“I’m so sorry,” Summer started but was stopped with a warning look from Dawson.
“You already apologized,” he pointed out.
“Yes, but I—”
“Feel responsible?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Why? Did you know your sister lied about a pregnancy to get me to marry her?” His question came out more like he’d issued a challenge.
“No.” Summer’s heart sank. She shouldn’t feel responsible for her sister’s actions. “It doesn’t make me hurt any less for what she put you through.”
It was hard to look into his eyes with the admission, but she did anyway. He needed to know how badly she felt.
“I hate to break this news to you, but your sister is a grown woman capable of manipulating grown men. I’m not trying to brag but I’m good at my job. The fact that I lived with a con artist shows how good she was.” He didn’t add the fact she’d lied to a member of law enforcement and gotten away with it. Or that he must feel so burned right now even though the fact was written all over his face. “If you didn’t know or weren’t involved, it’s not your fault.”
Summer issued a sharp sigh. “How could I have not known how much trouble my sister was in?”
“I lived with her and didn’t know. If what you’re saying is true, and I believe it is, then she disappeared—” He put his hand up to stop her protest. “She tricked me into believing we were going to have a baby and a real marriage. Although, I was fool enough to volunteer for that last part to the point she had me thinking getting married because of a child was my idea.”
No matter how hard or frustrating this had to be for Dawson, to his credit, he didn’t raise his voice. Summer still flinched if there was conflict and especially the sound of a man yelling. Chin out, she could handle whatever came her way but those were hard-won skills.
Whatever had happened to the marriage was one thing, at least he’d cared about her sister.
“I have a lifelong habit of feeling responsible for my sister’s actions. I can promise to try to do better and that’s as far as I can go right now.”
“That’s all anyone can ask.” He stopped as her stomach reminded both of them she hadn’t eaten in a while. His gaze dropped to her midsection. “How about we grab some food and start searching for answers?”
“You’d still help me?” She couldn’t hide her shock.
“I have a few days owed to me at work and no big cases pending. It won’t hurt to request time off. Besides, there’s a private family matter that has been needing my attention. Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone.” He seemed to regret his word choice when he shot a look of apology.
She shook her head. He didn’t mean to dredge up bad feelings and he didn’t seem convinced that Autumn was gone anyway. With his help, she could get to the bottom of things quicker. If it was any other person besides Dawson O’Connor, she would have doubts about taking his help. The man was a US marshal. He knew how to protect himself. Heck, the ranch had its own security if it wasn’t enough that he worked in law enforcement.
“I probably have some leftovers in the fridge if you’re not opposed—”
“Anything sounds fine as long as it’s not too spicy. I don’t do hot.” She looked at him and her face flushed.
A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “How does meatloaf sound?”
“I haven’t had meatloaf in... I can’t remember how long.” Getting help breaking down the details of her sister’s case gave Summer the first burst of hope in weeks.
“Meatloaf it is.” He pulled out a container and dished food onto two plates. After pushing a couple of buttons on the microwave, the smell filled the kitchen.
“Can I help with anything?” she asked, not used to letting someone else wait on her.
“I’m almost done.” He moved to the cabinet and located two glasses. The cotton of his shirt stretched and released over a strong back. Summer diverted her eyes. She had no business ogling Dawson O’Connor’s backside.
Looking down at her hand, she realized she was gripping the necklace so tightly there were deep indentations in her left palm. She loosened her grip on the necklace and placed it on top of the small box of her sister’s possessions.
“Water okay?” he asked.
“I figure we can have coffee after we eat while you tell me what you know up to this point and we move on from there.”
More of that dangerous hope blossomed. Summer wasn’t kidding herself that her sister was out there somewhere still alive despite the fact her heart wanted it to be true. Scrappy and Thick Guy had made it abundantly clear about that. They seemed to have firsthand knowledge that Autumn was gone. It had been a long couple of weeks and more than anything else, she needed answers. Justice had been too much to hope for. Now? There was hope.
Since she’d learned early in life just how slippery a slope hope could be, she wouldn’t get too comfortable.
Dawson set a plate down in front of her along with silverware and a glass of water. It was foreign allowing someone to do something for her. Even something so simple as serving food had been off-limits with anyone else.
Summer tried to convince herself that she was too tired to protest. A tiny voice in the back of her mind called her out. There was something easygoing and honest about Dawson that made her relax a little bit around him.
The food was beyond amazing. Before she knew it, she’d cleared her plate. “Did you make this?”
That ghost of a smile returned to his lips—lips she had no business staring at. She refocused.
“Not me. I’m not the best in the kitchen. Laurel cooks up a few meals so it’s easy for me to heat something up after work. Other times, I eat at the main house with whoever shows,” he said.
Summer wanted to know more about Dawson. She tried to convince herself it had to do with understanding the man who’d made her sister happy, even if it had been for the briefest amount of time.
Again, that voice called her out. She was curious about him for selfish reasons. Reasons she couldn’t allow herself to go into now or ever.
“Does your family own this whole ranch?” she asked.
“We’re fourth generation cattle ranchers,” he said with a nod. She could’ve sworn his chest expanded with what looked a lot like pride. He finished the last bite of food and took a drink of water. He’d said those words like they were common knowledge. Maybe growing up here in Katy Gulch, it was. She was an outsider despite Dawson making her feel right at home.
It was easy to see why Autumn had fallen for him.
“A dynasty?” The question was meant to be a joke. One look at him stopped her from laughing.
“Something like that.” He was serious.
“Okay, what does that even mean?”
“That we’re comfortable.” So basically, rich.
“Can I ask a question?” Trying to word this without being offensive proved tricky.
“Yeah.” It didn’t help matters that even when he spoke one word his masculine voice traveled all over her.
“If you own all this land and your family has all this money...why become a US marshal?” Her question caused a low rumble of laughter to escape his serious mouth.
“You said it.”
She cocked her head to the side and her eyebrows pinched together.
“My family is wealthy. That gives me a roof over my head that I don’t have to pay for and privileges that make life a whole lot easier, like Laurel. But it stops there. I may inherit money, but I have my own life. I live off my own paycheck and invest the money I would’ve spent on a mortgage. I know how fortunate I am, and I don’t take it for granted. If my parents never left me a dime, I’d do just fine on my own. Better than fine.”
“Your attitude is impressive. Most people would just ride their legacy out.” Summer had even more respect for Dawson now. Even though she’d barely met him didn’t mean she didn’t know him. He was one of the most down-to-earth people she’d ever met, despite growing up with all this and standing to inherit what must be one of the biggest fortunes in Texas.
He had honor beyond any man she’d ever known. The fact that he would bother to drive to Austin to bail out a woman who’d coldly left him, and to return a box of her prized possessions, struck her heart. He was showing incredible kindness to Summer, despite everything he’d been through. He was concerned about her having a decent meal when he could just try to pin her for answers—answers he deserved.
“Yeah? Seems like a waste of a life to me,” he said, like his outlook toward life was no big deal.
“How many siblings do you have?” Getting to know him wasn’t helping with her attraction.
“There are seven of us in total but my only sister was kidnapped when she was six months old. She was the firstborn and I doubt Mom would’ve survived the ordeal if she hadn’t found out she was pregnant with my oldest brother a few weeks after.”
Summer was stunned. “I can’t even imagine what that would do to a mother, let alone being new parents.” She studied him. He hadn’t even been born at the time of the kidnapping and yet she picked up on something in his voice—a palpable sadness—when he mentioned his sister. “What happened? Did they find her?”
“The case was never solved.” He shook his head before picking up the plates. “My father recently died.”
“I’m so sorry.” She stopped him with her hand on his arm. The sheer amount of electricity that pulsed through her fingertips startled her. She pulled her hand back and flexed her fingers.
She cleared her throat that had suddenly gone dry. “I can do those.”
“Don’t worry about it.” His voice was trying to come off as casual but there was enough tension for her to realize he’d had the same reaction to physical contact.
“At least let me help.”
He stopped for a second and the left corner of his mouth curled. She wondered if he even realized he’d done it. “How about this...you rinse these off and I’ll make coffee?”
“Deal.” It would give her something to do besides feel like she was betraying her sister with the strong attraction she felt toward Dawson.
Dishes done, fresh coffee in hand, Dawson motioned toward the sofa as she bit back a yawn. She caught him staring at her on the walk over, so he seemed to think it was a good idea to speak his mind when he asked, “When was the last time you slept?”
“It’s been a couple of days.” She suppressed another yawn. Now that she had a full belly, her body craved rest. Or, maybe it was being around Dawson that allowed her to let her guard down enough to think about dozing off. She’d been sleeping in thirty-minute intervals since arriving in Austin seven days ago.
Seven was the number of days it apparently took to show up in enough places to attract the interest of who she suspected were her sister’s killers.
“Think you can sleep now?” He watched as she tried to bite back another yawn.
She took a sip of coffee. “This should help. I want to work on figuring out what happened to Autumn.”
“First things first, I need to clear time off with my boss. I’ll still have access to law enforcement resources and my guess is we’ll need all the help we can get.”
Summer didn’t feel alone for the first time since this whole ordeal started. And maybe the first time in her whole life, but she didn’t want to try to analyze that sentiment now. She sat up straighter and took another sip of coffee. The sofa was made to sink into. She blinked her eyes a couple of times. They’d gone dry on her.
“What do you need me to do?”
There was a laptop on the coffee table that he grabbed and then balanced on his thighs. “You believe your sister was murdered.”
He was restating the obvious. “Yes.”
“But you don’t have proof?”
“No.” Again, this was obvious. She wondered where he was going with all this.
“So, I’m looking for a Jane Doe in Austin.”
Hearing those words were a hit to Summer’s heart. It took a minute for her to be able to respond. “Yes.”
A Jane Doe meant an unidentified body.
“She could be in a hospital somewhere.” He seemed to be able to read her thoughts. Then again, he was a seasoned investigator. “She would be tagged as Jane Doe if she refused to give her name.”
“Hospitals are a good place to start.” Summer didn’t have it inside her to hope after what the two men chasing her had said.
“And morgues.” He was staring at the laptop screen when he seemed to realize how hearing that word might affect Summer. He glanced up and locked eyes. “I’m sorry. I’ve learned to distance myself from investigations. It’s how we get through the rough ones. It doesn’t mean that I don’t care what happened to Autumn.”
“That makes a lot of sense to me actually.” Hadn’t Summer been doing that on some level for most of her life? Tucking away her emotions. Forcing them somewhere down so deep she couldn’t feel anymore. She and Dawson weren’t so different.
“It can come off as uncaring but it’s really all about focusing every ounce of energy and brain power on finding out the truth.”
“And then what?”
“The really bad cases cause you to spend a lot of time at the gym trying to work off the frustration,” he said honestly. It also explained why he was in amazing shape.
“Does your work cause you to have a lot of intense days?”
“Yeah,” he said with another half smile. “It does. But there’s a pretty big payoff when you take a criminal off the streets and give justice to a family that has been waiting. Everyone deserves that.”
She thought about his sister and the fact that her case was never solved. It occurred to her that he brought justice to families when he’d never gotten it for himself or his family.
If she had to guess, he was in his early thirties, which meant the case was several decades old. That was a long time to go without knowing what had happened to a loved one. Her sister’s lies to him about a pregnancy when he was the kind of person who wouldn’t take that lightly made her angry.
“I’m sorry about your sister, Dawson.”
“Thank you.” He paused long enough to look at her, catching her gaze and holding on to it. “Now, let’s find out what happened to yours.”