“In this digital publication the page numbers have been removed from the index. Please use the search function of your e-Reading device to locate the terms listed.”

Abu Ghraib prison

Acheson, Dean

Adams, Sam

Addington, David

Adenauer, Konrad

Adkins, James L.

AE/Carthage (Ukraine)

AE/Freeman (Baltic States)

AE/Nidus (East Germany)

AE/Quor (Belarus)

AE/Saurus (Soviet Union)

Afghan Eyes

Afghanistan: black prisons; drone program against Al Qaeda/Taliban; FOB Chapman; Karzai; Al Qaeda in; Reagan-era operations

African embassy bombings (1998)

Agee, Philip

Air America. See also Civil Air Transport (CAT)

Air Asia

Alabama Air National Guard


Alec Station

Alfred A. Knopf publisher

Alibi Club (Washington, D.C.)

Allen, Charlie

Allende, Salvador

Allison, John

Alsop, Joseph

Alsop, Stewart


America First Committee at Yale

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Hellenic Institute

American Institute for Free Labor Development

American Psychological Association (APA)

Ames, Aldrich

Ames, Robert Clayton

Amory, Robert

Anders, Władysław

Anderson, Jack

Angleton, James J.

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company

Animal Farm (Orwell)

Ansara, Michael

Applewhite, Edgar

Arafat, Yasser

Arbenz, Jacobo

Archibald, Frank

Archibald, James


Armed Services Prisoner Intelligence Committee

Arms Control Export Act

Ashcroft, John

Asia Foundation

Aspin, Les

Aspin-Brown Commission (nee Aspin Commission)

Atef, Mohammed

Athens Olympics (2004)

Atomic Energy Commission

Augustine, Norman R.

Ault, Lee A., III

Aurell, George


al-Awlaki, Anwar

B-26 bombers

Baer, Robert

Baker, James

al-Balawi, Humam Muhammed

Baltic States

Baltimore Sun

Bámaca Velásquez, Efraín

Bancroft, Mary

Bandar, Prince

Bangkok Station

Barnes, C. Tracy; Cuba/Castro plot; Frankfurt post; Latin America operations; London Station post; and OSS in Italy; PB/Success in Guatemala; and the PSB; retirement; and Taylor investigation

Barrow, Robert

Batista, Fulgencio

Bauer, Robert F.

Bay of Pigs invasion at Playa Girón (1961). See also Cuba operation (Project Ate or JM/Ate)

Bayh, Evan

Becker, Loftus

Beirut embassy truck bombing (1983)


Bellinger, John D., III

Ben, Philip

Ben Soud, Mohamed Ahmed

Bennett, Gina

Berger, Sandy

Berlin Olympics (1936)

Bikowsky, Alfreda

bin Laden, Osama; and CIA Alec Station; Tenet’s planned raids

bin Zeid, Sharif Ali

Bissell, Richard M.; and Barnes; and Cuba/Castro plot; as Dulles’s assistant; forced resignation; Guatemala coup against Arbenz; pre-CIA career; Project Haik in Indonesia; and U-2 spy plane missions; World War II

Black, Cofer

black prisons; Afghanistan; closure; Project Greystone; Site Blue; Site Green in Chiang Mai, Thailand; Site Orange. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)


Blair, Dennis

Blakely, Yvonne

Blank Rome (law firm)

Blanton, Thomas

Blee, David

Bocock, Natalie

Boer War

Bohlen, Chester

Boland, Edward P.

Boland Amendment

Bonk, Ben

Boren, David


Bradley, Omar

Breckinridge, Scott

Brennan, John O.; and CIA accountability; CIA response to Senate torture report; and drone program; fusion centers; mission centers; and Trump administration

Brewster, Kingman


Bridge of Spies (film)

British Broadcast Corporation (BBC)

British Guiana

Broe, William V.

Brookner, Janine M.

Bross, John

Brown, Harold

Bruce, David

Bruemmer, Russell, J.

Brugger, Fred

Buckley, David B.

Buckley, William

Bundy, McGeorge

Bundy, William P.

Burke, Arleigh A.

Burma (Myanmar)

Burnham, David

Burr, Richard

Bush, George Herbert Walker; congressional oversight and timely notification; as Ford’s CIA chief; Helms cable (1975); and Iran-Contra Affair

Bush, George W.: drone program; and Hayden; Hayden and war on terror in Pakistan; Iraq War and phony WMD charges; and McCain’s anti-torture legislation; PDBs and 9/11 warnings; post-9/11 and war on terror; Project Greystone and torture interrogations; Rizzo’s presidential finding authorizing capture and detention of Al Qaeda terrorists; Tenet as CIA director; Zubaydah’s rendition. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)

Bybee, Jay S.

Cabell, Charles Pearre

Cairo station

Camp Kilmer (New Jersey)

Camp Peary (the Farm)

Campbell, John (“Soup”)

Card, Andy

Career Service Board

Carlos the Jackal (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez)

Carlucci, Frank

Carson, Ben

Carter, Jimmy; CIA director Turner; congressional oversight and covert operations approval laws; on Helms’s perjury; Iranian hostage crisis and rescue operation; and the Sandinistas

Carter Ledyard & Milburn (law firm)

Casey, William; and CIA women (Eloise Page); and CIA’s reporting of drug trafficking; construction of Ames Building; and IG’s office; Iran-Contra Affair; Nicaragua operation; and OSS; as Reagan’s CIA director; resignation; and the SEC; and Sporkin

Casey Accords

Castro, Fidel: assassination plots; and Nixon. See also Cuba operation (Project Ate or JM/Ate)

Cater, Douglass

Center for International Studies (CENIS)

Center for the Study of Intelligence

Central America task force

Central Intelligence Bulletin

Central Intelligence Group (CIG)

Central Intelligence Retirees Association

Chamberlain, Donald F.

Chamorro, Edgar

Chapman, Nathan

Cheney, Dick; Iran-Contra hearings and meaning of timely notification; Iraq War and phony WMD charges; Project Greystone; and Rockefeller commission

Chennault, Claire

Cherbonneaux, James

Cherne, Leo

Chertoff, Michael

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chicago Democratic Party Convention (1968)

Child, Paul and Julia

Chile; Clinton’s apology; Helms and; Senate investigations


China Lake weapons test center

Chinese embassy bombing in Belgrade (1999)

Church, Frank

Church committee investigation (1975)

Churchill, Winston

CIA Act (1949)

The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (Marchetti and Marks)

Ciano, Edda

Ciano, Galeazzo

Cinquegrana, A. R. (“Rick”)

Civil Air Transport (CAT). See also Air America

Civil Rights Act (1964)

Clandestine Service Reserve

Clapper, James

Clarridge, Duane Ramsdell (“Dewey”); Iran-Contra Affair; NESA Division; Nicaragua operation and Senate investigation; pardon by Bush; Rome post

Clifford, Clark

Cline, Ray

Clines, Thomas G.

Clinton, Hillary

Clinton, William J.; appointment of Snider as IG; Bosnia crisis; and Chinese embassy bombing in Belgrade; Kosovo actions; post-Cold War CIA openness and declassification; Tenet as CIA director; Tenet as NSA intelligence director; war on terror (Al Qaeda)

Coats, Dan

Cochran, Thad

Cogan, Charles

Cohen, David

Cohen, William S.

Cohn, Roy

Colby, William E.; and CIA spying allegations; and Helms’s perjury; on leaks; and Watergate

Collins, Foster

Colombia and El Bogotazo crisis

Columbia University’s School of International Affairs

Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy

Conaway, James


Congress for Cultural Freedom

congressional oversight; Hayden’s antipathy for; Intelligence Oversight Act (1980); Iran-Contra committee hearings/investigations; laws defining (1970s); Nedzi’s House intelligence subcommittee; office of the independent IG; timely notification. See also House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI); torture investigation by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Convention Against Torture

Cooper, Charles

Cooper, Chester L.

Copeland, Miles

Corona satellite

Correa, Matthias

Corscadden Paul

Costanzo, Christopher D.

Council on Foreign Relations

Countercoup (Roosevelt)

Counterintelligence Corps (U.S. Army)

Counterterrorist Center (CTC): Alec Station; and Black; drone operations; as fusion center; Grenier; Hayden and; Operational Assessment Division; Project Greystone; Rendition and Detention Group (RDG); Rodriguez and; Spartan Gate and Senate investigation

Covert Actions Review Group

Covert Clandestine and Related Activities Korea (CCRAK)

Coyne, J. Patrick

Craig, Gregory

Craven, James B., Jr.

Crewdson, John

Critchfield, James H.

Cross, Jim

Crouch, J. D.

Crumpton, Henry

CTC. See Counterterrorist Center (CTC)

Cuba operation (Project Ate or JM/Ate); Barnes and; Bissell and; Castro assassination plots; Cuban exiles (Assault Brigade 2506); Eisenhower; Helms and; invasion scheme at Bay of Pigs; Kennedy; Kirkpatrick’s report; Mafia enlistment; Project Mongoose; Taylor Committee investigation

Cuban exiles: JM/Ate and Bay of Pigs scheme (Assault Brigade 2506); Watergate and the Plumbers

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Volunteer Air Force

cultural Cold War

Cumming, Hugh

Cushman, Robert E., Jr.

Cutler, Lloyd


Dalai Lama

D’Andrea, Michael

David, Ruth

Davis, Walpole (“Tad”)

DB/Achilles (Iraq)

de Gaulle, Charles

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

DeMay, Terrence

Department of Justice (DOJ): Helms perjury investigation; Iran-Contra investigation; OGC referrals to; Project Greystone and the OLC torture memos

DePuy, William

Deriabin, Peter

DeSouza, Sabrina

Detainee Treatment Act (McCain’s anti-torture legislation)

Deutch, John; agent background checks and “bad boy” prohibition; investigation for mishandling of classified information; recruitment and human rights directives

Development Projects Division (DPD)

Devine, John J. (“Jack”)

DeVine, Michael

Dewey, Thomas

Dietz, Robert

Diplomatic History (journal)

Directorate of Operations (DO): Covert Action Planning Group; and Cuba invasion plan/analyses; Deutch’s recruitment and human rights directives; Domestic Operations Division; Europe operations; post-Cold War recommendations for; Project Haik in Indonesia; Rodriguez and National Clandestine Service; Tenet’s recruitment campaign; Trump administration; and women of the CIA

Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T)

displaced persons (DPs)

Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak)

Doherty, David P.

Dolibois, John

domestic surveillance: Bush’s Terrorist Surveillance Program; Helms and; journalists; mail-opening program; MH/Chaos; NSA dragnet electronic eavesdropping; Project Merrimac; Project Mudhen; Project Resistance; reports (“Restless Youth” and “International Connections of the U.S. Peace Movement”); Stellar Wind scandal; Trailblazer; Vietnam-era civil rights groups and antiwar activists; Watergate eavesdropping

Dominican Republic

Donilon, Tom

Donovan, James B.

Donovan, William J. (“Wild Bill”)

Donovan Leisure Newton & Irvine (law firm)

Doolittle, James H.

Downey, John T.

Downie, Leonard

Downing, Jack G.

Draper, Theodore

drone program; Afghanistan and Al Qaeda/Taliban; air-launched guided munitions (AGMs); Bush administration; CTC; Gnat; and Hayden; Hellfire missiles; history; and Jennifer Matthews at FOB Chapman; Obama administration; Predators; Rizzo and; Tenet and; Yemen

drug trafficking


Dulles, Allen Macy

Dulles, Allen Welsh; The Craft of Intelligence; Cuba operation and Taylor Committee investigation; as DCI; as DDCI; as DDP; Eisenhower administration; family and early life; Germany’s Underground; and Helms; Kennedy administration; and the Khrushchev speech; Langley site selection and CIA buildings; OSS and Europe; PB/Success in Guatemala; resignation; and Smith’s CIA; and women in the CIA

Dulles, Edith Foster

Dulles, John Foster; as secretary of state

Dulles, Martha Clover Todd (“Clover”)

“Dunbar, Hammond” (John “Bruce” Jessen)

Duncan, Donald

Dunn, Bert

E Systems

Earman, John

East Germany: AE/Nidus; riots/uprising (1953)

Eatinger, Robert

Economic Cooperation Act (1948)

Edwards, Sheffield

Edwards Air Force Base


Ehrlichman, John

Eifler, Carl

Eisenhower, Dwight D.; and Cuba operation; Indonesia operation to overthrow Sukarno; intelligence agencies; and Langley site CIA buildings; support for covert operations; and U-2 spy plane missions

El Salvador

Ellsberg, Daniel

Emanuel, Rahm

Encounter (journal)

Enders, Rudy

enhanced interrogation techniques; waterboarding. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)

Erskine, Graves B.

Esterline, Jake



European Court of Human Rights

Evans, Rowland

Eveland, Wilbur Crane

Evergreen Aviation

Export-Import Bank

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.

Fairfax County Planning Commission

Falco, Dave

Falklands War

Falls Church City Council

Family Jewels report

Far East Division

Fecteau, Richard

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Zubaydah interrogation

Feingold, Russell

Feinstein, Dianne

Felfe, Heinz (UJ/Drowsky)

Fernandez, Joseph

Field, Noel

Fiers, Alan K.

FitzGerald, Desmond 5412 Group

Flannery, James E.

Fleming, Ian

Flohr, Linda C.

Foggo, Kyle D.

Force 17

Ford, Gerald; and Church Committee report; and Helms’s perjury; and Lebanese civil war; and new congressional oversight and covert operations approval laws; Rockefeller commission investigation

Ford Foundation

Foreign Relations of the United States


Forrestal, James

Forward Operating Bases (FOBs): FOB Chapman; Vietnam War

Foster, John W.

France operations (post-World War II)

Fredman, Jonathan

Free Europe Committee

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Freeh, Louis

French Indochina

Freud, Sigmund

Fuchs, Meredith

Fuentes Ydígoras, Miguel

Fulbright, J. William

Furmark, Roy

fusion centers

G-2 (the Pond)

Gaddafi, Muammar

Galloway, Dan

Gannon, John C.

Gardner, John

Gates, Robert; confirmation hearings; Glass Ceiling Study; Iran-Contra Affair; post-Cold War CIA restructuring; as Reagan’s (brief) CIA director

Gates, Thomas

Gaudin, Steve

Gehlen, Reinhard

Gehlen Organization (the Org)

Gemayel, Bachir

General Atomics Corporation

Geneva conventions

George, Clair; as Beirut station chief; Iran-Contra Affair; pardon by Bush

Georgetown University: Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (1995 colloquium); School of Foreign Service

Germany: AE/Nidus (East Germany); Berlin Olympics (1936); Dulles and OSS; East German riots/uprising (1953); Nazis; post-World War II; and Predator drone program; Rusty operation; Wiebaden base

Getler, Michael

Giancana, Sam

Gisevius, Hans Bernd


Glass Ceiling Study

Goillot, Paul

Goldblum, Irwin

Goldwater, Barry

Golitsyn, Anatoli

Gonzales, Alberto

Goodpaster, Andrew

Gordon, John A.

Gore, Al

Gorman, Paul

Goss, Porter J.; career; and drone program; and the Formers; and the HPSCI; nomination hearing to be CIA director; Project Cannonball; Project Greystone and CIA interrogation methods; retirement; and Rizzo

Gottesman, Evan

Graham, Mary Margaret

Grannis, David

Gravitz, Mel

Gray, Gordon

Greaney, John K.


Green Beret Affair (1969)


Grenier, Robert; CTC and Project Greystone; and Rodriguez

Gries, David

Groom Lake salt flats

Grose, Peter

Groves, W. Eugene

Gruner, Jerry

Guantánamo Bay detention center

Guatemala operations: IG investigation; Lincoln Station (Opa-locka, Florida); PB/Success to overthrow Arbenz; Springfjord affair

guerrilla warfare

Guevara, Che

Gulf War (1991)

Hadley, Stephen

Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907)

Haines, Avril

Halberstam, David

Haldeman, H. R.

Hale, Nathan

Hall Goillot, Virginia

Halpern, Sam

Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

Hamilton, Lee

Haney, Albert

Haqqani network in Pakistan

Harbury, Jennifer

Harlow, Bill

Harman, Jane

Harriman, Averell

Harrington, Michael D.

Harrison and Abramowitz (architects)

Hart, Gary

Harvey, William K.

Hasenfus, Eugene

Haspel, Gina

Hawke, Richard

Hawkins, Jack

Hayden, Michael V.; antipathy for congressional oversight; and Bush’s war on terror; CIA confirmation hearing; CIA reforms; CIA torture program and Obama transition team; declassification issues; on destruction of torture videotapes; drone program; and the Formers; and IG Helgerson; El-Masri case and IG investigation; memoir (Playing to the Edge); and NSA eavesdropping; and NSA on 9/11; Project Greystone; SSCI investigation of Project Greystone

Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.

Hedley, John H.

Heine, Eerik

Heine v. Raus

Heinrich, Martin

Heinz, H. John

Helgerson, John; as DDCI; El-Masri investigation; Hayden and; and the NIC; Project Greystone report

Hellfire missiles

Helms, Herman

Helms, Richard M.; background and early career; and Barnes; as chief of operations (COS); and Chile operations; and CIA assassination plots; and Cuba operations; as deputy director for operations (DDO); and Dulles; and Heine v. Raus; indictment and sentencing; journalism career; as LBJ’s chief of CIA; and Nixon; and the OSS; perjury investigations regarding CIA domestic abuses; Ramparts scandal; Rusty operation in Germany; surveillance of whistleblowers Marchetti and Marks; Vietnam-era illegal domestic surveillance; and Watergate; and women of the CIA; World War II

Hermes, Stephen

Hersh, Seymour

Hershberg, Bonnie

Herter, Christian


Higgins, Neal

Hillenkoetter, Roscoe H.

Himmler, Heinrich

Hiss, Alger

Hitler, Adolf

Hitz, Frederick P.; and Aldrich Ames espionage case; Brookner investigation; Deutch investigation; Guatemala investigation; nomination hearing; and OIG audit staff; Rodriguez investigation

Hoekstra, Peter

Hoffman, Paul

Holder, Eric

“Holiday Party Massacre” (1987)

Holland, Miller

Holm, Richard




Hood, William B.

Hoover, Herbert

Hoover. J. Edgar

Hostetler, Darrin

House Armed Services Committee

House Banking Committee

House Foreign Affairs Committee

House International Relations Committee

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI): Goss and; IC-21; and invasion of Iraq; Iran-Contra hearings; issue of congressional oversight and timely notification; Pike committee investigation; Project Greystone investigation

Houston, David

Houston, Lawrence R.; air contract coordination; on CIA “executive privilege”; and CIA-DOJ criminal referrals; depositions during “Year of Intelligence” investigations; as first general counsel; and Heine v. Raus; memos on covert operations and CIA legal authority; OSS career during WWII

HPSCI. See House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)


Hubbard, Kirk

Hugel, Max

Hughes-Ryan Amendment

human intelligence (humint)

human rights directives

Humphrey, George

Humphrey, Hubert H.

Hungarian uprising

Hunt, E. Howard

Hussein, King

Hussein, Saddam

Huston, Tom Charles

Hymoff, Edward

IC-21 (Intelligence Community for the 21st Century)

Ignatius, David

India: Madras station; nuclear tests (1998)

Indianapolis Times

Indonesia: PKI (Indonesian Community Party); Project Haik to overthrow Sukarno


Inspector General (IG); audit staff; Casey and; Church Committee recommendations; creation of independent IG; Deutch investigation; Dietz inquiry; early efficiency surveys and reviews; Guatemala investigation; Hayden and; Helgerson’s El-Masri investigation;

Helgerson’s Project Greystone report; Hitz and Brookner investigation; inquiry into CIA hacking of SSCI torture report; and Iran-Contra Affair; and risk aversion; Snider; Trump administration; and women of the CIA. See also Helgerson, John; Hitz, Frederick P.; Kirkpatrick, Lyman B. (“Kirk”)

Institute for Policy Studies

Intelligence Identities Protection Act (1982)

Intelligence Oversight Act (1980); revision (1991); and “timely” notification

Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB)


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

International Rescue Committee

International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT)

Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) (Pakistan)

Investment Program Office

Iran: CIA coup to overthrow of Mossadegh (1953); Helms’s ambassadorship; hostage crisis; and Iran-Contra Affair; Iranian Revolution; nuclear proliferation

Iran-Contra Affair; Aguacate story; Bush’s pardons; Casey and; Clair George and; Clarridge and; “diversion memos”; and the IG; indictments; Lebanon and weapons for hostages; Senate and House oversight committee hearings/investigations; Sporkin and; Tower commission investigation; Walsh’s report

Iranian hostage crisis

Iranian Revolution

Iraq: Abu Ghraib prison; aerial bombardment against putative Iraqi WMD facilities (1998); failed CIA attempt to oust Saddam Hussein; Gulf War (1991); Hayden and the Iraqi security forces; post-9/11 WMD charges and invasion

Iraq Operations Group

Isham, Joanne

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

Israel: drone strikes against Palestine; invasion of Lebanon; Mossad; October War (1973); and PLO; Six-Day War (1973)

Italy: Cold War operations; Operation Sunrise; OSS during World War II; post-9/11 CIA renditions; Red Brigades

Jackson, C. D.

Jackson, William H.

Jacobsen, David

Jagan, Cheddi

Jamaica (Kingston station)

Jarvinen, Harry A.

Jeremiah, David

Jessel, Walter

Jessen, John (“Bruce”). See also “Dunbar, Hammond” (John “Bruce” Jessen)

JM/Ate. See Cuba operation (Project Ate or JM/Ate)


John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board

Johnson, A. Ross

Johnson, Louis

Johnson, Lyndon B. (LBJ); Helms as chief of CIA; and McCone; Ramparts scandal; Tuesday Lunches; and Vietnam

Johnston, Kilbourne

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): and CIA’s Cuba plans; and OSS

Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)

Jones, Daniel

Jones, James

Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate (GID)

Josselson, Michael

journalists and the CIA: illegal surveillance of; “Wurlitzer” projects

Joyce, Robert P.

Juchniewicz, Ed

Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps

junior officer trainees (JOTs)

Kagnew Station (Ethiopia)

Kalaris, George

Kappes, Stephen

Karamessines, Thomas

Karnow, Stanley

Karzai, Hamid

Katzenbach, Nicholas deBelleville

Kennan, George

Kennedy, John F.; assassination; Bissell’s resignation; Cuba operation; McCone as CIA chief

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kent, Sherman

Kerry, John

Khan, A. Q.

Khokhlov, Nikolai Y.

Khramkhruan, Puttaporn

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kiley, Robert

Killian, James R.

King, Joseph Campbell (“J.C.”)

King, Robert

Kingston station (Jamaica)

Kiriakou, John

Kirkpatrick, Lyman B. (“Kirk”); Bay of Pigs report; in the OSS; and women in the CIA

Kissinger, Henry

Koh, Harold

Kolbe, Fritz

Korean War

Korrey, Edward


Kraslow, David

Krass, Caroline

Kriebel, Norman K., Jr.

Krongard, Alvin B. (“Buzzy”)

LaBonte, Darren

Lady, Robert S.

Lake, Anthony

Landing Craft Infantry (LCIs)

Langley site CIA headquarters; Ames Building; Memorial Wall at Old Headquarters Building; outside auditorium (the Bubble); Trump’s first visit

Lansdale, Edward

Lansing, Robert M.


Lapham, Anthony A.

Latin America Division

Lattimore, Owen

Lauder, George

Layton, Robert

Lazo, Mario

Leahy, Patrick

Leahy, William D.

Lebanon: Beirut and the Lebanese Civil War; Beirut embassy truck bombing (1983); and Iran-Contra Affair; Israeli invasion

Leiter, Joseph

Lenin, Vladimir

Levin, Carl

Lewinsky, Monica

Li Mi

Libby, I. Lewis (“Scooter”)


Lincoln Station (Opa-locka, Florida)

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindsay, Franklin (“Frank”)

Litt, Robert S.

Lockheed “Skunk Works” plant

London Station

Long Telegram (1946)

Los Alamos nuclear laboratory

Louie, Gilman G.

Lovett, Robert A.

Lowe, Benton

Luce, Clare Boothe

Lumumba, Patrice

Lynch, Grayston

Macapagal, Diosdado

MacArthur, Douglas

Madras base

Maheu, Robert

Mahle, Melissa

Mallett, John

The Man Who Kept the Secrets (Powers)

Mapother, John

Marchetti, Victor

Marks, John D.

Marshall, George C.

Marshall Plan

Martin, Graham

Martins, Mark S.

al-Masri, Khalid

El-Masri, Khalid

Matlack, Dorothe K.

Mattarella, Sergio

Matthews, Jennifer L.

Matthews, Jessica

Maury, John

May, Theresa

Mazzetti, Mark

McCain, John. See also Detainee Treatment Act (McCain’s anti-torture legislation)

McCargar, James

McCarthy, Eugene J.

McCarthy, Joseph R.

McCarthy, Mary O.

McClellan, David

McClure, Robert

McCone, John A.; cruises and California trips; downfall; executive suite; and Kennedy; and Kirkpatrick’s Bay of Pigs investigation; and LBJ; and Mafia-based assassination plots; and the National Student Association; termination of George Rhodes

McConnell, Mitch

McCullough, James

McDonough, Denis

McFarlane, Robert

McLaughlin, John

McLean Citizens Association

McMahon, John N.

McNamara, Robert N., Jr.

McRaven, William

Meese, Edwin

Meloy, Francis, Jr.

Metzenbaum, Howard

Meyer, Cord

MH/Chaos (dragnet surveillance)

MI-6 (Britain)

Miami Herald

Michigan State University

Miers, Harriet E.

Mikulski, Barbara

“Millennium Plot”

Miller, Gerry

Millerwise, Jennifer

Milliken, Max

Miscik, Jami

missile gap

mission centers (mission-center model)

Mitchell, James E.. See also “Swigert, Grayson” (James E. Mitchell)

Mitchell Jessen Associates consultancy



Mohammed, Khalid Sheik

Mondale, Walter

Moore, Jeanette

Morell, Michael

Morgenthau, Henry

Moro, Aldo

Moskowitz, Stan

Mossad (Israel)

Mossadegh, Mohammed

Moussaoui, Zacarias

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mudd, Philip

Mughniyah, Imad

Muller, Scott W.

Munich Olympics (1972)

Murphy, David

Murray, Patrick

Murtha, John P.

Musharraf, Mohammed

Mussolini, Benito

Mutual Defense Assistance Program

Nairobi station

Nasr, Hassan Mustafa Osama

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

National Capitol Regional Planning Council

National Clandestine Service (NCS)

National Committee for a Free Europe (Free Europe Committee)

National Counterterrorism Center

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

National Intelligence Authority (NIA)

National Intelligence Council (NIC)

National Intelligence Daily

National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs); and Iraq WMD charges; McCone and Vietnam; and Niger uranium ore

national intelligence officers (NIOs)

National Labor Relations Board

National Liberation Front (NLF) (Vietnam)

National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam

National Reconnaissance Office

National Security Act (1947); section 102 (c)

National Security Agency (NSA); dragnet domestic surveillance (eavesdropping); Hayden and NSA eavesdropping; pre-9/11 intercepts; whistleblowers

National Security Archive

National Security Council (NSC): Bush administration; Deputies

Committee; directives on OPC China operations during Korean War; Eisenhower and Indonesia operation; Eisenhower and NSC-5608/1 (policy in Soviet bloc); Eisenhower and policy guidance on psychological operations (NSC-5412); and guerrilla warfare; Interagency Working Group for Covert Action; National Security Act and creation of; Operations Coordinating Board (OCB); Principals Committee; and Project Greystone; Tenet and Clinton’s NSC staff; Truman administration; Truman and NSC-68; Trump and. See also Iran-Contra Affair

National Security Planning Group (NSPG)

National Student Association (NSA); Ramparts scandal

naval spying

Near East and South Asian (NESA) Division

Nedzi, Lucien

Negroponte, John D.

Nelson, Bill

New York Police Department (NYPD)

New York Times; and CIA psywar manual for Nicaragua; Dulles and; Hersh investigations; Iran-Contra Affair; and Kennedy’s planned Cuba exile invasion; and NSA’s Trailblazer program; on Project Greystone and CIA torture program; Ramparts scandal; wide-ranging 1966 investigation of CIA


Ngo Dinh Diem

Nicaragua: Aguacate story; CIA operations; CIA psychological warfare manual; Contra drug trade and Los Angeles drug rings; harbor mining (and Senate investigation); Sandinistas; Somoza and PB/Success. See also Iran-Contra Affair

Nicolson, Harold

NIEs. See National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)

Niger uranium ore

9/11 Commission

9/11 terror attacks; Hayden and; Matthews and Alec Station intelligence; NSA intercepts; PDBs and

Nitze, Paul

Nixon, Richard M.; Chile operation; dislike of the CIA; and Helms; the 1960 election; “October surprise”; reports on antiwar movement; Schlesinger to CIA chief; surveillance of whistleblowers; as vice president; Watergate

North, Oliver

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Clandestine Planning Committee

North Korean nuclear program

Nosenko, Yuri

Novak, Robert

Noyes, Charles P.

NSA. See National Security Agency (NSA); National Student Association (NSA)

NSC. See National Security Council (NSC)

nuclear weapons: Helms and; illicit trade in nuclear materials and technology; India nuclear tests; Iran; Iraq WMD charges and controversy; North Korean program; Tenet’s counterproliferation unit

Nuremberg war crimes tribunals


Obama, Barack; CIA torture program and Senate investigation; drone program; executive order terminating hostile interrogations; the Formers’ criticism of; release of the Justice Department torture memos

Ober, Richard

O’Connell, Jeffrey

October War (1973)

O’Donnell, Terrence

Oechsner, Frederick

Office of Current Intelligence (OCI)

Office of General Counsel (OGC); Casey and expansion of; and CIA leaks; congressional oversight and timely notification issue; defense of CIA chiefs’ right to fire employees; Doherty; DOJ referrals; Houston; Rindskopf; Rizzo; roles and responsibilities; Sporkin; suppression of whistleblowers. See also Rizzo, John A.

Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and DOJ torture memos

Office of Medical Services (OMS)

Office of Policy Coordination (OPC); Bedell Smith’s opinion of; China operations during Korean War; the OPC/OSO merger; Wisner and

Office of Reports and Estimates

Office of Research and Development

Office of Research and Evaluation

Office of Research and Reports

Office of Scientific Intelligence

Office of Security (OS)

Office of Special Operations (OSO); the OPC/OSO merger

Office of Strategic Services (OSS); Barnes; Casey; denazification in postwar Europe; Dulles; Foreign Branch M; Helms; Houston; Nazi Germany; Truman and dismantling of; Wisner; women

Office of Technical Services (OTS)

Office of the Coordinator of Information

Offie, Carmel

OGC. See Office of General Counsel (OGC)

OLC. See Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and DOJ torture memos

Olson, Frank

Omar, Abu

O’Neill, Michael

Opa-locka headquarters (Florida); Lincoln Station

OPC. See Office of Policy Coordination (OPC)

Open Society Foundation

Operation Bloodstone

Operation Desert Fox

Operation Eagle Claw

Operation Focus (Hungary)

Operation Neptune Spear

Operation Paperclip

Operation Robin Hood

Operation Sunrise

Operation Veto (Hungary)

Operations Advisory Committee (10/2 Panel)

Operations Coordinating Board (OCB)

Osborn, Howard

OSS. See Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Owen, Jesse

Padilla, Jose

Page, Eloise

Pakistan: bin Laden hideout; Clinton’s war on terror; Haqqani network; Hayden and Bush’s war on terror; Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI); Kahn’s nuclear network; Nixon and; nuclear weapons and tensions with India; Obama’s war on terror; Zubaydah rendition

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)


Panetta, Leon; and attack on FOB Chapman; Panetta Review documents; and Senate intelligence committee’s inquiry into CIA torture program

Park, Meroe

Parker, Barrington D.

Parrott, Thomas

Passaro, David

Pasternak, Boris

Patman, Wright

Pavitt, James L.

PB/Success (Guatemala); Springfjord affair

PDBs. See President’s Daily Briefs (PDBs)

Pearl Harbor attack (1941)

Pearson, Drew

Pelosi, Nancy

The Penkovskiy Papers

Pentagon Papers

Persico, Joseph


Peterson, John

Peterson, Martha D.

Petraeus, David

Petrov, Vladimir M.

Petticoat Panel

Pfeiffer, Jack

Pforzheimer, Walter

Phalange militia

Philby, Kim

Philippines; Communist Party; and Project Haik in Indonesia

Phillips, David Atlee

Phoenix Program

Piggott, Theiline

Pike, Otis

Pike Committee investigation

Plame, Valerie

Plimpton, Francis T. P.

Poindexter, John

Poland: CIA and the WIN fiasco (Wolność i Niepodległość); Site Blue

Pompeo, Michael

Poole, DeWitt C., Jr.

Pope, Allen Lawrence

Popov, Pyotr


post-Cold War CIA; Aspin Commission/Aspin-Brown Commission; fusion centers; Gates; Georgetown colloquium; HPSCI’s IC-21 proposal; IG Hitz; new openness and declassification of records; resignations, recruitment, and morale; Tenet

Powell, Colin L.

Powers, Francis Gary

Powers, Thomas

President’s Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities (PBCFIA)

President’s Committee on Foreign Aid

President’s Daily Briefs (PDBs); Hayden and declassification request; McCone and LBJ; and pre-9/11 threat of Al Qaeda plotters; release of

President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)

Preston, Stephen W.

Prettyman, E. Barrett, Jr.

Priest, Dana

Princeton Group

Proctor, Ed

Project Ate. See Cuba operation (Project Ate or JM/Ate)

Project Azorian

Project BG/Fiend

Project Cannonball

Project Flower

Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program); black sites/prisons; Bush’s awareness/deniability; DOJ torture memos; enhanced interrogation techniques of “Swigert” and “Dunbar” (contract psychologists); Goss and; Hayden and; Helgerson’s IG report; and McCain’s anti-torture legislation; rendition of prisoners; and Rizzo; Rodriguez and; Tenet and; torture videotapes and destruction of; total expenditures; waterboarding; Zubaydah

Project Greystone investigations by congressional intelligence committees; CIA refutation of Senate report (and Rebuttal compendium); the Formers and the SSCI investigation; Hayden and; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI); Panetta Review documents; RDINet; Senate investigation; Senate report; Spartan Gate firewall system and CIA obstruction

Project Haik (Indonesia)

Project IA/Feature (Angola)

Project Merrimac

Project Mongoose

Project Mudhen

Project Redcap

Project ST/Circus (Tibet)

Project TP/Ajax (Iran)

Project Umpire

Project Zodiac

Project Zombie

provincial reconnaissance units (PRUs)

psychological operations: CIA min-dcontrol program; Eisenhower and CIA; guerrilla warfare and Southeast Asia strategy (“D-23”); Nicaragua manual (Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare); and Political Psychological Staff of DDP; Project Greystone and contract psychologists; Truman’s directive. See also Psychological Strategy Board (PSB)

Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

Psychological Strategy Board (PSB); Barnes; Eisenhower’s abolishment of; guerrilla warfare and Southeast Asia strategy (“D-23”); and 10/5 Panel

Publications Review Board (PRB)

Al Qaeda; Alec Station and; cruise missile strike against Afghanistan training camps; and drone program in Afghanistan; Hayden and Bush’s war on terror; 9/11 terror attacks; Rizzo’s post-9/11 presidential finding authorizing capture and detention; Tenet and Bush’s war on terror; Tenet and Clinton’s war on terror; U.S embassy bombings in Africa; USS Cole attack (2000). See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program); Zubaydah, Abu

QK/Broil (Romania)

QK/Droop (Soviet Union)


Rabe, Stephen

Raborn, William F.

Radio Free Asia

Radio Free Europe (RFE)

Radio in the American Sector (RIAS)

Radio Liberty (RL)

Radio Warsaw

Rahim, Muhammad

al-Rahim al-Nashiri, ‘Abd

Rahman, Gul

Ramparts scandal

Randolph, Jean Wellford

Rastvorov, Yuri

Raus, Juri

RDINet (Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation Network)

Reader’s Digest

Reagan, Ronald: Casey as CIA director; CIA operations in Afghanistan; executive order on intelligence activities (F.O. 12333); Iran-Contra Affair; Iran hostage crisis/rescue; and Israel-Palestine conflict; and Lebanese civil war; Nicaragua operation; “overt covert operations” and open-secret wars; pushback against congressional oversight and covert operations approval laws

Red Brigades

Regan, Don

Reid, Harry

Rendition and Detention Group (RDG) of Counterterrorism Center

renditions. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)

Rendon Group

Reno, Janet

Research Institute of America

Reyes, Silvestre

Rhodes, George S.

Rice, Condoleezza

Richardson, John R.

Richardson, Wayne

Richer, Robert

Rindskopf, Elizabeth R.

risk aversion

Rizzo, John A.; and CIA drone program; and Goss; and Hayden; nomination hearings to become general counsel; and OGC Sporkin; post-9/11 presidential finding authorizing capture and detention of Al Qaeda terrorists; and Project Greystone; and Rodriquez’s destruction of the torture videotapes

Robertson, William (“Rip”); Cuba operation; and PB/Success in Guatemala

Rockefeller, Jay

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockefeller Commission (1975)

Rodriguez, Felix

Rodriguez, Jose A., Jr.; accountability board review; and the CTC; destruction of the torture tapes; early life and career; and Grenier; IG Hitz’s investigation; and Latin America Division; and National Clandestine Service (NCS); and Project Cannonball; and Project Greystone

Roehl, Carol A.


Roosevelt, Archibald

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Kermit (“Kim”)

Roselli, Johnny

Rositzke, Harry A.

Ross, Thomas B.

Rudman, Warren

Ruemmler, Kathryn H.

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rusk, Dean

Russia and the 2016 U.S. presidential election

Russian Revolution

Rusty operation in Germany

Sabra and Shatila refugee camp massacre

Salameh, Ali Hassan (“Red Prince”)

Salim, Suleiman Abdullah

San Jose Mercury News

Sanchez, Nestor D.


Sandino, Augusto

Sano, John

satellite reconnaissance (spy satellites); post-Cold War

Saturday Evening Post

Saudi Arabia: covert aid to Reagan’s CIA; Khobar barracks truck bombing

Scheuer, Michael

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schlesinger, James R.

Schoup, Ferdinand

Schow, Robert A.

Schultz, George

Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gero von

Schwartzkopf, Norman

SEA Supply (Southeast Asia Supply Company)

Secord, Richard

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Senate Armed Services Committee

Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI): Aspin Commission/Aspin-Brown Commission (1995); Church Committee investigation (1975); creation of; Feinstein and Project Greystone; Gates confirmation hearings; Guatemala investigation; and IG investigation of Ames espionage case; Iran-Contra investigation; Nicaraguan harbor mining investigation; and office of the independent IG; Project Greystone investigation and report; Snider and; Special Compartmented Information Facility; Tenet as SSCI staff member; and timely notification

Senior Intelligence Service (SIS)

Sewell, Bevan

Sharon, Ariel

Sharpley, Christopher R.

Shelby, Richard

Sheldon, Huntington

Sherwood radio (Guatemala)

Al-Shiraa (Lebanese newspaper)

Shirer, William L.

Shumate, R. Scott

Silberman, Laurence

Silicon Valley

Silver, Daniel B.

Simmons, Rob


Site Blue (Poland)

Site Cobalt (Afghanistan)

Site Green (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

Site Orange (Afghanistan)

Six-Day War (1973)

60 Minutes

Slatkin, Nora

Smith, Jeffrey

Smith, Joseph B.

Smith, Walter Bedell; and OPC China operations; opinion of the OPC; and Wisner

Snepp, Frank

Snider, L. Britt; IG confirmation hearing; and Tenet

Snowden, Edward

Snowe, Olympia

Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations

Somalia (Mogadishu battle)

Somoza, Anastasio

Sorenson, Theodore

Souers, Sidney

Soufan, Ali

South Africa

Southern Air Transport

Soviet Analysis (SOVA) Division

Soviet Union: as CIA intelligence target; CIA mission to encourage resistance in eastern European Soviet bloc; and collapse of Communism; and communism in eastern Europe; defectors; DO’s Europe operations; and the Hungarian uprising; Khrushchev speech (1956); shooting down U-2 spy plane; Sputnik satellite

Spartan Gate (firewall system)

Special Operations Command (SOCOM); drone program; and Project Cannonball

Special Operations Group

special review team (SRT)

Spector, Arlen

Sporkin, Stanley; and Casey; Iran-Contra congressional hearings; Nicaraguan harbor mining; nomination to federal bench; Office of General Counsel (OGC); and the SEC; and “timely” notification to president/Congress

Springfjord affair (Guatemala)


spy planes: A-12 (SR-71); and Corona satellite; and drones; Powers’s capture; and Project Haik in Indonesia; U-2 program

The Spymasters: CIA in the Crosshairs (2015 film)

SSCI. See Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI)

St. Lucia Airways

Stalin, Joseph

Stans, Maurice

Starzak, Alissa

Staszewski, Stefan

Stein, John H.

Stellar Wind scandal

Stennis, John C.

Stern, Sol

Stevens, Ted

Stevenson, Adlai

Stevenson, William

Stewart, Gordon M.

Stilwell, Richard W.

Stolz, Richard F.

Straight, Michael

Strategic Air Command

Strategic Services Unit (SSU)

Studeman, William O.

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Studies in Intelligence (journal)


Suez Canal crisis


Sulick, Michael J.

Sullivan and Cromwell (law firm)

Sulzberger, Cyrus

Sumitro Djojohadikusomo

support for military operations (SMO)

Svat, Jerry


“Swigert, Grayson” (James E. Mitchell)


Symington, Stuart

Syria: CIA paramilitary support in; Trump’s missile strikes

Szulc, Tad

Tarbell, Gregory

Targets Analysis Branch

Tarnack Farm

Taylor, Maxwell D.

Tenet, George J.; background/early life; and bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade; Bosnia crisis; as Bush’s CIA director; Bush’s drone program; and CIA technology innovations; as Clinton’s CIA director; Clinton’s war on terror; DO recruitment campaign; and the Formers; and fusion centers; and IG Snider; and Indian nuclear tests; and NSC staff; nuclear counterproliferation; phony Iraq WMD charges and WMD controversy; post-Cold War CIA rebuilding; and Project Greystone; resignation; “sixteen words” (on Baghdad’s attempt to buy uranium ore from Niger); as SSCI staff member; threat-matrix sessions; and women in the CIA

Terrorist Threat Integration Center

Terry, Thomas

Tharp, Arvil

303 Committee


Time magazine

Tofte, Hans

Torpats, John torture: enhanced interrogation techniques; Trump and; waterboarding. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)

Tower, John

Track II (Chile)

Trailblazer (NSA electronic surveillance program)

Transportation Security Administration

Treaty of Paris (1856)

Treaty of Versailles

Trujillo, Rafael

Truman, Harry; Cold Warera CIA covert operations and psychological warfare; dismantling of OSS; and National Security Act; NSC-68 and Cold War policy; and OSS; Truman Doctrine. See also Psychological Strategy Board (PSB)

Trump, Donald J.; attack on U.S. intelligence agencies; first visit to Langley; Russia allegations and 2016 election; Syria strikes; and torture

Truscott, Lucian K.

Turner, Chad

Turner, Stansfield

Tweedy, Bronson

Twentieth Century Fund

Twetten, Thomas A.

U-2 spy planes

Udall, Mark


Ulmer, Al

UN Security Council

Ungar, Sanford

United Nations

United Press International (UPI)

unmanned aerial vehicles. See drone program

Urban, George

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

U.S. Army field manual

U.S. Court of Appeals: Fourth Circuit; Ninth Circuit

U.S. Information Agency (USIA)

USS Cole attack (2000)


Valiant Pursuit

Vandenberg, Hoyt

Vandenberg Air Force Base


Vesco, Robert

Vichy France

Vietnam War: antiwar activists and the CIA surveillance; CIA secret war programs; CIA’s Phoenix death-squad program; coup against Ngo Dinh Diem; IG reviews; LBJ and; McCone and; Paris cease-fire; Snepp whistleblower case

Vito, Carmine

Vodaphone scandal

Vogel, Gregory

Voroshilov, Kliment

Walker, Christopher

Waller, John H.

Walsh, Lawrence R.

Ward, Terry

Waring, Robert O.

Warnecke, Heinz

Warner, John S.

Washington Post; CIA surveillance of Getler; Project Greystone; Ramparts scandal


Watergate; Colby and; and exile Cubans (the Plumbers)

Weatherman faction of the SDS

Webb, Gary

Webster, William H.

Wedemeyer, Al

weekly case reports (WCRs)

Wehrly, Max S.

Western Hemisphere (WH) Division

whistleblowers; Agee case; book of Marchetti and Marks; Helms and; Kim Roosevelt book; Nixon and; NSA; OGC and suppression of; and the Publications Review Board (PRB); Snepp case

White, Lincoln K. (“Red”)

White Russians

Whitehouse, Sheldon

Whitney, John Hay (“Jock”)

Wicker, Tom

Wickham, Benjamin B., Jr.

Wilford, Hugh

Willauer, Whiting

Williams, Edward Bennett

Willoughby, Charles

Wilson, Dorwin

Wilson, Woodrow

WIN in Poland (Wolność i Niepodległość)

Winters, Donald H.

Wippl, Joseph

Wisner, Frank Gardiner; and Bedell Smith; and Bissell; and CIA mission to encourage resistance in Soviet bloc; as DDP; and journalists; and McCone; and the OPC; OSS in postwar Europe; and Project Haik in Indonesia; suicide

Wolfe, Alan

women of the CIA; and Aldrich Ames espionage case; Brookner case; and CIA technology innovations; as deputy directors; and the DO; Dulles and; Gates’s Glass Ceiling Study; glass-ceiling lawsuits; Graham; GS rankings; the IG and; junior officer trainees (JOTs); Page as Athens station chief; Petticoat Panel; Rindskopf; Tenet and

Women’s Army Corps

Wood, Michael

Woodcock, Timothy C.

Woodward, Bob

Woolsey, R. James

Wooten, Sidney C.

World War I

World War II; displaced persons (DPs); postwar Europe. See also Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Wulf, Melvin L.

“Wurlitzer” projects

Wyden, Ron

Wyman, Willard

“Year of Intelligence” (1975)

Yemen; drone war; USS Cole attack (2000)

Yoo, John


Zaia, Anthony T.

al-Zawahiri, Ayman

Zein, Mustafa

Zhukov, Georgi


Zubaydah, Abu. See also Project Greystone (CIA’s detainee interrogation and torture program)