To begin, I’m going to give you four keys to getting organized. Any of these would be a great starting place. Remember back to what Alexander Pope said, “Order is heaven’s first law.” Seeing order helps you feel in control of your life and it relaxes you.
I want you to think about your work space, notice your home, your car, your purse, your briefcase or your bedroom area. Now think about how organized these are. How neat and orderly are they? Can you instantly find things in each of those environments?
At any of those places do you ever have to search through a pile to find something? Does that ever happen to you? Or do you ever tell yourself, “I’m not sure exactly which pile it’s in, but I know it’s in one of these over here.” Do you have things filed accurately? Do you have them that organized? For most people the answer is no.
So ask yourself this question. What kind of person would have that type of desk or that system of organization (or mess) on their desk? What kind of person would have that type of organization around their home, or in their car, or in their purse, or garage? What kind of person would have that?