The Leopold Locked Room

Edward D. Hoch

I suppose I’m no different from most other writers in choosing my favorite from among those stories which have received the most acclaim. Though it was nominated for no awards, “The Leopold Locked Room” sold to television soon after it was published in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and appeared as an episode of NBC-TV’s “McMillan & Wife.” Since then it has been reprinted in several anthologies, including Ellery Queen’s twenty-volume Masterpieces of Mystery and Jan Broberg’s six-volume Mystery Masters in Sweden. It was the only mystery chosen for inclusion in a recent college literature textbook. (One science fiction story, by Arthur C. Clarke, was also included.)

Writers’ opinions of their stories are constantly changing, and I always hope the next story out of the typewriter will become my favorite. But for the present this is it, and I hope others like it as much as I do.

—Edward D. Hoch

Captain Leopold had never spoken to anyone about his divorce, and it was a distinct surprise to Lieutenant Fletcher when he suddenly said, “Did I ever tell you about my wife, Fletcher?”

They were just coming up from the police pistol range in the basement of headquarters after their monthly target practice, and it hardly seemed a likely time to be discussing past marital troubles. Fletcher glanced at him sideways and answered, “No, I guess you never did, Captain.”

“She’s coming back,” Leopold said simply, and it took Fletcher an instant to grasp the meaning of his words.

“Your wife is coming back?”

“My ex-wife.”

“Here? What for?”

Leopold sighed. “Her niece is getting married. Our niece.”

“I never knew you had one.”

“She’s been away at college. Her name is Vicki Nelson, and she’s marrying a young lawyer named Moore. And Monica is coming back east for the wedding.”

“I never even knew her name,” Fletcher observed. “Haven’t you seen her since the divorce?”

Leopold shook his head. “Not for fifteen years. It was a funny thing. She wanted to be a movie star, and I guess fifteen years ago lots of girls still thought about being movie stars. Monica was intelligent and very pretty—but probably no prettier than hundreds of other girls who used to turn up in Hollywood every year back in those days. I was just starting on the police force then, and the future looked pretty bright for me here. It would have been foolish of me to toss up everything just to chase her wild dream out to California. Well, pretty soon it got to be an obsession with her, really bad. She’d spend her afternoons in movie theaters and her evenings watching old films on television. Finally, when I still refused to go west with her, she just left me.”

“Just walked out?”

Leopold nodded. “It was a blessing, really, that we didn’t have children. I heard she got a few minor jobs out there—as an extra, and some technical stuff behind the scenes. Then apparently she had a nervous breakdown. About a year later, I received the official word that she’d divorced me. I heard that she recovered and was back working, and I think she had another marriage that didn’t work out.”

“Why would she come back for the wedding?”

“Vicki is her niece and also her godchild. We were just married when Vicki was born, and I suppose Monica might consider her the child we never had. In any event, I know she still hates me, and blames me for everything that’s gone wrong with her life. She told a friend once a few years ago she wished I were dead.”

“Do you have to go to this wedding, too, Captain?”

“Of course. If I stayed away it would be only because of her. At least I have to drop by the reception for a few minutes.” Leopold smiled ruefully. “I guess that’s why I’m telling you all this, Fletcher. I want a favor from you.”

“Anything, Captain. You know that.”

“I know it seems like a childish thing to do, but I’d like you to come out there with me. I’ll tell them I’m working, and that I can only stay for a few minutes. You can wait outside in the car if you want. At least they’ll see you there and believe my excuse.”

Fletcher could see the importance of it to Leopold, and the effort that had gone into the asking. “Sure,” he said. “Be glad to. When is it?”

“This Saturday. The reception’s in the afternoon, at Sunset Farms.”

Sunset Farms was a low rambling place at the end of a paved driveway, overlooking a wooded valley and a gently flowing creek. If it had ever been a farm, that day was long past; but for wedding receptions and retirement parties it was the ideal place. The interior of the main building was, in reality, one huge square room, divided by accordion doors to make up to four smaller square rooms.

For the wedding of Vicki Nelson and Ted Moore three-quarters of the large room was in use, with only the last set of accordion doors pulled shut its entire width and locked. The wedding party occupied a head table along one wall, with smaller tables scattered around the room for the families and friends. When Leopold entered the place at five minutes of two on Saturday afternoon, the hired combo was just beginning to play music for dancing.

He watched for a moment while Vicki stood, radiant, and allowed her new husband to escort her to the center of the floor. Ted Moore was a bit older than Leopold had expected, but as the pair glided slowly across the floor, he could find no visible fault with the match. He helped himself to a glass of champagne punch and stood ready to intercept them as they left the dance floor.

“It’s Captain Leopold, isn’t it?” someone asked. A face from his past loomed up, a tired man with a gold tooth in the front of his smile. “I’m Immy Fontaine, Monica’s stepbrother.”

“Sure,” Leopold said, as if he’d remembered the man all along. Monica had rarely mentioned Immy, and Leopold recalled meeting him once or twice at family gatherings.

“We’re so glad you could come,” someone else said, and he turned to greet the bride and groom as they came off the dance floor. Up close, Vicki was a truly beautiful girl.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything,” he said.

“This is Ted,” she said, making the introductions. Leopold shook his hand, silently approving the firm grip and friendly eyes.

“I understand you’re a lawyer,” Leopold said, making conversation.

“That’s right, sir. Mostly civil cases, though. I don’t tangle much with criminals.”

They chatted for a few more seconds before the pressure of guests broke them apart.

“I see the car waiting outside,” Inuny Fontaine said, moving in again. “You got to go on duty?”

Leopold nodded. “Just this glass and I have to leave.” “Monica’s in from the west coast.”

“So I heard.”

A slim man with a mustache jostled against him in the crush of the crowd and hastily apologized. Fontaine seized the man by the arm and introduced him to Leopold. “This here’s Dr. Felix Thursby. He came east with Monica. Doc, I want you to meet Captain Leopold, her ex-husband.”

Leopold shook hands awkwardly, embarrassed for the man and for himself. “A fine wedding,” he mumbled. “Your first trip east?”

Thursby shook his head. “I’m from New York. Long ago.”

“I was on the police force there once,” Leopold remarked. He managed to edge away through the crowd.

“Leaving so soon?” a harsh, unforgettable voice asked.

“Hello, Monica. It’s been a long time.”

He stared down at the handsome, middle-aged woman who now blocked his path to the door. She had gained a little weight, especially in the bosom, and her hair was graying. Only the eyes startled him, and frightened him just a bit. They bad an intense, wild look he’d seen before on the faces of deranged criminals.

“I didn’t think you’d come. I thought you’d be afraid of me,” she said.

“That’s foolish. Why should I be afraid of you?”

She motioned toward the end of the room that had been cut off by the accordion doors.

“Come in here,” she said, “where we can talk.”

Leopold followed her.

She unlocked the doors and pulled them apart, just wide enough for them to enter the unused quarter of the large room. Then she closed and locked the doors behind them, and stood facing him. They were two people, alone in a bare unfurnished room.

They were in an area about thirty feet square, with the windows at the far end and the locked accordion doors at Leopold’s back. He could see the afternoon sun cutting through the trees outside, and the gentle hum of the air conditioner came through above the subdued murmur of the wedding guests.

She walked to the middle window, running her fingers along the frame, perhaps looking for the latch to open it. But it stayed closed as she faced him again. “Our marriage was as drab and barren as this room. Lifeless, unused!”

“Heaven knows I always wanted children, Monica.”

“You wanted nothing but your damned police work!” she shot back, eyes flashing as her anger built.

“Look, I have to go. I have a man waiting in the car.”

“Go! That’s what you did before, wasn’t it? Go, go! Go out to your damned job and leave me to struggle for myself. Leave me to—”

“You walked out on me, Monica. Remember?” he reminded her softly.

“Sure I did! Because I had a career waiting for me! I had all the world waiting for me! And you know what happened because you wouldn’t come along? You know what happened to me out there? They took my money and my self-respect and what virtue I had left. They made me into a tramp, and when they were done, they locked me up in a mental hospital for three years. Three years!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Every day while I was there I thought about you. I thought about how it would be when I got out. Oh, I thought. And planned. And schemed. You’re a big detective now. Sometimes your cases even get reported in the California papers.” She was pacing back and forth, caged, dangerous. “Big detective. But I can still destroy you just as you destroyed me!”

He glanced over his shoulder at the locked accordion doors, seeking a way out. It was a thousand times worse than he’d imagined it would be.

Her eyes closed to mere slits.

“I came all the way east for this day, because I thought you’d be here. It’s so much better than your apartment, or your office, or a city street. There are one hundred and fifty witnesses on the other side of those doors.”

“What in hell are you talking about?”

Her mouth twisted. “You’re going to know what I knew. Bars and cells and disgrace. You’re going to know the despair I felt all those years.”


At that instant perhaps twenty feet separated them. She lifted one arm, as if to shield herself, then screamed in terror. “No! Oh, God, no!”

Leopold stood frozen, unable to move, as a sudden gunshot echoed through the room. He saw the bullet strike her in the chest, toppling her backward. Then somehow he had his own gun out of its belt holster and he swung around toward the doors.

They were still closed and locked. He was alone in the room with Monica.

He looked back to see her crumple on the floor, blood spreading in a widening circle around the tom black hole in her dress. His eyes went to the windows, but all three were still closed and unbroken. He shook his head, trying to focus his mind on what had happened.

There was noise from outside, and a pounding on the accordion doors. Someone opened the lock from the other side, and the gap between the doors widened as they were pulled open.

“What happened?” someone asked. A woman guest screamed as she saw the body. Another toppled in a faint.

Leopold stepped back, aware of the gun still in his hand, and saw

Lieutenant Fletcher fighting his way through the mob of guests. “Captain, what is it?”

“She… Someone shot her.”

Fletcher reached out and took the gun from Leopold’s hand carefully, as one might take a broken toy from a child. He put it to his nose and sniffed, then opened the cylinder to inspect the bullets. “It’s been fired recently, Captain. One shot.” Then his eyes seemed to cloud over, almost to the point of tears. “Why the hell did you do it?” he asked. “Why?”

Leopold saw nothing of what happened then. He only had vague and splintered memories of someone examining her and saying she was still alive, of an ambulance and much confusion. Fletcher drove him down to headquarters, to the Commissioner’s office, and he sat there and waited.

He was not surprised when they told him she had died on the way to Southside Hospital.

“You have nothing more to tell us, Captain?” the Commissioner asked. “I’m making it as easy for you as I can.”

“I didn’t kill her,” Leopold insisted again. “It was someone else.”

“Who? How?”

He could only shake his head. “I wish I knew. I think in some mad way she killed herself, to get revenge on me.”

“She shot herself with your gun, while it was in your holster, and while you were standing twenty feet away?”

Leopold ran a hand over his forehead. “It couldn’t have been my gun. Ballistics will prove that.”

“But your gun had been fired recently, and there was an empty cartridge in the chamber.”

“I can’t explain that. I haven’t fired it since the other day at target practice, and I reloaded it afterward.”

“Could she have hated you that much, Captain?” Fletcher asked. “To frame you for her murder?”

“She could have. I think she was a very sick woman. If I did that to her—if I was the one who made her sick—I suppose I deserve what’s happening to me now.”

“The hell you do,” Fletcher growled. “If you say you’re innocent, Captain, I’m sticking by you.”

Leopold nodded. “Wait for the ballistics report,” he said. “That’ll clear me.”

So they waited. It was another forty-five minutes before the phone rang and the Commissioner spoke to the ballistics man. He listened, and grunted, and asked one or two questions. Then he hung up and faced Leopold across the desk.

“The bullet was fired from your gun,” he said simply. “There’s no possibility of error. I’m afraid we’ll have to charge you with homicide.”

The routines he knew so well went on into Saturday evening, and when they were finished Leopold was escorted from the courtroom to find young Ted Moore waiting for him.

“You should be on your honeymoon,” Leopold told him.

“Vicki couldn’t leave till I’d seen you and tried to help. I don’t know much about criminal law, but perhaps I could arrange bail.”

“That’s already been taken care of,” Leopold said. “The grand jury will get the case next week.”

“I—I don’t know what to say. Vicki and I are both terribly sorry.”

“So am I.” He started to walk away, then turned back. “Enjoy your honeymoon.”

“We’ll be in town overnight, at the Towers, if there’s anything I can do.”

Leopold nodded and kept on walking. He could see the reflection of his guilt in young Moore’s eyes. As he got to his car, one of the patrolmen he knew glanced his way and then quickly in the other direction. On a Saturday night no one talked to wife murderers. Even Fletcher had disappeared.

The eleven o’clock news on television had it as the lead item, illustrated with a black-and-white photo of him taken during a case last year. He shut off the television in his little apartment, without listening to their comments and went back outside, walking down to the comer for an early edition of the Sunday paper. The front-page headline was as bad as he’d expected: Detective Captain Held in Slaying of Ex-Wife.

On the way back to his apartment, walking slowly, he tried to remember what she’d been like—not that afternoon, but before the divorce. He tried to remember her face on their wedding day, her soft laughter on their honeymoon. But all he could remember were those mad, vengeful eyes. And the bullet ripping into her chest.

“Hello, Captain.”

“I—Fletcher! What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you. Can I come in?”


“I’ve got a six-pack of beer. I thought you might want to talk about it.”

Leopold unlocked his apartment door. “What’s there to talk about?”

“If you say you didn’t kill her, Captain, I’m willing to listen to you.”

Fletcher followed him into the tiny kitchen and popped open two of the beer cans. Leopold accepted one of them and dropped into the nearest chair. He felt utterly exhausted, drained of even the strength to fight back.

“She framed me, Fletcher,” he said quietly. “She framed me as neatly as anything I’ve ever seen. The thing’s impossible, but she did it”

“Let’s go over it step by step, Captain. Look, the way I see it there are only three possibilities: either you shot her, she shot herself, or someone else shot her. I think we can rule out the last one. The three windows were locked on the outside and unbroken, the room was bare of any hiding place, and the only entrance was through the accordion doors. These were closed and locked, and although they could have been opened from the other side you certainly would have seen or heard it happen. Besides, there were one hundred and fifty wedding guests on the other side of those doors. No one could have unlocked and opened them and then fired the shot, all without being seen.”

Leopold shook his head. “But it’s just as impossible that she could have shot herself. I was watching her every minute. I never looked away once. There was nothing in her hands, not even a purse. And the gun that shot her was in my holster, on my belt. I never drew it till after the shot was fired.”

Fletcher finished his beer and reached for another can. “I didn’t look at her close, Captain, but the size of the hole in her dress and the powder burns point to a contact wound. The Medical Examiner agrees, too. She was shot from no more than an inch or two away. There were grains of powder in the wound itself, though the bleeding had washed most of them away.”

“But she had nothing in her hand,” Leopold repeated. “And there was nobody standing in front of her with a gun. Even I was twenty feet away.”

“The thing’s impossible, Captain.”

Leopold grunted. “Impossible—unless I killed her.”

Fletcher stared at his beer. “How much time do we have?”

“If the grand jury indicts me for first-degree murder, I’ll be in a cell by next week.”

Fletcher frowned at him. “What’s with you, Captain? You almost act resigned to it! Hell, I’ve seen more fight in you on a routine holdup!”

“I guess that’s it, Fletcher. The fight is gone out of me. She’s drained every drop of it. She’s had her revenge.”

Fletcher sighed and stood up. “Then I guess there’s really nothing I can do for you, Captain. Good night.”

Leopold didn’t see him to the door. He simply sat there, hunched over the table. For the first time in his life he felt like an old man.

Leopold slept late Sunday morning. He got up and showered and dressed, reaching for his holster out of habit before he remembered he no longer had a gun. Then he sat at the kitchen table staring at the empty beer cans, wondering what he would do with his day. With his life.

The doorbell rang, and it was Fletcher. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again,” Leopold mumbled, letting him in.

Fletcher was excited, and the words tumbled out of him almost before he was through the door. “I think I’ve got something, Captain! It’s not much, but it’s a start. I was down at headquarters first thing this morning, and I got hold of the dress Monica was wearing when she was shot.”

Leopold looked blank. “The dress?”

Fletcher was busy unwrapping the package he’d brought. “The Commissioner would have my neck if he knew I brought this to you, but look at this hole!”

Leopold studied the jagged, blood-caked rent in the fabric. “It’s large,” he observed, “but with a near-contact wound, the powder burns would cause that.”

“Captain, I’ve seen plenty of entrance wounds made by a .38 slug. I’ve even caused a few of them. But I never saw one that looked like this. Hell, it’s not even round!”

“What are you trying to tell me, Fletcher?” Suddenly something stirred inside him. The juices were beginning to flow again.

“The hole in her dress is much larger and more jagged than the corresponding wound in her chest, Captain. That’s what I’m telling you. The bullet that killed her couldn’t have made this hole. No way! And that means maybe she wasn’t killed when we thought she was.” Leopold grabbed the phone and dialed the familiar number of the Towers Hotel. “I hope they slept late this morning.”


‘‘The honeymooners.” He spoke sharply into the phone, giving the switchboard operator the name he wanted, and then waited. It was a full minute before he heard Ted Moore’s sleepy voice answering on the other end. “Ted, this is Leopold. Sorry to bother you.”

The voice came alert at once. “That’s all right, Captain. I told you to call if there was anything—”

“I think there is. You and Vicki between you must have a pretty good idea of who was invited to the wedding. Check with her and tell me how many doctors were on the invitation list.”

Ted Moore was gone for a few moments and then he returned. “Vicki says you’re the second person who asked her that.”

“Oh? Who was the first?”

“Monica. The night before the wedding, when she arrived in town with Dr. Thursby. She casually asked if he’d get to meet any other doctors at the reception. But Vicki told her he was the only one. Of course we hadn’t invited him, but as a courtesy to Monica we urged him to come.”

“Then after the shooting, it was Thursby who examined her? No one else?”

“He was the only doctor. He told us to call an ambulance and rode to the hospital with her.”

“Thank you, Ted. You’ve been a big help.” “I hope so, Captain.”

Leopold hung up and faced Fletcher. “That’s it. She worked it with this guy Thursby. Cao you put out an alarm for him?”

“Sure can,” Fletcher said. He took the telephone and dialed the unlisted squadroom number. “Dr. Felix Thursby? Is that his name?”

“That’s it. The only doctor there, the only one who could help Monica with her crazy plan of revenge.”

Fletcher completed issuing orders and hung up the phone. “They’ll check his hotel and call me back.”

“Get the Commissioner on the phone, too. Tell him what we’ve got.”

Fletcher started to dial and then stopped, his finger in mid-air. “What have we got, Captain?”

The Commissioner sat behind his desk and listened bleakly to what Leopold and Fletcher had to tell him.

“The mere fact that this Dr. Thursby seems to have left town is hardly proof of his guilt, Captain. What you’re saying is that the woman wasn’t killed until later—that Thursby killed her in the ambulance. But how could he have done that with a pistol that was already in Lieutenant Fletcher’s possession, tagged as evidence? And how could he have fired the fatal shot without the ambulance attendants hearing it?”

“I don’t know,” Leopold admitted.

“Heaven knows, Captain, I’m willing to give you every reasonable chance to prove your innocence. But you have to bring me more than a dress with a hole in it.”

“All right,” Leopold said. “I’ll bring you more.”

“The grand jury gets the case this week, Captain.”

“I know,’’ Leopold said. He turned and left the office, with Fletcher tailing behind.

“What now?” Fletcher asked.

“We go talk to lmmy Fontaine, my ex-wife’s stepbrother.”

Though he’d never been friendly with Fontaine, Leopold knew where to find him. The tired man with the gold tooth lived in a big old house overlooking the Sound, where on this summer Sunday they found him in the back yard, cooking hot dogs over a charcoal fire.

He squinted into the sun and said, “I thought you’d be in jail, after what happened.”

“I didn’t kill her,” Leopold said quietly.

“Sure you didn’t.”

“For a stepbrother, you seem to be taking her death right in stride,” Leopold observed, motioning toward the fire.

“I stopped worrying about Monica fifteen years ago.”

“What about this man she was with? Dr. Thursby?”

Immy Fontaine chuckled. “If he’s a doctor I’m a plumber! He has the fingers of a surgeon, I’ll admit, but when I asked him about my son’s radius that he broke skiing, Thursby thought it was a leg bone. What the hell, though, I was never one to judge Monica’s love life. Remember, I didn’t even object when she married you.”

“Nice of you. Where’s Thursby staying while he’s in town?”

“He was at the Towers with Monica.”

“He’s not there anymore.”

“Then I don’t know where he’s at. Maybe he’s not even staying for her funeral.”

“What if I told you Thursby killed Monica?”

He shrugged. “I wouldn’t believe you, but then I wouldn’t particularly care. If you were smart, you’d have killed her fifteen years ago when she walked out on you. That’s what I’d have done.”

Leopold drove slowly back downtown, with Fletcher grumbling beside him. “Where are we, Captain? It seems we’re just going in circles.”

“Perhaps we are, Fletcher, but right now there are still too many questions to be answered. If we can’t find Thursby, I’ll have to tackle it from another direction. The bullet, for instance.”

“What about the bullet?”

“We’re agreed it could not have been fired by my gun, either while it was in my holster or later, while Thursby was in the ambulance with Monica. Therefore, it must have been fired earlier. The last time I fired it was at target practice. Is there any possibility—any chance at all—that Thursby or Monica could have gotten one of the slugs I fired into that target?”

Fletcher put a damper on it. “Captain, we were both firing at the same target. No one could sort out those bullets and say which came from your pistol and which from mine. Besides, how would either of them gain access to the basement target range at police headquarters?”

“I could have an enemy in the department,” Leopold said.

“Nuts! We’ve all got enemies, but the thing is still impossible. If you believe people in the department are plotting against you, you might as well believe that the entire ballistics evidence was faked.”

“It was, somehow. Do you have the comparison photos?”

“They’re back at the office. But with the narrow depth of field you can probably tell more from looking through the microscope yourself.”

Fletcher drove him to the lab, where they persuaded the Sunday duty officer to let them have a look at the bullets. While Fletcher and the officer stood by in the interests of propriety, Leopold squinted through the microscope at the twin chunks of lead.

“The death bullet is pretty battered,” he observed, but he had to admit that the rifling marks were the same. He glanced at the identification tag attached to the test bullet: Test slug fired from Smith & Wesson .38 Revolver, serial number 2420547.

Leopold turned away with a sigh, then turned back.


He fished into his wallet and found his pistol permit. Smith & Wesson 2421622.

“I remembered those twos on the end,” he told Fletcher. “That’s not my gun.”

“It’s the one I took from you, Captain. I’ll swear to it!”

“And I believe you, Fletcher. But it’s the one fact I needed. It tells me how Dr. Thursby managed to kill Monica in a locked room before my very eyes, with a gun that was in my holster at the time. And it just might tell us where to find the elusive Dr. Thursby.”

By Monday morning, Leopold had made six long-distance calls to California, working from his desk telephone while Fletcher used the squad room phone. Then, a little before noon, Leopold, Fletcher, the Commissioner, and a man from the District Attorney’s office took a car and drove up to Boston.

“You’re sure you’ve got it figured?” the Commissioner asked Leopold for the third time. “You know we shouldn’t allow you to cross the state line while awaiting grand jury action.”

“Look, either you trust me or you don’t,” Leopold snapped. Behind the wheel, Fletcher allowed himself a slight smile, but the man from the D.A.’s office was deadly serious.

“The whole thing is so damned complicated,” the Commissioner grumbled.

‘‘My ex-wife was a complicated woman. And remember, she had fifteen years to plan it.”

“Run over it for us again,” the D.A.’s man said.

Leopold sighed and started talking. “The murder gun wasn’t mine. The gun I pulled after the shot was fired, the one Fletcher took from me, had been planted on me some time before.”


“I’ll get to that. Monica was the key to it all, of course. She hated me so much that her twisted brain planned her own murder in order to get revenge on me. She planned it in such a way that it would have been impossible for anyone but me to have killed her. She set up the entire plan for the afternoon of the wedding reception, but I’m sure they had an alternate in case I hadn’t gone to it. She wanted some place where there’d be lots of witnesses.”

“Tell them how she worked the bullet hitting her,” Fletcher urged.

“Well, that was the toughest part for me. I actually saw her shot before my eyes. I saw the bullet hit her, and I saw the blood. Yet I was alone in a locked room with her. There was no hiding place, no opening from which a person or even a mechanical device could have fired the bullet at her. To you people it seemed I must be guilty, especially when the bullet came from the gun I was carrying.

“But I looked at it from a different angle—once Fletcher forced me to look at it at all! I knew I hadn’t shot her, and since no one else physically could have, I knew no one did! If Monica was killed by a .38 slug, it must have been fired after she was taken from that locked room. Since she was dead on arrival at the hospital, the most likely time for her murder—to me, at least—became the time of the ambulance ride, when Dr. Thursby must have hunched over her with careful solicitousness.”

“But you saw her get shot!”

“That’s one of the two reasons Fletcher and I were on the phones to Hollywood this morning. My ex-wife worked in pictures, at times in the technical end of movie-making. On the screen there are a number of ways to simulate a person being shot. An early method was a sort of compressed-air gun fired at the actor from just off-camera. These days, especially in the bloodiest of the Western and war films, they use a tiny explosive charge fitted under the actor’s clothes. Of course the body is protected from burns, and the force of it is directed outward. A pouch of fake blood is released by the explosion, adding to the realism of it.’’

“And this is what Monica did?”

Leopold nodded. “A call to her Hollywood studio confirmed the fact that she worked on a film using this device. I noticed when I met her that she’d gained weight around the bosom, but I never thought to attribute it to the padding and the explosive device. She triggered it when she raised her arm as she screamed at me.’’

“Any proof?”

“The hole in her dress was just too big to be an entrance hole from a .38, even fired at close range—too big and too ragged. I can thank Fletcher for spotting that. This morning the lab technicians ran a test on the bloodstains. Some of it was her blood, the rest was chicken blood.”

“She was a good actress to fool all those people.”

“She knew Dr. Thursby would be the first to examine her. All she had to do was fall over when the explosive charge ripped out the front of her dress.”

“What if there had been another doctor at the wedding?”

Leopold shrugged. “Then they would have postponed it. They couldn’t take that chance.”

“And the gun?”

“I remembered Thursby bumping against me when I first met him. He took my gun and substituted an identical weapon—identical, that is, except for the serial number. He’d fired it just a short time earlier, to complete the illusion. When I drew it, I simply played into their hands. There I was, the only person in the room with an apparently dying woman, and a gun that had just been fired.”

“But what about the bullet that killed her?”

“Rifling marks on slugs are made by the lands in the rifled barrel of a gun causing grooves in the lead of a bullet. A bullet fired through a smooth tube has no rifling marks.”

“What in hell kind of gun has a smooth tube for a barrel?” the Commissioner asked.

“A home-made one, like a zip gun. Highly inaccurate, but quite effective when the gun is almost touching the skin of the victim. Thursby fired a shot from the pistol he was to plant on me, probably into a pillow or some other place where he could retrieve the undamaged slug. Then he reused the rifled slug on another cartridge and fired it with his homemade zip gun, right into Monica’s heart. The original rifling marks were still visible, and no new ones were added.”

“The ambulance driver and attendant didn’t hear the shot?”

“They would have stayed up front, since he was a doctor riding with a patient. It gave him a chance to get the padded explosive mechanism off her chest, too. Once that was away, I imagine he leaned over her, muffling the zip gun as best he could, and fired the single shot that killed her. Remember, an ambulance on its way to a hospital is a pretty noisy place—it has a siren going all the time.”

They were entering downtown Boston now, and Leopold directed Fletcher to a hotel near the Common. “I still don’t believe the part about switching the guns,” the D.A.’s man objected. “You mean to tell me he undid the strap over your gun, got out the gun, and substituted another one—all without your knowing it?”

Leopold smiled. “I mean to tell you only one type of person could have managed it—an expert, professional pickpocket. The type you see occasionally doing an act in night clubs and on television. That’s how I knew where to find him. We called all over Southern California till we came up with someone who knew Monica and knew she’d dated a man named Thompson who had a pickpocket act. We called Thompson’s agent and discovered he’s playing a split week at a Boston lounge, and is staying at this hotel.”

“What if he couldn’t have managed it without your catching on? Or what if you hadn’t been wearing your gun?”

“Most detectives wear their guns off-duty. If I hadn’t been, or if he couldn’t get it, they’d simply have changed their plan. He must have signaled her when he’d safely made the switch.”

The Boston police had two men waiting to meet them, and they went up in the elevator to the room registered in the name of Max Thompson. Fletcher knocked on the door, and when it opened the familiar face of Felix Thursby appeared. He no longer wore the mustache, but he had the same slim surgeon-like fingers that Immy Fontaine had noticed. Not a doctor’s fingers, but a pickpocket’s.

“We’re taking you in for questioning,” Fletcher said, and the Boston detectives issued the standard warnings of his legal rights.

Thursby blinked his tired eyes at them, and grinned a bit when he recognized Leopold. “She said you were smart. She said you were a smart cop.”

“Did you have to kill her?” Leopold asked.

“I didn’t. I just held the gun there, and she pulled the trigger herself. She did it all herself, except for switching the guns. She hated you that much.”

“I know,” Leopold said quietly, staring at something far away. “But I guess she must have hated herself just as much.”