- • Patients with medical record of hypertension.
- • Irregular and small shape pupil indicating tension of the central nervous system.
(box ‘1’)
- • Brighter color fiber probably due to settlement of uric acid over body causing body
ache and tiredness. (box ‘2’)
- • High uric acid indicate poor elimination and can be noted on the kidney with pain
under the ribs at the back (marked ‘3’), the lung being easily exhausted (box ‘4’)
- • Such tension would affect digestion as can be noted on the lacuna in the stomach (box
‘5’), the pancreas (box ‘6’) the gall bladder (pain under the right ribs) and liver
(box ‘7’)
- • Weakness of the liver will cause cholesterol deposit (box ‘8’)
- • Weakness of the lung affect the ability of the body to take in oxygen and hence venous
congestion is detected (box ‘9’)
- • The skin would also be affected as noted on the zone marked 10. Patient confirmed
having dandruff.
- • The thyroid area (box ‘11’) shows sign of acute function and hence affecting heart
palpitation (box ‘12’) as confirmed by the patient.
- • Raised fibers at the ego pressure box ‘13’ with the problem illustrated by the kidney,
uric acid, tense pupil, and cholesterol ring.
- • With hypertension, normally discomfort would be felt at the shoulder (box ‘14’) and
scapula (box ‘15’). This problem is also associated with the weakness at the lung.
- • Person also have dizziness problem and sometimes during such dizzy spell could lose
balance as noted on the lacuna at the equilibrium dizziness zone (box ‘16’)
- • Circulation to the eyes is also affected as noted on the area (box ‘17’)