Hair Loss Graveyard shift
Young man aged 28, came with severe hair loss and is almost bald.
- • Upon analyzing his iris, it is noted that the fibers at the right iris is more unnatural
which indicate excessive acid body chemistry condition.
- • The colon and the stomach reflex zone is dark indicating constipation. Constipation
is very commonly found on iris which indicate acidic body chemistry in nature.
- • The acid body chemistry condition at the right iris indicate that the roots of his
problem could be cause by the organs at the right body. There is a bulge at his bronchus
reflex zone that may relate to the lung.
- • Upon discussing his lifestyle, he confirmed that he is assigned to the midnight shift
and would only call it a day at about 9.00am.
- • As the liver meridian and lung meridian is activated at 1.00 to 3.00am and 3.00am
to 5.00am respectively, his lifestyle would cause disharmony on these organs. Lack
of sleep would cause the body to create heat in the body.
- • Basing on the principle of intercreativity, the heat at the liver would need the kidney
to cool his body thereby stressing his kidney. Disharmony of the kidney would result
in loss of hair. (The external organ of the kidney is the hair) Patient was advised
to change his lifestyle in order to rebalance his body for hair growth.