The second key to getting organized is having everything you need when you begin. If you’re going to write a report make sure you have everything you need in place. You have the time allocated, you have the papers, you have the files you’re going to look up, and you have the places you’re going to go on the internet to get information. Make sure you have all the tools. Do you need writing implements, a phone or computer? Do you need CDs? Do you have the books you need?
Another part of this that is a big deal for many is you’ve got to have something to drink. If you don’t have your coffee or your tea or your water it’s a perfect excuse, “Oh gee look, I’ve only got one swallow of coffee left, well let’s see, I’ve got to get some coffee first…” It’s a procrastination move.
So you can get up from your desk and you can get some more coffee, right? You need to have everything you require when you’re ready to begin. Don’t make excuses. When you sit down to start, have everything you need when you’re ready to begin.