One way to explain how the slaves are conditioned is to relate an episode where the. two authors observed a Satanic family carrying out conditioning to reinforce their children's mind control as their family “ate” at a restaurant. After relating this interesting incident, the chapter will cover the various psychological methods used to condition slaves.


The husband of the family was about 28 and the wife was about 26. A young man (perhaps an uncle of the children) about 25 also sat at the table with them. The family had 5 children, ranging from about 1 1/2 years old to about 7 years old. During the entire time we watched them, which was over an hour, we never saw one act of love, not one act of nurturing on the part of the parents. Everything was programming, programming and more programming. The husband had an attitude of control over his children. He was a young somewhat wild cock-sure type. From piecing together things it was clear that he made a good salary and that he and his wife enjoyed profanity. His wife had the most dead looking eyes we have ever seen in a person. She looked every bit the part of a Satanic priestess of the worst type.

The young man of about 25 had very large knife hidden on his back that we noticed only by close observation of his movements. Although it was 1 o'clock, the adults were calling their meal “breakfast.”

The main male child was about 5 years old. He had an older sister and two younger sisters, and they all had a baby brother. During the entire time that the family was there, the children ate almost nothing. The 5 yr. boy munched on a watermelon rind, trying to draw some sustenance from it. Part of mind control is depriving the body of food. The poor children never once asked for anything; that is a clue that something wasn't normal. During most of the time that the family was in the restaurant, the mother and father took turns shooting one question after another at the five year boy. The questions were like:

What is the capital of Florida? What is the 70th element on the periodical chart? What are the names of the first five presidents? What is the square root of 121? The boy would roboticly answer each question successfully. The questions were not questions but programming and commands. The mother sternly said, “What make of car was that? That's a question.” (Actually what she was saying was a command.) Around this time they said, “Wake up, wake up, wake up.” (hypnotic command.) A couple which was in the restaurant was watching how obedient the children were, and they were also overhearing how excellent this little boy could answer difficult rapid-fire questions. They were impressed and the lady came over to tell the parents how wonderful their family was. After oodling for 10 minutes over how great this family was the woman went on to other things. It was difficult for both of us watching to stomach the compliments this stranger was giving to these parents. The natural impulse was to get her to shut up her compliments. She naively made all these compliments little knowing, that these parents were practicing one of the most hideous if not the most hideous type of mind control invented. Asking questions rapid fire is another mind-control technique. In fact, all of the elements of what Fritz watched at the table that day were practiced on Fritz, the co-author, when he was in Beast Barracks at West Point, USMA. The little girl was repeating her programming, “I don't have anything inside me.” She was actually singing it. One of the girls had different alters coming out and was having a conversation with herself between different alters (personalities). She placed her hand over her temple in scarecrow fashion (Wizard of Oz) programming. Her head movement was a dead giveaway to those of us familiar with Monarch programming. -The parents had chosen the spot to eat because of the large surreal picture above them on the wall with blue & red flowers, water and mountains. The picture was acting as a scramblingscattering mechanism, when the boy studied the picture, which he did for the longest time in a trance. The middle girl was dropping crayons into a styrofoam cup and saying “get into the fire.” Then she would say “I'm purple.” “I'm pink.” “I understand your purple.” “I understand you're pink.” “Get out of here for a minute.” What she was doing was giving the crayons personalities. In the Monarch programming, the person is totally dehumanized so that some alters think they are ribbons, some monkeys, some clowns, some dolls, some trees, some lions or tigers, etc. The sexual alters are often programmed to think of themselves as cats and butterflies. While the girl was coloring, her father reached over the table without warning and took her colors, “You don't deserve these colors and I should have taken them away before now. The girl had done nothing wrong. This is part of mind control. The person learns that there isn't a right or wrong only that they must be obedient. The little girl did not even respond when her colors were yanked away. When the mom talked to them, she said “children”--she never once personalized things. The parents began another programming session and said something like, “I will spank you. If you don't count then you can be spanked, we will count 20 times.” The constant double messages were obviously breaking down the children to think as programmed rather than respond like normal people to the outside world. The woman turned to her little baby and said, “Tell daddy good-bye”. When the child waved good-bye, the woman snapped, “Your not going anywhere.” This serves to create confusion. Then she kissed him and said, “Baby, do you want a picture?” We decided to say something to them, and we did so in the form of a compliment about their children. Neither parent showed any pride in the children when the earlier lady had gushedly complimented the children, nor when we complimented them with a sentence. Instead, when we complimented the children, the father began shooting off a series of difficult questions to the boy. This was simply more programming, but apparently he must have thought that we'd be impressed with the boy's ability to answer difficult questions that seemed way beyond what many teenagers would know. Two strange things happened during the course of our verbal interaction with this satanic family. First, the waitresses had given the family free ice cream coupons, but the parents gave them to us without the children even batting an eyelid. Second, I asked the father what the age of his children were and he didn't know, or acted like he didn't know. Then he blurted out, they are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old. His wife knew that that answer must have looked bogus to us, and she reprimanded him, “You don't even know the age of your children.” To which he replied, “Yes, they are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.” He second answer was equally implausible, but his wife didn't protest, and the poor mind controlled children were experiencing just one more element of Satanic mind-control. They are not even allowed to realize how old they are. Dates, and times, and ages are kept very confused in the children's minds for secrecy and control. Not only that, but by giving a hypnotic induction “1, 2, 3...” the father had lowered each of the alters which were holding the bodies of his children into a deeper trance. With these alters tranced, another word from the father could have easily pulled up other alters.


Double bind communication is commonly given multiples by all of their abusers. Some of these double binds are well thought out and some just occur due to the craziness of the entire thing. For instance, in ritual or programming, the child may have the option to stab or be stabbed.

In fighting the programming, if an alter goes toward health, the programmers have set in a booby-trap. Which evil does the slave live with--the lies of the programming or the lies of the external world? How does one tell the truth to a therapist, when the therapist is not capable of hearing the truth, and yet still demands to be told the truth? Yes, double-binds abound. Another trick is to alternate leniency with harshness. This trick is done in the military also, and has been worked with success by the Chinese government upon the people of Red China. When leniency is alternated with kindness, the effect is devastating and disconcerting because the person looses the ability to predict what is going to happen. Everyone likes to control his or her life. Predicting what is going to happen is part of a person's mind gaining control over their environment. Even that control is stripped from a slave. They soon learn to quit trying to protect themselves, and they quit trying to think for themselves but docilely submit to whatever fate assigns them. The mind can't figure life out, so it quits trying to understand life, and just fatally submits. Dr. Green (Mengele) was very gentle when drawing blood, and he was very gentle when giving the children X-rays. He would sweet talk them and give candy. But he was very sadistic when he'd follow this up with abuse. The programmers have preferred to be inconsistent with the children like this. Soon the child doesn't know what hate and love are anymore. The person, who claims he loves them, gives them torture or abandons them to be tortured by someone else. A third trick is to give the victim monotonous tasks, such as chanting or copying long amounts of written material. This helps prod the dissociation, and is a torture that doesn't leave marks.


All of the elements of mind control are incorporated into the Monarch program. If a person surveys what the everyday cult mind control which is NOT part of total Monarch mind-control looks like, you will find the same elements of everyday cult control also are employed at various places within the Monarch programming of a person's alter system. (This didn't happen by accident either, the Illuminati have examined all these lesser cults to see what they could borrow for their own mind control.) Some of the elements which the Monarch program shares with other typical types of cult mind control are:


The Illuminati handler (master) will promise to meet individual needs of alters, but these needs are ignored for group goals. For instance, certain Monarch alters of a person's system may be told they have no faces and no hearts. They are programmed not to see their faces and not to hear any heart beat. If a pulse monitoring machine is hooked up to the alter, the alter will go into a trance. For instance, the handler might promise faces and hearts but will never give them to the Monarch slave when he could. The promise is a control mechanism.

2. ISOLATION FROM THE WORLD, SO THAT THE ONLY REALITY IS THE LEADER'S REALITY. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allowed except their cult leader's ideas. “Whatever the Papa Bear [master] says is reality.” Each alter will only communicate with a few other alters. What this does is divide the person from their own parts. The will and mind is broken so that there is no organized resistance, nor any access to other alters who might know something. The slave will often be denied mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, sisters, children, grandchildren, & friends. They will be deprived of all naturally occurring relationships via the mind control. This doesn't they mean exist in a vacuum, it means that the handlers will prevent natural relationships to develop. Isolation is very key »» and parts are made to feel like animals rather than people to isolate them from humanity. No ideas are allowed the slave to confront their programmer's lies. They are programmed to hate Christ and the God of the Bible, so that they are isolated from the true God and His abundant spiritual resources.

3. THE PERSON'S SENSE OF IDENTITY IS LOST. The Monarch slave lose his/her sense of self to the cult and to the person's master. No sense of where I begin & end, and where the Master begins and ends. The Monarch programming goes beyond what many cult have done, the alters are hypnotized to not see their faces, which is part of their identity.

4. ALTERED STATES & HYPNOSIS IS USED. The handlers/programmers use hypnotic techniques. They induce dissociation by songs, chanting, guilt inducing sessions, torture, isolation, as well as using songs, repeating triggers 3X, and lots of hypnosis.

5. A SENSE OF PEACE IS INDUCED, ESPECIALLY WHEN ONE MERGES WITH WHOEVER IS LEADING. THE HEAD OF THE CULT WILL TAKE CREDIT FOR WHAT THE SLAVE IS. They induce a sense of peace leading to the fantasy of merging with leader, often suggested by leader. Then the victim has the abuser placed internally in them. For example, the master may say he was one with the slave and that he “created” the slave. The handler will claim to be God.

6. OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES. Out of body experiences (O-B-E's) are induced by the torture & Illuminati training, as well as splits.

7. SENSORY BOMBARDMENT & FATIGUE. Sensory bombardment used, such as prolonged sleep deprivation, environmental control, and love bombing. Cages, love bombing of certain alters, and a sterile nursery/toddler room are employed.

8. CRITICAL THINKING AND DISAGREEING WITH THE LEADER IS FORBIDDEN. The slave must suspend ability to think critically or disagree with leader. The slave must never question the Master (also called the handler), never get angry at the handler, or else the slave wants to be punished. The slave must always obey or pay with pain. The alters are splintered from others so can't use their information for analysis.

9. The slave must reorganize reality through identification with aggressor (Illuminati master). Strong identification is created with the master. The slave is programmed to protect the master.

10. Individual sees locus (location) of control with the Master and the Illuminati rather than self. Programming overrules self.

11. Black and white thinking is created by the programming. Many of the Gnostic cults (see the

Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book for an examination of what a Gnostic cult is) have employed these tactics. People in the Jehovah's Witnesses and CUT, which are Gnostic cults, as well as members of many other groups--such as the CIA will recognize that these methods were used on them. (The CIA is in reality just another cult, and an Illuminati-controlled cult at that.)


For children who are being taken out of Day Care Centers and programmed without their parents knowledge, they will be isolated from their real parents. The abusers will tell the children that they are actually the “real parents” and that they intend to come and take the child away from its parents later. They will make the innocent child feel like it is cut off and rejected by everyone including the world at large. In a sense, this is true, because the child is expected to endure the most horrible abuse and yet has no one to talk to. Feelings of isolation and despair take control over the child's mind. These ways of thinking are also spiritually enhanced by rituals to bring in demonic spirits that will help insure the child is dominated by feelings of hopelessness. During the entire life of the slave, the handlers and programmers are always trying to sow distrust in the victim. The programming is often designed to sow distrust in everyone on the outside except the godlike figure the Master. Even the Master is not trusted so much as feared and obeyed by the slave. The slave is also subjected to isolation as a child being placed into freezers, closets, dark rooms, boxes and isolation tanks. Sensory deprivation is a serious thing, that has been discovered to cause people to hallucinate. The brain goes into an altered state just from sensory deprivation. Polar explorers who see only white for days on end must deal with this danger.


Psychology developed over the years a number of projective, objective and subjective tests of personality. Ludwig Klages (of Germany), H.J. Eysenck (of England), and M.N. Bunker (of the U.S.) are some of the notable researchers who took handwriting analysis out of the occult realm and into the scientific realm. (The co-author, Fritz, happens to be a certified Graphoanalyst through IGAS, who has done Graphoanalysis professionally. IGAS has strict standards not to allow members to do ahything associated with the occult, but insists they keep their work on a scientific basis.) When a person writes, he will use about 200 separate muscles in the hand, arm, and body. The mind coordinates all these muscle movements. A good handwriting analyst has about 800 different things that he can look for in a sample of handwriting, such as how hard did the writer write with his instrument, how big, where did he start on the paper, how did he cross his “t” etc. In other words, the mind in order to write had to make hundreds of decisions within seconds. There are too many decisions to make them all the decisions consciously. This is why document examiners can authenticate signatures. Most of the many decisions as one writes are done subconsciously, and the decisions are influenced by state of mind, personality, the state of the physical body, and the environment. The goodhandwriting analyst is able to work backwards. Why was the decision made to make the capital P look like an L? Why did the person start their writing half-way into the paper and waste half the piece of paper? Through scientific studies and observations, a vast wealth of understanding has developed by graphologists about why certain decisions are made. Some graphologists use a wholistic method, others like graphoanalysts, analyze each stroke. Both methods will give the same results if the handwriting analyst is skilled at applying the principles of graphology. Handwriting analysis has not gotten the credibility it deserves, in part, because it is such a powerful diagnostic tool, the intelligence agencies have wanted to keep it to themselves. However, the nation of Israel, uses handwriting analysis to hire with, and a high percentage of the businesses use it in hiring also. The nation of Israel has had a high rate of success with handwriting analysis. How does handwriting analysis play a part in the mind control? Several ways. A number of the programmers are skilled in handwriting analysis. They are well aware that the abuse of their slaves will show in the handwriting. Through behavior modification (usually torture) the front alters are trained to write in a fashion that hides the abuse. The abuse will show in the handwriting of most of the alters, so many of them are programmed not to read or write. This is why some of the child alters will have older alters write for them.

The programmers were also aware of how the mind heals/changes itself via handwriting therapy. If the mind will place enough energy into writing a particular way--it will go ahead and put enough energy into becoming what it writes. In other words, if I am lazy, but I get determined enough to focus the brain so that it doesn't make handwriting strokes that indicate laziness, then my brain will also change its lazy attitude in other ways. In other words, I can begin to change a personality trait by working on the handwriting decisions that stem from that trait. The programmers can and do help modify their slaves' personalities this way. They of course will employ a number of personality changing techniques as a group package. The goal is to bring as much pressure to bear as possible to get the original trait modified. This will be done in accordance with the programming goals for the various alters within a system. Remember, some alters need to be outgoing and other reticent, some melancholic, and others sanguine or choleric. The programmers know what they want and how to modify what they have to get the temperament and personality traits they want.


Behavior modification comes in various packages. One package has been called ELT (Electrolytic Trtmt) developed by H.C. Tien. One simple version of behavior mod is to find out what someone has done which is good, and praise and reinforce that behavior. Then state the goal. And then continue to reinforce promptly the good things the person is doing. The goal in mind must be measurable. An example of this, might be for a handler to praise his kitten and to purchase it nice things if a client is satisfied with the sexual service he got. The reinforcement needs to be soon, and appropriate. ‘‘Thinking behavior'' is a term that behavior mod scientists use. “Adverse conditioning” is another. Anectine, which paralyzes the body and makes one think they are suffocating, can be used for aversion conditioning. The victim is told not to do a particular behavior or else experience discomfort. When behavior modification is done in programming, you can be sure that there is paper work done to chart the progress. Rather than worry about what a person is thinking, the behaviorist charts a person's behavior and then gives reinforcements of correct behavior (or the opposite adverse rewards of punishment) to modify it. Victims are conditioned to carry out certain behaviors. If an alter does something wrong, there is an immediate consequence set up for it. Soon it is conditioned not to do what the programmer doesn't want. The behavior mod scientists believe that creativity can be controllable. When a child creates a new form he is rewarded. Soon the child learns to create. Illuminati Delta-Beta alters will be trained in espionage. They will be trained to recognize a person's physical identity instantly. One method of training which has been used is to teach people to remember reflexively rather than analytically. Thousands of faces or thousands of license plates, or whatever are flashed on a screen, and when a repeat is shown the person must press a button. If a mistake is made, the slave is treated to a nasty little shock. After a while a person develops the correct reflexes. Slaves are being trained in recognition from the time they are small children, this is important so that they can build their internal worlds with mirror images and other confusing things. The following “deeper” programming is an example of classical conditioning. The child's hand is cut so that the child goes into a trance of shock, and then each time they use the word “deeper” they cut deeper to enhance the shock/trance state. By pairing the word with this trauma, when they are through, the word “deeper- asleep” will throw some alters instantly into a very deep trance.

When a person has been knocked down and degraded, traumatized by poor sleep and little food and water, he is more susceptible to suggestion. He can then be told that he himself is the cause for his own degradation. If he just behaves betters, his treatment will improve. When the person accepts his guilt for the bad situation he is in, then the programmers give a target for the blame--God, country, or whatever the person had depended upon. The programmer then aggravates these hostile feelings, and keeps nurturing them until the person is livid with anger toward the object of blame. The victim is coached to project their blame onto this target of blame. When this is accepted, the conditions for the victim improve. Once the person has targeted their blame, then the Programmer becomes the friend to help one fight the evil target. Anything and everything is rationalized in this “All becomes fair in war.” Enemies are easy to create. People readily accept them. The intelligence community has long played on people's fears about communism. People might be shocked to realize that this was one of Hitler's favorite methods to recruit loyalty from people. It is why the Nazi's secretly burned down the Reichstag, and then blamed the communists. The Illuminati are masters at making Christianity the fault for everything from homosexual suicide to the world wars.


NLP means Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which are practical communication skills. Programmers were using NLP before it became known as NLP in 1976. Some NLP techniques are obvious truths, and some are more subtle truths in dealing with human nature. NLP can be more of an art, than a science. One of the truths in NLP is “Everyone lives in their unique reality built from their sense impressions and individual experiences of life, and we act on the basis of what we perceive our model of the world.” (O'Connor, Joseph & John Seymour. Introducing NLP. San Francisco, CA: Aquarian Press, 1993, p.4.) That is why alters have their worlds created by their programmers, and then the occult alters are indoctrinated with satanic beliefs. ( Chap. 11 Part A deals with this indoctrination.) Let's list some other “assumptions” that NLP practitioners believe in without explaining them:

J Almost all communication is non-verbal.

J Knowledge of content is not required to make behavioral changes.

J Our internal representation of the world is not the world but only our own feeble map of it. The map is not the territory.

J People will choose predicates which correspond to what representational system they are using, and which one they choose can be seen from eye accessing cues.

If one studies NLP, one will find that NLP books such as Basic Techniques Book II by Clifford Wright, teach people how to create dissociative states which are alternate personalities, and that they teach people how to develop different states of mind, and pseudo multiple personalities. It is difficult to express all the different cross-overs that NLP has with Monarch Programming, but at different times the concepts of NLP certainly would be helpful to the handlers. However, it must be stressed that NLP IS NOT Monarch Programming. One of NLP's suggestions is that a person assess their “present state” and their “desired state.” This simply common sense suggestion is often carried out during programming. The Programmer will tell the victim WHAT KIND of alters they want produced and HOW MANY when they begin the torture. The motivation to do this is also suggested by NLP and is accomplished by the programmers threats to the person's life, and by the person's desire to be free of pain and torture. Milton Erickson's work on altered states has been picked up by NLP. Likewise at least part of the programming hypnosis is based on Erickson's ideas.


Lateral Eye Movement (LEM) can be a useful skill to the programmer. Monarch victims are sometimes programmed so that the real LEM is not done publicly by the victim, to prevent people from getting visual clues as to what is going on in their mind. A person who is thinking in visual images will generally speak more quickly and at a higher pitch than someone who is not. These types of clues help the Programmers be more skilled, but it isn't a necessity.


NLP researchers have noticed that people have emotional states in which the entire body will take up a posture in carrying it out. Memories can come into a person that causes the body to take up the negative states again. The NLP practitioners have developed language which includes such terms as Anchors, emotional states, and triggers. These words are used to describe ideas that have long been in use.

For instance, let's say that when you heard a particular song at some point in your life you were having a good time (emotional state). Now that every time you receive a trigger to that memory, such as the song, you regain that good feeling that is attached to the memory of the song. Every time you hear the song, you feel good, which then in turn, continues to act as reinforcement of the association of a good feeling to the song. A stimulus that is linked to and triggers a physiological state or emotional state is called an anchor. Our lives are filled with naturally occurring anchors, such as our favorite childhood smells, or the alarm clock. One of the Illuminati kingpins in Germany, a Krupp, liked the smell of manure, and built his house so he could smell horse manure all day. NLP is the art of building associations with an anchor. A past emotion can be linked to something today. If a person is afraid of public speaking, then a good feeling can be linked to giving talks. The skilled programmer will anchor an emotion with several sense cues--including auditory, visual, and touch. The person visualizes an emotional state from the past. When the state is reaching its peak, the anchor is placed in. The anchor needs to be unique, distinctive, & easy to repeat in the exact form that it was done. Much of the traumabased programming is actually setting anchors using extreme trauma. When the anchors are tested (fired), if the emotional state is pulled up, then the anchors have worked. Firing two separate anchors at once is called collapsing anchors. Two separate states can be fired at once. There is a methodology for collapsing anchors together.


Future pacing can be used to help program a person toward his occupational objective which was charted for the victim when they were small. Future pacing is a mental rehearsal that is practiced in the imagination so that the person can deal with some future challenge. Expectations can often become self-fulfilling prophecies. NLP also is used to teach people how to learn. It teaches people to learn a variety of methods for a single skill. However, this type of self-help info is not freely given to the slave. It might be used if the programmers needed to develop the person hypnotically in a certain direction.


Because Milton Erickson stands out as a genius among those who have used hypnosis, and people are still trying to figure out fully what he did, it is appropriate to mention his work. We don't know how these ideas of Milton Erickson's are used by the Programmers. We do know that the

CIA has. paid close attention to his ideas, and that some of the Programmers have some of the smoothest tongues. If there is some way to utilize Erickson's work to help control Mind-controlled slaves, then the Intelligence agencies have no doubt found it. On the flip side, several dc-programmers used Ericksonian methods to unlock the programming of the people they want to help. What we describe in this section is just a small sampling of Erickson's methods. Another type of NLP pacing besides the one just previously mentioned was developed by Milton Erickson. He would gain rapport with anyone by describing to them what they were feeling, hearing and seeing. He would induce a peaceful state by speaking slowly, using a soft tonality, and pacing his speech to the person's breath. Gradually hypnotic suggestions are introduced to lead them into what is called “downtime.” He would gently encourage people with gentle suggestions such as, ‘It's easy to close your eyes whenever you wish to feel more comfortable...” But you may wonder how can anyone know what someone else is thinking? Erickson developed language that was vague enough for people to match their own thinking to what he described. He would use smooth transitional words such as “while”, “and”, and “as”. The type of vague sentences he would say are “It is well known that people can read books and make changes.” Milton Erickson learned to distract the dominant brain hemisphere, and also speak in a complex way that all seven (plus or minus two parts of the conscious mind) would get engaged in trying to figure out what his ambiguous statements meant. Milton found that he could say anything if he set it up in the context of someone else saying it. He also found that the unconscious mind does not process the linguistic negative. Rather than tell a child “Don't fall” tell it “Be careful.”


Metaphors, some from Druidism or from some other occult teachings, are used by the Programmers. For instance, the seasonal changes that leaves on trees make is an example of a programming metaphor.

For those readers who don't know what refraining is, the following in the book Refraining, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning by Bandler and Grinder (Moab, UT: Real People Press, 1982) is an excellent story to explain it: “A very old Chinese Taoist story describes a farmer in a poor country village. He was considered very well-to-do, because he owned a horse which he used for plowing and for transportation. One day his horse

ran away. All his neighbors exclaimed how terrible this was, but the farmer simply said ‘Maybe.' “A few days later the horse returned and brought two wild horses with it. The neighbors all rejoiced at his good fortune, but the farmer just said ‘Maybe.' “The next day the farmer's son tried to ride one of the wild horses; the horse threw him and broke the leg. The neighbors all offered their sympathy for his misfortune, but the farmer again said ‘Maybe.' “The next week the conscription officers came to the village to take young men for the army. They rejected the farmer's son because of his broken leg. When the neighbors told him how lucky he was, the farmer replied, ‘Maybe.'

The meaning of an event depends upon the FRAME we place upon it. Those frames are perceptions. Occult fairy tales are great for refraining events. A frog turns into a prince. Rudolf s embarrassing red nose becomes a guiding light to bring happiness to people. Many of the common things in our everyday life are refrained by the Programmers to have hidden mind-control meanings. The Teddy Bear the child is given by her Daddy is to remind her how helpless she is to prevent him from raping her. The carousel toy is to remind the child of dissociation and the internal carousel built into the mind. Many of the things that parents, who are intentionally raising a programmed child, do, look nice on the outside unless one can reframe what they are doing in the context of total-mind-control based on trauma and fear. Refraining can be done by collapsing anchors. For instance, the sober part of an alcoholic and the drunk state of the alcoholic are given the same anchor and then these are collapsed together to get the drunk to stay sober. The two states are taken in a process of integration for the refraining to occur. Refraining someone with MPD is almost impossible without integration, but refraining a particular alter with metaphors is not out of reach. The programmers have much more chance to reframe while they program than the therapist, because the programmers set in defensive programs to prevent other's from reframing.


In NLP, 7 senses are taken into consideration. First we see, then we hear, and finally we have the senses of internal kinetics and our emotions. The Programmer also takes into consideration what are called “power words”. Those are words which have specific meaning for the person. The programmers also love to use reversals and puns, for instance in Disney's Ducktales the character says, “I stole 'em fair and square.” Other typical reversals are “Life is death, and death is life”, “Pa in is love, and love is pain.” Another example is one used on Cathy O'Brien, where the words “Service Entrance” were used to mean “Serve us. En-Trance.” Naming an alter “Allison Wonderland” --a pun on Alice in Wonderland--is another example of a programming pun. The programmers love to use these types of things.


The programmer's have made use of the mind's natural ability to wake itself up like an ‘alarm clock” if it wants. Slaves may be given the coded message that the draconian enforcer will come by to pick them up at 1 a.m. The slave will automatically wake up in the middle of the night, and in a trance like a sleep walking, a deep LGP alter will take the slave out to the street to be picked up. Many slaves are being used at night without their families suspecting anything. Sleeping patterns are also related to personality. REM sleep is believed to help restore the effectiveness of certain brain pathways in which norepinephrine is a transmitter substance. By programming different alters to have certain sleep patterns, their personalities can be adjusted. Of course this is done in conjunction with many other aspects of mind control.


The Programmers are also aware that right-handed people use their left brain hemisphere for highly conscious processess which require good attention, focus & intentional decisions; while their right brain will tend to work on the unconscious & automatic chores. Split brain programming takes this contrast into account.