“You got it.” Nora ran her hand over the cover of the hardback novel. “You actually got it.”
“Don’t sound so surprised. Was there ever any doubt?” Holiday took the book back from her sister, rewrapped the acid-free tissue paper, and tucked it safely into her suitcase. Her apartment looked clean and minimalist to the point of being sparse—probably because it was more of a home base than a true home. She had bought the two-bedroom in a fancy northern Virginia high-rise as an investment and a place to crash between gift quests. Nora was forever bringing over throw pillows and scented candles in a futile attempt to cozy the place up, and Holiday didn’t have the heart to discourage her. But the fact was, no matter how many fanciful Christmas gifts she procured, Holiday would always be a pragmatist with nary a scrap of cozy in her DNA. Hence, the northern Virginia address—close to her family, easy access to an international airport, and only occasional snow delays during the crucial months of November and December.
Nora sipped from her glass of pinot noir. “Was there ever any doubt that you could weasel your way all the way to a nonforged signature from Benny Bruneto? The guy who makes J. D. Salinger look like a cruise director? Uh, yeah. I had doubt.”
Holiday threw her a saucy wink. “They call me the Wish Granter.”
“And you met a hot guy?”
She waved that away. “Yeah, but I’m never going to hear from that guy again.”
“I bet you’ll hear from him.” Nora curled up on the sofa and tucked her feet under her legs.
Holiday smiled. “Bless your delusional little heart.”
“Why is that so delusional?” Nora demanded. “If he bequeathed you his bûche, he must be seriously smitten.”
“How many times have I been down this road?” Holiday threw up her hands. “Men don’t like being abandoned this time of year. They want a date for the cocktail parties and family dinners and office gatherings.”
“Don’t generalize,” her sister scolded. “I’m sure there are guys out there who couldn’t care less if their girlfriends are out of town for—”
“All of November and December?” Holiday finished.
Nora nodded.
“Well, I have yet to find one of those guys.” Holiday helped herself to a sip of her sister’s wine. “And it’s a shame, because this guy really was cute. And polite. And funny.” She paused. “Plus, given the quality of his suit, I’d be willing to bet that his office party is going to be really swanky, with free-flowing top-shelf champagne and gourmet hors d’oeuvres.”
“I know how you love hors d’oeuvres,” Nora said.
“I do love them.” Holiday sat on the sofa next to her sister. “But no. He’ll go to the swanky parties by himself and some other woman will scoop him up and the two of them will live happily ever after, curling up by the fireside and eating Bûche de Noël every Christmas Eve.”
Nora swatted her with the pillow. “Or he’ll call you on January second.”
Holiday didn’t even deign to respond to that. “The good news is, I don’t have time to worry about phone calls that will never come. I’m on a plane first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Back to New York?”
“Iowa,” Holiday corrected. “Pray for no weather delays in Cedar Rapids.”
“What’s in Cedar Rapids?”
“A Dandie Dinmont terrier puppy. I’ve got to pick him up from the breeder and deliver him to his new home in Los Angeles.”
“I’ve never heard of a Dandie Dinmont terrier.” Nora started Googling on her phone.
“Neither had I. You know why? Because they’re incredibly hard to find. There are literally more pandas in the world right now than Dandie Dinmont terriers.”
“Then how . . .?” Nora clapped her hand to her heart as a photo of an adorable, fluffy puppy materialized.
“Three days on the internet, dozens of phone calls, and filling out a puppy application that was basically the equivalent of applying to Harvard.” Holiday winced at the memory. “I told my client I would do it, so I did. The Wish Granter never gives up.”
“I guess not. Good lord.” Nora circled back to the more important questions: “So when you met with the editor, did you get to have any of the Bûche de Noël?”
“Yeah. It was delicious, but not as delicious as Mom’s cinnamon rolls are going to be.”
Now it was Nora’s turn to give a patronizing smile. “Bless your delusional little heart.”
Holiday turned her face away. “What?”
“You and I both know—we alllll know—that you’re not going to be home for Christmas.”
“Yes, I am!” Holiday got to her feet and zipped up her suitcase with more vigor than necessary. “This year is different.”
Nora took a beat and let Holiday’s words sink in. “You say that every year.”
“Yeah, but this time it’s true. I cut back on my bookings this year.”
“Mm-hmm.” Nora put down her wineglass and folded her arms over her chest.
“I’m not lying! I am going to be there Christmas morning, shoving cinnamon rolls into my gob. I pinky promise.” Holiday extended her little finger.
Nora refused to join pinkies. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Just be honest and say you’ll roll in on the twenty-sixth or twenty-seventh, jet-lagged and sleep-deprived, as per usual.” She held up her palm. “It’s okay, we still love you. We’ll keep the tree up.”
“You’re going to loot my stocking yet again, aren’t you?”
Her sister grinned. “Consider it your late fee.”
“You’ll see,” Holiday vowed. “I’m going to be in Mom and Dad’s living room, looting your stocking before you’re even awake on Christmas morning.” Her cell phone chimed. She glanced at the name on caller ID and headed for the hallway. “Hang on, I have to take this.”
When she reentered the bedroom a few minutes later, her sister read her expression immediately.
“You’re missing Christmas again, aren’t you?”
Holiday took a slow, deep breath. “No.”
“I just have to take a quick detour to Maine after Los Angeles.”
“A little pitstop.” Nora’s eye roll was even more dramatic this time. “Maine and Virginia are practically next door.”
“It’s . . . I can’t say no.” Holiday put her hand on the wall to quell the sudden feeling of dizziness. “I owe this client whatever she asks for.”
“And she’s asking for Maine?”
“Someplace called Alemos Island, to be exact.”
Nora was already online and researching. “Alemos Island? Oh, here we are, right off the coast. Current temperature is like absolute zero. You better pack a down parka and some furry earmuffs.”
Fear seeped into Holiday’s stomach. “Do you think it’ll snow?”
“Yes,” Nora stated decisively. “Maine plus December equals snow. It’s basic math.”
“Oh no.” Holiday sank onto the sofa next to her sister. “How much, do you think? Do you think there’ll be a blizzard?”
“It’s too soon to say.” Nora patted the sofa cushion to indicate that Holiday should join her. “Don’t worry, though. You’ll be okay.”
Holiday remained braced against the wall. “I’ve heard that before. I can’t believe this is happening again.”
“It’s not,” Nora declared.
“But what if—”
Nora held up a single, stern index finger. “It won’t.”
Holiday got to her feet, tamped down her nerves, and tried to match Nora’s authoritative tone. “You’re right, everything will be fine. I’ll pack my parka. I’ll rent an SUV with four-wheel drive. I’ll check the weather religiously.”
“Absolutely. Nothing can stand in the Wish Granter’s way,” Nora said. “This time.”
“Amen, sister.” Holiday strode to the front closet to retrieve her winter coat. “And Nora?”
“In the immortal words of Bing Crosby, I will be home for Christmas.”