The initial part of a person's mind before splitting occurs is called the core. Theoretically, the core makes parts to protect itself. The initial splitting is called “splitting the core” and there is an art or science in knowing how to split a core. However, I disagree with the standard core model”. I believe it is more accurate to say that the initial splits are stronger because they somehow are integrated closer to the mind. Later splits made from later splits, are in a sense less connected to the full mind. During a torture session, the initial splits are always the strongest. So when they torture someone and get 20 personality splits, they will use perhaps the first 13 and discard the rest or use them for single task jobs. Discard areas are created in the mind—these are variously called concentration camps, garbage dumps, or whatever. The victim's mind is trained to create these dumping grounds for the splits that the programmers don't want to use. As the programming got refined, so did the methods for discarding unwanted splits.
In children, who receive programming at a very early age, the initial splits may be done in the womb. If the fourth step is carried out in a timely fashion at 18 months after the in utero trauma and a premature birth, then during the first 18 months the mind will never have a chance to pull itself together. If however, the fourth step is not done at around 18 months and no further trauma is maintained, the child's mind will pull back together by the age of two and a half. The initial splits are the most energetic and the easiest to manipulate. In Illuminati systems these early parts are dehumanized into thinking they are gems and crystals. These gems and crystals then “power” the entire mind-control system that is programmed over the following years into the child's mind. The gems are not perceived as alters, so the proxy core wouldn't integrate with what is perceived as an inanimate object. The proxy core is allowed to want to move toward health with a therapist, it is programmed to move toward healing, but to lead the therapist away from the true core. She or he is programmed to believe it is the true core. The real core & its first splits, which are the gems, are placed hypnotically at the mind's deepest levels--in an area of the mind few therapists ever search. As outlined above, other initial splits are led to believe they are cores. Part of the reason there is a illusive search on the part of therapists for a core, is that people have not accepted the reality that there is no one person (personality) in charge of a Monarch System who can simply decide to quit coping with life by stopping their MPD. Many therapists want to believe that some person is the “real” person and the rest are simply subordinate alters created to handle the core's trauma. I believe this is an inadequate understanding of what is happening. The elements that make up who a person is--i.e. personality elements such as memories, are fractured. These fragments have in turn often been built up into full-blown personalities with all the elements of full-blown personalities. There is no “real” person, just as if you smash a mirror into a thousand pieces, there is no single piece that is the “real” original mirror but rather simply fragments that can in turn operate as mirrors. However, there is still a primal self. Early splits are led to believe they are the core. The cult will hide the initial splits beyond recognition. Some of the third wave of splits will be created into what are named Silence alters. They are trained never to talk. (At least some Illuminati alter systems call these early splits “Silences”.) These early splits are then hidden and used to blackmail other alters who were created later. The other alters, who are formed after the Silences (who are prelanguage alters) are convinced that if they don't behave the Silences will have something drastic happen to them. Some of the pre-talking Silence alters are then placed in places such as Moloch's Temple to keep as hostages. Alters are created down the road to guard the Silences. They guard in the full sense, controlling the Silences, and any access to the Silences. Since the Silences are early splits they are more important for the full integration of the mind, which the programmers want to insure doesn't happen. Probes are pushed into the brain at the base of the skull, in a very precise and methodical way during the initial core trauma. This is done to create guards for the carousel. For more about the early primal splits see the section on Carousel in Chapt. 7 on structuring, and the next chapter on how the trauma is done. Because the Programmers will tamper with the alters so much to get the satanic alters and the special purpose alters which they want, they need to use some of the first splits as front alters. They need strong front alters who have a sense of who they are. If they waited until later to get front alters, the alters wouldn't be as strong and would have already lost their identity. The 3rd wave of alters created often will in turn be split to provide alters to build the front section of a System. The front “cores” which are decoys will be set up with opposites, one alter will love the programmer the other will hate him. One alter will trust the programmer, the other will fear the programmer. Therapists spend all their time trying to reconcile this conflict which is placed out front as a decoy to keep them busy. Meanwhile, the gems along with the rest of the loyal cult alters will have the ability to create whatever is needed within the System. The entire system of alters is always shifting and many of the true alters are in hiding. The person is made to feel like he or she has been sliced like meat much as a bolagna slicer makes slices of bologni. This layering program is very dangerous and severe. Overlays of all kinds, demonic, hypnotic illusion, etc. are layered over real alters so that even the identity of what is a real alter is hidden. The point is that decoys which keep therapists busy are created, while the entire structure shifts and rearranges and restructures itself to keep itself hidden. Often the Illuminati encourages early front splits to learn about Christ and legitimately accept Him at a very early age. This acceptance will be used as the basis of the trauma to create strong satanic alters. Just as the handler will bond with the child to split it, the handler will allow some early parts of the System to bond with Christ in order to enhance the trauma that “God” will do to the System. This also allows the handlers to have a balancing point. Without the full range of capabilities within a Slave alter system-- a dangerous imbalance toward evil could propel the slave into situations where they don't have the ability to succeed. In many ways, the slave's world becomes a microcosm of the real world, having a mixture of adult and child alters, Christian, secular, and Satanic alters. Another thing which happens with the first splits is the creation of mirror images. Some of the time, in the early splitting procedures, the child creates extra splits. In the early stages, these strong extra splits are made into mirror images of regular alters. Some of these mirror images are known to be placed into the mind before any splitting occurs. As long as the victim's dissociation exists, the potential for mischief exists for the programmers. This is why integration can be a positive goal for a Monarch multiple if the deprogrammer knows what he is doing. After suffering decades of the most horrible traumas imaginable and the most severe abuse as slaves, most slaves have minds which are habitually dissociative. These older minds of slaves require a miracle to cease remaining permanently dissociative. It does take a great deal of brain energy to maintain the amnesic walls, and the minds of people in their 70's and 80's will stop maintaining those walls and these elderly will begin to remember. But by that time, they are considered senile, and their memories are discontented.
The Illuminati have their own criteria as to who they select. The preference is that they be blue-eyed blond Caucasians and not to have obvious physical defects or visible scars. The Freemasons also reject physically defective candidates. After they test the child for its intelligence, creativity, and dissociative skills, they will bring the children before the Grande Druid Council.
Formal approval of girls and boys into the Illuminati is done at a presentation by the Queen Mother and the Grand Druid Council at age three. However, the children have already been inspected by the Queen Mother before a formal physical inspection. Sexuality is an important issue for the physical part of the Illuminati inspection of little boys and girls. This is part of the physical criteria, as well as the physical health of the child. Creativity, strength, bloodlines, and intelligence will also be taken into consideration. The standard Trauma-based mind control which produces programmed multiple personalities is started on children before the age of 6. After the age of 6, it is difficult to follow this type of MPD/DID programming. However, this does not mean people aren't programmed after age 6. Trauma-based personality splits remain isolated in the mind better than hypnotic-based personality splits, but most people can be hypnotized to create alter personalities. Some SRA survivors have programming but don't have alter systems. A rare few do not have systems, but only a few dissociative states, such as a night self, and a day self. A wide variety of approaches have been experimented and operationally carried out. This book will concentrate more on the Monarch Systems which are created by programming infants. This is usually the most devastating, traumatic, controlling, effective approach. The Catholic Church has long said give me a child by the age of 5 and they will be Catholic. The Catholic Church is one of the largest parts of the network that carries out Monarch Mind Control. It is a fact, that if the Jesuits can place in their programming--what they call the “Keys to the Kingdom” Monarch Mind Control within a child, they will control his destiny. One Jesuit priest is on record as stating that there is nothing he can't make anyone do with torture. The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art in the inquisition. Imagine the expertise they have brought to the Monarch Program which begins torturing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children? While the Monarch programming is done with children, one variety of it is done on adults. Adults who are selected are also chosen on the basis of the ability to disassociate and their availability. There are certain tests given by the branches of the military which identify people who disassociate well. Their “Cumes” --that is their accumulated school records are also examined. This type of person may be singled out and sent to get programming. Some of these persons end up in the various intelligence agencies, where they are trapped for their entire lifetimes. Some of the victims of the programming are war vets, Americans who were POWs, people in mental hospitals, people who just happened to work for Illuminati connected companies, and people going into acting. The intelligence agencies often begin mind-control on adult individuals when an individual joins their organization. If an intelligence or military group can exercise a high level of external control over an individual, they may not need the level of programming that some of the occult cults and the Illuminati need. The Illuminati place their membership among the world at large, and with the requirement that centuries of secrecy be maintained. This secrecy can only be maintained by insuring that strong early programming is done to create fail safe systems with large number of dark alters and heavy layers of demonic forces. (Many will scoff at the concept of demons being layered in, but whatever name one wants to call these forces, they are being layered in, and exert a powerful force behind the programming. The programming will break down if memories are recovered, so demonic imps are layered in to protect the memories from coming out. The entire phenomena will be gone into great detail and explained in rational terms in the course of this book. No matter how a therapist explains these demonic imps, they need to be dealt with if the memories are not to be protected. There are various methods for controlled memory retrieval--journaling, hypnosis, safe rooms with screens, deliverance etc. which we will not go into at this point, because we are providing the recipe, not the solution. While most Illuminati victims are in-house from their own occult bloodlines, a certain renegade group of Illuminati programmers have proved to the Illuminati that they can adequately program non-Illuminati children. I am familiar with some of the people involved in this, but will not mention names. What we have covered in this chapter is how premeditated, deliberate, and precise the plans are by the programmers for the lives of these Mind-controlled slaves. The programming places their lives on very rigid scripts. There are different uses for mind-controlled slaves. What applies to one slave may not apply to another one. Not everyone is a good candidate for programming. Sometimes only part of a family will be programmed. Whatever the particulars about the programming, it will be sufficient to place the individual's mind totally under the control of the handler. We have also given the details of how the candidates are selected, tested, prepared and the programming initiated.