
Lily’s whole body jerked at her husband’s blunt words, her vagina clenching around his fingers. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed at Dax. His gray eyes glittered silver in the candlelight and dusky color bloomed on his cheekbones.

She couldn’t believe what they’d done, yet she wanted more. “Yes,” she murmured. “But how?”

Slowly, he eased his fingers out of her and dried them on his napkin.

Her body felt empty without him. As reality sank in, she glanced nervously around the restaurant. Had anyone seen them? No one seemed to be paying attention.

Dax took a long swallow of wine. “You’ll go—”

“The waiter,” she warned, seeing the man heading across the room toward them.

He took Dax’s empty plate and glanced at Lily.

“I’m finished too.” Her voice came out husky. “It was wonderful, but I’m saving room for dessert.” Much as she loved chocolate soufflé, the dessert she really craved was sex with Dax.

“Would you like me to bring that now?” the waiter asked. “And perhaps some coffee?”

“No,” Dax said abruptly. Then he added, “Thanks, but we’ll finish the wine first.”

“Take your time.” The waiter poured the last of the pinot noir into their glasses.

When he’d gone, Dax said, “You go to the ladies’ room. I’ll be in the hall outside. When it’s empty, let me in.”

Sex in the ladies’ room? She’d always thought the idea was tacky, but . . . She pressed her hands to her flushed cheeks. “This is what I get for wanting a bad boy.”

“It’s what you get for being a dirty girl.” He slid out of the booth and jammed a fist into one pocket.

Her gaze focused on his fly. Even the distended pocket couldn’t entirely camouflage his erection.

Dax moved around the table and, as Lily came to her feet and collected her purse, he offered her his arm. Gratefully, she took it. She rarely wore high heels and her legs were wobbly after that orgasm.

He smiled and bent to drop a quick kiss on her lips.

She smiled back. “Here goes.” Straightening her spine, she started across the restaurant.

Dax put a hand at her waist, walking slightly behind and to her side. Her fullish skirt would help conceal his aroused state.

Glancing at the other diners, she was relieved that they were having too good a time to pay attention to her and Dax. His hand burned through the silk of her dress. It branded her, compelled her. Aroused her. In charged silence, she and her husband headed down the hallway she’d walked on her own earlier. Lily opened the door to the ladies’ room and went in. A young redhead in a black cocktail dress was touching up her lipstick at the sink. They exchanged greetings, and Lily opened her own purse and took out her comb.

When the redhead left, Lily quickly checked the three stalls and saw VACANT signs on each door. She opened the restroom door. “All clear.”

Dax whipped through the door, glanced around, and then tugged her toward the stall farthest from the door. The cubicle was tiny, with a toilet and barely enough room for the two of them to stand, but it was clean and elegant. If they were going to do this, at least it was in a marble toilet stall.

She’d barely put her purse on top of the toilet paper container when Dax pulled her into his arms. Eagerly, she wrapped her arms around him and met his kiss. Oh yes, this was her favorite dessert. She rubbed her needy body shamelessly against the bulge behind his fly.

He groaned. “Christ, I want you.” He broke the kiss to reach for his belt. Hands fumbling with urgency, he unbuckled, unbuttoned, struggled to force the zipper over his erection. He shoved his pants and underwear down, groaning when his rigid cock sprang free, the head beaded with pre-come.

Such a tantalizing sight. Her hands reached out to circle his shaft.

He jerked in her hand. “No, crap.” He grabbed her hands, forced them away. “I’m going to fucking explode.”

“We could do it that way,” she offered. “With my hands. Or—”

“Inside you. I need to be inside you.”

And that was exactly what she wanted. She dropped her hands to the sides of her skirt. “While I wear these?” She raised the hem, revealing the tops of her stockings, the garters, and then her own nakedness framed by the lacy champagne-colored garter belt.

“You are so damned hot.” The words ground out of him.

Bracing his back against the stall door, he caught her by the waist and lifted her. When she looped her arms around his shoulders, he rotated so her back pressed against the locked door. She hooked her stocking-clad legs around his hips and he held her, one hand under her butt, one around her shoulders.

His cock brushed her thigh, she shifted a little, and now the crown nudged her damp pussy, desperately seeking entrance. “Fuck, I need to get in.”

She gave another wriggle and he slid into her. “Yes,” she breathed, close to his ear.

He thrust compulsively, and her body, still sensitive from orgasm, responded quickly. She guessed this would be quick and raw, which was fine by her. But she didn’t want to get left behind, so she shifted to ensure he brushed her clit each time he plunged into her.

Oh yes, that angle was perfect. Arousal escalated, making her bury a whimper in his black hair.

A door opened. The door to the ladies’ room. Two female voices were in mid-conversation about the merits of chocolate soufflé versus Grand Marnier crème brûlée.

Dax froze and so did Lily, clinging tight to him.

Heels clicked across the floor and, still talking, the women entered the two vacant stalls.

“Can’t do this.” Dax’s voice was only the breath of a whisper. “Can’t think of a damn technical spec.”

Technical spec? Had she misheard?

“Fuck,” he muttered. His hips jerked and he drove into her, hard and fast, back and forth.

The movement, so fierce and strong, almost made her cry out with pleasure. She was dimly aware of the two women peeing, still chatting with each other. She pressed down, grinding against Dax, increasing the delicious friction.

His climax poured into her in pulsing, irresistible waves that took her up, up, and over the top.

As she spasmed around him, a toilet flushed, maybe loud enough to cover his groan and the whimper of release she couldn’t hold back. The second toilet flushed. Both stall doors opened and the women resumed their conversation, giving no sign they were aware of Lily and Dax.

Trembling, she clung to him as their bodies throbbed together with the aftershocks. Water ran, a purse clasp snapped open, something clattered against the counter.

Dax eased out of her and slowly let her down. She tried not to let her shoes click against the tile floor. Panting, she leaned her forehead against his chest and breathed a silent “Wow.” Her parents would be shocked beyond belief, but the book club members would definitely approve.

Finally, the door opened and closed, and the room was silent.

“Oh, man,” he said quietly.

“Definitely.” She remembered something. “Did you say ‘technical spec’?”

He nodded, humor in his eyes. “If I recite helicopter technical specifications in my head, it distracts me from needing to come. But I couldn’t even remember a type of helicopter, much less its specs.” He put himself back together.

So easy for a man. Lily wanted one of the soft towels on the counter. A warm, damp towel. And then her thong. She reached into Dax’s pants pocket for it, and stuffed it in her purse.

He raised his eyebrows but said only, “Go check the hall. See if the coast is clear.”

She scooted out of the stall and peeked out the door to the hallway. “Yes. Go now. I’ll meet you back at the table.”

“Okay.” He strode across the restroom floor and paused at the door. “You’re something, Lily Nyland.”

“You too. Now go!”

When he was gone, she held a towel under the hot water tap then went back into the stall to clean up. Once she’d washed and put her thong back on, she returned to the sink to splash cold water on her burning cheeks, comb her hair, and apply fresh lip gloss. Even neatened up, to her mind she still looked like a woman who’d been well fucked.

The book club novel popped into her mind. Dax hadn’t taken her to a BDSM club; they’d gone to an elegant restaurant. He hadn’t given her to other men to fuck—or whatever it was that Neville intended to do with Cassandra—but he’d made Lily do things she’d never believed she would do.

Except, of course, he hadn’t made her do anything, no more than Neville made Cassandra do things. Neville was helping Cassandra determine whether she was truly a submissive. And Dax was encouraging Lily to push her bounds. When he restrained her, he in fact liberated her, sexually. When he commanded her, he absolved her of responsibility so she could let loose.

Because of him she was learning things about herself. She wasn’t just her parents’ well-mannered, conventional daughter. She was brave enough to take risks, and she could go a little crazy. Especially if she had Dax to both incite and protect her.

Staring at her own reflection, Lily barely noticed the restroom door open and an older woman enter and go into a stall.

Dax . . . She’d once loved him so much. Over the past couple of years she had questioned whether that love still existed. She’d pushed her emotions away, buried them; she’d rationalized rather than letting herself feel. All because she was afraid. Afraid he no longer loved her, that he’d break her heart if she let him. She hadn’t been honest with herself; she’d erected defenses; she’d lived in fear. No wonder she was so stressed, suffered from headaches, couldn’t focus clearly and make decisions in any aspect of her life.

Now things had changed. Their lovemaking was fresh, challenging, exciting. They were exploring their bodies, their bounds, their sexual connection in new and very adult ways. Their conversations were different too, and more adult, going deeper and venturing into topics they used to avoid.

She was coming to know the old Dax and the new one, and the end result was . . . she found him compelling. He’d grown more handsome and sexy with age; he flew into storms to rescue people; he did romantic things like fly her to Whistler; he was more willing to open up to her. He was amazing.

How could she not love this man?

“Excuse me, but are you all right?” a diffident voice asked.

Lily realized the older woman was at the sink beside her, gazing with concern at Lily.

“Yes, I was . . . thinking.”

“It’s a time for that, isn’t it?” She gave an understanding smile. “The end of one year and the beginning of another. A time of resolutions and possibilities.”

“Yes, I suppose it is.” Lily smiled back. “Happy New Year. I hope it’s a wonderful one for you.”

“And for you.” The woman moved to the door, opened it, and paused expectantly.

Dax was probably wondering if she was taking a full sponge bath in here. Lily stepped forward to join the woman and they walked down the hallway. The woman headed toward a corner table where a handsome bald-headed man stood, smiling, to greet her.

Lily straightened her back and walked across the restaurant toward her own handsome man. She’d figured out the truth about herself. She was brave and crazy enough to have sex in a restaurant, and brave and crazy enough to love her husband.

Dax slid out from the booth and strode toward her. So strong and agile; so sexy and breathtaking.

Her heart fluttered anxiously. How did he feel about her? A week ago they’d both admitted they didn’t know if the love was still there. Today he’d been acting like a man who truly cared. If he too felt the rekindling of love, could they dream new dreams together, adult dreams they could turn into a reality? It was a time for resolutions and possibilities, the older woman had said. Lily gave Dax a nervous smile.

His hand caught her elbow. “Are you okay? You were in there a long time.”

“I’m fine. I cleaned up and chatted with a nice older woman.” And realized I’d fallen in love with you all over again. The thought was heady. Surely he must feel the same way.

“Ready for chocolate soufflé?” He guided her back to their table.

“A second dessert?” she teased as she slid onto the seat.

“The first one was calorie free.”

Laughing, she reached for her wineglass and raised it. “To calorie-free dessert and new adventures.”

With a wicked gleam in his eye, he said, “To my wife obeying me without question.”

“Hah. Only if you promise it’ll result in wonderful”—she was about to say “sex” when she realized their waiter was back. “Dessert,” she finished.

“Right away,” the waiter said, and turned away again.

“Well, how about that? I have two men just dying to give me dessert.”

“Mine’s better.”

“I’ll decide once I taste the soufflé.” Should she tell Dax about her revelation? It was New Year’s Eve, the perfect time for new beginnings. Was she brave enough to confess her love? Perhaps on the stroke of midnight . . .

The waiter placed the soufflé in front of her, dark and steaming, the rich smell of chocolate drifting up to her nostrils. “This is going to be tough competition,” she told Dax.

They both said yes to the waiter’s offer of coffee. Once he’d poured it into gold-rimmed cups, Lily dug eagerly into her dessert. The soufflé was perfect, moist, and extremely chocolaty.

Dax tasted his mixed-berry crisp, served with vanilla bean ice cream. “This is great. Dare I demand a taste of yours?”

“You might have to fight me for it.” But, since he’d given her such a memorable evening—and she really did love him—she offered him a spoonful. When he reciprocated, she said, “No, thanks. The taste of chocolate and coffee together is perfect. I don’t want to put anything else in my mouth.”

“Not even . . .” He winked suggestively.

“Maybe later.” Definitely later, if things went the way she hoped they did at the stroke of midnight.