FRED DuBOSE is a writer, editor, and book developer who lived and worked in Brussels, Sydney, Atlanta, and the Pacific island nation of Tonga before moving to Manhattan in the mid-1980s. He served as executive editor of the Publishing Projects division of Reader’s Digest Australia and as editorial director of the Illustrated Reference Books division of Reader’s Digest US. He has also conceived and written an eclectic collection of books of his own, including The Total Tomato; Four Great Southern Cooks; The Ultimate Bartender’s Guide (on which The Four Seasons Book of Cocktails is based); The Ultimate Wine Lover’s Guide (with Evan Spingarn); CollegeQuest: The Right Place Guide to Colleges & Universities; and Oh, Say Did You Know? (with Martha Hailey).

A native Texan, DuBose is a graduate of the University of Texas–Austin and received an MA in Journalism from the University of Missouri–Columbia.