
First shout-outs go to my team, very international this go-round: Canada, Spain, Austria and St Louis.

Annetta "Netta the Eddita" Ribken is my rock. She has been there for me any time I've needed an ear, a reassuring hand on my shoulder, or a slap upside the head. If you need an editor, hire her. You Will Not Be Sad. Her website:

MCM is still Canadian. Canadians still have free health care and ISBNs, and it still annoys me. I hear that may be changing. I hope not. It's a good kind of annoyed to know at least some working people get to share in the bounty all around us. MCM typeset the paperback and formatted the ebook, which is why they're beautiful. His website:

Alice Fox could not play with us this time, but her terrific character studies and cover design for book one helped make this series what it is. Get better, Alice:

Beatriz González stepped in for Alice and did a great job with the book cover, staying true to the look Alice established while still giving it her own stamp. Check out her eye-popping portfolio:

Robert Altbauer made the map, building on an incomplete atlas-style map I eked out with the help of the generous folks at the Cartographers' Guild. His portfolio:

My Non-Existent Beta Group consists of readers who've been with me a very, very long time. They suffered through a lot of alpha writing this go-round and caught some truly horrendous conflicts, canon violations and so on, not even counting typos and editing artifacts: Northwoodsman, Daniel Gudlat, Manoki, Katie, V, TheBoy, kawaiikune and my best friend Anhata. You are my patient darlings. Special thanks as always: to Daniel for help with the wiki, without which I couldn't keep canon straight; to Northwoodsman for plotting out the original Tremontine calendar, without which I literally cannot write the books; and to Manoki, without whom this series would not have been necessary.

Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab makes perfumes and ritual oils that help me create. I will always be grateful to her for literally leading me by the nose out of a long, unhappy exile back into the sensual world of color, texture, scent, movement and creativity.

My mother is proud of me for writing, even though she can't read the History series. I love you, Mama, and I'll write something PG-13 you can read real soon.

I'm writing this a few hours after the Kickstarter pre-sale for this book closed. I asked for $1,500.

I got $5,250.

Last book, 48 people backed it via pre-sales at my website. This time, between website pre-sales and Kickstarter a total of 138 people backed me—nearly three times the number last time.

This book is for the backers, but three others take precedence. My beautiful girls put up with a helluva lot from their scribbling mother; Josie and Louisa, you are the best daughters a writing mother ever had. And John, my husband, I love you so much it's not even funny; thank you for loving me and supporting my work.

In alphabetical order, the backers who gave to have their names included in these acknowledgments:

Anna, aka the paradox

Alyxe Barron

Erica "Irk" Bercegeay


Brandon, aka V

Matthew Bryan

Wendi Burke

Katrina C.

Stormy C.

Narel Cantatrice

capriox bovidae


Cam Collins


Charissa Cotrill, Mayor of Freedonia

Rhel ná DecVandé


Tristan W Dixon

Andrea Doucette

Jeff Dow

TeKiesha Elliott

Patricia Engel

eric the girl


Justine di Giovanni

Daniel Gudlat


Lawrence Evalyn

Rachel Feldman, aka BCT


Jeremy Philip Garnett


Glenn Herbert

Nevin Hillegass

M.K. Hobson

Amanda Horetski


Samantha James


Kate, aka kalinkadink



Priscilla L.

David Lewis

Katherine Liu



Sean Manning


Clare K. R. Miller

Jesper Wied Møller

Brian Moon

Briana Morey



Karen P-M

Becky Puritz


Magdalena S.




Amanda Schloss

Sarah Schumacher

Jim Sheppard, aka @JeVoudraisCake


Chris Shull

Leslie Sinak

Timothy J Stegner

Stormy, Official Spokesmodel of

Erinn Streeter

Becka Sutton

Anhata "A" Szot



Stephanie Travellyr



Rachel "rho" Walmsley

Jennifer Wamsley, aka tigger


Stephen Williams

Vella Williams

Brandy Winteler

Kate Woolard

…and thanks to you for reading this book.