Monday morning started with spatters of rain carried over from the previous night. The early morn air felt crisp against Rachel Harvey’s face as she dashed out of the cab. She ran through the entrance of the building without stopping. When she was about to open the door to her apartment she realized that she had left her luggage in the trunk of the cab.
She hesitated for a moment but was sure the cabdriver would be long gone. Once she entered the apartment she was immediately stunned by the new furniture she momentarily forgot everything except concern for her daughter. She picked up some papers and made her way out of the renovated apartment. She hailed a cab. “Center Street, please.”
Rachel Harvey walked nervously to join a queue outside the courthouse. She went through the metal detector.
“I’m here for my daughter...” she said clearing a lump in her throat. The officer pointed to another section.
“Wait over there you’ll hear her name called,” he said.
Rachel Harvey nervously ambled over to a crowded waiting area. She searched for a seat. It was standing room only. A few minutes later, she spotted a group of new releases celebrating their departure. She scrambled to get a seat, sat and shook her legs nervously while she waited. After an anxious hour had gone by, Rachel caught a glimpse of her daughter speaking to another person. Her heart sank when she noticed the handcuff on her. She waved when the officer led Coco into the courtroom.
Another hour went by before Mrs. Harvey was called. The officer directed her inside the courtroom. There were people everywhere. By the time she had made it through the throngs of family members and attorneys, the teenage defendant and her attorney were already standing in front of the Judge. She rushed to her daughter’s side.
“And you are?” The judge paused and asked.
“I’m her mother, your honor.”
“State your name and the relationship to the child for the record,” the court officer said.
“My name is Rachel Harvey. I’m Coco’s mother.”
“The lawyer assigned will explain all the details to you,” the judge said to Mrs. Harvey before addressing Coco. “Young lady, you’re being given twelve months probation. If for any reason you return to this court within that period, then I’ll re-rule. Probation granted. Good luck.” He said and struck the gavel against the bench.
“Party’s free to go,” the court officer yelled. “Next case State verses Jones…”
Coco and her mother were ushered into a small room by the attorney.
“She has to go to school and back home everyday. She’ll have to see someone in probation before she leaves,” the attorney said while signing document after document and shoving each at Mrs. Harvey. “Ah, good luck… ah Coco. I have to go. Dozens of cases,” she said flying out the door.
Mrs. Harvey looked around the office shaking her head in disbelief.
“Why, Coco? Can you tell me why?”
Coco did not respond. Her lips went dry thinking of where to begin.
“You’re not gonna open your mouth now, huh? Tell me why you wanna be a thug girl instead of a lady. I’m trying to raise you right Coco…”
The door opened and an officer peered inside.
“You’re needed right away in the probation office. All the offices are downstairs.”