Flooding alters can be used as singles or as a group of alters. There is almost always a number of flooding alters in a system. They are developed by using drugs which lower dissociative barriers. The drugs were used when these alters held the body and the drugs caused all the dissociative walls to come down. These alters hold the memory of this flooding.

- Drugged alters in weird states can also be pulled up to make a system feeling crazy.


The Gem alters are early child splits. These alters are treated as bad as possible. They are literally defecated upon, and pissed upon. They are intentionally dehumanized and taught to think as little as possible about themselves. At some point, these alters who have no self-esteem are told that they are something precious as Satan's gems. But they are warned that if they ever talk to someone on the outside, bombs will go off. Various bomb mechanisms are constructed using other alters and imagery. If these bombs go off, these alters will be so dysfunctional, incoherent and in shock that the therapist will not be able to work with the System again. The Gems are then used to transmit the mind of Satan to the System. Beyond the gems, and the hour glass disciples, there may be a stage which has more memories hidden. If a therapist gets that far, see how to raise the curtain.


The “Looking Glass Images” is the Illuminati name for mirror image alters, who are split off of main alters in order to confuse everyone but the controller. Sometimes these alters can be spotted because an alter will say, “I don't know if I'm inside or outside, I think I'm inside.” As previously mentioned, many alters also have shadow alters created from themselves to take their pain. It will be appropriate to discuss the overlays that the Illuminati place over real alters. The Illuminati will try to hide real alters with pseudo alters, mirror alters, mirror images and other tricks. Some alters are demons, and others are simply illusions of the mind. Shell alters prevent therapists from talking to the real alters.


Mirror images are purpose fragments whose job is to confuse both victim and therapist. When an event happens, .the abusers will fragment the alter who participated in the event, and create mirror images of that alter. This means that no one has the full memory. An alter doesn't know if the mirror image is itself or something else. It's very confusing. A triangle is formed by a. an alter, b. its mirror images, c. demonic mirror images. When an alter tries to recover a memory it goes round and round in a vicious cycle and finally concludes the memory is false. If one alter holds a memory, an alter close to it will have no feelings attached to the memory and will find it difficult to accept the memory as its own. It's like wearing someone else's coat, it may fit, but it just isn't your own. Mirror images, & pseudo-alters are layered in, so that it becomes perplexing to identify where an alter starts & where it ends. Therapists may think they have integrated alters, & actually only integrated their mirror images. Looking Glass People are similar to the mirror images. The Programmers may create a looking glass alter by having a drugged alter(s) of the victim endure the trauma of seeing someone's face peeled. Then the victim's face is also pretended to be peeled--by pulling off something like elmer's glue which has formed a surface on the victim's face. Then the dead person's skin is placed over the victim being programmed. The Looking Glass People are charted on grids and contain lots of the programs. They are confusing to the regular alters, because they appear internally like mirror images.


Internal programming alters, which are “clone images” of the 3 primary external programmers will be placed into a Monarch system. Of course the programmers want to remain anonymous, so these programming alters are faceless & wear white robes. They are given vast power in the authority structure of a system, & can move wherever they need to move. When programming is discussed by a victim & therapist, they will appear.


These alters are programmed to record everything. They lack an overview of reality. They are child parts that only know their job. The reporting alters will be involved in the recontact cues. Recontact alters are alters which are unaware of the abuse. The programmers may promise these recontact alters favors if they “report to Daddy.” For years, many therapists have worked with clients and never realized that the secret and well hidden reporting alters were reporting everything back to the handler.


This is one of the hardest type of programs for the victim to master. To make sure that the victim's mind is very alert a drug is given which clouds the thinking. The alters must try exceptionally hard if they are to concentrate and learn what their job is. They will learn how to take something being said and scramble it. When alters are not supposed to hear something, these alters will be called up by the internal programmers & they will sit on top of other alters and scramble everything they hear. These alters are technicians who usually enjoy the mastery they have over their difficult assignment. Therapists can give them a new job scrambling incoming cult messages. Scrambling programs (linked to triggers for scrambling alters) have at times been given names such as “AC DC” & “FLIP FLOP.”

The early sexual trauma is designed to familiarize the child with sex, and to access the primal part of the mind. The torture and sexual abuse eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal, pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they may be coached how to fake it. (For punishment if a slave gives trouble, the programmers might even hypnotically or surgically sew up the clitoris to insure the slave receives no gratification. The arab sheiks of Saudi Arabia will cut off--destroy-- the clitoris of their Monarch slaves in the same fashion that the Moslem world does with all their females.) The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, “Don't be a hustler and don't pick up strays.” The programmers must now ‘‘groom'' these alters. Little boys begin to be orally sexually molested when they are three. That is the standard age. Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand that there is a spectrum of female sexuality, where on one end of the spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards her emotions with her body--she is the type who craves sex for the physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc. The sexual groomers and programmers will teach the sexual alters these clusters of behavior. The sexual alters will also pick up lots of expertise naturally during the years of having to sexually service hundreds of abusers in every fashion imaginable. When Roseanne Barr, a Monarch slave, in her recent T.V. interview with Barbara Walters said, “I'm been screwed every possible way,” she was not exaggerating. The Gumby Programming is to make the slave think their body is like Gumby and is flexible to move into any position. The slave is repeatedly threatened with their life, if they do not perform perfectly. The sexual techniques of the world have been collected and improved upon by the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies such as MI6, & the CIA. There are techniques to use with old men, for porn movies etc. which the common people aren't even aware of. The intelligence agencies & the - military, when they use a male Monarch slave for covert activities, will find a female slave whose personality matches the male and pair them sexually during the period that the male slave is used on covert operations. This is done to insure that the other side doesn't take advantage of the male's sexual desires. Subjects such as how to train alters for espionage & prostitution could be books in themselves. The Illum. have male instructors who teach small classes of females about the power of seduction & how

the male brain shutdowns when their sexual organ gets involved. Finishing schools like at Youngstown, OH teach sexuality performance based on fear of death. The male & female sexual slaves usually are highly skilled technicians who don't have emotions attached to what they do.


There are some examples in professional literature which will serve to illustrate how the alters in an Illuminati system are named. A therapist in a professional magazine provided the names of a client's alters, which were Karen J, Karen Jo, Karen Ja, Baby Alpha, Middle Alpha, Adult Alpha. One of Frank Putnam's clients, (who had PET scans done showing how different alters have vastly different PET brain scans, which are not exhibited by people who only pretend to have MPD), had a Pam 1, and a Pam 2. These three methods here are common methods for nomenclature. In a 13x13x13 grid of alters, the top 2 sections of 169 each will usually have a quite a number of duplicate names. Our hypothetical Mary, would have a Mary 1,2, 3...11, 12, 13. She might have Eves 1-13 also. On the charts these would be Eve A, Eve B, Eve C, etc. She could also have a George Ann, a Georgee, a Georgette, a plain George, and a little child George, and several alters attached to these who have no names. Sometimes alters will be set up with first names and a surname, so that a family of alters will all have the same last name (surname). Some alters are not named by their abusers, they must fend for themselves in figuring out what to - call themselves. They only have access codes to pull them to the front of the mind. There seems to be no end to the variety of names of alters. Some are named after the quality they have like a robot named Steel, or a crazy alter being named Dementia, or a animal alter being named Animal. However, a number of names keep popping up in System after System, so for what it's worth here are some popular names that Fritz has seen occurring as alter names: the Adepts, Alexis (or Alex), Angel, Anna, Baker, Charlie (or Charles), Crystal, Death, Jezebel, Lilith, Queen, Sadie, and Samantha. This is not a scientific sampling at all, just an observation based on dozens of alter systems which have shared some of their alter's names.


We will now discuss one method of placing boxes into an alter system. Between the age of 4 and 4 1/2, an Illuminati child would be taken to Scotty's castle, CA for programming. A cedar chest would be placed in front of a table. Two Illuminati children well into their programming would be assigned to guard the chest, which would be called the

Doctor's box. They would have “clean slate” alters who knew nothing but their hypnotic commands to guard the doctor's boxes. Expendable children would be coached to come into the room and try to get into the box. The Illuminati children would be given strict orders to kill them if they tried to get into the box. If the children failed in their guard duty, they either got more programming or were in turn expended. The Illuminati children had sharp swords with which to guard the box, which had 3 seals on it. Internally, Mengele would then hypnotically program in countless boxes with 3 seals. Locked up in the boxes would be selfmutilation and body programs, etc. Therapists should know that these boxes are deadly. After reaching the level of obedience where they would kill for the programmer, the Illuminati children would be placed in a deep well for a well-trauma, and then while deep in the well would be given various orders such as “cut yoursel,” “probe yourself (electroshock oneself)” and other self-abusive things. The well torture would usually work at teaching the “clean slate” alters to abuse themselves. During many programming sessions, the victim is told “you must pass a test, will you pass the test?” There is something that is more motivating in these words, than if the truth were said, “you must endure these traumas, for our enjoyment and to become a slave for And to quote a line from the film When Rabbit Howls, “The worse things got, the more of us showed up.” The mind keeps protecting itself by dissociating the overwhelming abuse.


Programming is layered in. Layer after layer of programming is put in. Each alter or alter fragment is used as if it were a component of a large system. The result is that no alter or fragment is the whole, only a cog in a great machine. Can a single cog rebel against the whole machine? It is very difficult for a single component of thousands of components to rebel against its abusers, when it doesn't even have the ability to realize they are abusers and not the alter's natural order giver. Besides programs, items are placed into the mind too. Examples include vaults, safes and doors which need combinations & keys. The Illuminati Programmers see the layering in of programming as demonic. They feel the scripts, and movies are more “fronts” than the actual layering mechanism. They believe, as one ex-Programmer said, “This programming involves an organization system, established by horrendous trauma, for the alter personalities involving internal mental imagery, which is driven by demons, who provide the power. Undoing it requires an understanding of the mental processes involved, the imagery or blueprint used, and the spiritual dynamics.” (By the way, some readers will be ignoring this as Christian propaganda. However, this was said, not because this person is a Christian, which this person isn't, but because this person wanted others to be set free. Its also true that the Word of God, the Holy Bible, which was the foundation of Western civilization, does speak about spiritual warfare.)


Now we will go into the various systems that are programmed in. The Programmers place into their slaves a combination of the following standard systems to make up the victim's programming: a. Cabalistic Tree of Life, b. Carousel, c. Castle, d. Cave and well, e. Chess Board, f. Double Helix, g. Flowers, h. Helix, i. Hour glass j. the Mensa system, k. Pentagram, 1. Pool of Death, m. Potter's Wheel, n. Puppet System, o. Solemetric, p. Spider Web, q. Spiritual structuring, r. Stairwell, s. a Telescoping system, t. Tornado System, and u. Umbrella. Also an internal timing clock (syst.) keeps time according to the rotation of ritual dates, which helps ‘justify” the SRA, for “it's that time of the year.” Just a quick note: different programmers have different preferences for how they do things. It also may depend on what site they are using for the programming. Drugs and videos are frequently used to get the person to adopt the script they are to accept internally. However, harmonics and electronics are increasingly being used. Ritual and magical ceremonies may or may not have rigid scripts.

A. CABALISTIC TREE OF LIFE (see picture below)

While the Cabalistic Tree of Life means little to most people, it is a very important--essential structure for Illuminati systems. Therefore, in describing how these systems are built it is important to describe this crucial magical tree. The reason all these following items such as Trees of Life and goddesses are placed into slaves is because ThESE SLAVES ARE PART OF HIGH LEVEL SATANISM. The slaves are a reflection of the world view of their programmers. You and I wouldn't bother with all this because we are not into magic. That we find ourselves reporting all this, does not mean we endorse any of this. We don't. But the programmers didn't ask us what to place into their slaves. If you have a low tolerance for understanding the Illuminati's cabalism, skip on down to the Carousel system. The Cabalistic Tree of Life is put into upper level Illuminati slaves. It is a very deep program laid in at about section (level) 11. The Cabala is the basis of a. Freemasonry, b. the magic of the Illuminati Monarch programming, c. the key to the spiritual mysteries of the Scripture (according to Caballists). Because the word Cabala is a word originating in the Middle East it can be spelled with a Q, a QU, a K and a C. All these spellings are O.K. It can be spelled with one b or two, etc. Golem in the Cabala are ancient medieval mind controlled slaves--are these precursors to what we have today? WHO liked to program this? Mengele, and Wheeler (Dr. Green & Dr. Black)

were skilled in the Cabala, especially Dr. Green (Mengele). Some of the Rothschild programmers have been too.

Mengele learned from the leading Jewish Kaballists, during concentration camp days--Mengele himself was an Ipsimus in Illuminati. Undoubtedly, it is standard programming and many other Illuminati programmers must be doing it too. WHAT is it? The Cabala is synonymous with Hermeticism or Hermetic magic. The Cabala was jewish-babylonian magic. The jewish black magicians brought it to Europe. It began to get widespread notice in Europe after Enlightenment period. The great pyramid according to the occult is a symbol of the Cabalistic Tree of Life--the branches of the tree form the four streams or lines to the base of the pyramid. Because the Cabala is the basis of their hermetic magic, Illuminati systems will be fairly consistent in the make of a slave's internal Tree of Life and Tree of Evil. A Maiden/Mother/Crone triad goddess will sit at the top of the structure and will be married to the AntiChrist & Satan. The Cabalistic Tree of Life area of the System may have up to 12 other trees. These are other magical trees. There are 10 circles or rooms which are joined by 22 lines that make up the Cabalistic Tree of Life called The Cabala for short. There are 4 worlds of the Cabala--3 pillars to the tree which are also given different names to these pillars at different times. As just mentioned, there are 10 spheres of the Tree of Life and they are joined by 22 paths. The Mother-of-Darkness alters (at least some of them) are placed in a Tree of Life, and they do what is called “pathworking”. The spheres of the tree (also called rooms) are called “sephiroth” and they along with the 22 paths that join them are the “file drawers of this universal file cabinet.” Before the first sphere there are 3 veils of negative existence--the Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur. Alters in male and female systems in the Tree of Life will consider themselves to be gods or goddesses. Their names will often reflect god or goddess names. Chesed is a sphere which may be called a ‘‘Hall of Masters'' or the ‘‘Sphere of the Adepts”. Geburah is called “Hall of Karma” or “Hall of Judgment”. The Illuminati alters of course believe in Karma. The center of the tree is called Tifareth which means Beauty or Harmony. Understanding of the mysteries of sacrifice may be attached here. If we think of the Tree as three pillars—the right, center and left pillars, then we start with describing the right pillar from the top room down--an Illuminati system will have Ishtar! Venus/The Morning Star/Lucifer in the top room. The next room below this will be an alter of destruction, an alter of change, unbinding and freeing. The final right pillar room at the bottom is associated with virtue/white/victory/endurance. In the middle pillar at the top is The Crown. This is the Bride of Saturn (Satan, and the Antichrist). The room in the middle pillar one down from the top is the Blue Room. Sometimes front Mother alters are in the blue room. Other rooms have other colors assigned, which then tie in with the computer color coding. The blue room is the balancing point, an important room, the center of all things, associated with the twinning. The next room down is the Foundation. This room is the meeting point for the ethereal and the earth. The next and final room down on the middle pillar is the Kingdom. It has the life force of the first male child who was sacrificed by the slave. This is the feet on the earth room. The far left pillar has 3 rooms. The top left is associated with Midnight/the Mother/and water. The next room down is associated with Discipline and control. The next room down is an alter that performed an eating the dove ceremony. Each of these 10 rooms will not only have its own name, but each room's alter will have its own magical name, which is not to be confused with its access code. The alter associated with Wisdom “Chokmah” (and maybe even named Wisdom) is usually full of good information. In the occult literature, the tree is said to be attached upside down--that is its roots are in heaven. This applies to the internal programmed tree. Malkuth is the top of the tree. Malkuth is the “Gate of Death”. There seems to be more gatekeepers at these lower levels. The Lord of the Earth is the power of Malkuth. How it is put in? Our answer applies to Illuminati Mother-of-darkness level systems. Before a Mother-of-darkness system is 16 years old they will have gone through all the ceremonies involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the rooms of the Cabalistic Tree of Life which is placed in each system. There is one alter assigned to each of the 10 rooms of the tree. Each one is created by a particular Illuminati ceremony. After the age of 16, the System will be guided on a personalized pathway by the system's own demons and the life force of the sacrificed baby under the tree which relates to the story of Lilith. Lilith is not a single driving force, but the demon Lilith is joined with Zerodieth and Lucifer. Between age 16 and 19 the deep Satanic alters are working on “pathworking.” This pathworking will be completed before they are 19. The ceremony at 19 will include the 1,000 points of light ceremony at the super secret Mother-of-Darkness castle of Chateau des Arnerois (Castle of Kings) close to the Belgium-French border in Europe and about 20 kilometers as the crow flies west from Luxemburg. This will be a sealing ceremony with the Mothers dressed in black. Guards and heavy forest protect the large castle from view. The people in the nearby spooky village of Muno, Bel. basically belong to the castle. The castle has a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000 lights. The words 1,000 lights is an Illuminati buzz word. When the President used it to describe the White House's Christmas tree, hierarchy people knew what he was signalling. The cathedral has a great hall with columns on either side, and the Queen Mother's throne will be set up there. Only a single male waving an incense ball and robed in white with a red mantle with gold symbols will participate in 1,000 lights ceremony. Down in the secret basement is where an innocent child is sacrificed everyday to provide blood to write in a hugh book the record of how Satan is bringing his plans to fruition. The stongman protecting the tree of life is Lilith/Zerodieth/Lucifer spirits amalgamated. Behind the 1st line of the tree are 880 demons, and tens of thousands more are attached to this whole apparatus. For 24 hours after one of the Queen ceremonies, the Queen alter is a queen and can have anything she wishes. As previously stated, at 19, three keys are given, and the back part of the System begins to be worked. The System has an alter lay on a throne (like in Egyptian days) with a lily. The death, burial and resurrection ceremony also is done sometime in here. There are 9+10 doors to the tree which make up the number 19 (which is the year the system is sealed). This is tied to an astrological event. Note that every 19 years the full moon appears on the Summer Solstice day and this relates to the internal sun dial and what is called “moon swing.” The Cabalistic tree needs balance and becomes operational with balance. Special rituals are chosen for each individual, so the rituals from one alter in one system to another will vary. Individualization may actually be a choice from a selection --that is menu of options--rather than actually totally unique. The “Becoming” ritual at 19 begins in the ceremony of inhaling a dying mother-of-darkness's breath. Consciousness of the tree is achieved by balance. The Prana children are attached to the tree and its ceremonies. Lily became white when Moon child drew down the moon & exchanged herself for the goddess. She then drew down the stars of heaven (milk from the breast of the goddess). The lily she held in ceremony was the female challis to hold this essence or light of light. (this ceremony has sexual tones to it...) As Lily died in the ceremonies--drinking something from a special cup and laying down on an altar with candles at her head and feet) night was born. The liquid was wine with lily essence in it as well as Rue, which is a strong smelling European plant. Two things happen as lily is consumed--one conceives and one dies from poison. Does this death and conception relate to moon cycles? Night = Nuit Noir = Black. She has names in two terms. She is death, permanence which preserves earthly attainments i.e. position, glory, possessions, etc. WHAT other items are involved with this programming? The rooms of the tree of life have names. Essentially, every Illuminati hierarchy victim, has the Cabalistic tree of life placed in them. This tree lies below the other trees. The circles that make up the internal Cabalistic Tree of Life are called rooms or quads by the various survivors. Alters can use the internal Tree of Life to work magic internally. It also reminds deeper alters of cult control. The circles of the tree are rooms that can be entered into. Mt. Qabbalah is a figurative mountain in the Cabala. WHAT kind of demonology is programmed in with this? In the Cabala, demonology is important. Ashmedai is Asmodeus which means king demon. Lilith is an important demon in Kaballah and is found in Ill. Mother of darkness systems. Lilith's story from the Cabala about mating with Adam and killing her son, is used in Ill. ceremony and programming. The blood of 1st born is placed in a box in the System under each tree. This according to the programming gives the “eternal life force to the tree.” This is in line with occult doctrine of the power of blood, and also serves as a misapplication of the biblical “life is in the blood” concept. Metatron is a lesser top god of the Kaballah, and is receiving lots of Hollywood attention in recent movies. The four mothers of demons are Lilith, Naamah, Agrath, and Mahalath (a.k.a. Rahab). In the Cabala each demon has its own seal. Samuel & Amon of No are important demon leaders in the Cabala. At least one System of the Mothers (and we can assume others do too) uses the Bilair, Bilar, Bilid cabalistic names for Satan, rather than Satan. The Shekinah rules the Cabalistic Tree of Life. This is not the Shekinah of God Almighty, but from the self-proclaimed “father of light” Lucifer. There is a “Tree of Evil” said to be below the Tree of Life which is all spirit and not alters. This Tree of Evil has spirits attached to each room rather than alters. In contrast, both alters & spirits are attached to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life. Various precious stones are attributed to each of the sephiroth rooms, as well as occult archangels. Again if we look at the right pillar at the top is Beelzebub with Chaigidel as assistant. The Knowledge Abyss separates this room from the room below. This next room is Astarte with Gamchicoth as her assistant. The final room on the right is Baal with Hareb Serapel. The middle pillar at the top is Satan & Moloch in joint rulership. Below that is the Daath room. The room below is Belphegor, and the bottom room on the middle pillar is Lilith with Gamaliel as assistant. The far left starts at the top with Lucifuge. Then below that is Asmodeus. And the final room on the left is Addramalech. Finally, below the bottom middle pillar live the four elements of life, air, water, wind, and earth. Note that what is at the bottom is really at the top. On the other end, the pyramid with the all-seeing eye rests on the two Cabalistic Trees. Ratzkiel is the archangel of Chokmah. The angels which carry out Ratziel's directions are the Auphanim (the wheels), a name full of symbolism and programming possibilities. Tzafkiel, the Archangel of Binah is the Keeper of the Akashic Records, where all the System's days, lessons, and lessons to learn are kept. Since the library records are spiritual, during deprogramming they will have to be wiped out. However, I'm told that there is someway to retrieve them. Some therapists are using sodium pentothal or whatever to get access codes--but there is another way to recover some of the records.


Gematria might play a role in Monarch codes Gematria is a Cabalistic teaching about numbers meaning letters. Gematria is used a lot by Moriah. These are the magical numbers that also serve as letters to the Hebrew alphabet. Certain deeper alters are good at working at astral levels. These alters have “ASTRAL” or “CRAFT' codes, and code names, which will include codes from the names of herbs, spices, jewels, and alpha-numeric codes. Simple equation codes are also used in the deeper levels. HOW does this program relate to the twinning? Many survivors have roses incl. red roses. The Red Rose in the Cabala is associated with the Tree of Life. The Red one is assoc. with one part of the tree and the white with the other part. When paired together they make a blue rose which is the Rose of Malkuth. It may be possible that Red Rose and White Rose were used in the twinning and that a Cabalistic blue rose results in such a Monarch twinning. That last statement is only a supposition. Speaking of roses, Rosemary (the Rose of Mary) is an occult term for a woman who conceives a dark child. It is also associated with a fragrance of the Mint family.


Alters of an Illuminati System, due to programming, will perceive a tree growing in them which has roots in their feet and its trunk and branches extending throughout their body. Upon this tree, fruit (programs) are placed. Illuminati programs may be to cut a “tree” limb off (which is actually the victim's arm), or for a certain part of the body to get hot, or for a certain part of the body to physically change in some way. These are attached via the tree imagery. Both oak and willows are trees are used. Why might a programmer choose a willow tree rather than an oak tree in the basic programming? The answer lies in why a tree is used in the first place. A tree is used because of its imagery and because of its magical powers according to Druidism. There are a number of images a tree provides and there are a number of magical powers too. We will discuss the contrasts to develop our answer. The oak is a well-known powerful Druid item, but the willow tree is also sacred. The oak is so well-connected to the Druids that some of the other sacred trees of the Druids are not quickly recognized as sacred. Let us look at the intrinsic imagery advantages of the willow and then the magical properties it might contribute. The combination of the two, will then provide us with the complete answer as to why a willow tree rather than an oak tree might be used.


The imagery of a tree is used because it has branches, leaves and a root system. These items are manipulated for programming purposes. For instance, in the Alice In Wonderland programming, the girl jumps hypnotically into the tree and falls (hypnotically falling deeper and deeper) into the roots of the tree. The deep root system of the willow is an advantage over the shallow root system of the oak. When a storm comes the willow bends and doesn't break, while the oak is rather stiff and breakable. Since these trees are programmed into a person a flexible tree that can't be broke is an advantage. The wrapping around imagery of the branches gives a great deal of flexibility for programming and a stronger imagery than the oak. The willow draws water from deep below. The tree is “the tree of life” (the programs are the life of the system), and the Bible is used to “validate” the programming. For instance, the tree of life by the river (REV 22) is used. There are some other images that are important too. During Illuminati rituals the willow branches are used as whips to “cleanse” people the victims of programming. The image of a willow branch could easily trigger the memories of being punished (whipped and being cleansed), and this in turn would help hold the programming in place. The fruit of the trees are the programs--and some of the fruit can be eaten and some not. Sometimes children's stories about lunch pails hanging from trees or fruit in the trees is used to create a place for the individual programs are hung--or this could be a place for the front programs, and the more important programs are stored away somewhere more secret. Bear in mind, the trees in the programming sing and are able to wrap themselves around people if they are going where they aren't supposed to go. The willow has that flexibility naturally, so it is easier to imagine it wrapping itself around a person.


Most every thing that is done programming-wise has a dark spiritual significance to it too. The programmers will look for things that serve their purpose both here and in the spiritual realm. The willow tree is used to make witches wands, and help to make witches brooms. (Birch can also be used.) It is planted around Druid/Celt graves to protect them spiritually. It is believed to also have magical sexual powers. It is possible that some of the programmers might prefer the magical sexual powers of the willow, rather than those properties said to come from the mighty oak. This is not all of the willow's magical powers. It is connected with February and April in different ways, and magically connected with spring. It's possible that the person receiving a willow tree might be born in this time period. Is it possible that what type of tree is selected could sometimes be related to when a person is born. Some programmers might be into being time appropriate--this would depend upon the beliefs of the programmer(s). The imagery of the willow's magical sexual properties could be worked into the programming, as certain alters might be asked to make certain brews, or taste of certain things hypnotically. This would be done at such a deep level it might not be known. Just as in the case of the Alice In Wonderland programming, when the person drops clear to the bottom of the tree roots they find themselves small and they go through a door. But when they come back the alter is not going to remember the trip and what they ate on the hypnotic trip down the tree.

Further considerations on the choice of Trees. It is possible that the we can question the question. That is perhaps the question is not that the oak or the willow tree was used to the exclusion of the other--but that BOTH trees were used in the programming. Generally, this seems to be the case. In one particular case, it is possible that in a double system (with a dormant third system as a final backup), the oak tree being the more obvious Druidic symbol and quite strong was used in the front system, and the totally secret second system has the willow utilized. When the one person attempted to snap the oak tree at ground level in a crude attempt to deprogram themselves, the root system regenerated itself through the first mirror image, and what came back was more spirit and more deadly. Remember, the tree serves as an umbilical cord linking via its roots the person to their spiritual life force (which are the evil spirits which command and drive the system.) However, when the oak tree and its mirror images and the spiritual protectors (hideous spirits) were properly done away with, and then further deprogramming was done, a crack seems to have developed behind the pyramid crystal which allowed the person's original set of alters to experience a new or double system! Since that has happened it seems there has been an increased drawing to willows. In other words, for this particular victim it is conjectured that the front system (the fully operational set of alters) has an oak, and the duplicate set of alters which were each broken off of each of the original set) have a system with a willow tree. The trees roots of course are the umbilical cord to the source (the waters) that spiritually feed it. These relate to the soul ties. These roots have to be dealt with spiritually. They are so interwoven that they tie a person completely up with their roots and programs that are interwoven and wrapped around each other. Other

high level Illuminati survivors also have a front tree and a back tree. Another consideration is that the trees have flowers planted around them. Uprooting the trees are not sufficient for deprogramming, because the flowers are the deeper generational material and will regenerate the trees. Touching Lilith's box under the tree can release owls and monkeys and other animals that are dangerous. A generic code often can be used to take out the flowers.


Other important occult trees are the Tree of the Knights Table, and the Tree of Alchemy. There is such a thing as Tree Magic, which involves many kinds of trees and tree spirits. The Axle tree according to world wide occult belief has the earth revolving about it. Many survivors of course have the oak, willow or ash trees placed in as their principle tree or as their back up tree. The final back up tree in an Ill. System might be the occult Yggdrasil tree (ash tree). The Yggdrasil tree has 3 roots (spiritual, terrestrial, and infernal) and has a cosmic egg attached to it. Generally only one tree is mentioned, but a back up tree exists, and then third tree which is a back-door back-up tree. Therapists should be cautioned that these trees often come in groups of 3. WHAT are the BACKUPS? Beside the principle tree, the programmers will often plant a flower that represents the generational ties. If the tree is taken out the flower will regenerate the tree. The petals, the flower center, the stem and roots represent different generations of the victim.

Understanding the Maiden-Mother-Crone combination in the Mothers-of-Darkness. Therapists are going to find Illuminati slaves having 3 alters placed together. This is part of how these systems are structured. The maiden is set up on the pedestal as the “a” alter. The first programming chart which shows all the “a” alters in the system consists only of the young maiden mothers. The mother or second figures are close behind the a's. However, the crone part of the triads is meant to hide in the background. They serve as the power of advice behind the scenes. These Mother of Darkness triads participate in various ceremonies. Their initial initiation ceremonies included water torture with electroshock, which is the death, burial and resurrection ceremony. There are the full - range of Satanic holidays for the Mothers and a look at the frill range of holidays will provide a person with the type of ceremonies that the Mothers carry out, which include the two solstices. Different Mother-of-Darkness alters participate in different ceremonies. The inside of their black velvet gowns are color coded so that within the ranks of the Mothers are a whole series of ranks (grades). All of these Mother parts have been told they are divine goddesses. The following information will clarify this further.

The Mother part of the Goddess Trinity is the high point in all cycles. Traditionally her color is red, the color of life force. The Mother is associated with adulthood and parenthood. The Mother is ripeness and balance. Mothers actively work magick. She is a nurturer. She is confident and has no indecision. The Mother knows what she is. She is the full moon. Summer is the Mother's time of the year, the full moon is her monthly point of power. She is honored by Beltane (May 1), Summer Solstice, and Lunasa (Aug. 1). As stated before there are certain rituals which call for Mothers rather than a maiden or a crone.


The young maiden part of the mothers is the equivalent to the “apprentice” level of the mystery schools and Freemasonry. The myth holds that the maiden will be eternally youthful. Even with the aging process, the goddess can experience youthfulness in the mind. The maiden is the creatress of new ideas. She also is the armed hunter of the Mother's laws. She is the Guardian of the Balance. She is aware of her sexuality. She is independent and not controlled by men. She is the Way-Shower, the Keeper of the Keys. You will find the maiden in the following rituals:

3 new beginning rituals ® plans for conception i the birth of a child 3 the first menstruation for girls ® puberty rituals for boys


These alters rarely show themselves. They stay in the shadows and pass on advice. The crone aspect of the Triad of Goddesses has been called the Terrible Mothers, the Hag, the Dark Mother, and the Wise One. She is associated with black, death, winter, menopause, wisdom, counsel, reincarnation, and the initiator into the deepest of the Mysteries. The waning Moon is her monthly time of power. The crones number is 9. 9 is a number of wisdom and sacred magick. Nine is also a moon number, which means spiritual completion and wholeness. The crone has a cauldron. She is the great recycler. She is the ultimate teacher. She contacts the Spirits and is an expert on demonology. She

is the Keeper of the Spiritual Records. She is the shadow behind the Mother's throne. According to the occult, she is the elder of unlimited wisdom. There are certain rituals which call for the crone, such as Winter Solstice. The crone completes the wheel or cycle of existence of the Mothers of Darkness. She is most likely in the system the most dehumanized of the three that sit on the pedestal.

The following are a sampling of the goddesses you will find. Since the names of these goddesses are not secret, it is possible for people who are not in the occult to track down what the popular goddess names are. Here are a few that are placed into systems:

® ASET (Isis) (Maiden)-She dwells in the sky as the silver sheen. Isis or Aset is the best known of the Egyptian goddesses. Her name means throne. She is a ruler. She is the mother of the Anti-Christ figure of Horus. She has a horned crown or a solar crown. She has lots of titles.

® BAST (Malden)-Bast is the mother goddess of all cats. Bast looked like an 18' giant with a cat head. Internally, in the system she will look hugh. Black cats were sacred to Bast. The internal Bast may like obsidian and cats-eye. Bast corresponds to Yesod (the Foundation) on the Cabalistic Tree of Life.

® CAILLECH (Crone)-Calllech was the Scotch and Irish Crone figure. She is known as the black mother. A derivative of her name is Caledonia. She was the Spirit of disease. Caillech means an old woman, a hag, or a veiled one. California is named after a version of her name. Some think her name is a derivative of Kali.

® HAT-HOR (Mother)-Hat-Hor is also known as Het-Hert. She is the womb of Horus. She is Queen of the Dead, or Queen of the West. In mythology, Hathor, when turned loose on the earth, slew humans until blood ran in the rivers. She is the avenging Mother. She is identified with the heavenly cow who made the Milky Way, and the Nile Goose, who laid the Golden Egg.

® ISHTAR (Mother in the swamps)-lshtar is Lady of heaven, goddess of the moon. Istar had a lion throne and a double serpent scepter. Ishtar went down through 7 gates into darkness and then returned in order to try to find her lover Tammuz. Sometimes Istar is accompanied by dragons. She was originally a Babylonian goddess.

® KALI (Crone)-Kali or Kali Ma is the best known Crone goddess. She will be deep in an System. One image of her in mythology is squatting over the dead Shiva devouring his penis while physically eating his intestines. This is an actual Satanic ritual that Mothers-of -Darkness participate in. Kali has both creation-& destruction abilities. Kali's necklace in Indian legend consists of skulls with magical sanskrit letters. Kali was and is worshipped by a great number of people, especially the Hindus. One group of worshippers has been the Thugs, who relate to the Assassins and the Knights Templars. Another group of Kali worshippers are the gypsies who left India in the middle ages and over the next following hundreds of years travelled all over the world. Originally, blood sacrifices of male animals or men were made to her. There is a reported decrease in India of such blood sacrifices from what it was a century ago. The favorite view of Kali is the black Kali named Dakshinakali. She is usually shown black and naked, full-breasted with dishevelled hair and a wild grimace.

3 KORE-PERSEPHONE (Maiden)-A great mother of Greek myth. Kore means “maiden” in greek. In mythology, she watched the grain grow among the wildflowers, especially red poppies. She became the mistress of the underworld. She guards the chasm that goes into the earth. She marks each spirit of the dead on their forehead with pomegranate juice. Pomegranates are used in ritual. Kore returns in Spring to see her mother Demeter. According to Greek legend Kore was raped in Hades. She is also known as the Queen of the Dead. A similar Illuminati ceremony takes place where a male wearing a mask acts like Satan. Kore makes the journey to Hades by herself without her mother. The Greek mystery schools, which included many great Greek thinkers, have had rituals around Kore.

® MAAT-Maat's name means “She whose name is Truth”. Her symbol is a red ostrich feather. A ritual vow is “by the Feather of Maat.” Maat's presence might explain why a System is infatuated with feathers. Maat is the one in legend who “is the pattern” --the one who “will find a way to weave us back into our proper places in the tapestry.”

B. Carousel.

The Carousel in real life is used as a device to teach dissociation, and how the alters are to go up and down in trance. Sometimes you will see parents who seem to be so loving having their children ride for long periods on a carousel. They might actually be programming them in dissociation. An internal carousel is built into an internal system. Mirrors and shadows are placed around and perhaps in it. The carousel spins and moves up and down repeatedly. In the center of the carousel, the Programmers often place something or someone important. They will often put this at the bottom of the DNA double helix and have the double helix elevator shaft coming up the center of the carousel. The carousel's bottom side will set on top of the system's switching mechanism. And the core will sometimes be placed in the center of the carousel somewhat underneath it. The switching mechanism is the main control for turning the system (the Grandfather clock so to speak.) The carousel may have umbrella programming immediately on top of it. (This could be Illuminati Delta alters, which can be one of the deepest things put in.) The carousel must be approached from the back side. At times an internal key, which often looks like an old key is needed to enter the Carousel. Many Illuminati systems are given a key or set of keys, and at times when they enter therapy the front alters give this to their therapist not knowing what the key is, but knowing it is important. The co-authors believe that these keys are carousel keys. A false trinity will be assigned to guard this, which will consist of the False Prophet, The Beast or Dragon, and the Hoofed One. The false prophet and the Beast (dragon) come out of the book of Revelations. The Hoofed One is a rare occult term for Satan, not to be confused with the popular usage of the Horned One in the occult. The two terms are different. If several carousel are built into a system, then they will have other guards than the false trinity. In many Illuminati systems, there are 13 silent splits made from the core called silences, and at this time during the splitting process guards are made to the Carousel/core. The method of doing this is to place black covers over the eyes of the victim, and then probes are inserted into the base of the skull, as well as electric shocks being applied body-wide and in the subcortical part of the brain. The victim has their mouth restrained from screaming. The pain from this is about as excruciating as a human can stand. First, the fear part of the brain is activated. Then the logic part is activated, and the victim is told repeatedly “Be good, obey.” Next, the fear is stimulated, and then the pain. The head will have excruciating pain, and so will the body to the point of nausea and sickness. An alter will be created to carry the pain, and one to carry the fear, and one to carry the anger. These will be identified and used to guard the carousel. Six alters will guard the carousel. They will be identified and linked to the most important carousel, which guards the core. To attempt to think about the carousel, on the part of an alter, may bring up these guards, and the system will abreact in memories that are almost unbelievably painful. If a therapist accidently triggers this, get the little child guard to back up or go to sleep. Make sure the heart of the victim, and lungs continue to function. The alters within the victim's system may have “aged” slightly since their primal trauma, and may appear about 2 years of age. Most alters this young do not know how old they really are. Therapists will attempt to associate the memory and provide anchors from the early memory to the present. Association strategies are worked out by the therapist to deal with the particular trauma in relation to what alters are there to help and were involved in the trauma. The association may be done in steps. Older helping alters can help assess the age of the infant alter by answering questions about size, teeth, physical abilities, verbal abilities etc. Verbal abilities of illuminati infants may be advanced beyond norms.

A castle system will contain a moat, drawbridge, turrets, gargoyles, a torture dungeon filled with actual memories of torture, secret passages, lots of levels, & rooms including a library. Child alters are often hidden in the castle. Disobedient alters may be locked up in the castle. Lots of traps are placed around and in the castle. The castle will house some alters and also some deadly programs. When castle alters get stirred up, the victim may internally see the castle lights go on. The castle walls may have a grid on them. The castle may be guarded by monsters.

D. Cave and well.

A gatekeeper will guard the cave. Disobedient alters may be put down the well. This system deals with a lot of darkness. Catacombs may be connected to the cave and well. Falling down the well is one way to get to the abyss (see the film Labyrinth). Usually there is only one entrance-exit to this cave.

E. Chess Board.

This system utilizes the Alice In Wonderland story. It is put into male slaves. The pieces of the chess board move in various ways setting off different programs. The devil will equal the black king. A program might sound like this: “Black knight moves two spaces and one right. White knight moves two spaces and one left. White knight challenges black knight. Black Queen moves 5 spaces.” The victim who receives this programming must be the type of thinker who would play chess reasonably well. The script can be shown via videos while the victim is under hypnotic drugs.

F. Double Helix.

This is a very important system. The double helix pattern is used as an elevator shaft running up and down the worlds created for the alters. In general, each world lays at a trance level. The double-helix is put in at programming sites where they have full medical facilities, such as Letterman Hospital, Presideo, CA. The codes up and down the elevator are alpha-numeric with lots of numbers. Because the way the double helix shape twists, one can ride the elevator and get off a level 1,3, 5, 7, 9 but you have to ride it the other way to get off at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Because the double helix is the centerpiece of how the different physiological states of the mind are being layered, taking the victim down to these different physiological states and levels is very risky and

by the time it is through it involves lots of blood transfusions for the victim. The Caduceus is a double helix with snakes at the top. The Caduceus is an occult symbol used in ancient Babylon, ancient Hindu India, and by Chinese occultists. Mercury in occult lore carries a staff called a caduceus. Mercury's staff is a cabalistic symbol. William Heller's book on the Kaballah on page 78 states, “Mercury's staff, called Caduceus, and made of intertwined black-and-white twin serpents, heralds more forthcoming splits into duality. Once again, it reflects the ambivalent mind, its conscious, and subconscious states, its waking thoughts and imaginative dreams.” So according to cabalistic doctrine, the caduceus represents the various states of the mind.

G. Flower system.

This system is attached to other systems, and utilizes the power of peer pressure and generational ties. The flowers will often be bright. The bud of the flower will represent one person, the stem and the flower represent others. This system might be connected to the Umbrella, the Trees, the Triangle and the Star. A flower can regenerate an internal tree because of its generational roots. Flowers are also used as elevator shafts, such as a sunflower. One has to jump into the center of the flower and go down the stem to reach a lower level. Flower fields such as the poppy field are used as a hypnotic trigger to put an alter into deep trance.

H. Helix.

This is a simplified version of the double helix.

I. Hour glass.

Three hour glassed will be placed around the x-y-z axis in a quadrant. A quadrant consists of a section of alters in a world and their mirror images. The hour glass programming also includes a suicide program. 12 disciple alters will be placed within the hourglass. Each disciple has to memorize a disciple lesson. If something triggers them, they will begin to fall through the hour glass. If each of these 12 disciples falls through the hour glass like sand, then a sleeping giant like in Jack in the Beanstalk will wake up, . When the Giant awakes, he will kill the body. And of course, a mirror image of the Giant alter will be made also to help insure that at least one of the giants get the job done.

J. Mensa.

This is a program put into slaves who have photographic memories. It involves lots of numbers and math. It's overall structure looks like a triangular-shaped fish net, with all the nodes or knots of the net containing a triangle. The core is place at the center of the triangle and is surrounded by more triangles. There are circles of alters within circles of alters. Circles within circles. The a circle can rotate and seems never to end. The programming is meant to be non-ending. There are also triangles within triangles. The effect of using a structure like this to house the alters is that they feel trapped in endless circles and mazes of triangles within triangles. The codes in a Mensa system will be equations (sometimes called union force codes), bar codes, and number sequences.

K. Pentagram system.

One pentagram system has pentagrams within pentagrams. The geometric lines grow from pentagram to pentagram by lines running in opposite directions. This has the same effect as circles within circles.

L. Pool of Death.

One or more of these can be placed into an alter system. They often are found inside the main castle. Dead alters and body parts and torture fragments, are all dumped into these system garbage dumps. The Spirits of Death and Destruction control these pools of Death. Variations of this may be called Lakes of Death, and Waters of Death. In some systems, this is overseen by Taskmaster alters.

M. Potter’s Wheel.

This is the equivalent to a computer utility program. The way it functions is that the Programmer pulls the alters he wants to work on up on the potter's wheel in order to work on them. When they are pulled up on the potter's wheel, they can be asked to stand in order and rank. Then the alters will come to the front of the mind on top of each other in their prearranged sequence. The Charismatic movement programmer's like to use this, because the Programmer can become god, and the slave becomes the clay. Can the pot talk back to the potter? The Bible verse in ISA 45:9 is used, “WOE unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What maketh thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?” The next verse again repeats its woes upon those who question parents who fashion a child. As is typical of a number of Illuminati programs, at first glance they look like they are merely perversions of the Bible, but a closer look reveals that they are actually ancient occult rituals. For instance, the Illuminati believe “As above, so below.” This is druidic philosophy, even though it sounds somewhat like something from the Bible. In the book Invocation of the Gods Ancient Egyptian Magic for Today, pg. 203, the book gives a magical invocation that supposedly has been found in ancient Egyptian magical papyri. At any rate this invocation's wording is powerful in English for a Monarch slave. The Invocation is called The Potter's Wheel.

“Hear the sound of the potter's wheel As it spins! Khnum!

See the clay on the potter's wheel As it spins! Khnum!

Feel the hand of the Mighty Lord Form the seed to contain a soul As it spins.

See the soul, on the Wheel of Life As it spins! Khnum!

Birth to death on the Wheel of Life See the soul, on the Wheel of Life As it spins!

And with death we are born anew

While the vessel that's tossed aside Will return to the potter's wheel As it spins!”

This is just one more example of where programming and magic intersect.

N. Puppet System.

In this system the body feels totally disjointed and controlled by strings. Mengele enjoyed this program. He would say, “Dance Marionette dance.” In other words, to paraphrase, “dance slave for me the controller”. Demons are laid in to pull the strings of the puppet. The internal controller may be a demon or a demonized alter. It can be attached to other systems such as the Pentegram system. In a previous part of the book, it was discussed how the victim's body is paralyzed by drugs and then electroshocked in a way that the person seems to be the Programmers puppet. This is put in when the child is very young. This puppet programming is very convincing to a small child, and is a very nasty program for the slave to experience.

O. Solemetric system.

This is used for government/business/research slaves who must perform complex tasks and they want their minds to be less fragmented or not fragmented. The mind can be programmed and divided from itself without creating alter personalities. Because the divisions in the mind due to dissociation and programming lies are not as deeply structured, victims who get solemetric systems have strong demonic forces and lot's ritual to hold their systems in place.

P. Spider Web system or Black Widow Spider System.

This system is set up just for blackmail and destruction via entrapment of unsuspecting people who are perceived as threats to the Illuminati. This system is found in lots of women coming into churches with decent by naive ministers. The system has a web with connectors and silk strands. A target person will be symbolically placed into the web and then the black widow alter(s) will entrap the victim. This is programming to take down pastors of churches with sexual entrapment. The spirit Viper found in ISA 59:5 is placed into this system to protect it. There will be egg alters which will devour the victim, and Gatekeepers are assigned to guard the system.

Q. Spiritual structuring.

The spiritual structuring is not a single structure. A few people have worked with the deeper elements of the programming to help victims and also know what the Illuminati programmers have done and what their agenda is, have come to realize that the spiritual structuring is the most important part of an Illuminati system. What you will now read is known only to an exclusive few. Spiritual castles (Grandfather, Father, Mother, and Grandmother castles) and spiritual temples (to Moloch and Baal etc.) are constructed internally. Entire spiritual worlds are constructed internally. The most primal parts of the mind, and the key early alters and the core essence are usually taken to spiritual constructs within the Illuminati slave. The gems are empowered by the light of Lucifer (an alter-demon combination). But even more deeper than that are the generational ties. The programmers, who themselves are generational satanists, are part of a plan where the generational legal rights of Satan are accumulated upon an individual. In the Scriptures it says that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the third and fourth generation. This gives Satan a legal right to the generational victim. Each bloodline has its Prince demons attached to it--just like in the Bible the Prince of Persia was both a man & and a demon. Hidden within spiritual constructs such as black diamonds, and diamonds, are further demonic constructs. The thrones of the generational Prince Demons are attached to the primal human part of the victim. This is entirely spiritual--beyond that there are no words to describe it. It is very real to the survivor when therapists get to that point (which is very rare!). The power of the Illuminati is that it is generational. They build upon that, when they build a system. Some of these genealogies have not been free for many generations. If you want to spoil a structure, one need to bind the strongman. The strongman in an Illuminati system is the generational ties. All ties to the bloodlines need to be renounced. The Programmers will take little Illuminati children to crypts of their ancestors in order to better attach the generational spirits. The womb holding the premature child is used as a temple in the Moon Child ceremonies. After the child is born the womb structure will spiritually serve as a temple for the primal human parts of an Illuminati slave. Whether the therapist can realize these things or not, in the very least, they are aware of the saying “Father like son”, and are aware how traits may skip a generation but how a grandson may mirror a grandfather. The generational aspects to Illuminati slaves are a major role in the Illuminati

R. Stairwell.

The stairwell is just as it sounds, it is a stairwell that is placed into a system. The stairwell can be used as a trap for alters who are unwise enough to be lured by programming to go into it. The stairwell system connects various levels. There are booby traps and demonic entities attached to the system. Stairwells may be sealed up with Gatekeepers assigned to protect them. If an alter proceeds down a stairwell to get to other levels they need to realize that they initially will hit “tornado (also called whirlwind) programming” and flooding of memories. The tornados will spin the victim inward and disorient them. The alter holding the body will feel as if it is out of control and going to die.

S. Telescoping.

Any telescoping object (such as a telescoping army drinking cup, or a telescoping rod) can be used to give the visual picture for the child to follow when it is being programmed. A telescoping system often has a time level, a function level and an age level. The game of Chutes and Ladders along with Jacob's Ladder have been used to place the story line into children.

T. Tornado System.

This is a free floating system that moves around areas that the programmers want protected. When it hits an alter(s) it causes confusion, spinning, and switching, as well as a feeling of losing control. It's part of the elemental back up programs discussed within a few pages.

U. Umbrella.

This is associated with military programming. An umbrella protects something, such as the Delta assassination alters. An umbrella must be taken down from the inside and so must this protective shield of the Umbrella program. One Umbrella system had 7 gates to it.


What would happen if a slave physically got away from its master or handler? This has happened countless times and the mind-control is so solid that the handlers don't have too much to worry about. Mind-controlled slaves have gone to therapists for years and never gotten free of the mind-control. The therapeutic process that the establishment has schooled them in and then requires them to adhere to, prevents the therapist from doing things that might really set the victim free. Therapists are often loath to give any help in any thing that smacks of spirituality. The spiritual issues in many of these slaves are the most crucial issues facing them. If they don't resolve these spiritual issues, the deeper alters will continue to adhere to their blood oaths of allegiance to their Satanic abusers and their oaths to serve Satan loyally.

Each cult which programs, makes sure that they place in lots of loyal alters, which therapists call persecutor alters because they torment the alters who want freedom. If therapists try to eliminate these persecutor alters, they will fight back with the full tenacity and strength that the survival instinct gives to anyone. Their persecutor role needs to be validated, and then redirected toward productive ends. Many persecutor alters see life simply as following their instructions and that they are protecting the system from greater harm by stopping therapy. During programming that was the case, but if their System has reached a good therapist and has good support team of other people, their fears no longer apply. The cult will attempt to show them that their fears do still apply. Hopefully, the support team for the system of alters will work as hard at protecting as the abusers do to reinforce the fear. Many of the programmers have been associated with the military. One of the tricks that the military learned is a defense in depth. The Russians employed defenses in depth with great success in 1943 in the big battle of Kursk during W.W. II. The first defense is that the slave has no awareness of the MPD (DID) or that they are being used as a slave.

Some of the alters will realize that something is wrong, but the mind control is too strong for them to see clearly. Essentially the System is in trance all the time, even the front alters, they do not perceive reality like people who are not in trance all the time. The next line of defense is that the fronts of an alter System don't have a clue about the abuse or what their system has been designed for. The front alters will have alters which are loyal to the master, and alters who are full of craziness and disinformation. If the victim keeps probing (which many don't) they will discover an occult involvement. Even if they discover that the System is related to the occult world, the programming is still intact. If the person finds out he is MPD, and finds out that the System was part of the occult world, then he still is captured by all the programming which is intact. Walls, fire walls, mazes, suicide programming, internal armies, programmed craziness and many other tactics sap the strength of the front alters if they try to deviate from the straight and narrow programmed way of behaving. WHEN THE FINAL CALL BACK IS GIVEN-many Monarch slaves are programmed to kill their therapists because the Illuminati will be able to hide/protect them once they leave their place in society and return for the final callback. Reporting alters hidden well in the System, observe and secretly report back to the Network everything a therapist does. The alters have fix me codes to call for help such as “FIX ME”, “QUEEN OF HEART”, “THREE LITTLE KITTENS WHO LOST THEIR MITTENS”, “THE COWS IN THE CORN, LITTLE JACKIE HORNER WON'T YOU PLEASE BLOW YOUR HORN.” The jokers and internal programmers will work night and day to stop or reverse any work done toward freedom. There are so many levels, suicide programs and so many other defenses a person's body is not strong enough to attack the programming head on. There are for instance Bells of Destruction programming, The War in the Heavens suicide programming, the Gethsemane Suicide Programming, the Octopus suicide programming, the Injection of Bleach, the overdose of drugs, the go insane program, just to mention a few. The slave will be given a whole batch of these types of programs which may all go off at once if the slave doesn't comply with keeping the mind control secret. One internal protective programming line is The Man without a Country story. Another is a water program but in with Scripture from Jer. about Ahab stomping the grapes. Another is for the slave to think they have been turned into a fragile paper doll. The paper doll programming is put in by making the skin very sensitive to any touch, and then attaching that memory to the hypnotic suggestion of being a paper doll. An octopus suicide program chokes the slave if they are disobedient. A mush the brain is triggered by a fanning movement. If the slave touches the programming, Armageddon programming is activated in those who have Bible programming. The four horsemen on their different horses ride out and bring their different mental tortures to the slave's mind. Winged monkeys (possibly alter fragments) from the Wizard of Oz story programming are called “watchers”. They watch alters. The slave is conditioned that if any programming or demonology is taken out, it will come back seven times seven stronger. The Bible (MT 12:43-44) is used to put in this programming. Actually, this is more than programming, there is a principle in operation here. Therapists need to be cautious about pulling things out, if they do not understand what the ramifications will be. We want the victim to have hope, not to make the task look harder. One of the primary protective programs is the JUDAS PROGRAMMING. Anyone who betrays the abusers is labelled “Judas” and is programmed to go out and act like Judas by hanging themselves. If that mind-control program doesn't happen, the Illuminati warn their people “Remember Tom Collins”, who was the son of an Illuminati Grand Mother, who became a Christian, started exposing the Illuminati in churches, and was gunned down in a grocery parking lot. Finally, the members are warned that they will be sacrificed on a cross like Christ in what is termed “a traitor's death.” Usually, mind-controlled slaves will police their own actions and thoughts. The therapist may hear their Monarch client talk about the Dove, fire, Moriab, and water as protectors. They may talk about a little bird dove who is part of protection which flies iftto the ebony trees. The basic defensive programming placed into the early Illuminati models was based upon the 4 BASIC ELEMENTS--fire, wind, water, and air. When the programming is touched by anyone, the elements of the earth come alive. For instance, if the programming is touched the following programs based on the four elements come alive:

WATER -- victim will freeze like ice, will suffocate like inhaling water, will boil like being placed in boiling water, will feel a drip drip drip on the head, and will flood with memories. This is why some Monarch slaves do not like to swim.

FIRE -- Victim will burn inside and outside. The victim will remember fire torture, and perhaps their face melting. This is why some Monarch slaves don't like to light a match or a fire. Slaves will have their programming reinforced with the warning, “If you disobey us, Satan will take your ability to resist burning away, and you will burn in hell.” The alters have no way to conceive that God could love them, so they feel if they are to have any chance not to burn in the afterlife of hell they must obey. The fire programs which activate when they disobey reinforce this warning. Often victims report a “Ring of Fire” burning within.

EARTH -- the victim will remember being dropped down a well, being buried alive in either hot sand, or a casket. Earth means “life or death”. The earth “swallows people up.” The victim may feel dehydrated from memories of being buried in hot sand (hot earth). This is why some victims have a fear of being buried alive. In fact, this can be done internally where alters are internally placed in caskets and buried. Alters are also internally thrown into internal wells. The Illuminati programmers say, “ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST' to mean that the earth will bring death. Sometimes even volcanos erupt (earth and fire) out of the ocean (water) and destroy parts of a system. Internal earthquakes also happen quickly and then the entire system will be shifted and shuffled.

AIR or WIND -- Vortexes suck the person down and away, a strong wind takes the alter(s) into the Rubicon of Outer Space and the body dismembers itself as it goes away. The mind doesn't understand why it is being torn apart, only that it is being torn like a tornado. The alter may also go into a bubble and float away.(This effect is put in w/ drugs and hypnosis.) They will dissociate and nothing is real. How does one place into a child these types of programs? Let's say the programmers want to put in the Tumbleweed Program where the child feels like it has become a tumbleweed & can't ground and get its bearings on anything. Let's say the programmer also wants the child to lose his arms & legs while being blown away. The child is dehydrated so the mind is overheated and hallucinating. Special drugs are also given to the child to make it more delirious, make it more suggestible, etc. The little child by this point has no mind of its own. Heavy fans with hot air are placed upon the child. It is hypnotically told that it has no arms and no legs. The child is too weak to think for itself. It is almost comatose. The child will be left for perhaps 8 hours as a script which keeps repeating itself is played on a voice box. The child will hallucinate the script or the video it is being shown. When the child can give the script back to the programmer exactly like it is meant to be, then the programmers know they can stop. The child alter is to take on the identity of the tumbleweed. If it responds like many Main alters—it will pass this ability on to splits that it creates for this purpose. These splits created for the tumbleweed script will be clean slates for the programmers to manipulate. By the way, smelling salts are used to wake up child victims who are too comatose.