For their help in various ways (sometimes unknown to them) during the gestation of this book the author wishes to express his gratitude to: Simone Abel, Jin Auh, Jane Banting, Peter Bartholomew, Tracy Bohan, Sarah Chalfant, Nikki Christer, Françoise Delivet, Danny Dexter, Maggie Doyle, Tamara Eichel, Emma Felman, Rick Goldberg, Liv Perlman Handfield, Toby Handfield, Johannes Jakob, Dorothy Kovacs, Bob Lamb, Sharon Lewin, Evi Meisa, Danny Mahendra, Niki Maartens, Brendan Miller, Robert Milstein, Gil Orski, Dan Pearce, Donna Pelka, Alexander Perlman, Janine Perlman, Nicholas Perlman, Rodrigo Pintos-Lopez, Adam Pozniak, Gabriel Pozniak, Gideon Pozniak, Micah Pozniak, Samara Prosser, Anne Sarzin, Lisa Sarzin, Zara Sarzin, Alan Schauder, Rachael Schauder, Suzie Sharp, Gabrielle Williams and Andrew Wylie.
Harry Perlman deserves to be singled out for the critical attention he lavished on the many incarnations of this book over the many years of its creation. For not the first time, his close reading and thoughtful advice proved invaluable and cannot be repaid in words alone.