This recent movie portrays Monarch Mind Control and S&M. Mind-controlled slaves are frequently used to create S&M films. The Illuminati's S&M porn film industry has been booming for over 4 decades. (Compare the name Videodrome with Vidimax mentioned above.) The porn films done of a particular Monarch slave who is used as a porn star will be coded according to the code name given to the star. Let's say they call the Star “Lily”, then the porn movies will be cataloged Lily 1, Lily 2, Lily 3, etc. This type of porn involves a great deal of real torture, humiliation, and actual deaths of people. This type of porn is portrayed in the Hollywood movie Videodrome. The main character in Videodrome represents what a mind-controlled slave would see. The main character Max is told, “I want you to open up to me.” He then feels intense pain and doubles up and falls down, and submits, “all right.” Then he is ordered to “Give us channel 83.” He then proceeds under the mind-control to kill two partners, who he has previously liked and with whom he has had no quarrels. He is further told, “You are an assassin for Videodrome. They can program you. They can make you do what they want.” Interestingly, the name of the brand of cigars smoked on the show are named Medicis. He is told, “To become the new flesh you must kill the old flesh.” This is the type of suicide programming given Monarch slaves. He is ordered, “Come to Mickey.” Mickey happens to be part of Mickey Mouse programming and one of the nicknames of the programmer Michael Aquino. He is then shown a picture of suicide. Then the hypnotic command, “Come to Mickey” is said three times. “Long live the new flesh.” The movie announces, “The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in Videodrome.”
This is also billed as a “cult classic”. Who decides what is a “cult classic”? At any rate, this is another film which depicts part of the Monarch total mind-control. We will not take the space to cover indepth, but will touch on a few items here. The main character is McKnowlty which sounds a lot like MK Ultra. Is it a play on words? It could be. A council like the Illuminati' s with lifetime appointments is in the film. The persons under control in Trancer II bear some resemblance to the Monarchs. Some of the language that is used is lifted from the language handlers use. “FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS, SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP” a person is instructed. “RABBIT SPEAKING”, “YOU BELONG IN A GREEN WORLD.” The movie also has Freeze codes which are a color.
This 1983 movie with Ken Marshall and Lysette Anthony is just one more example of hundreds of Hollywood movies which show some aspect of the Illuminati &/or their mind-control. Krull is an island ruled by sorcery. A prince searches for a magic ornament to save his bride and their kingdom. The film has a poppy field, castles, an All-Seeing-Eye, armies of robots, Satan, and other features that a Monarch internal world will be set up with. A person can turn into a dog, pig or lion.
This Shirley Temple movie was just one of many Hollywood films used for programming. The princess has a nice “dream”. Slaves are programmed to view their service in the real world as dreams, and their fantasy worlds in their internal mind as reality. The Princess has a scene with hot cross buns and ravens. This scene was used for programming. The Princess sits on a throne. There are fairies and a joker, which are used in programming. The father is said to be dead, but is not dead in this movie—thus creating the type of reversal that the programmers like to work into the minds of slaves. A rich genie helps the princess, and when she finds her Daddy, she wakes him up with a kiss and a song. The girl's name is Sarah, a name which appears within a number of Monarch system's as an alter name.
The broadcast of the 1995 Miss Universe Contest did a very unusual freeze-framing of the show while it was on. The screen was mysteriously freeze-framed 9 times, this was a trigger for Illuminati Mothers of Darkness alters. A Mother of Darkness type throne was sat upon by the winner of the contest. An all-seeing-eye was flashed up on the screen with the code A MAY ZING written on it. This is the type of puns that the programmers enjoy. The winners of the contest came from INDIA, CANADA, and the USA. The order and names of those countries have to do with end times programming. The names were a code to certain Mothers of Darkness systems. India wore a Mother of Darkness type garment. Canada wore black and white, and USA wore Red. Miss India gave another code during the interviews, “If someone wants to put monkey's on your back, if you stand up they get on your back.”
In 1958, the author Richard Condon had his novel The Manchurian Candidate published which describes an American Army sergeant, who is captured and programmed to assassinate on the cue of a queen of diamonds of a deck of cards. Richard Condon' s ability to think about the potential of behavior modification and hypnosis, had allowed him to stumble upon what had actually been going for over a decade. Frank Sinatra bought the movie rights for this book, let the movie out briefly and then squelched the second release of the film. Frank Sinatra has been a slave handler. He has handled Bob Hope's slaves, when Bob Hope has lent them to the Rat Pack (which consisted of Dean Martin, Frank, Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford & Joey Bishop). Frank Sinatra spends time with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Both he and Dean Martin have handled slaves. Dean Martin was described by The Hollywood Reporter as a “hypnotically attractive, homegrown American monster.” In Fritz's previous writings he has exposed how Peter Lawford & Sammy Davis, Jr. were satanists. Dean had the audacity to want to bring out a slave on his T.V. show on a lease in a tiger outfit. As mentioned previously, the sexual alters see themselves as kittens or cats and are given obedience training with the type of collar Dean wanted to bring them out on stage with on television. The television network stopped it. As Frank Sinatra grew up, his parents always had money. His mother was a cigar-smoking cruel foul-mouth woman, who performed illegal abortions. She got caught once and had to face the penalty on Feb. 27, ‘39 in a Hudson Special Sessions Court. Frank's hero was Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, boss of Murder, Inc. About 30% of the dirty work for the Illuminati is carried out by the Mafia. The Illuminati have their own death squads which are superior to the Mafia, but individuals must approach one of the Illuminati councils for approval to assassinate. Often it is easier for someone in the Illuminati just to put out an unauthorized contract than to go through proper channels. Bugsy associated with all the Mafia heads including Charlie “Lucky” Luciano who controlled mind-controlled slave Marilyn Monroe. Both Frank Sinatra and CIA mind-control programmer William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (aka William Joseph Bryon, and William Jenning Bryan III, etc.) were members of the Tommy Dorsey Band. Bryan programmed people while he was with the Air Force as Chief of Medical Survival Training which was the Air Force's covert mind-control section. Later he opened up his own hypnotherapy Institute on Sunset Strip in Hollywood where he programmed some people in the Illuminati who are actors. He also was the person who programmed Sirhan Sirhan to be involved in the Robert Kennedy assassination. He also hypnotised Alvert Di Salvo. After Bryan died in spring, 1977, the CIA cleaned out all of his files including his home files. Bryan was fat, 6' 1 1/2”, and a Satanic priest in the Old Roman Catholic church. This is same satanic church that William Schnoebelen was a Satanic priest in, before giving his life to Christ. (Bill Schnoebelen tells his own story in Lucifer Dethroned. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1993.) Schnoebelen was offered a slave but turned down the opportunity to be a handler. In William J. Bryan, Jr.'s book entitled The Chosen One The Art of Jury Selection, Bryan teaches how to use hypnosis on jury members to win one's case. On the back of the book he states about himself, “In addition Dr. Bryan served as an Electronics
Engineer in the Navy in World War II, was Director of all Medical Survival Training for the United States Air Force, and a leading expert on brainwashing.” William J. Bryan was the technical director for Frank Sinatra's movie The Manchurian Candidate. It was hoped that the movie would scare Americans into thinking that the enemy (the communists) was carrying out mind-control.
There are episodes of the Simpsons which blatantly promote the Freemasons, the Illuminati and even show items of the Monarch mind-control such as “following the Yellow Brick Road.” The episodes are quite revealing. Aspects of Illuminati programming can also be seen in the movie “Spirits of the Dead”, where spirit copies of one's abusers are placed into the slave, and the movie “Cat Girl”, where a beautiful girl is turned into a killer beast. Several movies have come out showing the concept of creating robotic people such as the 1920's movie Golem, the 1966 movie Cyborg 2087, and the movie Frankenstein. According to Illuminati history, the Collins Illuminati bloodline did pre-2Oth century experiments to create a Frankenstein, and Mary Shelley's novel is actually secretly based on their research. The Rothschilds have carried out successful production of synthetic people this century. This is all in accord with the black magic goal of controlling bodies, whether live or dead. The 90 mm. “Night of the Living Dead” expresses the satanic black magic goal to control bodies. And if the Illuminati can't control their slaves, the final solution, if nothing else works, is to- as the CIA say-“terminate with extreme prejudice” (a.k.a “Executive Action”), like they did to Mary Pinchot Meyer on Oct. 13, 1964, Princess Grace Kelly & countless others.
Two Sisters-of-Light (the level before Mothers-of-Darkness) will be placed before a many-faced mirror with intense lights and programmed to see each other as inseparable. They become twins, and are programmed to die if the other one dies. They are taught to be one in body, mind, and soul. They are bonded in many ways, including torturing each other, and sexual bonding. The trauma bonding that they undergo will consist of a. being put in life or death situations together, b. given programming scripts which intertwine & fill in to complete each other to make a whole, c. are placed in jobs that require total compliance with the programming in order to survive, d. are bonded together to other people. The scripture “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (MT 12:25, MK 3:25) is used to program people to stay in line with what the team is doing. High level four-person female teams and a four-person males team are programmed to work together after the Anti-Christ takes over. These types of teams form the male-female component of a larger 3-part team. With the advent of advanced medical technology the Illuminati are now able to make quintriplets, implant the eggs in surrogates, and then switch the identical children during their lifetimes. This type of high level subterfuge is going on, and it makes the identities of some slaves complicated to say the least. Readers may want to get some of the articles Fritz has written about the clones, synthetic people, organic robotoids, and double look-alikes that the Rothschilds and the rest of the Illuminati families are engaged in creating. The twinning programming is very complex and detailed. Within the Rothschild bloodlines--the 5 family lines that began with Mayer Amschel's 5 sons going to 5 capitals- network/bond their female slaves together with Gennifer-Sally-Elsie-Sarah-Penelope programming. (The 6th son to finish the red schield hexagram is/was a bastard.) This is all part of a complex satanic world mind that is being created. This is the Adam Kadmon. Twins (& teams) claim to be telepathic with each other, and observations of slaves, has tended to support that claim. Many therapists have failed to take the twinning part of the programming into account. Twins must be deprogrammed together for best results, if one is left out they may try to impede therapy.
At the beginning of the programming, the Programmers are dealing with a small infant who is unable to verbalize to others about their abuse. They are further frightened in every way, and tortured, and given behavior modification to teach them to remain silent. Even without all these strong threats which always exist, the child would not capable of fighting back. The child will naturally think this is the way the world is, and of course, the programmers are reinforcing the idea that this is the heritage or path that the child is supposed to be following. The dissociative parts of the child do not fully comprehend that being sexually assaulted daily by their father is wrong. They are being misled by their abuser that it is correct, that that is their purpose in life. The child is never given a chance to realize that it has a right to refuse. It is conditioned to obedience. The abuse seems to be just another part of things that belong to the world of adults. For children, adults do many things beyond comprehension, at times ridiculous. And they seem to need no reason to do these things, except for the fact that they are adults. Other adults that come and go are also participants in the abuse, so the child doesn't grasp that he can be defended by other adults. The programmers are always doing unexpected things to the child, so the child quits trying to figure life out, and fatalistically complies with what it is expected to do. Children all over the world grow up in an adult world, and are at the mercy of adults.
As the alters begin to experience life, they are generally in situations where the attitudes of the people around them, reinforce their programming. Boys are told by society in general to take their lumps in life “like a man”. They are taught to fight their own battles, and not to whine. Few boys risk the shame that comes from talking about their abuse. Society is not kind to “whiners”. Females are permitted to show emotions, without the social sanctions levied on males. If the child victim of mind-control comes from a family where only one of the parents is a participant in the abuse, then what often happens is that the clean parent, will never even discuss abuse issues with their child. Few adults ever really discuss abuse issues with children. The child is generally isolated from their peers as much as possible by the child's handler's and programmers. They place other children that belong to the cult in the child's life to report on what the child is doing. When the child victim begins to “stretch their wings” so to speak and meet other people, there are very few people that will threaten the control of the programmers. When the slave does find a good therapist to make friends with, this friendship will trigger all kinds of programming, unresolved issues around adults, trust, etc. The slave feels double-binded. If they move toward health and freedom, it creates many more problems than staying in slavery. They need to
see the bigger picture. They need to be given something positive to live for outside of the slavery. Psychiatrists are not permitted by their boards to get personally involved in their clients lives. Traditional therapy doesn't address some of the issues that will stop the slave from wanting to gain freedom. Internal peer pressure from multitudes of programmed loyal deeper alters, and external peer pressure from cult children the victim is bonded to, begins to exert an overpowering force for the child to stay on the beaten path. Few people ever buck the system, and go against peer pressure. Someone as hurt and docile as a slave is going to want acceptance, and is not likely going to want to step out of line with society and their peers. Until society admits that there is a problem with mind-control, it will be a dangerous thing socially for a child slave to admit to what the victim is actually experiencing every day.
Now the reader has the FORMULA for the mind control. Now what? These programmed multiples continue to eat away at the moral fiber every one of America's Institutions like an army of termites. On the outside the structures still look strong, but they are being readied to collapse, for the reign of the Illuminati's AntiChrist. There is a series of books called the Illuminati books which are a fictional account of how the Illuminati run the world. In the novels, the Illuminati run essentially everything--which is actually what is happening. The hero, Hagabard fights against this ancient conspiracy. Who isn't familiar with the Biblical example of the elite ruler, who leaves his place of royalty to lead a nation in slavery to freedom? this hero's name is Moses. He also frees the people spiritually from the spiritual bonds of their hermetic magical culture. If there are any Hagabards or Moses' or Aarons out there, it is time to buck this World System. “LET OUR PEOPLE GO. LET OUR CHILDREN GO.” Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve Me. (EX 8:1b)