In the next few months, I came to realize that I could no longer go into the office. I had had enough. I called John into my office for a meeting. I told him that I was stepping down and I wanted to let him run the firm. John didn’t know what to say at first. “John, it’s yours now. Run it as my father wanted. Honor God, be just and fair, defend the poor. That will make me happy and proud.”
“Yes, Jose. I will honor the family name and make you both proud.”
“I have accepted a teaching position at the law school. I will be teaching constitutional law. Maybe I will be able to shape some young minds there. I think Luisa would like the thought of that.”
John nodded his head. “Yeah, I think she would approve.”
“I’ll say my good-byes later. It will be too tough right now. I’ll come back and get my things. I will still pop in every now and again just to check in. But I do have one request.”
“What’s that?” John asked me.
“I’d like for you to let some of my students come and clerk here or shadow you.”
“Of course. We can definitely work something out.”
I went over to John and looked at him directly. “John, you deserve this. It’s just not in me anymore. But teaching, I can do that. It will be in honor of Luisa.” I grabbed John by the shoulders, emotions welling up inside of us. “Hermano, may the Almighty bless you!”
“Bless you, too, Jose. See you soon!”
“Yes! I will be back soon!” I gathered a few things and left the office for the last time as Jose Sanes, attorney-at-law.