Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Vol. 39, No. 2, April 2012
ISSN: 0094-1298
doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2011.12.001
Acellular Dermal Matrices in Breast Implant Surgery: Defining the Problem and Proof of Concept
The use of acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) has become a useful adjunct to implant-based breast reconstruction and revision of the augmented breast. In both instances, the goal is replacement or reinforcement of thinned or missing tissues for implant support and control of the implant pocket. This article reviews the factors that contribute to periprosthetic tissue thinning, and the advantages and limitations of the use of ADMs for revision breast surgery and breast reconstruction. Proof of concept for the use of ADMs in the periprosthetic space is detailed from early clinical experience and histologic analysis documenting vascular ingrowth and cellular repopulation.
• Acellular dermal matrix • Revision breast augmentation • Breast reconstruction • Implant capsule
Breasts are important in disproportion to their specific functional role in reproduction. Why this should be so, and why the human is the only species in which breasts are permanently enlarged is a question for anthropologists and social scientists, but the evidence is clear. For example, patients who undergo mastectomy experience measurable benefits in quality of life and overall well-being after reconstruction. Among these benefits are improved feelings of sexuality1 and body image,2 particularly in, but not limited to, younger women. A line of evidence is developing suggesting that patients who undergo mastectomy plus reconstruction fare better than patients who are treated with lumpectomy plus radiation in both quality of life and physical measures (arm edema, shoulder range of motion).3 This suggests that the characteristics of the breast, and not simply the presence of a breast mound, are important; a breast hardened by radiation treatment may not necessarily be a preferable option to a reconstructed breast, provided that the reconstruction can be done with minimal morbidity and aesthetically pleasing results. Trends in recent years toward early reconstruction with implants supported by ADMs indicate that a shift in approaches to breast cancer treatment is underway.
Patients who undergo breast augmentation similarly accrue tangible rewards in life.4 For these reasons, and others less easily discernible, cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery occupies a central role in plastic surgery. The drive to build better breasts has fueled significant innovation in the 50 years since silicone breast implants were introduced. The number of breast augmentations and postmastectomy reconstructions have dramatically increased, with augmentation becoming the most popular cosmetic surgery operation in the United States in recent years5 and breast reconstruction moving up to the top 5 for reconstructive procedures. Concerns about complications focused initially on the implants and led to improved design such as the use of a barrier layer to minimize gel bleed, more cohesive silicone gels, and greater variety of profiles for better matching of implant dimensions to each patient’s anatomy. These improvements led to a more favorable attitude about breast implant safety.
Surgical analysis and planning have simultaneously advanced in sophistication, including tissue analysis,6 optimization of muscle coverage with the dual plane,7 and modifications.8 However, certain problems inherent to breast implant surgery are inevitably magnified with the increase in the numbers of women undergoing implant surgery and a larger pool of long-term implant recipients. Despite advances in implant technology and surgical techniques, as many as 1 in 4 patients who undergo augmentation will have a reoperation within 4 years.9 In patients who undergo reconstruction, reoperation rates are even higher, a point emphasized by the US Food and Drug Administration in a 2011 status update.10 Of particular note are rates of reoperation for revision surgery, estimated at more than 1 in 3.9 Revision often begets further revisions, pointing to the challenges of reoperative breast implant surgery and highlighting the inadequacy of traditional approaches. Although some would argue that problems of capsular contracture, implant malposition, visible rippling, animation deformity, and other issues are largely avoidable with proper technique and implant selection, the need for solutions to these problems remains. Given that changes in tissue-implant relationships can occur over a period of years, the need for revision surgery is unlikely to be reducible beyond a minimum that is yet to be determined.
The use of ADMs has become a useful option for many of these problems. Originally conceived as a dermal substitute for burn reconstruction, ADMs did not find early acceptance for that application, but began to be used for implantation for soft tissue augmentation or replacement in other clinical settings.11 Volume persistence in the range of 80% to 85% at 22 months was reported for facial augmentation,12 and static slings for correction of facial paralysis were noted to be stable even after radiation treatment.13 Success with lip augmentation,14 septal perforation repair,15 and periodontal surgery16 suggested a range of other possible uses. The concept of stable tissue support and/or enhancement could be extrapolated to applications in breast implant surgery.
With increasing exploratory use of ADMs in revision breast surgery, the indications for their use expanded (See cases in Boxes 1 through 4). The examples begin with early experience and progress to more recent examples of various clinical problems. Although they represent different applications, the underlying issues highlight the common denominator of inadequate soft tissue support.
CASE Fig. 2 (A) This patient presented after transaxillary augmentation using saline implants; she now has asymmetry, and right medial and lower fold malposition, with underlying pectus excavatum and chest wall asymmetry. (B) One year after revisions including ADM grafts and adjustable expander implants.
CASE Fig. 4 (A) Subpectoral saline implants with malposition, wide intermammary distance, and implant visibility. (B) Animation deformity shown with active muscle contraction. (C) Intraoperative view showing the anterior capsule dissected down to mobilize the pectoral muscle. The ADM will be sutured to the muscle along 1 edge, and the other to the inframammary fold. (D) Nine months after revision with Strattice™ Contour 2 graft (Lifecell Corp., Branchburg, NJ, USA) using the reconstructive model of pectoral extension. (E) Postoperative muscle flexion view showing amelioration of animation deformity.
Because of concerns about the fate of ADM grafts in the periprosthetic environment, early use was conservative, limited to multiple small pieces rather than large ones. As a result, some cases had a partial improvement rather than a definitive repair, with patients requesting additional grafts. This outcome provided the opportunity to examine the grafts at intervals after initial placement. In every such case, a similar appearance was noted, with a glossy surface, complete volume retention (gross visual estimation), and bleeding when incised (Fig. 1A).
Fig. 1 (A) Gross appearance of a previously placed graft (appears as a white patch). (B) Hematoxylin-eosin stain of an onlay graft of ADM at 6 months, showing organized collagen and lack of inflammation. (C) CD34 stain for vascular endothelium documents vascular channels. (D) Vimentin stain shows active fibroblasts populating the graft.
Documentation of the histologic behavior of ADMs established a foundation for proof of concept for their use in the periprosthetic compartment.17 Biopsies at 6 months revealed organized collagen with intact vascular channels, active fibroblasts, and a lack of scarring and inflammation (see Fig. 1B–D). The first available product, AlloDerm®, is derived from human donors and processed to minimize alteration of the extracellular matrix. The presence of an intact collagen scaffold along with matrix glycoproteins and cytokines are thought to be important factors in enabling cellular repopulation and long-term stability. The methods used to decellularize the matrix and/or sterilize it significantly alter the expression of growth factors as well as the ability of the matrix to support cell growth.18
ADMs seem to alter the nature of the capsule as well, a phenomenon that may be useful in dealing with capsular contracture (Fig. 2). A single cell layer membrane typically develops on the implant-facing surface over an ADM.
Fig. 2 Hematoxylin-eosin stain of a Strattice™ porcine-derived ADM graft at the transition to native capsule. Note the single cell layer over the graft (left side).
Cellular repopulation of ADMs has been extensively documented and further characterized. Using a composite flap model based on the superficial inferior epigastric pedicle in the rat, Wong and colleagues19 showed active host cell proliferation in the matrix as early as 7 days. In parallel with normal wound healing, endothelial migration continued for up to 14 days, by which time intact lymphatic channels were found as well. ADM sheets in the subcutaneous layer of the face are rapidly incorporated and maintain gross volume over a period of months.20 Expander-implant reconstruction using ADMs provides an opportunity for evaluation of the graft at the time of expander-to-implant exchange. A predictable take with less inflammatory response compared with native submuscular capsule was reported in a series of 20 patients having staged reconstruction.21 Experience with this approach has now been well documented.22,23
Among the early concerns for ADMs in breast implant procedures was placement of a tissue-derived graft in a space with poor access to metabolic support, having a breast implant against one surface and capsule on the other. An autologous full-thickness skin graft in this environment would not be expected to be successful, given the metabolic demands of a cellular material. AlloDerm® was originally developed for reconstruction of full-thickness burn wounds, in which circumstance the graft is placed with one surface on host tissue, with a dressing material on the outer surface. In the setting of the periprosthetic space, the hydrodynamics of the closed environment may even be theoretically advantageous. In an aseptic space with no risk of graft desiccation, circumstances may favor graft take.
It is now thought that acellular dermis occupies a middle ground, with no metabolic demands until cellular migration and vascular ingrowth occur. Immediately after implantation, it is neither living tissue nor prosthetic. In the absence of an inflammatory response, acellular dermis seems to be stable and metabolically inert, but, once integrated and transformed into living tissue, ongoing remodeling can take place as with native host tissues. In optimal conditions, there is minimal, if any, apparent loss of graft volume over time.
The degree to which an unaltered matrix is important for graft performance remains a topic of deliberation. If altered through collagen cross-linking or sterilization processes that damage collagen or matrix glycoproteins, grafts may provoke an inflammatory response leading to encapsulation or resorption. Many such products are available now, although data comparing them with clinical results are scant.
Few issues in plastic surgery have stimulated as much debate as the use of ADMs in breast implant surgery. Many of these issues are common to both aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. In both cases, reoperation rates for patients with breast implants have been of concern to surgeons, patients, and regulators alike. The need for early reoperative surgery is driven by several factors, a large one being simply a choice for a change in implant size rather than a complication per se, but a pattern becomes evident when considering the various contributors to implant problems leading to revision surgery: inadequate coverage and support. When these issues arise in the immediate postoperative period, they can be attributed in part to poor surgical planning or execution; in the long-term, there can be thinning of the tissues in response to the implant regardless of surgical planning and execution. This thinning of the tissues may be termed periprosthetic atrophy, but, in any case, the cause of the patient presenting with these conditions requires thoughtful analysis to obtain a lasting correction.
The condition of periprosthetic atrophy represents a localized tissue deficit. In reconstructive cases with implants, the approach historically has been to attempt total muscle coverage, but this approach has been beset with difficulties. Elevation of the serratus anterior muscle can be associated with pain during the expansion phase, tight banding across the lower pole, and difficulty in controlling expansion vectors resulting in flattening and unnatural breast shape. Similar issues ensue from rectus abdominis elevation for lower pole support and coverage. The latissimus flap is a versatile workhorse option but is limited by potential donor site morbidity and scarring.
Inadequacy of the soft tissue envelope may be caused by several factors, either preexisting (the thin patient), surgical (mastectomy or reoperation), or a condition that develops gradually in response to implant-tissue interactions. In the thin patient, early results may be favorable but the tissues fail to provide support and coverage over time, and this may then progress to stretch deformity, traction rippling, or implant malposition. Options for definitive correction of these problems are limited because of the tissue deficit. With the concept of an internal bra, the use of ADMs addresses the problem by replacing a supportive framework.
In some cases, implant dimensions exceed the compliance of the tissue envelope, the response being tissue thinning. For this reason, base diameter is a critical aspect of implant selection.24 When implant diameter exceeds breast width, the anatomic boundaries must either be surgically violated, thereby hastening thinning, akin to the phenomenon of stress creep that is seen in other procedures in which tissues are placed on tension. Even without undue tissue stress, if the implant is too wide it must be radially constricted causing folding, which is manifest as ripples. Both factors contribute to long-term problems, but the former condition places direct pressure on the tissues as happens (albeit in a more controlled fashion) with tissue expansion. Once this has occurred, dimensional pocket reduction with capsulorrhaphy may be unsuccessful and does not address the issue of coverage.
Visible ripples may be seen even with an implant of appropriate dimensions. This rippling is most common laterally and inferiorly where there is typically no muscle coverage. The use of thin sheets of ADM for concealment of rippling in breast augmentation cases has been reported by Duncan.25 Although these pieces are generally no more than a millimeter in thickness, control of the pocket dimensions and added support may be more helpful than coverage per se, particularly in the instance of traction ripples. Highly cohesive (form-stable) implants may be less prone to rippling but still require adequate coverage and support for optimal results.
Another contributing factor is capsular contracture, the most frequent cause of implant reoperation surgery. If the severity of the contracture indicates a surgical approach, a capsulectomy is generally performed along with implant replacement and site change, which may further contribute to tissue thinning with potential loss of implant support. In this instance, the use of ADMs may serve a dual purpose of reinforcing the pocket while possibly reducing the risk of a recurrence.26
A common theme is how implant problems often present in combination. With periprosthetic atrophy, there is rippling, loss of support leading to fold malposition, either lower (bottoming out), medial (symmastia), or lateral, in various combinations. Because the underlying problem of periprosthetic atrophy manifests in disparate ways, patients often present with multiple problems in combination. Case 1 represents what has become a classic example, with fold malposition, rippling, and unfavorable contours (see Box 1). Case 2 is a more extreme example but, again, the condition of tissue atrophy on a foundation of chest wall asymmetry translates into complex combination problems and an artificial appearance caused by poorly disguised implant contours (see Box 2). By addressing the common issues with the use of ADM matrices, complex problems can be reduced to a more manageable concept.
The fourth case presentation represents not only the combination of problems (malposition, implant visibility, animation deformity) but the contributions of many who have advanced the techniques and the improved ADM products available now (see Box 4). In particular, the reconstructive model in which an internal bra is fashioned with fixation along 1 edge to the inframammary fold and the other to the released pectoralis muscle, has been useful in both implant-based reconstruction27 and revision surgery for augmentation-related problems. Using the larger pieces now available, a total muscle-ADM pocket is formed that creates a unified approach to the multiple problems that tend to present together.
Another observation is the contribution of previous revision surgery, as in the first 3 cases. Each surgical intervention induces a new cycle of scarring and tissue stress, and subsequent attempts become progressively more challenging. This observation is illustrated by the statistics on revision surgery, the biggest predictor of which is a prior revision. An understanding of the tissue response to implants over time, and the effects of secondary surgery, leads to an appreciation of the underlying problem of periprosthetic atrophy.
Reflecting on more than a decade of using ADMs in breast surgery, a few themes become evident:
Looking forward, a motif of unifying significance appears. The use of ADMs represents 1 facet of the emerging field of regenerative medicine, the ability to fulfill the basic goals in reconstructive surgery of replacing like with like using scaffolds that direct tissue growth in specific ways. For example, ADMs have been explored as a template for seeding with adipose-derived adult stem cells, with demonstration of early penetration, proliferation, and expression of differentiation markers.28 Tissue engineering acquires a new dimension with ADMs, beyond the two-dimensional concept of skin replacement or implant support. This concept is shown experimentally with a wound-healing model comparing healing with fibroblast-seeded ADMs versus ADM alone in rats. The filling of the defect as measured by magnetic resonance tomography was greater on the fibroblast-seeded side and the wounds had significantly increased breaking strength.29 The effect persisted even in the presence of preoperative or postoperative radiation.
Nevertheless, the breast implant periprosthetic space represents a particular challenge, in that a tough but supple tissue layer is needed for implant support and coverage, but provoking too strong a tissue reaction may result in capsular contracture. The successful record of ADMs in this application, even though possibly lowering the incidence of capsular contracture, offers hope for the possibilities of regenerative medicine across a range of clinical needs. Lessons learned from early experience and proof-of-concept studies will help guide future work.
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Disclosure: Dr Baxter is a consultant and speaker for Lifecell, Inc. and Allergan Breast Aesthetics.