1. The following is adapted from Cornelis Bennema, “The Giving of the Spirit in John’s Gospel—A New Proposal?” EvQ 74 (2002): 195–213. See also idem, “The Giving of the Spirit in John 19–20: Another Round,” in The Spirit and Christ in the New Testament and Christian Theology: Essays in Honor of Max Turner, ed. I. Howard Marshall, Volker Rabens, and Cornelis Bennema (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2012), 86–104.
2. Thompson, God of the Gospel of John, 187.
3. Cf. Reginald H. Fuller, “John 20:19–23,” Int 32 (1978): 180–84 (183).
4. Ibid.
5. Cf. Augustine, Teaching Christianity, 2.14.135: “Signs, for their part, can be either proper or metaphorical.”
6. Sandra Schneiders, “The Raising of the New Temple: John 20.19–23 and Johannine Ecclesiology,” NTS 52 (2006): 337–55 (339–41).
7. Cf. John P. Meier, “John 20:19–23,” Mid-Stream 35 (1996): 395–98 (395).
8. BDAG 546–47.
9. Cf. Morris, John, 745; Augustine, John, 121.4.438.
10. Barrett, John, 568.
11. Gerhard von Rad, “εἰρήνη,” TDNT 2:402.
12. Beasley-Murray, John, 378.
13. Johannes Beutler, “Resurrection and Forgiveness of Sin. John 20:23 against Its Traditional Background,” in Koester, The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John, 237–51.
14. For a description of the nature of his wounds caused by Roman crucifixion, see comments on 19:18.
15. Stephen R. Holmes, “Trinitarian Missiology: Towards a Theology of God as Missionary,” IJST 8 (2006): 72–90 (75).
16. Raymond E. Brown, “The Resurrection in John 20—A Series of Diverse Reactions,” Wor 64 (1990): 194–206 (202).
17. Cf. Fuller, “John 20:19–23,” 183.
18. See Eckhard J. Schnabel, “ ‘As the Father Has Sent Me, So I Send You’ (John 20:21): The Mission of Jesus and the Mission of the Church,” Missionalia 33 (2005): 263–86 (263).
19. See Craig S. Keener, “Sent Like Jesus: Johannine Missiology (John 20:21–22),” AJPS 12 (2009): 21–45 (45).
20. Cf. Augustine, The Trinity, trans. Edmund Hill (New York: New City Press, 1991), 2.9.103.
21. Holmes, “Trinitarian Missiology,” 82.
22. Ibid., 83.
23. Paul Fiddes, “Mission and Liberty: A Baptist Connection,” in Tracks and Traces: Baptist Identity in Church and Theology (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2003): 249–73 (251).
24. Holmes, “Trinitarian Missiology,” 85.
25. Ibid., 86.
26. Cf. Hoskyns, Fourth Gospel, 544; Calvin, John 11–21, 203.
27. Cf. Thomas R. Hatina, “John 20,22 in Its Eschatological Context: Promise of Fulfillment?” Bib 74 (1993): 196–219 (218).
28. BDAG 837–38.
29. Cf. LSJ 551.
30. E. Stauffer, “ἐμφυσάω,” TDNT 2:536–37.
31. J. Duncan M. Derrett, “Why Did Jesus Blow on the Disciples? (John 20,22),” BeO 40 (1998): 235–46 (236).
32. Brown, “Creation’s Renewal in the Gospel of John,” 282. Cf. du Rand, “Creation Motif in the Fourth Gospel.”
33. Jon D. Levenson, “The Temple and the World,” JR 64 (1984): 275–98 (286–87).
34. Cf. G. K. Beale, A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011), 569–72.
35. Edith M. Humphrey, “New Creation,” Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible, 536–37 (536).
36. Marianne Meye Thompson, “The Breath of Life: John 20:22–23 Once More,” in The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins: Essays in Honor of James D. G. Dunn, ed. Graham N. Stanton, Bruce W. Longenecker, and Stephen C. Barton (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004), 69–78 (77).
37. Cf. Beasley-Murray, John, 382.
38. Tobias Hägerlund, “The Power of Prophecy: A Septuagintal Echo in John 20:19–23,” CBQ 71 (2009): 84–103 (95).
39. Contra Carson, John, 653.
40. Cf. Moloney, John, 532.
41. Bennema, “The Giving of the Spirit in John 19–20,” 87.
42. See Newbigin, The Light Has Come, 270.
43. Westcott, John, 295.
44. Newbigin, The Light Has Come, 268.
45. Raymond E. Brown, “The Kerygma of the Gospel according to John: The Johannine View of Jesus in Modern Studies,” Int 21 (1967): 387–400 (391).
46. On the text-critical issues involving this verse, see Metzger, Textual Commentary, 219.
47. Michaels, John, 1013–14.
48. See Porter, Verbal Aspect, 471–74.
49. Ibid., 473.
50. Cf. Carson, John, 655.
51. BDAG 564–65.
52. Meier, “John 20:19–23,” 397.
53. Fuller, “John 20:19–23,” 184.
54. Holmes, “Trinitarian Missiology,” 85.
55. Cf. Schneiders, “The Raising of the New Temple,” 338.
56. Holmes, “Trinitarian Missiology,” 83.
57. Dennis C. Duling, “Binding and Loosing: Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18; John 20:23,” Forum 3 (1987): 3–31 (26). Cf. Beasley-Murray, John, 384.
58. Newbigin, The Light Has Come, 269.
59. Calvin, John 11–21, 208.