of. See also Navigator browser
Netscape Communications. See also Mosaic Communications (MCom)
network effect: and Amazon; and Facebook; and Microsoft; and Netscape browser; and PayPal; and start-ups
Newmark, Craig
NeXT computers
1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Obama, Barack
Office of Scientific Research and Development
Okin, Susan Moller
Omidyar, Pierre
Packard, David
Page, Larry; and advertising on Google; and clickable links; and development of Google; and hiring/promotion of Google employees; and investment funding for Google; libertarian ideals of; and need for Web search capability; and secrecy at Google; and Stanford’s entrepreneurism
Parker, Sean
PayPal: and consumer fraud; development of; and eBay; and government regulation; growth of; IPO of; as monopoly; and Peter Thiel
“PayPal mafia”
PDP-1 computers
PDP-10 computers
PDP-11 computers
politics: identity politics; leftist politics; libertarian politics. See also anti-authoritarianism
poverty, and technological progress
privacy, and cookies
Rabois, Keith
racial bias: America’s history of; and intelligence testing; and Internet censorship; and PayPal; and SAIL; and William Shockley; and Silicon Valley; and Stanford Review; and Peter Thiel; and Donald Trump’s election
Rand, Ayn
Reges, Stuart
right to be forgotten
Rochester, Nathaniel
Rosedale, Philip
Ross, Edward
Rulon-Miller, Todd
Sacks, David O.
safe harbor provision
SAIL. See Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL)
Sanger, Larry
Sartre, Paul
scalability: and AdWords Select; and Craigslist; and education; and Facebook; and PayPal; and search engines; and Wikipedia
Schmidt, Eric
search engines: and advertising; and algorithms; and artificial intelligence; and clickable links; and human indexing of Web contents; and keyword access; and ranking importance and relevance of Web pages; and trust; and Web’s decentralized chaotic nature. See also specific search engines
Second Life
Sequoia Capital
Shannon, Claude
Shaw, David E.
Shockley, William
Shockley Semiconductors
Shriram, Ram
Silicon Graphics
Silicon Valley: and 2016 election; anti-authoritarian values of; and claims of service to mankind; and copyright law; and decentralization and non-commercial nature of Web; development of belief systems of; and dot-com stock crash of 2000; employment in; entrepreneurs and culture of; and gender bias; libertarian ideals of; as meritocracy; and Mosaic browser; and racial bias; and Stanford; and the World Wide Web; Mark Zuckerberg’s relocation to. See also specific individuals and companies
Silicon Valley (TV show)
Simon, Theodore
Smarr, Larry
Snowden, Edward
The Social Network (film)
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
space exploration
Stallman, Richard
Stanford, Jane
Stanford, Leland
Stanford, Leland, Jr.
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL): and anti-war protests; and John McCarthy; and sexual relationships
Stanford-Binet IQ Test
Stanford Industrial Park
Stanford Review
Stanford University: and AI research; and computer science as academic discipline; and development of Silicon Valley culture; and entrepreneurship; founding and history of; funding for; and gender bias; and Google; and Homebrew Computer Club; and Internet censorship; and John McCarthy; and multiculturalism; and Frederick Terman; and Peter Thiel. See also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL)
Star Trek
The Start-up of You (Hoffman)
Star Wars
status quo, disruption of
Sterling, J. Wallace
Sun Microsystems
Systrom, Kevin
Tech Stars
Terman, Frederick: and computer science as and academic discipline at Stanford; and funding for Stanford; and hiring scholars for Stanford; relationship with father; research on intelligence by; and Stanford’s entrepreneurism; “steeples of excellence” strategy of
Terman, Lewis
Terman, Sibyl Walcutt
Tesla, Nikola
Tesla car company
Tessier-Lavigne, Marc
Thatcher, Margaret
thefacebook.com. See also Facebook
Thiel, Peter; on artificial intelligence; career in finance of; and chess; and development of PayPal; and entrepreneurship; and Facebook; and Gawker Media; and Reid Hoffman; influence of; law career of; libertarian politics of; and monopolistic tech companies; and Elon Musk; and Palantir; profits from PayPal’s sale; and science banishing death; and seasteading; on Silicon Valley’s diminished ambitions; and Stanford; and Stanford Review; and support for Donald Trump; and Donald Trump; youth and education of; and Mark Zuckerberg
Tolkien, J.R.R.
TRS-80 computers
Trump, Donald: and Internet’s disruption of societal institutions; and Peter Thiel; and Twitter
trust, and search engines
Turing, Alan
Turing test
Twilight Zone
Twitter: and 2016 election; and Marc Andreessen; tolerance of anti-social sentiments on; and Donald Trump
TX-0 computer
Tyson, Mike
Ullman, Jeffrey
University of Illinois
Usenet newsgroups
user-generated content, and Web 2.0
Varian Associates
von Braun, Wernher
von Neumann, John
Wales, Jimmy
Walker, Francis A.
Web 2.0
Web browsers: and compatibility with various computers. See also World Wide Web; and specific browsers
Weird Science (film)
Weizenbaum, Joseph: and early computer development; and ELIZA project; and ethical concerns about AI; on hackers’ motivations; and John McCarthy
Welsh, Matt
Wikimedia Foundation
Winklevoss, Cameron
Winklevoss, Tyler
Women’s Trade Union League
World War II
World Wide Web: and Tim Berners-Lee; and business’s desire for global audience; and cookies; and Craigslist; and dot-com stock crash; and hackers’ anti-authoritarianism; and hackers’ public image; influence on society of; pressure of doing business on; and search engines; and Silicon Valley; and Stanford University; and Web browsers. See also Internet
Wozniak, Steve
Yamazaki, Akiko
Yang, Jerry
Y Combinator
Zero to One (Thiel)
Zuckerberg, Mark; and advertising on Facebook; and artificial intelligence; and claims of service to mankind; and development of Facebook; and early social networking programs; and education improvements; and Bill Gates; and government regulation; on growth of online information sharing; as hacker-entrepreneur; and Harvard University; and hiring Facebook employees; influence of; letter to daughter of; libertarian ideals of; and Microsoft; and PayPal mafia; and philanthropy of; and possible sale of Facebook; programming skill of; on resources needed for start-ups; and Star Wars; and thefacebook.com; and Peter Thiel; youth and education of