The Trial is my first novel published after many years of writing. The novel could not have been written without the inspiration G-D gave me to sit down and write as I heard his words inside me. I want to thank Bambi Linder who read, typed, and prepared the first draft into chapters. You understood where I was going and where I needed to go in the text. My Children Catherine who has the tenacity that G-D blessed her with to keep me sharp, Michael Alexander who is calm as a clam but sharp needed, my other son Michael Blaine who keeps me challenged. I love you all more than you can imagine.

To Alan M. Brooks, Director who believed in me and took the original script of “Trial” and helped me turn it into a short film which G-D blessed with awards. I cannot forget ANDRES PALOMINO who prayed, encourage, and loved me with the love of G-D through some of my most difficult days. You gave me the love to start writing in Spanish again.

To every person who is Jewish and has found YESHUA as Messiah, Jeremiah in the novel found the way as G-D spoke to his soul revealing himself. To Bela Zizmann, Sorin “Sharon” Shapira, Mark Tal, Steve Dempsey, and my brothers who have loved me through the good and hard times, I want to say “Thank You “. To dad, Richard Pendleton who laid hands on me trusting G-D for my life, thank you, dad! And lastly to the Pastors who have loved and encouraged me in my writing and film making Pastor Shawn, Jerry, and Joseph…Gracias!