1. Moulton, Grammar, 1:14.
2. See Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 188–96.
3. Bill Salier, “Jesus, the Emperor, and the Gospel according to John,” in Challenging Perspectives on the Gospel of John, 284–301 (296).
4. Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 216.
5. William R. Farmer, “The Palm Branches in John 12, 13,” JTS 3 (1952): 62–66 (64).
6. Ibid., 63. Cf. Abraham A. Reifenberg, Ancient Jewish Coins, 2nd ed. (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1947), 37.
7. Keener, John, 2:869.
8. See Leung, The Kingship-Cross Interplay in the Gospel of John, 154.
9. Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 23–45.
10. Goldingay, Psalms, 3:354–55.
11. Margaret Daly-Denton, “The Psalms in John’s Gospel,” in The Psalms in the New Testament, ed. Steve Moyise and Maarten J. J. Menken (London: T&T Clark, 2004), 119–37 (126).
12. See Joseph A. Fitzmyer, “Aramaic Evidence Affecting the Interpretation of Hosanna in the New Testament,” in Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament: Essays in Honor of E. Earle Ellis for His 60th Birthday, ed. Gerald F. Hawthorne with Otto Betz (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1987), 110–18.
13. Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 205.
14. Cf. J. F. Coakley, “Jesus’s Messianic Entry into Jerusalem (John 12:12–19 Par),” JTS 46 (1995): 461–82 (473–74).
15. Bultmann, John, 404.
16. Morris, John, 521.
17. Carson, John, 433.
18. See Philippe Germond and Jacques Livet, An Egyptian Bestiary: Animals in Life and Religion in the Land of the Pharoahs, trans. Barbara Mellor (London: Thames & Hudson, 2001), 82.
19. Brent Kinman, Jesus’s Entry into Jerusalem: In the Context of Lukan Theology and the Politics of His Day, AGJU 28 (Leiden: Brill, 1995), 52.
20. Kenneth C. Way, Donkeys in the Biblical World: Ceremony and Symbol, HACL 2 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011), 97–100.
21. Ibid., 87.
22. Coakley, “Jesus’s Messianic Entry into Jerusalem,” 479.
23. Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 276.
24. Contra Köstenberger, “John,” 472.
25. Lincoln, John, 344.
26. Cf. Brunson, Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John, 279; Morris, John, 521.
27. Cf. Michaels, John, 678.
28. Kenneth C. Way, “Donkey Domain: Zechariah 9:9 and Lexical Semantics,” JBL 129 (2010): 105–14 (106).
29. Ibid., 114.
30. Cf. Ridderbos, John, 424; Aquinas, John, 2:272–73.
31. See Bultmann, John, 419.
32. Augustine, John, 51.4.284.