2N-2N2P logic
A, B, C
- active power
- activity factor
- adapted line
- adiabatic
- affine linear gate
- affinity
- Babbage
- bands
- Benett clocking
- bistable
- Bloch function
- body effect
- Boltzmann
- Boolean logic
- Bose–Einstein
- bulk
- cantilever
- capacitor-based generator
- channel
- characteristic impedance
- chemical potential
- clock
- closed system
- combinational logic
- complementary
- logic
- metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
- conduction band
- conservative gate
- contact potential
- control gate
- controlled inverter
D, E, F
- data path
- DCPAL logic
- delay
- De Morgan
- depletion
- differential pass-transistor logic
- diffusion current
- Domino logic
- doped semi-conductor
- drain
- drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL)
- drift current
- dynamic
- logic
- power
- pull-in voltage
- regime
- voltage scaling (DVS)
- VTH scaling (DVTS)
- ECRL logic
- effective
- EKV model
- Elata
- electron
- electrostatic actuation
- enhancement
- entanglement
- entropy
- equi-partition theorem
- exchange gate
- Fermi
- energy
- level
- pseudo-level
- Fermi–Dirac
- Feynman
- field effect transistor
- FinFET
- first principle of thermodynamics
- flip-flop
- Fredkin gate
G, H, I
- gap
- garbage
- gate
- group structure
- Grover’s algorithm
- Hadamard’s operator
- Heisenberg
- hole
- inductance-based generator
- information
- integrated circuit
- interconnect
- internal energy
- inversion
- inverter
- irreversible gate
- isolated system
J, L, M
- Joule effect
- Lambert function
- Landauer
- Latch
- leakage current
- linearity
- lithography
- logical depth
- long channel
- macro-entropy
- macroscopic energy
- magnetic actuation
- masks
- maxterm
- Maxwell’s demon
- metal-oxide-semiconductor
- structure
- microentropy
- minterm
- mobility
- multithreshold technique
N, O, P
- near-threshold
- Network On Chip
- no
- cloning theorem
- fan-out theorem
- optical interconnect
- Oracle operator
- parallelism
- partition function
- pass-transistor logic
- pelgrom
- PFAL logic
- piezo-electric actuation
- pipeline
- planar transistor
- power clock
- pull-in voltage
- pull-out voltage
Q, R, S
- quantum
- quasi-adiabatic
- qubit
- reflection coefficient
- repeater
- reversibility
- reversible
- adder
- computing
- gate
- logic
- pipeline
- transformation
- saturation
- scaling
- second principle of
- sensitivity method
- sequential logic
- Shannon
- short channel
- silicon on insulator (SOI)
- small signal model
- source
- state density
- static
- stationary system
- strong inversion
- sub-threshold
- surface defect
- Svensson’s rule
- switch
- Sylow cascade
T, U, V, W
- tensor product
- thermal relay
- threshold voltage
- Toffoli gate
- transition current
- transmission gate
- Trench
- tunnel effect
- twin circuit
- unitary operator
- valence band
- variability
- velocity saturation
- wave vector
- weak inversion
- well
- WKB approximation