Proactiveness Traits

People who are really effective at time management are normally quite proactive. What are some of the qualities of somebody who’s proactive? Well most people who are proactive are self-starters.

The word proactive comes from Latin, “pro” means “for”. It means to go out in a positive manner, or to do. And “active” comes from the word meaning, to put in to motion. So proactive means “taking action or going out to put things in positive motion.”

That’s what you need to do. A proactive person’s a self-starter most of the time. Often they are innovators. People who are proactive also keep their own counsel. They are mentally strong. They feel confident so they move forward and take action. They have fairly good emotional control when stepping out.

Most of those people when they’re proactively doing something feel cheerful. They are positive. They are up. They have a lift. These people are self-led and they are self-motivated.

The majority of the proactive have very clearly defined goals. The majority of them are also relatively good time managers. They keep track of where they need to go, they know what they’re trying to do, by when, and they’re doing it.

The vast majority of proactive people are visionary. They have a vision in their mind of where they want to go, what they want to achieve and how they want to achieve it. So the proactive individual is going out for something, moving in a direction towards the goal that they really want to have. These people are energetic. They are leaders of themselves first, and other people secondarily if need be. This focused planned person is somebody who’s taking action.