The Nulla-Nulla in Nullah

There’s ire in fire, a ban in turban,

A rind in tamarind, a listen in glisten,

A reed in greedy, umber in lumber,

And the other way round.

There’s a vine in divine, a pot in potato,

Oggle in goggle, rang in boomerang,

A miss in mission, an ate in plate,

And the other way round.

There’s a tick in tickle, a rift in drift,

A trap in trapeze, a feat in defeat,

A bed in bedraggled, timbre in timbrel,

And the other way round.

There’s riot in patriot, Zen in citizen,

A give in forgive, a wig in wigwam,

An amp in lamp, a “Sh!” in shooter,

And the other way round.

There’s a pie in magpie, a fad in fade,

A cab in caboose, the ark in lark,

There’s old in gold, an Om in doom,

And the other way round.

There’s a jin in jinricksha, a cry in descry,

A sire in desire, a rob in Robin Hood,

There’s other in mother, size in capsize,

And the other way round.

There’s laughter in slaughter, a hind in Hindoo,

A hare in harem, a hound in Mahound,

A pig in pigeon, an ear in hear,

And the other way round.

There’s rust in trust, a vark in aardvark,

Goo in goo-goo, nulla-nulla in nullah,

A come in income tax, a gent in Gentoo,

And the other way round.

There’s tawny in mulligatawny, a ling in lingerie,

An end in endoscopy, an Abba in Abbot,

A squirr in squirrel, a devi in devil,

And the other way round, and the other way round.