This poem was inspired when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I was shocked. For a moment I didn’t recognize myself. It was as if I imagined myself appearing different to the world. But there I was! A revelation of sorts. So I jotted down the strange feeling and it eventually turned into this poem.
Ever believe in things or
someone and one day
you find out that none
of it is true?
An epiphany.
That’s what It was.
I’m not sure when but
it crept upon me like
the shadows that slowly
spread during daylight savings time.
You know they’re coming but
you’re still surprised when
it’s suddenly dark.
Maybe the first inkling that
something wasn’t quite right
a quick reflection of myself
I stopped short.
Peered closer.
Wiped the slight film away
with the balls of my fingers.
For a moment I didn’t recognize the reflection. My reflection.
Me. There all the time.
Waiting to be seen.